Beispiel #1
        public void VerySimpleExample()
            // This code is used as the example in the NamespaceDoc for Fudge.Serialization

            // Create a context and a serializer
            var context    = new FudgeContext();
            var serializer = new FudgeSerializer(context);

            // Our object to serialize
            var temperatureRange = new TemperatureRange {
                High = 28.3, Low = 13.2, Average = 19.6

            // Serialize it to a MemoryStream
            var stream       = new MemoryStream();
            var streamWriter = new FudgeEncodedStreamWriter(context, stream);

            serializer.Serialize(streamWriter, temperatureRange);

            // Reset the stream and deserialize a new object from it
            stream.Position = 0;
            var streamReader = new FudgeEncodedStreamReader(context, stream);
            var range2       = (TemperatureRange)serializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

            // Just check a value matches
            Assert.Equal(temperatureRange, range2);
Beispiel #2
        public TemperatureRange AdjustTemperatureExposure(TemperatureRange temp)
        {                                                                                //clothing has a heat and cold protection value
                                                                                         //neither one results in a penalty (possible hard mode setting)
                                                                                         //if it's cold, the cold protection is applied
                                                                                         //if it's warm, the warm protection is applied
                                                                                         //clothing will never make the player too hot or too cold
            int coldProtectValue  = Mathf.FloorToInt(NormalizedRangeColdProtection * 5); //temps range from 0 to 4
            int heatProtectValue  = Mathf.FloorToInt(NormalizedRangeHeatProtection * 5);
            int adjustedTempValue = (int)temp;

            switch (temp)
            case TemperatureRange.A_DeadlyCold:
            case TemperatureRange.B_Cold:
                adjustedTempValue = Mathf.Clamp(adjustedTempValue + coldProtectValue, (int)TemperatureRange.A_DeadlyCold, (int)TemperatureRange.C_Warm);                                                                //we can't get warmer than warm

            case TemperatureRange.C_Warm:

            case TemperatureRange.D_Hot:
            case TemperatureRange.E_DeadlyHot:
                adjustedTempValue = Mathf.Clamp(adjustedTempValue - heatProtectValue, (int)TemperatureRange.C_Warm, (int)TemperatureRange.E_DeadlyHot);                                                                //we can't get colder than warm
Beispiel #3
 private TemperatureRange GetRandomDayTemperature(TemperatureRange averageMonthTemperature) {
     TemperatureUnit unit = averageMonthTemperature.Min.Unit;
     int rnd1 = 0, rnd2 = 0;
     while(rnd1 == rnd2) {
         rnd1 = this.random.Next(averageMonthTemperature.Min.Value - 2, averageMonthTemperature.Min.Value + 2);
         rnd2 = this.random.Next(averageMonthTemperature.Max.Value - 2, averageMonthTemperature.Max.Value + 2);
     return new TemperatureRange(unit, Math.Min(rnd1, rnd2), Math.Max(rnd1, rnd2));
Beispiel #4
 public override int GetHashCode()
         var hashCode = (Inner != null ? Inner.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (TemperatureRange != null ? TemperatureRange.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (Text != null ? Text.GetHashCode() : 0);
Beispiel #5
    private TemperatureRange GetRandomDayTemperature(TemperatureRange averageMonthTemperature)
        TemperatureUnit unit = averageMonthTemperature.Min.Unit;
        int             rnd1 = 0, rnd2 = 0;

        while (rnd1 == rnd2)
            rnd1 = this.random.Next(averageMonthTemperature.Min.Value - 2, averageMonthTemperature.Min.Value + 2);
            rnd2 = this.random.Next(averageMonthTemperature.Max.Value - 2, averageMonthTemperature.Max.Value + 2);
        return(new TemperatureRange(unit, Math.Min(rnd1, rnd2), Math.Max(rnd1, rnd2)));
Beispiel #6
    public WeatherInfo GetWeatherInfo(DateTime dateValue)
        WeatherInfo info = weatherInfoCache[dateValue] as WeatherInfo;

        if (info == null)
            Month            month       = (Month)(dateValue.Month - 1);
            TemperatureRange temperature = GetRandomDayTemperature(averageMonthTemperatures[month]);
            Cloudiness       cloudiness  = GetRandomCloudiness();
            Rain             rain        = GetRandomRain(month, cloudiness);
            info = new WeatherInfo(dateValue, TemperatureUnit.Celsius, temperature.Min.Value, temperature.Max.Value,
                                   cloudiness, rain, GetRandomSnow(month), GetRandomFog(month), GetRandomHail(rain));
            weatherInfoCache[dateValue] = info;
        public void VerySimpleExample()
            // This code is used as the example in the NamespaceDoc for Fudge.Serialization

