/// <summary>
 /// Load TensorFlow model into memory. This is the convenience method that allows the model to be loaded once and subsequently use it for querying schema and creation of
 /// <see cref="TensorFlowEstimator"/> using <see cref="TensorFlowModel.ScoreTensorFlowModel(string, string, bool)"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="catalog">The transform's catalog.</param>
 /// <param name="modelLocation">Location of the TensorFlow model.</param>
 public static TensorFlowModel LoadTensorFlowModel(this ModelOperationsCatalog catalog, string modelLocation)
 => TensorFlowUtils.LoadTensorFlowModel(CatalogUtils.GetEnvironment(catalog), modelLocation);
Beispiel #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Get <see cref="Schema"/> for only those nodes which are marked "Placeholder" in the TensorFlow model.
 /// This method is convenient for exploring the model input(s) in case TensorFlow graph is very large.
 /// </summary>
 public Schema GetInputSchema()
     return(TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(_env, Session.Graph, "Placeholder"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Example use of the TensorFlow sentiment classification model.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Example()
            string modelLocation = SamplesUtils.DatasetUtils.DownloadTensorFlowSentimentModel();

            var mlContext = new MLContext();
            var data      = new[] { new IMDBSentiment()
                                        Sentiment_Text = "this film was just brilliant casting location scenery story direction " +
                                                         "everyone's really suited the part they played and you could just imagine being there robert " +
                                                         "is an amazing actor and now the same being director  father came from the same scottish " +
                                                         "island as myself so i loved the fact there was a real connection with this film the witty " +
                                                         "remarks throughout the film were great it was just brilliant so much that i bought the " +
                                                         "film as soon as it was released for  and would recommend it to everyone to watch and the " +
                                                         "fly fishing was amazing really cried at the end it was so sad and you know what they say " +
                                                         "if you cry at a film it must have been good and this definitely was also  to the two " +
                                                         "little boy's that played the  of norman and paul they were just brilliant children are " +
                                                         "often left out of the  list i think because the stars that play them all grown up are " +
                                                         "such a big profile for the whole film but these children are amazing and should be praised " +
                                                         "for what they have done don't you think the whole story was so lovely because it was true " +
                                                         "and was someone's life after all that was shared with us all"
                                    } };
            var dataView = mlContext.Data.ReadFromEnumerable(data);

            // This is the dictionary to convert words into the integer indexes.
            var lookupMap = mlContext.Data.ReadFromTextFile(Path.Combine(modelLocation, "imdb_word_index.csv"),
                                                            columns: new[]
                new TextLoader.Column("Words", DataKind.TX, 0),
                new TextLoader.Column("Ids", DataKind.I4, 1),
                                                            separatorChar: ','

            // Load the TensorFlow model once.
            //      - Use it for quering the schema for input and output in the model
            //      - Use it for prediction in the pipeline.
            var modelInfo    = TensorFlowUtils.LoadTensorFlowModel(mlContext, modelLocation);
            var schema       = modelInfo.GetModelSchema();
            var featuresType = (VectorType)schema["Features"].Type;

            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Type: {1}, Shape: (-1, {2})", "Features", featuresType.ItemType.RawType, featuresType.Dimensions[0]);
            var predictionType = (VectorType)schema["Prediction/Softmax"].Type;

            Console.WriteLine("Name: {0}, Type: {1}, Shape: (-1, {2})", "Prediction/Softmax", predictionType.ItemType.RawType, predictionType.Dimensions[0]);

            // The model expects the input feature vector to be a fixed length vector.
            // In this sample, CustomMappingEstimator is used to resize variable length vector to fixed length vector.
            // The following ML.NET pipeline
            //      1. tokenzies the string into words,
            //      2. maps each word to an integer which is an index in the dictionary ('lookupMap'),
            //      3. Resizes the integer vector to a fixed length vector using CustomMappingEstimator ('ResizeFeaturesAction')
            //      4. Passes the data to TensorFlow for scoring.
            //      5. Retreives the 'Prediction' from TensorFlow and put it into ML.NET Pipeline

