Beispiel #1
        public void CompilesAndReturnsRuntimeGeneratedTemplateClass()
            const string TemplateCode = @"class RuntimeGeneratedTemplateClass { }";

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler();
            Type result = compiler.CompileTemplate(TemplateCode);

            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Result type is null");
        public void SimpleBlockTemplateCompilesCorrectly()
            var source   = FileHelper.GetTemplateSource("simple-block.html");
            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(source);
            var minifier = new MinifierCompiler <TemplateCompiler>(compiler);

            var result = minifier.Compile().ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, "function(n){var t=\"\",i;for(t+=\"<ul>\",i=0;i<n.users.length;i++)t+=\"<li>\"+n.users[i].name,t+=\"<\\/li>\";return t+\"<\\/ul>\"}");
Beispiel #3
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_CollectionQuery_Empty()
            var values = new Values();

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={Collection[]}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("", result);
Beispiel #4
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_DefaultQuery()
            var values = new Values();

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={NullableField=Default}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?f=Default", result);
Beispiel #5
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_Formattable_Default()
            var values = new Values();

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={Formattable=Value}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?f=Value", result);
        public void SimpleTemplateCompilesCorrectly()
            var source   = FileHelper.GetTemplateSource("simple.html");
            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(source);
            var minifier = new MinifierCompiler <TemplateCompiler>(compiler);

            var result = minifier.Compile().ToString();

            Assert.AreEqual(result, "function(n){var t=\"\";return t+=\"<div>\"+n.test,t+\"<\\/div>\"}");
Beispiel #7
        /** Compile a template */
        public virtual CompiledTemplate Compile(string srcName,
                                                string name,
                                                List <FormalArgument> args,
                                                string template,
                                                IToken templateToken) // for error location
            //System.out.println("TemplateGroup.Compile: "+enclosingTemplateName);
            TemplateCompiler c = new TemplateCompiler(this);

            return(c.Compile(srcName, name, args, template, templateToken));
Beispiel #8
        public void TestAnonIncludeArgMismatch3()
            ITemplateErrorListener errors = new ErrorBuffer();
            string           template     = "<a:{x|foo},{bar}>";
            CompiledTemplate code         = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()
                ErrorManager = new ErrorManager(errors)
            string expected = "1:11: anonymous template has 0 arg(s) but mapped across 1 value(s)" + newline;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, errors.ToString());
Beispiel #9
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public ICompilerResult Compile(string name, string content, Action <CompileContext> action = null)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(content))
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(content));
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
         name = content.GetHashCode().ToString();
     return(Options.CompilerResults[name] = TemplateCompiler.Compile(name, content, Options, action));
        public void ShouldUseCustomModuleName()
            var options = new TemplateCompilerOptions
                ModuleName = "myapp",
                WorkingDir = "/fixtures"

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(options);
            var result = compiler.Compile(new VirtualFile[] {_template1});
            Assert.Equal(File.ReadAllText("../../../expected/compiled2.js"), result);
        public void ShouldUseCustomModuleName()
            var options = new TemplateCompilerOptions
                ModuleName = "myapp",
                WorkingDir = "/fixtures"

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(options);
            var result   = compiler.Compile(new VirtualFile[] { _template1 });

            Assert.Equal(File.ReadAllText("../../../expected/compiled2.js"), result);
Beispiel #12
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_Query()
            var values = new Values()
                Field = 100

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={Field}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?f=100", result);
Beispiel #13
        public void TestList()
            string           template    = "<[a,b]>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected = "list, load_attr 0, add, load_attr 1, add, write";
            string           asmResult   = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[a, b]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #14
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_EnumQuery_Flags_Named()
            var values = new Values()
                Flags = FlagsEnum.First | FlagsEnum.Second

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={Flags.First=first}&s={Flags.Second=baz}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?f=first&s=baz", result);
Beispiel #15
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_NotFormattable()
            var values = new Values()
                NotFormattable = new NotFormattable()

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={NotFormattable}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?f=Foo%21", result);
Beispiel #16
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_EnumQuery_Nullable_Named()
            var values = new Values()
                NormalNullable = NormalEnum.First

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={NormalNullable.First=foo}&s={NormalNullable.Second=bar}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?f=foo", result);
Beispiel #17
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_EnumQuery_Named()
            var values = new Values()
                Normal = NormalEnum.Second

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("?f={Normal.First}&s={Normal.Second=second}&t={Normal.Second}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("?s=second&t", result);
Beispiel #18
        public static void TemplateCompiler_Compile_NullablePath()
            var values = new Values()
                NullableField = 100

            var template = RawUriTemplate.Parse("/test/{NullableField:x}");
            Func <Values, string> compiled = TemplateCompiler.Compile <Values>(template);
            string result = compiled(values);