            // Create a context and a serializer
            var context = new FudgeContext();
            var serializer = new FudgeSerializer(context);

            // Our object to serialize
            var temperatureRange = new TemperatureRange { High = 28.3, Low = 13.2, Average = 19.6 };

            // Serialize it to a MemoryStream
            var stream = new MemoryStream();
            var streamWriter = new FudgeEncodedStreamWriter(context, stream);
            serializer.Serialize(streamWriter, temperatureRange);

            // Reset the stream and deserialize a new object from it
            stream.Position = 0;
            var streamReader = new FudgeEncodedStreamReader(context, stream);
            var range2 = (TemperatureRange)serializer.Deserialize(streamReader);

            // Just check a value matches
            Debug.Assert(range2.Average == 19.6);
Beispiel #8
 public bool TemperatureAndHumidityValid(Hex.TemperatureLevel temperature, Hex.HumidityLevel humidity)
     return(TemperatureRange.Contains(temperature) && HumidityRange.Contains(humidity));
Beispiel #9
 public void AddTemperature(Hex.TemperatureLevel temperature)
 protected bool Equals(TemperatureRange other)
     return High.Equals(other.High) && Low.Equals(other.Low) && Average.Equals(other.Average);
Beispiel #11
 protected bool Equals(TemperatureRange other)
     return(High.Equals(other.High) && Low.Equals(other.Low) && Average.Equals(other.Average));
        private void FillWithDummyData()
            CurrentConditions = new CurrentConditionsModel {
                ApparentTemperature = "18", ApparentTemperatureUnit = " C", Temperature = "15", TemperatureUnit = " C", ShortPhrase = "Overwegend bewolkt", WindDirection = "zzo", WindSpeed = "50", WindSpeedUnit = "km/u", GustSpeed = "56", GustSpeedUnit = "km/u", Precip1hr = "10", Precip1hrUnit = "mm/h", UpdatedDateTime = DateTime.Now
            HourlyModels = new ObservableCollection <HourlyModel>()
                new HourlyModel {
                    Date = DateTime.Now, PrecipationAmountRain = "10", ProbabilityOfPrecipation = "10%", PredictedRealFeel = "-10", PredictedTemperature = "-8", UVIndex = 0, WeatherCode = 1
                new HourlyModel {
                    Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), PrecipationAmountRain = "10", ProbabilityOfPrecipation = "10%", PredictedRealFeel = "-10", PredictedTemperature = "-8", UVIndex = 1, WeatherCode = 2
                new HourlyModel {
                    Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(2), PrecipationAmountRain = "20", ProbabilityOfPrecipation = "20%", PredictedRealFeel = "0", PredictedTemperature = "4", UVIndex = 2, WeatherCode = 3
                new HourlyModel {
                    Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(3), PrecipationAmountRain = "5", ProbabilityOfPrecipation = "30%", PredictedRealFeel = "10", PredictedTemperature = "0", UVIndex = 3, WeatherCode = 4
                new HourlyModel {
                    Date = DateTime.Now.AddHours(4), PrecipationAmountRain = "7", ProbabilityOfPrecipation = "40%", PredictedRealFeel = "10", PredictedTemperature = "8", UVIndex = 3, WeatherCode = 5

                StorageFile _storageFile = Windows.Storage.StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/Icon/01.png")).GetResults();
                IBuffer     readbuffer   = FileIO.ReadBufferAsync(_storageFile).GetResults();
                CurrentConditions.WeatherIcon = readbuffer.ToArray();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;

