Beispiel #1
        private void RunExperiment(int inputBits, HtmConfig cfgL4, EncoderBase encoder, List <double> inputValues, HtmConfig cfgL2)
            Stopwatch swL2 = new Stopwatch();

            //int maxMatchCnt = 0;
            bool learn       = true;
            bool isSP1Stable = false;
            bool isSP2STable = false;

            var memL4 = new Connections(cfgL4);
            var memL2 = new Connections(cfgL2);

            var numInputs = inputValues.Distinct <double>().ToList().Count;
            HtmClassifier <string, ComputeCycle> cls = new HtmClassifier <string, ComputeCycle>();

            layerL4 = new CortexLayer <object, object>("L4");
            layerL2 = new CortexLayer <object, object>("L2");

            tm4 = new TemporalMemoryMT();
            tm2 = new TemporalMemoryMT();

            // HPC for Layer 4 SP
            HomeostaticPlasticityController hpa_sp_L4 = new HomeostaticPlasticityController(memL4, numInputs * 50, (isStable, numPatterns, actColAvg, seenInputs) =>
                if (isStable)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L4 STABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L4 INSTABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");
                learn = isSP1Stable = isStable;
            }, numOfCyclesToWaitOnChange: 50);

            // HPC for Layer 2 SP
            HomeostaticPlasticityController hpa_sp_L2 = new HomeostaticPlasticityController(memL2, numInputs * 50, (isStable, numPatterns, actColAvg, seenInputs) =>
                if (isStable)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L2 STABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L2 INSTABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");

                learn = isSP2STable = isStable;
            }, numOfCyclesToWaitOnChange: 50);

            SpatialPooler sp4 = new SpatialPoolerMT(hpa_sp_L4);

            SpatialPooler sp2 = new SpatialPoolerMT(hpa_sp_L2);


            // memL2.TraceInputPotential();


            layerL4.HtmModules.Add("encoder", encoder);
            layerL4.HtmModules.Add("sp", sp4);
            layerL4.HtmModules.Add("tm", tm4);

            layerL2.HtmModules.Add("sp", sp2);
            layerL2.HtmModules.Add("tm", tm2);

            int[] inpCellsL4ToL2 = new int[cfgL4.CellsPerColumn * cfgL4.NumColumns];

            double[] inputs         = inputValues.ToArray();
            int[]    prevActiveCols = new int[0];
            int      cycle          = 0;
            int      matches        = 0;
            // string lastPredictedValue = "0";
            int           maxCycles      = 3500;
            int           maxPrevInputs  = inputValues.Count - 1;
            List <string> previousInputs = new List <string>();

            // Training SP at Layer 4 to get stable. New-born stage.

            using (StreamWriter swL4Sdrs = new StreamWriter($"L4-SDRs-in_{cfgL2.NumInputs}-col_{cfgL2.NumColumns}-r_{cfgL2.PotentialRadius}.txt"))
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"in_{cfgL2.NumInputs}-col_{cfgL2.NumColumns}-r_{cfgL2.PotentialRadius}.txt"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxCycles; i++)
                        matches = 0;
                        Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- Newborn Cycle {cycle} at L4 SP region  ---------------");

                        foreach (var input in inputs)
                            Debug.WriteLine($" INPUT: '{input}'\tCycle:{cycle}");
                            Debug.Write("L4: ");
                            var lyrOut = layerL4.Compute(input, learn);

                            InitArray(inpCellsL4ToL2, 0);

                            if (isSP1Stable)
                                var cellSdrL4Indexes = memL4.ActiveCells.Select(c => c.Index).ToArray();

                                // Write SDR as output of L4 and input of L2
                                swL4Sdrs.WriteLine($"{input} - {Helpers.StringifyVector(cellSdrL4Indexes)}");

                                // Set the output active cell array
                                ArrayUtils.SetIndexesTo(inpCellsL4ToL2, cellSdrL4Indexes, 1);

                                Debug.Write("L2: ");

                                layerL2.Compute(inpCellsL4ToL2, true);

                                Debug.WriteLine($"{swL2.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000}");
                                sw.WriteLine($"{swL2.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000}");
                                Debug.WriteLine($"L4 out sdr: {Helpers.StringifyVector(cellSdrL4Indexes)}");

                                var overlaps    = ArrayUtils.IndexWhere(memL2.Overlaps, o => o > 0);
                                var strOverlaps = Helpers.StringifyVector(overlaps);
                                Debug.WriteLine($"Potential columns: {overlaps.Length}, overlaps: {strOverlaps}");

                            if (isSP1Stable && isSP2STable)

            Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- L4 SP region is  {isSP1Stable} ---------------");

            //layerL4.HtmModules.Add("tm", tm4);

            // SP+TM at L4

            for (int i = 0; i < maxCycles; i++)
                matches -= 0;


                Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- L4 TM Train region Cycle {cycle} ---------------");

                foreach (var input in inputs)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- {input} ---------------");

                    var lyrOut = layerL4.Compute(input, learn) as ComputeCycle;

                    if (previousInputs.Count > (maxPrevInputs + 1))

                    if (previousInputs.Count < maxPrevInputs)

                    if (lyrOut.ActiveCells.Count == lyrOut.WinnerCells.Count)
                        /*var activeColumns = L4.GetResult("sp") as int[];
                         * foreach (var item in activeColumns)
                         * {
                         *  L2.Compute(item, true);
                         * }*/

                        // Reset tha array
                        InitArray(inpCellsL4ToL2, 0);

                        // Set the output active cell array
                        ArrayUtils.SetIndexesTo(inpCellsL4ToL2, memL4.ActiveCells.Select(c => c.Index).ToArray(), 1);

                        // 4102,25072, 25363, 25539, 25738, 25961, 26009, 26269, 26491, 26585, 26668, 26920, 26934, 27040, 27107, 27262, 27392, 27826, 27948, 28174, 28243, 28270, 28294, 28308, 28429, 28577, 28671, 29139, 29618, 29637, 29809, 29857, 29897, 29900, 29969, 30057, 30727, 31111, 49805, 49972,
                        layerL2.Compute(inpCellsL4ToL2, true);

                        /*foreach (var item in lyrOut.ActiveCells)
                         * {
                         *  L2.Compute(item, true);
                         * }*/

                        //var activeCell = Helpers.StringifyVector(lyrOut.ActiveCells.Select(c => c.Index).ToArray());
                        //L2.Compute(activeCell, true);
Beispiel #2
        private void RunExperiment(int inputBits, HtmConfig cfgL4, EncoderBase encoder, List <double> inputValues, HtmConfig cfgL2)
            Stopwatch swL2 = new Stopwatch();

            int  maxMatchCnt = 0;
            bool learn       = true;
            bool isSP4Stable = false;
            bool isSP2STable = false;

            var memL4 = new Connections(cfgL4);
            var memL2 = new Connections(cfgL2);

            var numInputs = inputValues.Distinct <double>().ToList().Count;
            HtmClassifier <string, ComputeCycle> cls = new HtmClassifier <string, ComputeCycle>();

            layerL4 = new CortexLayer <object, object>("L4");
            layerL2 = new CortexLayer <object, object>("L2");

            tm4 = new TemporalMemoryMT();
            tm2 = new TemporalMemoryMT();

            // HPC for Layer 4 SP

            HomeostaticPlasticityController hpa_sp_L4 = new HomeostaticPlasticityController(memL4, numInputs * 50, (isStable, numPatterns, actColAvg, seenInputs) =>
                if (isStable)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L4 STABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L4 INSTABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");
                learn = isSP4Stable = isStable;
            }, numOfCyclesToWaitOnChange: 50);

            // HPC for Layer 2 SP

            HomeostaticPlasticityController hpa_sp_L2 = new HomeostaticPlasticityController(memL2, numInputs * 50, (isStable, numPatterns, actColAvg, seenInputs) =>
                if (isStable)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L2 STABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"SP L2 INSTABLE: Patterns: {numPatterns}, Inputs: {seenInputs}, iteration: {seenInputs / numPatterns}");

                learn = isSP2STable = isStable;
            }, numOfCyclesToWaitOnChange: 50);

            SpatialPooler sp4 = new SpatialPoolerMT(hpa_sp_L4);

            SpatialPooler sp2 = new SpatialPoolerMT(hpa_sp_L2);


            // memL2.TraceInputPotential();


            layerL4.HtmModules.Add("encoder", encoder);
            layerL4.HtmModules.Add("sp", sp4);
            layerL4.HtmModules.Add("tm", tm4);

            layerL2.HtmModules.Add("sp", sp2);
            layerL2.HtmModules.Add("tm", tm2);

            int[] inpCellsL4ToL2 = new int[cfgL4.CellsPerColumn * cfgL4.NumColumns];

            double[]      inputs             = inputValues.ToArray();
            int[]         prevActiveCols     = new int[0];
            int           cycle              = 0;
            int           matches            = 0;
            string        lastPredictedValue = "0";
            int           maxCycles          = 3500;
            int           maxPrevInputs      = inputValues.Count - 1;
            List <string> previousInputs     = new List <string>();

            // Training SP at Layer 4 to get stable. New-born stage.

            using (StreamWriter swL4Sdrs = new StreamWriter($"L4-SDRs-in_{cfgL2.NumInputs}-col_{cfgL2.NumColumns}-r_{cfgL2.PotentialRadius}.txt"))
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter($"in_{cfgL2.NumInputs}-col_{cfgL2.NumColumns}-r_{cfgL2.PotentialRadius}.txt"))
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxCycles; i++)
                        matches = 0;
                        cycle   = i;
                        Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- Newborn Cycle {cycle} at L4 SP region  ---------------");