            Assert.Equal("/test/64", result);
Beispiel #19
        public void TestSuperIncludeWithNamedArgs()
            string           template    = "<,y={b})>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "args, load_attr 0, store_arg 1, new 2 0, store_arg 3, super_new_box_args 4, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[a, x, _sub1, y, foo]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #20
        public void TestSuperIncludeWithArgs()
            string           template    = "<,{b})>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, new 1 0, super_new 2 2, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[a, _sub1, foo]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #21
        public void TestAnonZipMap()
            string           template    = "<a,b:{x,y | <x><y>}>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, load_attr 1, null, null, new 2 2, zip_map 2, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[a, b, _sub1]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #22
        public void TestIf()
            string           template    = "go: <if(name)>hi, foo<endif>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "write_str 0, load_attr 1, brf 12, write_str 2";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[go: , name, hi, foo]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #23
        public void TestRotMapArg()
            string           template    = "<name:bold(x),italics()>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, null, load_attr 1, new 2 2, null, new 3 1, rot_map 2, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[name, x, bold, italics]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #24
        public void TestIndirectMapArg()
            string           template    = "<name:(t)(x)>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, load_attr 1, tostr, null, load_attr 2, new_ind 2, map, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[name, t, x]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #25
        public void TestIndirectIncludeWitArgs()
            string           template    = "hi <(foo)(a,b)>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "write_str 0, load_attr 1, tostr, load_attr 2, load_attr 3, new_ind 2, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[hi , foo, a, b]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #26
        public void TestInclude()
            string           template    = "hi <foo()>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "write_str 0, new 1 0, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[hi , foo]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #27
        public void TestAnonMap()
            string           template    = "<name:{n | <n>}>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, null, new 1 1, map, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[name, _sub1]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #28
        public void TestZipMapArg()
            string           template    = "<names,phones:bold(x)>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, load_attr 1, null, null, load_attr 2, new 3 3, zip_map 2, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[names, phones, x, bold]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #29
        public void TestOptionAsTemplate()
            string           template    = "hi <name; separator={, }>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "write_str 0, load_attr 1, options, new 2 0, store_option 3, write_opt";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[hi , name, _sub1]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #30
        public void TestProp()
            string           template    = "hi <a.b>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "write_str 0, load_attr 1, load_prop 2, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[hi , a, b]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #31
        public void TestRepeatedMap()
            string           template    = "<name:bold():italics()>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "load_attr 0, null, new 1 1, map, null, new 2 1, map, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[name, bold, italics]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
Beispiel #32
        public void TestAnonIncludeArgs()
            string           template    = "<({ a, b | <a><b>})>";
            CompiledTemplate code        = new TemplateCompiler(new TemplateGroup()).Compile(template);
            string           asmExpected =
                "new 0 0, tostr, write";
            string asmResult = code.GetInstructions();

            Assert.AreEqual(asmExpected, asmResult);
            string stringsExpected = "[_sub1]";
            string stringsResult   = code.strings.ToListString();

            Assert.AreEqual(stringsExpected, stringsResult);
        public void ShouldCombineMultipleFiles()
            var options = new TemplateCompilerOptions
                Prefix = "/templates",
                ModuleName = "myapp",
                WorkingDir = "/fixtures"

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(options);
            var result = compiler.Compile(new VirtualFile[]
            Assert.Equal(File.ReadAllText("../../../expected/compiled4.js"), result);
        private void Compile()
            var options = new TemplateCompilerOptions
                OutputPath = OutputFile,
                Prefix = Prefix,
                ModuleName = ModuleName,
                WorkingDir = WorkingDir,
                Standalone = Standalone,
                LowercaseTemplateName = LowercaseTemplateName

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(options);
            var files = SourceFiles.Select(f => new FileInfoVirtualFile(f.ItemSpec, new FileInfo(f.ItemSpec))).ToArray();
            Log.LogMessage("Compiled {0} templates to {1}", SourceFiles.Length, OutputFile);
        public override BundleResponse GenerateBundleResponse(BundleContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            if (!BundleTable.EnableOptimizations)
                return new BundleResponse(string.Empty, new List<BundleFile>());

            var bundleFiles = EnumerateFiles(context);
            var ignoredFiles = context.BundleCollection.IgnoreList.FilterIgnoredFiles(context, bundleFiles);
            var files = Orderer.OrderFiles(context, ignoredFiles).ToList();