            UVIndexList = new ObservableCollection <UVIndex> {
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/00.png"), "Ga gerust buiten tennissen.", "SPF15+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/01.png"), "Ga gerust buiten tennissen." + Environment.NewLine + "Rust in de schaduw.", "SPF15+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/02.png"), "Ga gerust buiten tennissen." + Environment.NewLine + "Rust in de schaduw.", "SPF15+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/03.png"), "Niet langer dan 40 minuten tennissen of in de zon." + Environment.NewLine + "Rust in de schaduw.", "SPF15+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/04.png"), "Niet langer dan 40 minuten tennissen of in de zon." + Environment.NewLine + "Rust in de schaduw.", "SPF15+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/05.png"), "Niet langer dan 40 minuten tennissen of in de zon." + Environment.NewLine + "Rust in de schaduw.", "SPF15+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/06.png"), "Niet langer dan 20 minuten in de zon." + Environment.NewLine + "Ga niet tennissen.", "SPF30+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/07.png"), "Niet langer dan 20 minuten in de zon." + Environment.NewLine + "Ga niet tennissen.", "SPF30+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/08.png"), "Niet langer dan 20 minuten in de zon." + Environment.NewLine + "Ga niet tennissen.", "SPF30+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/09.png"), "Zeer Hoog, ga niet buiten tennissen", "SPF50+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/10.png"), "Zeer Hoog, ga niet buiten tennissen", "SPF50+"),
                new UVIndex(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/11.png"), "Extreem Hoog, ga niet buiten tennissen", "SPF50+"),

                StorageFile _storageFile = Windows.Storage.StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Weather/UV/01.png")).GetResults();
                IBuffer     readbuffer   = FileIO.ReadBufferAsync(_storageFile).GetResults();
                CurrentConditions.UVIcon = readbuffer.ToArray();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message;

            TemperatureRange = new TemperatureRange {
                Maximum = new Measurement {
                    Value = 20
                }, Minimum = new Measurement {
                    Value = -10
 public TemperatureRangeViewModel(TemperatureRange tempRange)
     this.tempRange = tempRange;
Beispiel #14
        //we keep an active state list of strings in addition to our local settings
        //this is make it easy for modders who want to add new states that affect the player
        //status keepers use this list to determine their active state
        //this picks apart our current location info and figures out what states to apply to status keepers
        protected IEnumerator CheckActiveStateList()
        {                       //state order
            //0 - Sleeping			- general / outside or in unowned/unsafe structure
            //1 - SleepingSafely	- in campsite or in bed in owned structure
            //3 - ExposedCold		- outside in cold weather
            //4 - ExposedWarm		- outside in warm weather
            //2 - InSafeLocation    - includes owned structures
            //3 - InCivilization    - most structures and cities, campsites, path connected to civ
            //4 - Traveling			- fast travel
            //5 - InWild			- default state
            //6 - InDanger			- maybe when there are hostiles around, gives temporary strength boost (?) haven't decided

            mCheckingActiveStateList = true;
            while (!mInitialized)
                yield return(null);

            while (mCheckingActiveStateList)                    //this is the info we need to build the state list
                while (!GameManager.Is(FGameState.InGame))
                    yield return(null);

                if (player.IsDead)
                    //wait until we're not dead
                    yield return(null);

                bool insideStructure = false;
                bool isUnderground   = false;
                bool isExposedCold   = false;
                bool isExposedWarm   = false;
                bool sleeping        = false;
                bool inSafeLocation  = false;
                bool inCivilization  = false;
                bool sleepingSafely  = false;
                bool traveling       = false;
                bool inDanger        = false;
                bool isWarmedByFire  = false;

                traveling = State.IsTraveling;
                if (!traveling)                         //we can rule a few things out if we're not travling...
                    sleeping        = State.IsSleeping;
                    insideStructure = player.Surroundings.IsInsideStructure || (sleeping && mLastBed.IsEnclosed);
                    inCivilization  = player.Surroundings.IsInCivilization;
                    inSafeLocation  = player.Surroundings.IsInSafeLocation;
                    isUnderground   = player.Surroundings.IsUnderground;
                    sleepingSafely  = sleeping && (inSafeLocation);                    // || (inCivilization && player.Surroundings.CurrentLocation.State.Type == "Campsite"));//TODO potentially unsafe

