public ActionResult _Destroy([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request, TempExt model)
            string Msg = "";
                TempRepository modelRepo = new TempRepository();
                if (modelRepo.Delete(model, ref Msg, this) == false)
                    return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = Msg });
            catch (Exception ex)
                string hostName1 = Dns.GetHostName();
                string GetUserIPAddress = Dns.GetHostByName(hostName1).AddressList[0].ToString();
                string PageName = Convert.ToString(Session["PageName"]);
                //string GetUserIPAddress = GetUserIPAddress1();
                using (BaseRepository baseRepo = new BaseRepository())
                    //BizContext BizContext1 = new BizContext();
                    BizApplication.AddError(baseRepo.BizDB, PageName, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, DateTime.Now, GetUserIPAddress);
                Session["PageName"] = "";
                string error = ErrorHandling.HandleException(ex);
                return this.Json(new DataSourceResult { Errors = error });

            return Json(request);
Beispiel #2
    public static TestSetup Create()
        var tempDir    = TempDir.Create();
        var repository = TempRepository.Create(tempDir);

        return(new TestSetup(repository, tempDir));
Beispiel #3
        //view all the student on the system
        public IActionResult view(string searchString)
            var StudentData = _dbContext.InfoTable.OrderBy(s => s.Id);
            var StudentGpa  = _dbContext.StudnetGpa.OrderBy(s => s.StuId);
            var ResultList  = from data in StudentData
                              join Gpa in StudentGpa
                              on data.Id equals Gpa.StuId
                              select new { data.Id, data.Name, Gpa.StuGpa };

            var FinalData = ResultList.Select(s => new { s.Id, s.Name, s.StuGpa });

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchString))
                FinalData = FinalData.Where(s => s.Id.Contains(searchString) || s.Name.Contains(searchString));
            foreach (var f in FinalData)
                TempRepository.AddStudent(new NewStudentInsert {
                    Id = f.Id, Name = f.Name, StudentGPA = f.StuGpa

Beispiel #4
        public static void TestRepositoryPattern()
            var storeName = "TestRepositoryPattern" + DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            string id;

            using ( var context = new MyEntityContext())
                var uow = new TempUnitOfWork(context);
                var repo = new TempRepository<IPerson>(uow);
                var derived = repo.Create();
                derived.FirstName = "Danny";
                derived.FirstName = "Mayers";

                id = derived.Id;

            using ( var context = new MyEntityContext())
                var uow = new TempUnitOfWork(context);
                var repo = new TempRepository<IPerson>(uow);
                var derived = repo.GetById(id);

Beispiel #5
        public IHttpActionResult VehiclStatus(string status)
            var vs = new TempRepository().AddUpdate(new DomainModel.TempStatus()
                CreatedDate = DateTime.Now,
                DataStr     = status

            return(Ok(new { ss = vs.ResponseIdStr }));
Beispiel #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> Upload(IFormFile file)
            var path = Path.Combine(
                Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot",

            using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create))
                await file.CopyToAsync(stream);
            //Load the the data from the uploaded file
            IEnumerable <NewStudentInsert> ToAdd = DataLoader.Load(@"wwwroot\" + file.FileName);

            foreach (NewStudentInsert s in ToAdd)
                s.Id         = s.Id.Trim();
                s.Name       = s.Name.Trim();
                s.Pass       = s.Pass.Trim();
                s.RepeatPass = s.RepeatPass.Trim();
                var targetUser = _dbContext.InfoTable.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id.Equals(s.Id, StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
                var targetGPA  = _dbContext.InfoTable.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id.Equals(s.Id, StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
                if (targetUser != null)
                    TempRepository.AddStudent(new NewStudentInsert
                        Id         = s.Id,
                        Name       = s.Name,
                        StudentGPA = s.StudentGPA,
                        ADD        = false

                var hasher = new PasswordHasher <InfoTable>();
                targetUser = new InfoTable {
                    Id = s.Id, Name = s.Name, RoleId = 2

                targetUser.Pass = hasher.HashPassword(targetUser, s.Pass);
                //targetGPA = new StudnetGpa { StuId = student.Id, StuGpa = student.StudentGPA };
                await _dbContext.InfoTable.AddAsync(targetUser);

