public TechCalculate(ObjectType objectType, TechCycle cycle, string objectCode, IList <PriceInfo> priceList) { this.ObjectType = objectType; this.Cycle = cycle; this.PriceList = priceList; this.ObjectCode = objectCode; }
public void AddPriceInfo(string categoryCode, PriceInfo info, TechCycle cycle) { using (var entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { switch (cycle) { case entity.data_category_day_latest.Add(new data_category_day_latest() { object_code = categoryCode, code = categoryCode + "_" +"yyyyMMdd"), date =, high = info.high, low = info.low, open =, price = info.price, yestclose = info.yestclose, volume = info.volume }); break; case TechCycle.week: entity.data_category_week_latest.Add(new data_category_week_latest() { object_code = categoryCode, code = categoryCode + "_" +"yyyyMMdd"), date =, high = info.high, low = info.low, open =, price = info.price, yestclose = info.yestclose, volume = info.volume }); break; case TechCycle.month: entity.data_category_month_latest.Add(new data_category_month_latest() { object_code = categoryCode, code = categoryCode + "_" +"yyyyMMdd"), date =, high = info.high, low = info.low, open =, price = info.price, yestclose = info.yestclose, volume = info.volume }); break; } entity.SaveChanges(); } }
public void Send(IMessageSender sender) { this.Log().Info("开始计算个股形态"); DateTime StartDate0 = stockService.GetLatestDate(ObjectType.Stock, "0601988"); DateTime StartDate1 = stockService.GetLatestDate(ObjectType.Stock, "0601318"); var StartDate = StartDate0.CompareTo(StartDate1) >= 0 ? StartDate0 : StartDate1; IList <stockcategory> cateList = cateService.FindAll(); TechCycle[] cycleList = new TechCycle[] {, TechCycle.week, TechCycle.month }; var log = this.Log(); foreach (var category in cateList) { if (StartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd") == DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")) { log.Info(string.Format("导入今天日线数据,分类:{1}:从日期{0}", StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),; var task1 = new PriceUpdate { StartDate = StartDate, CateCode = category.code }; sender.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task1)); //ImportTodayPrice(stockList); } else { IList <data.stock> stockList = stockService.GetStockByCategory(category.code); foreach (var stock in stockList) { var task1 = new PriceUpdate { StartDate = StartDate, StockCode = stock.code }; sender.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task1)); //log.Info(string.Format("导入日线开始,股票:{1}:从日期{0}", StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),; //ImportDay(stock, StartDate); //log.Info(string.Format("导入周线开始,股票:{1}:从日期{0}", StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),; //ImportWeek(stock, StartDate); //log.Info(string.Format("导入月线开始,股票:{1}:从日期{0}", StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),; //ImportMonth(stock, StartDate); //log.Info(string.Format("导入结束,股票:{1}:从日期{0}", StartDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),; } } } }
private IList <TaskMessage> ComputeStockState(Task.Interface.IMessageSender sender) { this.Log().Info("开始计算个股形态"); IList <stockcategory> cateList = cateService.FindAll(); IList <TaskMessage> msgList = new List <TaskMessage>(); TechCycle[] cycleList = new TechCycle[] {, TechCycle.week, TechCycle.month }; foreach (var category in cateList) { IList <stock> stockList = stockService.GetStockByCategory(category.code); foreach (var stock in stockList) { this.Log().Info("计算股票:" +; foreach (var cycle in cycleList) { var task1 = new IndexTask { type = ObjectType.Stock, code = stock.code, cycle = cycle }; sender.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task1)); Thread.Sleep(100); } } } //string[] list = new string[] { "0600265" }; //foreach (var code in list) //{ // foreach (var cycle in cycleList) // { // var task1 = new IndexTask // { // type = ObjectType.Stock, // code = code, // cycle = cycle // }; // sender.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task1)); // } //} return(msgList); }