                bool checkForFire = false;
                //check our termperature - the biome will return the correct temperature based on tiem of day / season
                //this is the 'raw' temperature before we apply clothing and other modifiers to it
                LatestTemperatureRaw      = GameWorld.Get.StatusTemperature(player.Position, WorldClock.TimeOfDayCurrent, WorldClock.TimeOfYearCurrent, isUnderground, insideStructure, inCivilization);
                LatestTemperatureAdjusted = LatestTemperatureRaw;
                if (player.Surroundings.HasNearbyFires)
                    //fires make our temperature higher
                    if (player.Surroundings.HeatExposure > 1f)
                        //we're exposed to burning temperatures!
                        LatestTemperatureAdjusted = TemperatureRange.E_DeadlyHot;
                        //check to see if we're on fire later
                        checkForFire = true;
                        isWarmedByFire = true;
                        //we're not burning but we are warmer than usual
                        //if it's deadly cold or cold bump up the temperature
                        switch (LatestTemperatureRaw)
                        case TemperatureRange.A_DeadlyCold:
                        case TemperatureRange.B_Cold:
                            //no penalty for being near a fire, ever
                            //case TemperatureRange.C_Warm:
                            LatestTemperatureAdjusted = (TemperatureRange)((int)LatestTemperatureRaw + 1);


                //finally, use our clothing to determine our temperature exposure
                LatestTemperatureExposure = player.Wearables.AdjustTemperatureExposure(LatestTemperatureAdjusted);
                //now that we've adjusted for clothing, if we were supposed to check for fire, do it now
                //TEMP disabled

                /*if (checkForFire && LatestTemperatureExposure == TemperatureRange.E_DeadlyHot) {
                 *                                              AddCondition("BurnedByFire");
                 *                              }*/
                //we've given the player a million chances to get their temp up / down to 'Warm'
                //so at this point if they haven't done it they're going to suffer a penalty
                switch (LatestTemperatureExposure)
                case TemperatureRange.A_DeadlyCold:
                case TemperatureRange.B_Cold:
                    isExposedCold = true;


                case TemperatureRange.D_Hot:
                case TemperatureRange.E_DeadlyHot:
                    isExposedWarm = true;

                inDanger = player.Surroundings.IsInDanger;


                if (sleeping)
                if (sleepingSafely)
                if (inSafeLocation)
                if (inCivilization)
                if (traveling)
                mNewStateList.Add("Default");                //always add default state (in the wild)
                if (inDanger)
                if (insideStructure)
                    if (isUnderground)
                if (isExposedCold)
                if (isExposedWarm)
                if (isWarmedByFire)

                //check whether we were in civilization last frame
                if (mInCivilizationLastFrame && !inCivilization)
                    //if we were in civ last frame and aren't now
                    Player.Get.AvatarActions.ReceiveAction(AvatarAction.SurvivalCivilizationLeave, WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime);
                else if (!mInCivilizationLastFrame && inCivilization)
                    //if we weren't in civ last frame and are now
                    Player.Get.AvatarActions.ReceiveAction(AvatarAction.SurvivalCivilizationEnter, WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime);
                mInCivilizationLastFrame = inCivilization;

                //automatically apply if we have more states than before
                bool applyState = (mNewStateList.Count != ActiveStateList.Count);
                if (!applyState)                                    //if we have the same number, verify that they're actually the same
                    for (int i = 0; i < mNewStateList.Count; i++)   //if there's a different state in there
                        if (mNewStateList[i] != ActiveStateList[i]) //apply the stae
                            applyState = true;
                //wait a tick
                yield return(null);

                if (applyState)
                    for (int i = 0; i < StatusKeepers.Count; i++)                      //they'll apply the states in the order provided
                double waitUntil = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + 0.05f;
                while (WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime > waitUntil)
                    yield return(null);
                yield return(null);
            mCheckingActiveStateList = false;
            yield break;