                await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                if (s.StudentGPA != double.NaN)
                    await GpaSet(s);
                ViewBag.templist = true;
            ViewBag.inserted = true;
Beispiel #7
        public void UpdateRequestSubstituteOfOrganicInfo(List <decimal> personIds)
                string Description = string.Empty;
                string SQLCommand  = string.Empty;
                if (BLanguage.CurrentSystemLanguage == LanguagesName.Parsi)
                    Description = "N'رد درخواست به دلیل تغییر مشخصات پرسنل درخواست کننده یا پرسنل جانشین درخواست'";
                    Description = "N'Request Reject because Personel Specifications Change'";
                if (personIds.Count < operationBatchSizeValue && operationBatchSizeValue < 2100)
                    SQLCommand = "update rSubstitute " +
                                 "set requestSubstitute_Confirmed = 0 , " +
                                 "requestSubstitute_Description = " + Description + " " +
                                 "from TA_RequestSubstitute rSubstitute " +
                                 "INNER JOIN TA_Request request " +
                                 "ON  rSubstitute.requestSubstitute_RequestID = request.request_ID " +

                                 "where  rSubstitute.requestSubstitute_SubstituteID IN (:personIds) or " +
                                 "request.request_PersonID IN (:personIds) ";
                    .SetParameterList("personIds", personIds.ToArray())
                    TempRepository tempRep       = new TempRepository(false);
                    string         operationGUID = tempRep.InsertTempList(personIds);
                    SQLCommand = " update rSubstitute " +
                                 " set requestSubstitute_Confirmed = 0 , " +
                                 " requestSubstitute_Description = " + Description + " " +
                                 " from TA_RequestSubstitute rSubstitute " +
                                 " INNER JOIN TA_Request request " +
                                 " ON  rSubstitute.requestSubstitute_RequestID = request.request_ID " +
                                 " INNER JOIN TA_Temp temp " +
                                 " ON  rSubstitute.requestSubstitute_SubstituteID = temp.temp_ObjectID  OR  request.request_PersonID = temp.temp_ObjectID " +
                                 " where temp_OperationGUID =:operationGUID ";
                    .SetParameter("operationGUID", operationGUID)
            catch (Exception ex)
                LogException(ex, "BRequestSubstitute", "UpdateRequestSubstituteOfOrganicInfo");
                throw ex;
Beispiel #8
 public ViewResult AddRecipe(Recipe recipe)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
Beispiel #9
        private Repository SetupRepositoryWithRemote(string remoteName, string pushUrl)
            var workingDirectory = TempDir.Create();
            var repo             = TempRepository.Create(workingDirectory);

            foreach (var existingRemoteName in repo.Network.Remotes.Select(remote => remote.Name))

            repo.Network.Remotes.Add(remoteName, pushUrl);

        public void Empty_Repository()
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path   = temp.Directory.FullName;
                var target = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var model = target.CreateLocalRepositoryModel(path);

                Assert.That(model, Is.Not.Null);
                Assert.That(model.LocalPath, Is.EqualTo(path));
                Assert.That(model.Name, Is.EqualTo(temp.Directory.Name));
        public async Task Can_Handle_Renames(string oldPath, string oldContent, string newPath, string newContent, int expectLinesAdded)
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var commit1      = AddCommit(temp.Repository, oldPath, oldContent.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var commit2      = AddCommit(temp.Repository, newPath, newContent.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var contentBytes = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(newContent.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var target       = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var changes = await target.CompareWith(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, newPath, contentBytes);

                Assert.That(changes?.LinesAdded, Is.EqualTo(expectLinesAdded));
        public void ShouldExitIfWorkingCopyContainsNoProjects()
            var workingDirectory = TempDir.Create();

            using var tempRepository = TempRepository.Create(workingDirectory);

            var workingCopy = WorkingCopy.Discover(workingDirectory);

            Should.Throw <CommandLineExitException>(() => workingCopy.Versionize());

            _testPlatformAbstractions.Messages[0].ShouldBe($"Could not find any projects files in {workingDirectory} that have a <Version> defined in their csproj file.");

        [TestCase("1.2.a..b.3.4", "1.2.a..b.a..b.3.4", "+b.+a.+.")] // This would be "+a.+.+b." without Indent-heuristic
        public async Task Indent_Heuristic_Is_Enabled(string content1, string content2, string expectPatch)
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path    = "foo.txt";
                var commit1 = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, content1.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var commit2 = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, content2.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var target  = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var patch = await target.Compare(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, path);