public PriceInfo GetCurrentData(ObjectType objType, TechCycle cycle, string code) { string tableName = string.Format("data_{0}_day_latest", objType.ToString()); switch (cycle) { case if (objType == ObjectType.Stock) { tableName = "stock"; } else if (objType == ObjectType.Object) { tableName = "customobject"; } else if (objType == ObjectType.Category) { tableName = "stockcategory"; } string statisSql = string.Format("select code,open,price,yestclose,high,low,percent,updown,volume,turnover from {0} a where a.code = @p0", tableName); using (var entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { var racentPrice = entity.Database.SqlQuery <PriceInfo>(statisSql, code); //return getDataByRange(code, tableName, endDate, startDate); return(racentPrice.FirstOrDefault()); } //break; case TechCycle.week: DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(DayOfWeek.Sunday - DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek); DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(-7); return(getDataByRange(code, tableName, endDate, startDate)); //break; case TechCycle.month: DateTime nextMonthData = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1); DateTime endDate0 = new DateTime(nextMonthData.Year, nextMonthData.Month, 1); DateTime startDate0 = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1); return(getDataByRange(code, tableName, endDate0, startDate0)); //break; } return(null); }
protected IList <IndexDefinitionInfo> index_definition_infos(TechCycle cycle) { var list = indexService.FindAll(); this.Log().Info(list.Count + ""); IList <IndexDefinitionInfo> defineList = list.Select(define => new IndexDefinitionInfo { code = define.code, name =, fields = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IList <Field> >(define.fields), parameter = define.parameter, table_name = "Tech_Stock_" + define.table_name + "_" + cycle.ToString(), algorithm_script = define.algorithm_script }).ToList(); return(defineList); }
public IList <PriceInfo> GetPriceInfo(string categoryCode, TechCycle type, DateTime date) { string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT code ,date ,open ,low ,price ,updown ,yestclose ,volume ,high ,percent ,turnover FROM Data_Category_{0}_Latest where object_code='{1}' and date='{2}'", type, categoryCode, date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); using (var entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { return(entity.Database.SqlQuery <PriceInfo>(sql).ToList()); } }
public IList <PriceInfo> GetObjectData(string entityType, TechCycle cycle, string objCode) { //data_object_day_latest using (StockManDBEntities entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT code ,date ,open ,low ,price ,updown ,yestclose ,volume ,high ,percent ,turnover FROM Data_{0}_{1}_Latest where object_code='{2}' order by code", entityType, cycle, objCode); return(entity.Database.SqlQuery <PriceInfo>(sql).ToList()); } }
public string[][] GetIndexData(string entityType, string techName, TechCycle cycle, string dataId) { using (StockManDBEntities entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { var indexDefine = entity.indexdefinition.FirstOrDefault(p => == techName); if (indexDefine == null) { return(null); } var fields = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <IList <Field> >(indexDefine.fields); string tableName = "Tech_" + entityType + "_" + indexDefine.table_name + "_" + cycle; string sql = @"select * from " + tableName + " where f_code='" + dataId + "' order by date desc limit 500"; entity.Database.Connection.Open(); using (entity.Database.Connection) { System.Data.IDbCommand commond = entity.Database.Connection.CreateCommand(); commond.CommandText = sql; IDataReader reader = commond.ExecuteReader(); List <string[]> indexData = new List <string[]>(); while (reader.Read()) { var data = new List <string>(); data.Add(DateTime.Parse(reader["date"] + "").ToString("yyyyMMdd")); data.AddRange(fields.Select(filed => reader[] + "")); indexData.Add(data.ToArray()); } entity.Database.Connection.Close(); indexData.Reverse(); return(indexData.ToArray()); } } }