                        foreach (var input in inputs)
                            Debug.WriteLine($" INPUT: '{input}'\tCycle:{cycle}");
                            Debug.Write("L4: ");
                            //L4 SP pre train
                            layerL4.Compute(input, learn);
                            InitArray(inpCellsL4ToL2, 0);

                            if (isSP4Stable)
                                var cellSdrL4Indexes = memL4.ActiveCells.Select(c => c.Index).ToArray();
                                // Write SDR as output of L4 and input of L2
                                swL4Sdrs.WriteLine($"{input} - {Helpers.StringifyVector(cellSdrL4Indexes)}");
                                // Set the output active cell array
                                ArrayUtils.SetIndexesTo(inpCellsL4ToL2, cellSdrL4Indexes, 1);
                                Debug.WriteLine($"L4 out sdr: {Helpers.StringifyVector(cellSdrL4Indexes)}");
                                Debug.WriteLine("L2: ");

                                /// <summary>
                                /// This part is for to make SP of Layer2 stable thourgh help
                                /// of HPC Boosting Algo from new born stage.
                                /// </summary>

                                layerL2.Compute(inpCellsL4ToL2, true);

                                Debug.WriteLine($"{swL2.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000}");
                                sw.WriteLine($"{swL2.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000}");

                                var overlaps    = ArrayUtils.IndexWhere(memL2.Overlaps, o => o > 0);
                                var strOverlaps = Helpers.StringifyVector(overlaps);
                                Debug.WriteLine($"Potential columns: {overlaps.Length}, overlaps: {strOverlaps}");

                        if (isSP4Stable && isSP2STable)

            // SP+TM at L4

            for (int i = 0; i < maxCycles; i++)
                matches = 0;

                cycle = i;

                Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- L4 TM Train region Cycle {cycle} ---------------");

                foreach (var input in inputs)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- {input} ---------------");

                    var layerL4Out = layerL4.Compute(input, learn) as ComputeCycle;

                    if (previousInputs.Count > (maxPrevInputs + 1))

                    if (previousInputs.Count < maxPrevInputs)
                    string      key = GetKey(previousInputs, input);
                    List <Cell> actCells;

                    if (layerL4Out.ActiveCells.Count == layerL4Out.WinnerCells.Count)
                        // SP+TM at L2

                        Debug.WriteLine($"-------------- L2 TM Train region Cycle {cycle} ---------------");
                        // Reset tha array
                        InitArray(inpCellsL4ToL2, 0);
                        var cellSdrL4Indexes = memL4.ActiveCells.Select(c => c.Index).ToArray();

                        // Set the output active cell array
                        ArrayUtils.SetIndexesTo(inpCellsL4ToL2, cellSdrL4Indexes, 1);
                        var   layerL2Out  = layerL2.Compute(inpCellsL4ToL2, true) as ComputeCycle;
                        int[] overlaps    = ArrayUtils.IndexWhere(memL2.Overlaps, o => o > 0);
                        var   strOverlaps = Helpers.StringifyVector(overlaps);
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Potential columns: {overlaps.Length}, overlaps: {strOverlaps}");

                        if (layerL2Out.ActiveCells.Count == layerL2Out.WinnerCells.Count)
                            actCells = layerL2Out.ActiveCells;
                            actCells = layerL2Out.WinnerCells;

                        cls.Learn(key, actCells.ToArray());

                        if (key == lastPredictedValue)
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Match. Actual value: {key} - Predicted value: {lastPredictedValue}");
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Missmatch! Actual value: {key} - Predicted value: {lastPredictedValue}");

                        if (layerL2Out.PredictiveCells.Count > 0)
                            var predictedInputValue = cls.GetPredictedInputValue(layerL2Out.PredictiveCells.ToArray());

                            Debug.WriteLine($"Current Input: {input} \t| Predicted Input: {predictedInputValue}");

                            lastPredictedValue = predictedInputValue;
                            Debug.WriteLine($"NO CELLS PREDICTED for next cycle.");
                            lastPredictedValue = String.Empty;

                double accuracy = (double)matches / (double)inputs.Length * 100.0;

                Debug.WriteLine($"Cycle: {cycle}\tMatches={matches} of {inputs.Length}\t {accuracy}%");

                if (accuracy >= 100.0)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"100% accuracy reched {maxMatchCnt} times.");
                    // Experiment is completed if we are 20 cycles long at the 100% accuracy.
                    if (maxMatchCnt >= 20)
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Exit experiment in the stable state after 20 repeats with 100% of accuracy.");
                        learn = false;
                else if (maxMatchCnt > 0)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"At 100% accuracy after {maxMatchCnt} repeats we get a drop of accuracy with {accuracy}. This indicates instable state. Learning will be continued.");
                    maxMatchCnt = 0;