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_options.WorkingDir))
                _options.WorkingDir = "/";

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(_options);
            var virtualFiles = files.Select(f => f.VirtualFile).ToArray();
            var result = compiler.Compile(virtualFiles);
            return ApplyTransforms(context, result, files);
Beispiel #36
 static void showErrors(TemplateCompiler compiler, IConfigSectionNode configRoot)
     ConsoleUtils.Warning("Compilation finished with errors");
                             ConsoleUtils.Info("Compile unit errors:");
                             foreach(var erru in compiler.CompileUnitsWithErrors)
                              ConsoleUtils.Error(string.Format("Unit '{0}'. Type '{1}' Text: '{2}'",
                             ConsoleUtils.Info(string.Format("{0} Code compilation errors:", compiler.LanguageName));
                             foreach(var cerr in compiler.CodeCompilerErrors)
                              ConsoleUtils.Error( cerr.ToString() );
Beispiel #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a template with reading from a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="templateFile">Template file.</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">Encoding used to read
        /// file content, if NULL the system default encoding
        /// is used.</param>
        /// <param name="compilerVersion">Indicates the compiler version to use.
        /// Such as "v3.5" or "v2.0".</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If <paramref name="templateFile"/> is null or empty.
        /// </exception>
        public AtTemplate(string templateFile, Encoding encoding, string compilerVersion)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(templateFile))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("templateFile");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(compilerVersion))
                this.compiler = new TemplateCompiler();
                this.compiler = new TemplateCompiler(compilerVersion);

            this.parser.TemplateFile = Path.GetFullPath(templateFile);
            this.encoding = (encoding == null ? Encoding.Default : encoding);
Beispiel #38
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a template with specified text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">Template text.</param>
        /// <param name="compilerVersion">Indicates the compiler version to use.
        /// Such as "v3.5" or "v2.0".</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
        /// If <paramref name="text"/> is null or empty.
        /// </exception>
        public AtTemplate(string text, string compilerVersion)
            if (text == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("templateText");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(compilerVersion))
                this.compiler = new TemplateCompiler();
                this.compiler = new TemplateCompiler(compilerVersion);

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                char c = text[i];

                if (c == '\n')
                    this.parser.LineEnding = "\n";
                else if (c == '\r')
                    if (i + 1 < text.Length && text[i + 1] == '\n')
                        this.parser.LineEnding = "\r\n";
                        this.parser.LineEnding = "\r";

            this.parser.Reader = new StringReader(text);
        public void ShouldLowercaseTemplateName()
            var options = new TemplateCompilerOptions
                ModuleName = "",
                WorkingDir = "/fixtures",
                LowercaseTemplateName = true

            var template = new TestVirtualFile("/fixtures/TEMPLATE1.html", "test");
            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(options);
            var result = compiler.Compile(new VirtualFile[] {template});
            Assert.Equal(File.ReadAllText("../../../expected/compiled1.js"), result);
Beispiel #40
 static void showOptions(TemplateCompiler compiler)
     const string NONE = "<none>";
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Compiler type: "+compiler.GetType().FullName);
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Assembly file: "+compiler.AssemblyFileName ?? NONE);
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Base template type name: "+compiler.BaseTypeName ?? NONE);
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Compile code: "+compiler.CompileCode ?? NONE);
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Language name: "+compiler.LanguageName ?? NONE);
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Namespace: "+compiler.Namespace ?? NONE);
                              foreach(var asm in compiler.ReferencedAssemblies)
                                ConsoleUtils.Info("Referenced assembly: "+asm);
                              ConsoleUtils.Info("Ref assembly search path: "+compiler.ReferencedAssembliesSearchPath ?? NONE );
Beispiel #41
        static void writeToDiskCompiledSourceFiles(TemplateCompiler compiler, IConfigSectionNode configRoot)
            var ext = configRoot["ext"].AttrByIndex(0).ValueAsString(compiler.LanguageSourceFileExtension);

                                      foreach(var cu in compiler)
                                        if (cu.CompilationException!=null) continue;
                                        var fs = cu.TemplateSource as FileTemplateStringContentSource;
                                        if (fs==null) continue;
                                        File.WriteAllText(fs.FileName + ext , cu.CompiledSource);
        public void ShouldRenderStandaloneModule()
            var options = new TemplateCompilerOptions
                ModuleName = "",
                WorkingDir = "/fixtures",
                Standalone = true

            var compiler = new TemplateCompiler(options);
            var result = compiler.Compile(new VirtualFile[] {_template1});
            Assert.Equal(File.ReadAllText("../../../expected/compiled5.js"), result);