private void ComputeCategoryState(Task.Interface.IMessageSender sender) { IList <stockcategory> cateList = cateService.FindAll(); TechCycle[] cycleList = new TechCycle[] {, TechCycle.week, TechCycle.month }; this.Log().Info("开始计算行业形态"); foreach (var category in cateList) { this.Log().Info("计算行业:" +; foreach (var cycle in cycleList) { var task1 = new IndexTask { type = ObjectType.Category, code = category.code, cycle = cycle }; sender.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task1)); Thread.Sleep(100); } } }
private void ComputeMarketState(Task.Interface.IMessageSender sender) { var objList = objService.FindAll(); TechCycle[] cycleList = new TechCycle[] {, TechCycle.week, TechCycle.month }; this.Log().Info("开始计算大盘形态"); foreach (var obj in objList) { this.Log().Info("计算大盘:" +; foreach (var cycle in cycleList) { var task1 = new IndexTask { type = ObjectType.Object, code = obj.code, cycle = cycle }; sender.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(task1)); Thread.Sleep(100); } } }
private void Calculate(IndexDefinitionInfo define, TechCycle cycle) { IIndex indexGener = new Dma();// CodeHelper.GetIEvaluator(define.server_algorithm_code); IList <stockcategory> cateList = cateService.GetCategoryList("tencent"); int tatol = 0; foreach (var category in cateList) { IList <stock> stockList = stockService.GetStockByCategory(category.code); foreach (stock stock in stockList) { IList <PriceInfo> list = stockService.GetStockPriceDayInfo(stock); IList <IndexData> listIndexData = GetLastIndexData(stock, define); var result = indexGener.GetState(listIndexData); this.Log().Info( + "_" + result); using (StockManDBEntities entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { var cate = "1"; var code = cate + "_" + stock.code + "_" + define.code; var objectState = entity.objectstate.FirstOrDefault(p => p.code == code); if (objectState == null) { var temp = new objectstate() { code = code, category_code = cate, object_code = stock.code, index_code = define.code, date = DateTime.Now }; switch (cycle) { case = (int)result; break; case TechCycle.week: temp.week = (int)result; break; default: temp.month = (int)result; break; } entity.objectstate.Add(temp); } else { switch (cycle) { case objectState.last_day =; = (int)result; break; case TechCycle.week: objectState.last_week = objectState.week; objectState.week = (int)result; break; default: objectState.last_month = objectState.month; objectState.month = (int)result; break; } } entity.SaveChanges(); } if (++tatol > 3) { break; } } if (tatol > 3) { break; } } }
private void InitCategoryIndexByMonth(string categoryCode) { //获取某只股票的所有价格列表 TechCycle cycle =; //获取日线数据 var dayList = cateService.GetPriceInfo(categoryCode,; if (dayList.Count == 0) { return; } var weekList = new List <PriceInfo>(); DateTime startTime = dayList[0].date; PriceInfo lastWeekPrice = null; while (startTime < DateTime.Now) { DateTime nextDate = startTime.AddMonths(1); DateTime endTime = new DateTime(nextDate.Year, nextDate.Month, 1); var rangePrice = dayList.Where(p => >= startTime && < endTime).OrderBy(p =>; if (rangePrice.Count == 0) { startTime = endTime; continue; } var lastPrice = rangePrice[rangePrice.Count - 1]; decimal?open = rangePrice[0].price; decimal?close = lastPrice.price; decimal?high = rangePrice.Max(p => p.price); decimal?low = rangePrice.Min(p => p.price); decimal?volume = rangePrice.Sum(p => p.volume); decimal?turnover = rangePrice.Sum(p => p.turnover); decimal?percent = 0; decimal?updown = 0; decimal?yestclose = 0; if (lastWeekPrice != null) { yestclose = lastWeekPrice.price; updown = close - yestclose; if (yestclose != 0) { percent = updown / yestclose; } } var currentPrice = new PriceInfo { code = categoryCode, open = open, price = close, low = low, high = high, date =, percent = Math.Round(percent ?? 0, 2), turnover = turnover, updown = updown, volume = volume, yestclose = yestclose }; weekList.Add(currentPrice); lastWeekPrice = currentPrice; startTime = endTime; } try { cateService.AddPriceByMonth <data_category_month_latest>(weekList, false); this.Log().Info(string.Format("行业指数计算完成:周期:{0},类别:{1}", TechCycle.month, categoryCode)); } catch (Exception ex) { //(new System.Collections.Generic.Mscorlib_CollectionDebugView<System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationResult>(((System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)(ex)).EntityValidationErrors as System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationResult>)).Items[0].ValidationErrors this.Log().Error(ex.Message); } }