                Assert.That(patch.Content.Replace('\n', '.'), Contains.Substring(expectPatch));
        public async Task One_File_Is_Modified(string content1, string content2)
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path    = "foo.txt";
                var commit1 = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, content1.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var commit2 = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, content2.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var target  = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var treeChanges = await target.Compare(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, false);

                Assert.That(treeChanges.Modified.FirstOrDefault()?.Path, Is.EqualTo(path));
        public async Task Simple_Diff(string content1, string content2, string expectPatch)
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path         = "foo.txt";
                var commit1      = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, content1.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var commit2      = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, content2.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var contentBytes = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(content2.Replace('.', '\n'));
                var target       = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var changes = await target.CompareWith(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, path, contentBytes);

                Assert.That(changes.Patch.Replace('\n', '.'), Contains.Substring(expectPatch));
        public void Path_Must_Not_Use_Windows_Directory_Separator()
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path       = @"dir\foo.txt";
                var oldContent = "oldContent";
                var newContent = "newContent";
                var commit1    = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, oldContent);
                var commit2    = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, newContent);
                var target     = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentException>(() =>
                                                       target.Compare(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, path));
        public void Check_HasRemotesButNoOrigin(string remoteName, string remoteUrl, bool noOrigin)
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                if (remoteName != null)
                    temp.Repository.Network.Remotes.Add(remoteName, remoteUrl);
                var path   = temp.Directory.FullName;
                var target = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var model = target.CreateLocalRepositoryModel(path);

                Assert.That(model.HasRemotesButNoOrigin, Is.EqualTo(noOrigin));
Beispiel #18
        public async Task <IActionResult> ManualRegister(AllInfo student)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                //Remove any spaces in the first
                student.newStudnet.Id         = student.newStudnet.Id.Trim();
                student.newStudnet.Name       = student.newStudnet.Name.Trim();
                student.newStudnet.Pass       = student.newStudnet.Pass.Trim();
                student.newStudnet.RepeatPass = student.newStudnet.RepeatPass.Trim();

                //check if the target user is used before or not
                var targetUser = _dbContext.InfoTable.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id.Equals(student.newStudnet.Id, StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
                var targetGPA  = _dbContext.InfoTable.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Id.Equals(student.newStudnet.Id, StringComparison.CurrentCulture));
                if (targetUser != null)
                    ViewBag.IdTarget = "This ID is already used";
                //hash password
                var hasher = new PasswordHasher <InfoTable>();
                targetUser = new InfoTable {
                    Id = student.newStudnet.Id, Name = student.newStudnet.Name, RoleId = 2
                targetUser.Pass = hasher.HashPassword(targetUser, student.newStudnet.Pass);

                //chech the GPA
                if (student.newStudnet.StudentGPA != double.NaN)
                    await GpaSet(student.newStudnet);
                await _dbContext.InfoTable.AddAsync(targetUser);