            Action <IMDBSentiment, IntermediateFeatures> ResizeFeaturesAction = (i, j) =>
                j.Sentiment_Text = i.Sentiment_Text;
                var features = i.VariableLenghtFeatures;
                Array.Resize(ref features, MaxSentenceLenth);
                j.Features = features;

            var engine = mlContext.Transforms.Text.TokenizeWords("TokenizedWords", "Sentiment_Text")
                         .Append(mlContext.Transforms.Conversion.ValueMap(lookupMap, "Words", "Ids", new[] { ("VariableLenghtFeatures", "TokenizedWords") }))
Beispiel #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get <see cref="DataViewSchema"/> for complete model. Every node in the TensorFlow model will be included in the <see cref="DataViewSchema"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 public DataViewSchema GetModelSchema()
     return(TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(_env, Session.Graph));
Beispiel #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Get <see cref="Schema"/> for complete model. Every node in the TensorFlow model will be included in the <see cref="Schema"/> object.
 /// </summary>
 internal Schema GetModelSchema()
     return(TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(_env, Session.Graph));
Beispiel #6
        [ConditionalFact(typeof(Environment), nameof(Environment.Is64BitProcess))] // TensorFlow is 64-bit only
        public void TensorFlowTransformCifarSavedModel()
            var model_location = "cifar_saved_model";

            var env             = new MLContext();
            var tensorFlowModel = TensorFlowUtils.LoadTensorFlowModel(env, model_location);
            var schema          = tensorFlowModel.GetInputSchema();

            Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Input", out int column));
            var type        = (VectorType)schema.GetColumnType(column);
            var imageHeight = type.Dimensions[0];
            var imageWidth  = type.Dimensions[1];

            var dataFile    = GetDataPath("images/images.tsv");
            var imageFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(dataFile);
            var data        = TextLoader.Create(env, new TextLoader.Arguments()
                Column = new[]
                    new TextLoader.Column("ImagePath", DataKind.TX, 0),
                    new TextLoader.Column("Name", DataKind.TX, 1),
            }, new MultiFileSource(dataFile));
            var images = ImageLoaderTransform.Create(env, new ImageLoaderTransform.Arguments()
                Column = new ImageLoaderTransform.Column[1]
                    new ImageLoaderTransform.Column()
                        Source = "ImagePath", Name = "ImageReal"
                ImageFolder = imageFolder
            }, data);
            var cropped = ImageResizerTransform.Create(env, new ImageResizerTransform.Arguments()
                Column = new ImageResizerTransform.Column[1] {
                    new ImageResizerTransform.Column()
                        Source = "ImageReal", Name = "ImageCropped", ImageHeight = imageHeight, ImageWidth = imageWidth, Resizing = ImageResizerTransform.ResizingKind.IsoCrop
            }, images);

            var pixels = ImagePixelExtractorTransform.Create(env, new ImagePixelExtractorTransform.Arguments()
                Column = new ImagePixelExtractorTransform.Column[1] {
                    new ImagePixelExtractorTransform.Column()
                        Source = "ImageCropped", Name = "Input", UseAlpha = false, InterleaveArgb = true
            }, cropped);

            IDataView trans = TensorFlowTransform.Create(env, pixels, tensorFlowModel, new[] { "Output" }, new[] { "Input" });

            trans.Schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Output", out int output);
            using (var cursor = trans.GetRowCursor(col => col == output))
                var buffer  = default(VBuffer <float>);
                var getter  = cursor.GetGetter <VBuffer <float> >(output);
                var numRows = 0;
                while (cursor.MoveNext())
                    getter(ref buffer);
                    Assert.Equal(10, buffer.Length);
                    numRows += 1;
                Assert.Equal(3, numRows);
        [ConditionalFact(typeof(Environment), nameof(Environment.Is64BitProcess))] // TensorFlow is 64-bit only
        public void TensorFlowInputsOutputsSchemaTest()
            var mlContext      = new MLContext(seed: 1, conc: 1);
            var model_location = "mnist_model/frozen_saved_model.pb";
            var schema         = TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(mlContext, model_location);

            Assert.Equal(86, schema.Count);
            Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Placeholder", out int col));
            var type = (VectorType)schema[col].Type;

            Assert.Equal(2, type.Dimensions.Length);
            Assert.Equal(28, type.Dimensions[0]);
            Assert.Equal(28, type.Dimensions[1]);
            var metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind].Type;

            Assert.True(metadataType is TextType);
            ReadOnlyMemory <char> opType = default;

            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind, ref opType);
            Assert.Equal("Placeholder", opType.ToString());
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind)?.Type;

            Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("conv2d/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp", out col));
            type = (VectorType)schema[col].Type;
            Assert.Equal(new[] { 5, 5, 1, 32 }, type.Dimensions);
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind].Type;
            Assert.True(metadataType is TextType);
            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind, ref opType);
            Assert.Equal("Identity", opType.ToString());
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind].Type;
            VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > inputOps = default;

            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind, ref inputOps);
            Assert.Equal(1, inputOps.Length);
            Assert.Equal("conv2d/kernel", inputOps.GetValues()[0].ToString());

            Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("conv2d/Conv2D", out col));
            type = (VectorType)schema[col].Type;
            Assert.Equal(new[] { 28, 28, 32 }, type.Dimensions);
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind].Type;
            Assert.True(metadataType is TextType);
            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind, ref opType);
            Assert.Equal("Conv2D", opType.ToString());
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind].Type;
            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind, ref inputOps);
            Assert.Equal(2, inputOps.Length);
            Assert.Equal("reshape/Reshape", inputOps.GetValues()[0].ToString());
            Assert.Equal("conv2d/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp", inputOps.GetValues()[1].ToString());

            Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Softmax", out col));
            type = (VectorType)schema[col].Type;
            Assert.Equal(new[] { 10 }, type.Dimensions);
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind].Type;
            Assert.True(metadataType is TextType);
            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowOperatorTypeKind, ref opType);
            Assert.Equal("Softmax", opType.ToString());
            metadataType = schema[col].Metadata.Schema[TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind].Type;
            schema[col].Metadata.GetValue(TensorFlowUtils.TensorflowUpstreamOperatorsKind, ref inputOps);
            Assert.Equal(1, inputOps.Length);
            Assert.Equal("sequential/dense_1/BiasAdd", inputOps.GetValues()[0].ToString());

            model_location = "model_matmul/frozen_saved_model.pb";
            schema         = TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(mlContext, model_location);
            char name = 'a';

            for (int i = 0; i < schema.Count; i++)
                Assert.Equal(name.ToString(), schema[i].Name);
                type = (VectorType)schema[i].Type;
                Assert.Equal(new[] { 2, 2 }, type.Dimensions);
        private TensorFlowTransform(IHostEnvironment env, TFSession session, string[] inputs, string[] outputs)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            _host = env.Register(nameof(RegistrationName));
            _host.CheckValue(session, nameof(session));
            _host.CheckNonEmpty(inputs, nameof(inputs));
            _host.CheckNonEmpty(outputs, nameof(outputs));
            Session = session;
            foreach (var input in inputs)
                _host.CheckNonWhiteSpace(input, nameof(inputs));
                if (Session.Graph[input] == null)
                    throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(inputs), $"Input column '{input}' does not exist in the model");
                var tfInput = new TFOutput(Session.Graph[input]);
                if (!TensorFlowUtils.IsTypeSupported(tfInput.OutputType))
                    throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(session), $"Input type '{tfInput.OutputType}' of input column '{input}' is not supported in TensorFlow");

            var newNames = new HashSet <string>();

            foreach (var output in outputs)
                _host.CheckNonWhiteSpace(output, nameof(outputs));
                if (!newNames.Add(output))
                    throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(outputs), $"Output column '{output}' specified multiple times");
                if (Session.Graph[output] == null)
                    throw _host.ExceptParam(nameof(outputs), $"Output column '{output}' does not exist in the model");

            Inputs        = inputs;
            TFInputTypes  = new TFDataType[Inputs.Length];
            TFInputShapes = new TFShape[Inputs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < Inputs.Length; i++)
                var tfInput = new TFOutput(Graph[Inputs[i]]);
                TFInputTypes[i]  = tfInput.OutputType;
                TFInputShapes[i] = Graph.GetTensorShape(tfInput);
                if (TFInputShapes[i].NumDimensions != -1)
                    var newShape = new long[TFInputShapes[i].NumDimensions];
                    newShape[0] = TFInputShapes[i][0] == -1 ? BatchSize : TFInputShapes[i][0];

                    for (int j = 1; j < TFInputShapes[i].NumDimensions; j++)
                        newShape[j] = TFInputShapes[i][j];
                    TFInputShapes[i] = new TFShape(newShape);