private void InitCategoryIndexByDay(string categoryCode) { //获取某只股票的所有价格列表 TechCycle cycle =; var stocks = stockService.GetPriceInfo("0600000", cycle); decimal yestclose = 0; decimal baseIndex = 100; decimal baseValue = 0; //计算每个周期的指数值 for (int i = 0; i < stocks.Count; i++) { var stock = stocks[i]; var priceList = stockService.GetStockPriceByDate(categoryCode, cycle,; if (priceList == null || priceList.Count == 0) { continue; } decimal total = 0, vol = 0, turnover = 0, index = 0; foreach (var priceInfo in priceList) { total += priceInfo.price ?? 1 * priceInfo.volume ?? 1; vol += priceInfo.volume ?? 1; turnover += priceInfo.turnover ?? 1; } if (baseValue == 0) { baseValue = total; index = 100; } else { index = (total / baseValue) * 100; } var info = new data.PriceInfo { code = categoryCode, date =, price = Math.Round(index, 2), high = 0, low = 0, yestclose = yestclose, volume = vol, turnover = turnover, open = Math.Round(index, 2), }; yestclose = index; try { //cateService.AddPriceInfo(categoryCode, info, cycle); //if (cycle == //{ cateService.AddPriceByDay <data_category_day_latest>(new List <PriceInfo>() { info }, true); //} //else if (cycle == TechCycle.week) //{ // cateService.AddPriceByWeek<data_category_week_latest>(new List<PriceInfo>() { info }, true); //} //else if (cycle == TechCycle.month) //{ // cateService.AddPriceByMonth<data_category_month_latest>(new List<PriceInfo>() { info }, true); //} this.Log().Info(string.Format("行业指数:周期:{0},日期:{1},类别:{2},数值:{3}", cycle,, categoryCode, info.price)); } catch (Exception ex) { //(new System.Collections.Generic.Mscorlib_CollectionDebugView<System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationResult>(((System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationException)(ex)).EntityValidationErrors as System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Data.Entity.Validation.DbEntityValidationResult>)).Items[0].ValidationErrors this.Log().Error(ex.Message); } } }
public string GetHistoryData(ObjectType objType, TechCycle cycle, string code) { //e[0],//日期 //e[1],//开盘 //e[2],//收盘 //e[3],//最高 //e[4],//最低 //e[5],//成交量 //e[6],//涨跌额 //e[7],//涨跌幅 using (var entity = new StockManDBEntities()) { string tableName = string.Format("data_{0}_{1}_latest", objType.ToString(), cycle); string where = string.Empty; switch (cycle) { case //where = string.Format("and date < (select max(date) from {0} where object_code='{1}')", tableName, code); break; case TechCycle.week: DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(DayOfWeek.Sunday - DateTime.Now.DayOfWeek); DateTime startDate = endDate.AddDays(-7); //return getDataByRange(code, tableName, endDate, startDate); where = string.Format(" and date < '{0}'", startDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); break; case TechCycle.month: DateTime startDate0 = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddDays(-1); where = string.Format(" and date <= '{0}'", startDate0.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); break; } string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT * FROM ( SELECT date ,open ,price ,high ,low ,volume ,updown ,percent ,yestclose ,turnover FROM {0} where object_code='{1}' {2} order by date desc limit 150) a order by ASC", tableName, code, where); entity.Database.Connection.Open(); using (entity.Database.Connection) { System.Data.IDbCommand commond = entity.Database.Connection.CreateCommand(); commond.CommandText = sql; IDataReader reader = commond.ExecuteReader(); string dataStr = ""; while (reader.Read()) { string fstr = string.Format("\"{0}\"", DateTime.Parse(reader["date"] + "").ToString("yyyyMMdd")); for (var i = 1; i < reader.FieldCount; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(reader[i] + "")) { fstr += "," + "0"; } else { fstr += "," + reader[i]; } } fstr = "[" + fstr + "]"; if (dataStr.Length == 0) { dataStr = fstr; } else { dataStr += "," + fstr; } } dataStr = "[" + dataStr + "]"; entity.Database.Connection.Close(); return(dataStr); } } }