                await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

                ViewBag.templist = true;
                ViewBag.inserted = true;
                return(View(new AllInfo
                    Studentslist = TempRepository.Inserted
        /// <summary>
        /// تغییر مشخصات سازمانی پرسنل تحت مدیریت
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personList">لیست پرسنل</param>
        /// <param name="infoProxy">پروکسی مشخصات سازمانی</param>
        private void UpdateUnderManagement(IList <Person> personList, OrganicInfoProxy infoProxy)
                if (infoProxy.DepartmentID != 0)
                    IQuery         query         = null;
                    List <decimal> personIdList  = new List <decimal>();
                    string         operationGUID = string.Empty;
                    string         SQLCommand    = string.Empty;
                    operationGUID = string.Empty;
                    foreach (Person person in personList)
                    if (personList.Count < this.operationBatchSizeValue && this.operationBatchSizeValue < 2100)
                        SQLCommand = @"Update TA_UnderManagment SET underMng_DepartmentID =:DepartmentId  WHERE  underMng_PersonID in (:PersonList)";
                        query      = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession().CreateSQLQuery(SQLCommand);
                        query.SetParameter("DepartmentId", infoProxy.DepartmentID);
                        query.SetParameterList("PersonList", personIdList);
                        TempRepository temprepository = new TempRepository(false);
                        operationGUID = temprepository.InsertTempList(personIdList);
                        //                    SQLCommand = @"Update TA_UnderManagment SET underMng_DepartmentID =:DepartmentId  WHERE  underMng_PersonId in
                        //                    (select prs_Id from TA_Person Inner join TA_Temp on prs_Id = temp_ObjectID WHERE temp_OperationGUID =:operationGUID)";
                        SQLCommand = @"Update underMng SET underMng_DepartmentID =:DepartmentId from TA_UnderManagment underMng
                                   inner join TA_Person person on underMng.underMng_PersonId = person.prs_Id
                                   inner join TA_Temp temp on person.prs_Id = temp.temp_ObjectID and temp.temp_OperationGUID =:operationGUID";
                        query      = NHibernateSessionManager.Instance.GetSession().CreateSQLQuery(SQLCommand);
                        query.SetParameter("DepartmentId", infoProxy.DepartmentID);
                        query.SetParameter("operationGUID", operationGUID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                BaseBusiness <Entity> .LogException(ex, "BChangeOrganicInfo", "UpdateUnderManagement");

                throw ex;
        public async Task Path_Can_Use_Windows_Directory_Separator()
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path       = @"dir\foo.txt";
                var oldContent = "oldContent";
                var newContent = "newContent";
                var commit1    = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, oldContent);
                var commit2    = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, newContent);
                var target     = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var patch = await target.Compare(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, path);

                var gitPath = Paths.ToGitPath(path);
                Assert.That(patch.Count(c => c.Path == gitPath), Is.EqualTo(1));
        public void ShouldExitIfWorkingCopyIsDirty()
            var workingDirectory = TempDir.Create();

            using var tempRepository = TempRepository.Create(workingDirectory);


            var workingCopy = WorkingCopy.Discover(workingDirectory);

            Should.Throw <CommandLineExitException>(() => workingCopy.Versionize());

            _testPlatformAbstractions.Messages[0].ShouldBe($"Repository {workingDirectory} is dirty. Please commit your changes.");

        public void ShouldExitIfProjectsUseInconsistentNaming()
            var workingDirectory = TempDir.Create();

            using var tempRepository = TempRepository.Create(workingDirectory);

            TempCsProject.Create(Path.Join(workingDirectory, "project1"), "1.1.0");
            TempCsProject.Create(Path.Join(workingDirectory, "project2"), "2.0.0");


            var workingCopy = WorkingCopy.Discover(workingDirectory);

            Should.Throw <CommandLineExitException>(() => workingCopy.Versionize());
            _testPlatformAbstractions.Messages[0].ShouldBe($"Some projects in {workingDirectory} have an inconsistent <Version> defined in their csproj file. Please update all versions to be consistent or remove the <Version> elements from projects that should not be versioned");

        public async Task Path_Can_Use_Windows_Directory_Separator()
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var path         = @"dir\foo.txt";
                var oldContent   = "oldContent";
                var newContent   = "newContent";
                var commit1      = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, oldContent);
                var commit2      = AddCommit(temp.Repository, path, newContent);
                var contentBytes = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(newContent);
                var target       = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var contentChanges = await target.CompareWith(temp.Repository, commit1.Sha, commit2.Sha, path, contentBytes);

                Assert.That(contentChanges.LinesAdded, Is.EqualTo(1));
                Assert.That(contentChanges.LinesDeleted, Is.EqualTo(1));
Beispiel #24
        // GET: Payment
        public ActionResult Index(bool success, int order)
            string ff = "";

            foreach (string key in Request.Form.AllKeys)
                ff += Request.Form[key];

            using (TempRepository bb = new TempRepository())
                bb.AddUpdate(new DomainModel.TempStatus()
                    DataStr     = ff,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now

            var bodyStream = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream);

            bodyStream.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var bodyText = bodyStream.ReadToEnd();

            using (TempRepository bb = new TempRepository())
                bb.AddUpdate(new DomainModel.TempStatus()
                    DataStr     = bodyText,
                    CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
            ViewBag.IsSuccess = false;
            if (success)
                using (TripRepository tripRepo = new TripRepository())

