public void FindValueRouteTest()
            TcpSubnetProtocol p1 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 1);
            TcpSubnetProtocol p2 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 2);
            ID      ourID        = ID.RandomID;
            Contact c1           = new Contact(p1, ourID);
            Node    n1           = new Node(c1, new VirtualStorage());
            Node    n2           = new Node(new Contact(p2, ID.RandomID), new VirtualStorage());

            server.RegisterProtocol(p1.Subnet, n1);
            server.RegisterProtocol(p2.Subnet, n2);

            ID     testID    = ID.RandomID;
            string testValue = "Test";

            p2.Store(c1, testID, testValue);

            Assert.IsTrue(n2.Storage.Contains(testID), "Expected remote peer to have value.");
            Assert.IsTrue(n2.Storage.Get(testID) == testValue, "Expected remote peer to contain stored value.");

            var ret = p2.FindValue(c1, testID);

            Assert.IsTrue(ret.contacts == null, "Expected to find value.");
            Assert.IsTrue(ret.val == testValue, "Value does not match expected value from peer.");
Beispiel #2
        protected void InitializeDhts()
            dhts = new List<Dht>();
            dhtPos = new List<Rectangle>();
            peerColor = new Dictionary<BigInteger, Color>();

            NUM_DHT.ForEach((n) =>

                IProtocol protocol = new TcpSubnetProtocol("", 2720, n);
                IProtocol protocol = new VirtualProtocol();

                Dht dht = new Dht(ID.RandomID, protocol, () => new VirtualStorage(), new Router());
                peerColor[dht.ID.Value] = Color.Green;

                server.RegisterProtocol(n, dht.Node);
                ((VirtualProtocol)protocol).Node = dht.Node;

                dhtPos.Add(new Rectangle(XOFFSET + rnd.Next(-JITTER, JITTER) + (n % ITEMS_PER_ROW) * XSPACING, YOFFSET + rnd.Next(-JITTER, JITTER) + (n / ITEMS_PER_ROW) * YSPACING, SIZE, SIZE));
Beispiel #3
        public void DhtSerializationTest()
            TcpSubnetProtocol p1     = new TcpSubnetProtocol("", 2720, 1);
            TcpSubnetProtocol p2     = new TcpSubnetProtocol("", 2720, 2);
            VirtualStorage    store1 = new VirtualStorage();
            VirtualStorage    store2 = new VirtualStorage();

            // Ensures that all nodes are closer, because ID.Max ^ n < ID.Max when n > 0.
            Dht dht = new Dht(ID.Max, p1, new Router(), store1, store1, new VirtualStorage());

            ID      contactID    = ID.Mid; // a closer contact.
            Contact otherContact = new Contact(p2, contactID);
            Node    otherNode    = new Node(otherContact, store2);

            // Add this other contact to our peer list.

            string json = dht.Save();

            Dht newDht = Dht.Load(json);

            Assert.IsTrue(newDht.Node.BucketList.Buckets.Sum(b => b.Contacts.Count) == 1, "Expected our node to have 1 contact.");
            Assert.IsTrue(newDht.Node.BucketList.ContactExists(otherContact), "Expected our contact to have the other contact.");
            Assert.IsTrue(newDht.Router.Node == newDht.Node, "Router node not initialized.");
Beispiel #4
        public void UnresponsiveNodeTest()
            TcpSubnetProtocol p1 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 1);
            TcpSubnetProtocol p2 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 2);

            p2.Responds = false;
            ID      ourID = ID.RandomID;
            Contact c1    = new Contact(p1, ourID);
            Node    n1    = new Node(c1, new VirtualStorage());
            Node    n2    = new Node(new Contact(p2, ID.RandomID), new VirtualStorage());

            server.RegisterProtocol(p1.Subnet, n1);
            server.RegisterProtocol(p2.Subnet, n2);

            ID     testID    = ID.RandomID;
            string testValue = "Test";

            RestCall.RequestTimeout = 1;
            RpcError error = p2.Store(c1, testID, testValue);


            Assert.IsTrue(error.TimeoutError, "Expected timeout.");
        public void PingRouteTest()
            TcpSubnetProtocol p1 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 1);
            TcpSubnetProtocol p2 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 2);
            ID      ourID        = ID.RandomID;
            Contact c1           = new Contact(p1, ourID);
            Node    n1           = new Node(c1, new VirtualStorage());
            Node    n2           = new Node(new Contact(p2, ID.RandomID), new VirtualStorage());

            server.RegisterProtocol(p1.Subnet, n1);
            server.RegisterProtocol(p2.Subnet, n2);

        public void StoreRouteTest()
            TcpSubnetProtocol p1 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 1);
            TcpSubnetProtocol p2 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 2);
            ID      ourID        = ID.RandomID;
            Contact c1           = new Contact(p1, ourID);
            Node    n1           = new Node(c1, new VirtualStorage());
            Node    n2           = new Node(new Contact(p2, ID.RandomID), new VirtualStorage());

            server.RegisterProtocol(p1.Subnet, n1);
            server.RegisterProtocol(p2.Subnet, n2);

            Contact sender    = new Contact(p1, ID.RandomID);
            ID      testID    = ID.RandomID;
            string  testValue = "Test";

            p2.Store(sender, testID, testValue);
            Assert.IsTrue(n2.Storage.Contains(testID), "Expected remote peer to have value.");
            Assert.IsTrue(n2.Storage.Get(testID) == testValue, "Expected remote peer to contain stored value.");
        public void FindNodesRouteTest()
            TcpSubnetProtocol p1 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 1);
            TcpSubnetProtocol p2 = new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 2);
            ID      ourID        = ID.RandomID;
            Contact c1           = new Contact(p1, ourID);
            Node    n1           = new Node(c1, new VirtualStorage());
            Node    n2           = new Node(new Contact(p2, ID.RandomID), new VirtualStorage());

            // Node 2 knows about another contact, that isn't us (because we're excluded.)
            ID otherPeer = ID.RandomID;

            n2.BucketList.Buckets[0].Contacts.Add(new Contact(new TcpSubnetProtocol(localIP, port, 3), otherPeer));

            server.RegisterProtocol(p1.Subnet, n1);
            server.RegisterProtocol(p2.Subnet, n2);

            ID             id  = ID.RandomID;
            List <Contact> ret = p2.FindNode(c1, id).contacts;

            Assert.IsTrue(ret.Count == 1, "Expected 1 contact.");
            Assert.IsTrue(ret[0].ID == otherPeer, "Expected contact to the other peer (not us).");