Beispiel #1
        protected override void OnMouseMove(MouseEventArgs e)

            if (mousePosition.HasValue)
                var           position = e.GetPosition(ParentMap);
                MovedLocation ml       = this.DataContext as MovedLocation;
                if (ml != null)
                    Location CurrentLocation = ParentMap.ViewportPointToLocation(position);
                    TemplatedParent.SetValue(MapPanel.LocationProperty, CurrentLocation);
                    ml.Latitude  = CurrentLocation.Latitude;
                    ml.Longitude = CurrentLocation.Longitude;
                    if (ParentMap != null)
                        ParentMap.TranslateMap((Point)(position - mousePosition));
                mousePosition = position;
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all of the compiled binding expressions on the current data
        /// source and adds them to the context's registry.
        /// </summary>
        private void FindCompiledBindingExpressions()
            var wrapperName = default(String);
            var wrapperType = DataSource is PresentationFoundationView ? DataSourceType : null;

            if (wrapperType == null)
                for (var templateType = TemplatedParent.GetType(); templateType != null; templateType = templateType.BaseType)
                    wrapperName = PresentationFoundationView.GetDataSourceWrapperNameForComponentTemplate(templateType);
                    wrapperType = Ultraviolet.GetUI().GetPresentationFoundation().GetDataSourceWrapperTypeByName(wrapperName);

                    if (wrapperType != null)

                if (wrapperType == null)
                    wrapperName = PresentationFoundationView.GetDataSourceWrapperNameForComponentTemplate(TemplatedParent.GetType());
                    throw new UvmlException(PresentationStrings.CannotFindViewModelWrapper.Format(wrapperName));

            var properties = wrapperType.GetProperties().Where(x => x.Name.StartsWith("__UPF_Expression")).ToList();
            var propertiesWithExpressions = from prop in properties
                                            let attr                       = (CompiledBindingExpressionAttribute)prop.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(CompiledBindingExpressionAttribute), false).Single()
                                                                  let expr = attr.Expression
                                                                             select new
                Property   = prop,
                Expression = expr,

            foreach (var prop in propertiesWithExpressions)
                var key = new CompiledBindingExpressionKey(prop.Property.PropertyType, prop.Expression);
                compiledBindingExpressions.Add(key, prop.Property);

            var uniques = compiledBindingExpressions.GroupBy(x => x.Key).Where(x => x.Count() == 1).ToList();

            foreach (var unique in uniques)
                var key = new CompiledBindingExpressionKey(null, unique.Key.Expression);
                compiledBindingExpressions[key] = unique.Single().Value;
Beispiel #3
        void Refresh()
            List <string> entries = new List <string>();

            if (DataContext is KeyValuePair <string, IOItem> )
                KeyValuePair <string, IOItem> keyValuePair = (KeyValuePair <string, IOItem>)DataContext;
                IOItem currentItem = keyValuePair.Value;

                var infoControl = TemplatedParent.GetParent <NodeInfoContainer>(null);
                var control     = infoControl != null ? infoControl.OriginElement : null;
                if (control != null)
                    // We'll need to query the canvas for links
                    //NodeGraphLayout canvas = control.RootCanvas as NodeGraphLayout;
                    TraceLab.UI.WPF.Views.DockableGraph topGraph = control.GetParent <TraceLab.UI.WPF.Views.DockableGraph>(null);
                    NodeGraphLayout canvas = topGraph.graphLayout;

                    // Add the current mapping

                    // Get the current item's type so that we can limit the selection to only this type
                    string currentType = currentItem.IOItemDefinition.Type;

                    var availableInputMappingsPerNode = new TraceLab.Core.Utilities.InputMappings(canvas.Graph);

                    ExperimentNode currentNode = control.Vertex as ExperimentNode;

                    //if currentNode is a ExperimentNode, and is ioValidator has incoming outputs for this node (otherwise, it has not been connected to start node)
                    if (currentNode != null && availableInputMappingsPerNode.ContainsMappingsForNode(currentNode))
                        foreach (string incomingOutput in availableInputMappingsPerNode[currentNode].Keys)
                            if (string.Equals(currentType, availableInputMappingsPerNode[currentNode][incomingOutput]))
            this.ItemsSource = entries.Distinct();