                ViewBag.IsSuccess = true;
        public void ShouldIgnoreInsignificantCommits()
            var workingDirectory = TempDir.Create();

            using var tempRepository = TempRepository.Create(workingDirectory);


            var workingFilePath = Path.Join(workingDirectory, "hello.txt");

            // Create and commit a test file
            File.WriteAllText(workingFilePath, "First line of text");

            // Run versionize
            var workingCopy = WorkingCopy.Discover(workingDirectory);


            // Add insignificant change
            File.AppendAllText(workingFilePath, "This is another line of text");
            CommitAll(tempRepository, "chore: Added line of text");

            // Get last commit
            var lastCommit = tempRepository.Head.Tip;

            // Run versionize, ignoring insignificant commits
                workingCopy.Versionize(ignoreInsignificant: true);

                throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected to throw in Versionize call");
            catch (CommandLineExitException ex)


            // Cleanup
        public void Master_Branch()
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var signature = new Signature("Me", "*****@*****.**", DateTimeOffset.Now);
                temp.Repository.Commit("First", signature, signature);
                var expectSha = temp.Repository.Head.Tip.Sha;
                var path      = temp.Directory.FullName;
                var target    = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());

                var localRepository = target.CreateLocalRepositoryModel(path);
                var branch          = target.GetBranch(localRepository);

                Assert.That(branch.Name, Is.EqualTo("master"));
                Assert.That(branch.DisplayName, Is.EqualTo("master"));
                Assert.That(branch.Id, Is.EqualTo("/master")); // We don't know owner
                Assert.That(branch.IsTracking, Is.EqualTo(false));
                Assert.That(branch.TrackedSha, Is.EqualTo(null));
                Assert.That(branch.Sha, Is.EqualTo(expectSha));
        public void Branch_With_Remote()
            using (var temp = new TempRepository())
                var repository  = temp.Repository;
                var owner       = "owner";
                var remoteName  = "remoteName";
                var remote      = repository.Network.Remotes.Add(remoteName, $"{owner}/VisualStudio");
                var localBranch = repository.Head;
                                           b => b.Remote         = remote.Name,
                                           b => b.UpstreamBranch = localBranch.CanonicalName);
                var path            = temp.Directory.FullName;
                var target          = new GitService(new RepositoryFacade());
                var localRepository = target.CreateLocalRepositoryModel(path);

                var branch = target.GetBranch(localRepository);

                Assert.That(branch.TrackedRemoteName, Is.EqualTo(remoteName));
Beispiel #28
        public IHttpActionResult PeymentGet()
                // logger.Info("start 2 ");

                var bodyStream = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);
                bodyStream.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var bodyText = bodyStream.ReadToEnd();
                //   logger.Info("Body 2:" + bodyText);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bodyText))
                    using (TempRepository bb = new TempRepository())
                        bb.AddUpdate(new DomainModel.TempStatus()
                            DataStr     = "Get " + bodyText,
                            CreatedDate = DateTime.Now

                    WeAcceptTockenModelContainer returnObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeAcceptTockenModelContainer>(bodyText);

                    if (returnObj.obj != null)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnObj.obj.token))
                            using (SecurityUserRepository secRepo = new SecurityUserRepository())
                                secRepo.UpdatePaymentTocken(returnObj.obj.token, returnObj.obj.order_id);

                    WeAcceptRootObject returnMainObj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeAcceptRootObject>(bodyText);
                    if (returnMainObj.obj != null)
                        if (returnMainObj.obj.order != null)
                            logger.Info(" : " +;
                            logger.Info("obj.success : " + returnMainObj.obj.success);
                            logger.Info(" : " +;
                            using (SecurityUserRepository secRepo = new SecurityUserRepository())
                                if (returnMainObj.obj.success == true)

                    return(Ok("1 EGP has been successfully deducted from your card, please return to rabbit."));
                    return(Ok("1 EGP has been successfully deducted from your card, please return to rabbit."));
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error(ex.Message + " > " + ex.InnerException?.Message + " > " + ex.StackTrace);
                return(Ok("Pending payment, Please try again if not success"));
 public ActionResult _Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
     TempRepository modelRepo = new TempRepository();
     DataSourceResult result = modelRepo.ReadAll().ToDataSourceResult(request);
     return Json(result);