            Outputs       = outputs;
            OutputTypes   = new ColumnType[Outputs.Length];
            TFOutputTypes = new TFDataType[Outputs.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < Outputs.Length; i++)
                var   tfOutput = new TFOutput(Graph[Outputs[i]]);
                var   shape    = Graph.GetTensorShape(tfOutput);
                int[] dims     = shape.NumDimensions > 0 ? shape.ToIntArray().Skip(shape[0] == -1 ? BatchSize : 0).ToArray() : new[] { 0 };
                var   type     = TensorFlowUtils.Tf2MlNetType(tfOutput.OutputType);
                OutputTypes[i]   = new VectorType(type, dims);
                TFOutputTypes[i] = tfOutput.OutputType;
            public Mapper(IHostEnvironment env, TensorFlowTransform parent, ISchema inputSchema)
                Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
                _host = env.Register(nameof(Mapper));
                _host.CheckValue(inputSchema, nameof(inputSchema));
                _host.CheckValue(parent, nameof(parent));
                _parent               = parent;
                _schema               = inputSchema;
                _inputColIndices      = new int[_parent.Inputs.Length];
                _isInputVector        = new bool[_parent.Inputs.Length];
                _fullySpecifiedShapes = new TFShape[_parent.Inputs.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < _parent.Inputs.Length; i++)
                    if (!inputSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(_parent.Inputs[i], out _inputColIndices[i]))
                        throw _host.Except($"Column {_parent.Inputs[i]} doesn't exist");

                    var type = inputSchema.GetColumnType(_inputColIndices[i]);
                    _isInputVector[i] = type.IsVector;
                    var expectedType = TensorFlowUtils.Tf2MlNetType(_parent.TFInputTypes[i]);
                    if (type.ItemType != expectedType)
                        throw _host.ExceptSchemaMismatch(nameof(inputSchema), "input", _parent.Inputs[i], expectedType.ToString(), type.ToString());
                    var originalShape = _parent.TFInputShapes[i];
                    var shape         = originalShape.ToIntArray();

                    var colTypeDims = Enumerable.Range(0, type.AsVector.DimCount + 1).Select(d => d == 0 ? 1 : (long)type.AsVector.GetDim(d - 1)).ToArray();
                    if (shape == null)
                        _fullySpecifiedShapes[i] = new TFShape(colTypeDims);
                    else if (type.AsVector.DimCount == 1)
                        // If the column is one dimension we make sure that the total size of the TF shape matches.
                        // Compute the total size of the known dimensions of the shape.
                        int valCount = shape.Where(x => x > 0).Aggregate((x, y) => x * y);
                        // The column length should be divisible by this, so that the other dimensions can be integral.
                        if (type.ValueCount % valCount != 0)
                            throw Contracts.Except($"Input shape mismatch: Input '{_parent.Inputs[i]}' has shape {originalShape.ToString()}, but input data is of length {type.ValueCount}.");

                        // If the shape is multi-dimensional, we should be able to create the length of the vector by plugging
                        // in a single value for the unknown shapes. E.g., if the shape is [?,?,3], then there should exist a value
                        // d such that d*d*3 is equal to the length of the input column.
                        var d = originalShape.NumDimensions > 2 ? Math.Pow(type.ValueCount / valCount, 1.0 / (originalShape.NumDimensions - 2)) : 1;
                        if (originalShape.NumDimensions > 2 && d - (int)d != 0)
                            throw Contracts.Except($"Input shape mismatch: Input '{_parent.Inputs[i]}' has shape {originalShape.ToString()}, but input data is of length {type.ValueCount}.");

                        // Fill in the unknown dimensions.
                        var l = new long[originalShape.NumDimensions];
                        for (int ishape = 0; ishape < originalShape.NumDimensions; ishape++)
                            l[ishape] = originalShape[ishape] == -1 ? (int)d : originalShape[ishape];
                        _fullySpecifiedShapes[i] = new TFShape(l);
                        if (shape.Select((dim, j) => dim != -1 && dim != colTypeDims[j]).Any(b => b))
                            throw Contracts.Except($"Input shape mismatch: Input '{_parent.Inputs[i]}' has shape {originalShape.ToString()}, but input data is {type.AsVector.ToString()}.");

                        // Fill in the unknown dimensions.
                        var l = new long[originalShape.NumDimensions];
                        for (int ishape = 0; ishape < originalShape.NumDimensions; ishape++)
                            l[ishape] = originalShape[ishape] == -1 ? colTypeDims[ishape] : originalShape[ishape];
                        _fullySpecifiedShapes[i] = new TFShape(l);
        // Factory method for SignatureLoadModel.
        private static TensorFlowTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, ModelLoadContext ctx)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(ctx, nameof(ctx));

