Beispiel #1
        private static async Task HandleForwarderAsync(TcpClientWrapper client, TcpClientWrapper forwarder, CancellationToken token)
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested && forwarder.IsConnected)
                var data = await forwarder.Read();

                if (data == null)

                // Write the raw bytes received from the forwarder to the client.

                // Important Note:
                // Attempting to use encoding to convert the data to a string will seemingly
                // result in some data being lost as the proxy no longer function.
Beispiel #2
        public async Task HandleClientAsync(TcpClientWrapper client, CancellationToken token)
            var forwarder = new TcpClientWrapper();

            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested && client.IsConnected)
                var data = await client.Read();

                if (data == null)

                // If the forwarder has a connection to a server
                // forward the data from to the server.
                if (forwarder.IsConnected)

                // If the forwarder is not connected, we are receiving headers.
                // TODO: Ensure that all the header data has been received by constantly reading until encountering "\r\n\r\n" - the header terminator.
                // TODO: This also means that the buffer size can be reduced etc.

                // Otherwise, parse the headers from the client.
                var headers = HttpHeader.Parse(data.ToString());

                // Extract the remote address.
                var hasHostField = headers.Fields.ContainsKey("Host");
                var hostArray    = hasHostField ? headers.Fields["Host"].Split(':')
                                             : ParseUri(headers.RequestLine.Uri);

                var host = hostArray[0];
                var port = Convert.ToInt32(hostArray.Length == 1 ? "80" : hostArray[1]);

                // Output the request received.
                Console.WriteLine($"Received {headers.RequestLine.Method} request for {host}:{port}.");

                // Try connect to the server.
                var connectionResponse = await forwarder.Connect(host, port);

                // If the forwarder fails to connect to the server.
                // Send a bad gateway response and break out of the loop.
                if (!connectionResponse.Success)
                    var exceptionMessage = connectionResponse.Message;

                    client.WriteHeaders("HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway", $"Content-Length: {exceptionMessage.Length}", "Connection: close");


                // If the method of the request is a connect request.
                // Send a connection established response to the client.
                if (headers.RequestLine.Method == "CONNECT")
                    client.WriteHeaders("HTTP/1.1 200 Connection Established");

                    // TODO: We may need to check if the port is 443 here. As it could be possible that the connection doesn't involve SSL.

                    if (_decryptHttpsTraffic)
                        await DecryptHttpsTrafficAsync(client, forwarder, host);
                // Otherwise, forward the data sent by the client to the server.

                // Start handling the forwarder.
                var task = HandleForwarderAsync(client, forwarder, token)
                           .ContinueWith(precursorTask => forwarder.Close(), token);