Beispiel #1
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,
                              IHostingEnvironment env,
                              ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
                              TempDB identitySeeder,
                              InitializeTestData personSeeder)
            if (env.IsDevelopment())


            app.UseMvc(routes =>
                    name: "default",
                    template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
        /*   public static Sheets GetAllWorksheets(string fileName)
         * {
         *     Sheets mySheets = null;
         *     // retrieving sheets
         *     using (SpreadsheetDocument document =
         *             SpreadsheetDocument.Open(fileName, false))
         *     {
         *         WorkbookPart wbPart = document.WorkbookPart;
         *         mySheets = wbPart.Workbook.Sheets;
         *     }
         *     return mySheets;
         * }
         * // If column name ends in spaces, it will have binding issues later on
         * // So, getting rid of any extra spaces before doing anything with the name
         * public System.String eliminateExtraSpaces(string text)
         * {
         *     char[] trimSpaces = { ' ' };
         *     // start at end of string and work backwards, dont care about any other spaces
         *     text = text.Trim(trimSpaces);
         *     return text;
         * }
         * public System.Data.DataTable createColumn(DataTable table, string text)
         * {
         *     DataColumn col = new DataColumn();
         *     col.ColumnName = text;
         *     table.Columns.Add(col);
         *     return table;
         * }
         * public System.Data.DataTable fillDataTable(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, WorkbookPart workbookPart)
         * {
         *     System.Data.DataTable myTable = new System.Data.DataTable();
         *     OpenXmlReader reader = OpenXmlReader.Create(worksheetPart);
         *     Boolean isHeader = true;
         *     LinkedList<string> headers = new LinkedList<string>();
         *     LinkedListNode<string> current = null;
         *     string first = null;
         *     int numCols = 0;
         *     // reads along rows, left to right
         *     while (reader.Read())
         *     {
         *         if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Row))
         *         {
         *             // create corresponding row in datatable
         *             DataRow myRow = myTable.NewRow();
         *             reader.ReadFirstChild();
         *             do
         *             {
         *                 if (reader.ElementType == typeof(Cell))
         *                 {
         *                     Cell c = (Cell)reader.LoadCurrentElement();
         *                     string cellValue;
         *                     if (c.DataType != null && c.DataType == CellValues.SharedString)
         *                     {
         *                         SharedStringItem ssi = workbookPart.SharedStringTablePart.SharedStringTable.Elements<SharedStringItem>().ElementAt(int.Parse(c.CellValue.InnerText));
         *                         cellValue = eliminateExtraSpaces(ssi.Text.Text);
         *                     }
         *                     else
         *                     {
         *                         if (c.CellValue == null)
         *                         {
         *                             // account for when cell is intentionally left blank
         *                             cellValue = "";
         *                         }
         *                         else
         *                         {
         *                             cellValue = eliminateExtraSpaces(c.CellValue.InnerText);
         *                         }
         *                     }
         *                     // set isHeader = true when it's on the first row with headers, else false
         *                     if (isHeader)
         *                     {
         *                         // add column headers to a linked list for reference later on
         *                         if (current == null)
         *                         {
         *                             headers.AddFirst(cellValue);
         *                             current = headers.Find(cellValue);
         *                             // keep track of name of first column
         *                             first = cellValue;
         *                             myTable = createColumn(myTable, cellValue);
         *                         }
         *                         else
         *                         {
         *                             // add this header to the linked list, after the node called 'current'
         *                             headers.AddAfter(current, cellValue);
         *                             // re-assign 'current' node to be this cell
         *                             current = headers.Find(cellValue);
         *                             myTable = createColumn(myTable, cellValue);
         *                         }
         *                         // each time you enter isHeader, you've encountered a new column,
         *                         // so incrementing numCols
         *                         numCols++;
         *                     }
         *                     else
         *                     {
         *                         myRow[current.Value] = cellValue;
         *                         // move current to next value in linked list for next loop
         *                         current = current.Next;
         *                     }
         *                     // parsing values correctly
         *                     // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0}: {1} ", c.CellReference, cellValue);
         *                 }
         *             } while (reader.ReadNextSibling());
         *             // add completed row to table
         *             if (!isHeader)
         *             {
         *                 myTable.Rows.Add(myRow);
         *             }
         *             // need to add headers to datatable before moving on
         *             isHeader = false;
         *             // reset current to first column header
         *             current = headers.Find(first);
         *         }
         *     }
         *     return myTable;
         * }
         * public async void openWorkbook(string filename)
         * {
         *     System.Data.DataTable td = new System.Data.DataTable();
         *     DataSet ds = new DataSet();
         *     using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDocument = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(filename, false))
         *     {
         *         // SAX approach for large data files
         *         WorkbookPart workbookPart = spreadsheetDocument.WorkbookPart;
         *         DataSet myData = new DataSet();
         *         // search through list of sheets
         *         var mySheets = GetAllWorksheets(filename);
         *         // going through list of sheets
         *         foreach (Sheet item in mySheets)
         *         {
         *             // get reference to worksheet part
         *             WorksheetPart worksheetPart = (WorksheetPart)(workbookPart.GetPartById(item.Id));
         *             System.Data.DataTable table = new System.Data.DataTable();
         *             table = await Task.Run(() => fillDataTable(worksheetPart, workbookPart));
         *             // add datatable to dataset
         *             myData.Tables.Add(table);
         *         }
         *         // easier for testing if we can manipulate the dataview separately
         *         // TODO: change back to one line of code
         *         DataView view = myData.Tables[0].DefaultView;
         *         // send to DataGrid
         *         mydatagrid.ItemsSource = view;
         *     }
         * }*/