            // *** Binary format ***
            // byte: indicator for frozen models
            // stream: tensorFlow model.
            // int: number of input columns
            // for each input column
            //   int: id of int column name
            // int: number of output columns
            // for each output column
            //   int: id of output column name
            GetModelInfo(env, ctx, out string[] inputs, out string[] outputs, out bool isFrozen);
            if (isFrozen)
                byte[] modelBytes = null;
                if (!ctx.TryLoadBinaryStream("TFModel", r => modelBytes = r.ReadByteArray()))
                    throw env.ExceptDecode();
                return(new TensorFlowTransform(env, TensorFlowUtils.LoadTFSession(env, modelBytes), inputs, outputs, null, false));

            var tempDirPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), RegistrationName + "_" + Guid.NewGuid()));

            TensorFlowUtils.CreateFolderWithAclIfNotExists(env, tempDirPath);
                var load = ctx.TryLoadBinaryStream("TFSavedModel", br =>
                    int count = br.ReadInt32();
                    for (int n = 0; n < count; n++)
                        string relativeFile = br.ReadString();
                        long fileLength     = br.ReadInt64();

                        string fullFilePath = Path.Combine(tempDirPath, relativeFile);
                        string fullFileDir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilePath);
                        if (fullFileDir != tempDirPath)
                            TensorFlowUtils.CreateFolderWithAclIfNotExists(env, fullFileDir);
                        using (var fs = new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write))
                            long actualRead = br.BaseStream.CopyRange(fs, fileLength);
                            env.Assert(actualRead == fileLength);

                return(new TensorFlowTransform(env, TensorFlowUtils.GetSession(env, tempDirPath), inputs, outputs, tempDirPath, true));
            catch (Exception)
                TensorFlowUtils.DeleteFolderWithRetries(env, tempDirPath);
        public void TensorFlowInputsOutputsSchemaTest()
            using (var env = new ConsoleEnvironment(seed: 1, conc: 1))
                var model_location = "mnist_model/frozen_saved_model.pb";
                var schema         = TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(env, model_location);
                Assert.Equal(54, schema.ColumnCount);
                Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Placeholder", out int col));
                var type = schema.GetColumnType(col).AsVector;
                Assert.Equal(2, type.DimCount);
                Assert.Equal(28, type.GetDim(0));
                Assert.Equal(28, type.GetDim(1));
                var metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col);
                ReadOnlyMemory <char> opType = default;
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col, ref opType);
                Assert.Equal("Placeholder", opType.ToString());
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col);

                Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("conv2d/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp", out col));
                type = schema.GetColumnType(col).AsVector;
                Assert.Equal(4, type.DimCount);
                Assert.Equal(5, type.GetDim(0));
                Assert.Equal(5, type.GetDim(1));
                Assert.Equal(1, type.GetDim(2));
                Assert.Equal(32, type.GetDim(3));
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col);
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col, ref opType);
                Assert.Equal("Identity", opType.ToString());
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col);
                VBuffer <ReadOnlyMemory <char> > inputOps = default;
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col, ref inputOps);
                Assert.Equal(1, inputOps.Length);
                Assert.Equal("conv2d/kernel", inputOps.Values[0].ToString());

                Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("conv2d/Conv2D", out col));
                type = schema.GetColumnType(col).AsVector;
                Assert.Equal(3, type.DimCount);
                Assert.Equal(28, type.GetDim(0));
                Assert.Equal(28, type.GetDim(1));
                Assert.Equal(32, type.GetDim(2));
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col);
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col, ref opType);
                Assert.Equal("Conv2D", opType.ToString());
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col);
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col, ref inputOps);
                Assert.Equal(2, inputOps.Length);
                Assert.Equal("reshape/Reshape", inputOps.Values[0].ToString());
                Assert.Equal("conv2d/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp", inputOps.Values[1].ToString());