        public DashboardPage()

            // Ask user to select a file to import
            string filename = (App.Current as App).FileImported;


            // Create SQLite Temp Database Connection and import file to DB
            SQLiteConnection sqlite_conn;

            sqlite_conn = TempDB.CreateConnection();
            TempDB.ImportData(sqlite_conn, filename);

            // Query Temp Database - Currently returns all columns for students who retook a course and failed
            string    cmd   = "SELECT DISTINCT * FROM TempTable WHERE Instat = 'R' AND Outstat = 'F'";
            DataTable table = TempDB.FetchData(sqlite_conn, cmd);

            DataView view = table.DefaultView;

            // send to DataGrid
            mydatagrid.ItemsSource = view;

            // Close SQLite Temp Database Connection
        public TempDB GetTempDB()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <TempDB>()
                          .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "VerveGroupTaskDb")
            var dbContext = new TempDB(options);

Beispiel #4
    public static void SetToDefault(string key)
        string convertConstName = Helper.ConvertConstName(key);

        if (typeof(TempDbConst).GetField(convertConstName) != null)
            TempDB.Set(key, System.Convert.ToString(typeof(TempDbConst).GetField(convertConstName).GetValue(null)));
        public GithubService(IHttpClientFactory clientFactory,
                             TempDB context) //Sets up a HttpClient with a retry and circuit break patterns attached. Also sets up DbContext
            var client = clientFactory.CreateClient("RetryAndBreak");

            client.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
            client.Timeout     = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Accept", "application/json");
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.TryParseAdd("request");  //Github APi blocks any calls that dont contain a UserAgent
            _client  = client;
            _context = context;
Beispiel #6
    public static string Get(string key)
        string convertConstName = Helper.ConvertConstName(key);

        if (typeof(TempDbConst).GetField(convertConstName) != null)
            string checkTlt   = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key + ".Tlt", "");
            string checkValue = PlayerPrefs.GetString(key + ".Value", "");
            if (checkTlt == Helper.Tlt(SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier, checkValue))
                string defaultString = System.Convert.ToString(typeof(TempDbConst).GetField(convertConstName).GetValue(null));
                TempDB.Set(key, defaultString);

 public UserController(IGithubService githubService,
                       TempDB context)
     _githubService = githubService;
     _context       = context;
Beispiel #8
 public HomeController(TempDB context)
     _context = context;