                Assert.True(schema.TryGetColumnIndex("Softmax", out col));
                type = schema.GetColumnType(col).AsVector;
                Assert.Equal(1, type.DimCount);
                Assert.Equal(10, type.GetDim(0));
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col);
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.OpType, col, ref opType);
                Assert.Equal("Softmax", opType.ToString());
                metadataType = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col);
                schema.GetMetadata(TensorFlowUtils.InputOps, col, ref inputOps);
                Assert.Equal(1, inputOps.Length);
                Assert.Equal("sequential/dense_1/BiasAdd", inputOps.Values[0].ToString());

                model_location = "model_matmul/frozen_saved_model.pb";
                schema         = TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(env, model_location);
                char name = 'a';
                for (int i = 0; i < schema.ColumnCount; i++)
                    Assert.Equal(name.ToString(), schema.GetColumnName(i));
                    type = schema.GetColumnType(i).AsVector;
                    Assert.Equal(2, type.DimCount);
                    Assert.Equal(2, type.GetDim(0));
                    Assert.Equal(2, type.GetDim(1));
 /// <summary>
 /// Convenience constructor for public facing API.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="env">Host Environment.</param>
 /// <param name="input">Input <see cref="IDataView"/>. This is the output from previous transform or loader.</param>
 /// <param name="model">Path to the TensorFlow model. </param>
 /// <param name="names">Name of the output column(s). Keep it same as in the Tensorflow model.</param>
 /// <param name="source">Name of the input column(s). Keep it same as in the Tensorflow model.</param>
 public static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, IDataView input, string model, string[] names, string[] source)
     return(new TensorFlowTransform(env, TensorFlowUtils.GetSession(env, model), source, names, TensorFlowUtils.IsSavedModel(env, model) ? model : null, false).MakeDataTransform(input));
 public TensorFlowEstimator(IHostEnvironment env, string model, string[] inputs, string[] outputs)
     : this(env, new TensorFlowTransform(env, TensorFlowUtils.GetSession(env, model), inputs, outputs, TensorFlowUtils.IsSavedModel(env, model) ? model : null, false))
        // Factory method for SignatureDataTransform.
        private static IDataTransform Create(IHostEnvironment env, Arguments args, IDataView input)
            Contracts.CheckValue(env, nameof(env));
            env.CheckValue(args, nameof(args));
            env.CheckValue(input, nameof(input));
            env.CheckValue(args.InputColumns, nameof(args.InputColumns));
            env.CheckValue(args.OutputColumns, nameof(args.OutputColumns));

            return(new TensorFlowTransform(env, TensorFlowUtils.GetSession(env, args.Model), args.InputColumns, args.OutputColumns, TensorFlowUtils.IsSavedModel(env, args.Model) ? args.Model : null, false).MakeDataTransform(input));
Beispiel #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Get <see cref="DataViewSchema"/> for only those nodes which are marked "Placeholder" in the TensorFlow model.
 /// This method is convenient for exploring the model input(s) in case TensorFlow graph is very large.
 /// </summary>
 public DataViewSchema GetInputSchema()
     return(TensorFlowUtils.GetModelSchema(_env, Session.graph, TreatOutputAsBatched, "Placeholder"));
Beispiel #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Load TensorFlow model into memory. This is the convenience method that allows the model to be loaded once and subsequently use it for querying schema and creation of
 /// <see cref="TensorFlowEstimator"/> using <see cref="TensorFlowModel.ScoreTensorFlowModel(string, string, bool)"/>.
 /// usage of this API requires additional NuGet dependencies on TensorFlow redist, see linked document for more information.
 /// <see cref="TensorFlowModel"/> also holds references to unmanaged resources that need to be freed either with an explicit
 /// call to Dispose() or implicitly by declaring the variable with the "using" syntax/>
 /// <format type="text/markdown">
 /// <![CDATA[
 /// [!include[io](~/../docs/samples/docs/api-reference/tensorflow-usage.md)]
 /// ]]>
 /// </format>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="catalog">The transform's catalog.</param>
 /// <param name="modelLocation">Location of the TensorFlow model.</param>
 /// <param name="treatOutputAsBatched">If the first dimension of the output is unknown, should it be treated as batched or not.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <format type="text/markdown">
 /// <![CDATA[
 /// [!code-csharp[LoadTensorFlowModel](~/../docs/samples/docs/samples/Microsoft.ML.Samples/Dynamic/TensorFlow/TextClassification.cs)]
 /// ]]>
 /// </format>
 /// </example>
 public static TensorFlowModel LoadTensorFlowModel(this ModelOperationsCatalog catalog, string modelLocation, bool treatOutputAsBatched)
 => TensorFlowUtils.LoadTensorFlowModel(CatalogUtils.GetEnvironment(catalog), modelLocation, treatOutputAsBatched);