Beispiel #1
 public SkillFilterFacetDto(TaxonomyTerm taxonomyTerm, IReadOnlyList <SkillTaxonomyTerm> skillIds)
     Id              = taxonomyTerm.Id;
     Name            = taxonomyTerm.Name;
     MatchedSkillIds = skillIds.Select(s => s.SkillId).ToList();
     SkillFilterId   = taxonomyTerm.TaxonomyId;
Beispiel #2
 public SkillGroupDto(TaxonomyTerm taxonomyTerm, IReadOnlyList <TaxonomyTerm> taxonomyTerms, IReadOnlyList <SkillTaxonomyTerm> skillTaxonomyTerms, IReadOnlyList <Skill> skills)
     Id          = taxonomyTerm.Id;
     Name        = taxonomyTerm.Name;
     ChildGroups = taxonomyTerms.Where(t => t.ParentTaxonomyTermId == taxonomyTerm.Id).Select(t => new SkillGroupDto(t, taxonomyTerms, skillTaxonomyTerms, skills)).ToList();
     Skills      = skills.Join(
         skillTaxonomyTerms.Where(s => s.TaxonomyTermId == taxonomyTerm.Id),
         s => s.Id,
         t => t.SkillId,
         (s, t) => new SkillDto(s, skills)
       //  [RequireActivity("Content.AdminWrite")]
        public IActionResult Create(CreateTermModel model)
            // Rule: (Name, TypeId) must be a unique tuple.
            if (data.TaxonomyTerms.Any(x => x.TaxonomyId == model.TaxonomyId && x.Name == model.Name))
                return Conflict("Name and TypeId must be unique");

            // Rule: Type must exist.
            var taxonomy = data.Taxonomies.Find(model.TaxonomyId);

            if (taxonomy == null)
                return Conflict("Type must exist");

            // Rule: If ParentId is specified, it must exist.
            if (model.ParentId.HasValue)
                var parent = data.TaxonomyTerms.Find(model.ParentId);

                if (parent == null)
                    return Conflict("Invalid ParentId");

                // Rule: Parent must belong to the same type.
                if (parent.TaxonomyId != model.TaxonomyId)
                    return Conflict("Parent term is not a member of the same type");

            var term = new TaxonomyTerm
                Name = model.Name,
                ParentId = model.ParentId,
                TaxonomyId = model.TaxonomyId

            return Ok(term);
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <IReadOnlyList <string> > ImportSkillsAsync(int courseId, string description, Stream fileStream)
            var failureMessages = new List <string>();
            // Get the course and its skill sets and self assessment scales.
            var categoryRegExMatcher = new Regex(@"(.*?)(?<!\/)(?:\/(?!\/)|$)");
            IList <SelfAssessmentScale> selfAssessmentScales = new List <SelfAssessmentScale>();
            IList <Taxonomy>            taxonomies           = new List <Taxonomy>();
            IList <TaxonomyTerm>        taxonomyTerms        = new List <TaxonomyTerm>();

            using (var connection = _dbService.GetConnection()){
                await connection.OpenAsync();

                var course = await connection.QueryFirstAsync <Course>(@" 
                    SELECT *
                    FROM [dbo].[Course]
                    WHERE Id = @Id",
                                                                       new { Id = courseId });

                // Validate the course exists.
                if (course == null)
                    failureMessages.Add("The course does not exist.");

                // Do this in a transaction.
                using (var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()){
                    var csvReader = new CsvReader(new StreamReader(fileStream));
                    csvReader.Configuration.HasHeaderRecord = false;

                    // Flags to set what is currently being read in the file.
                    var processingSelfAssessmentScales = false;
                    var processingSkills = false;
                    var newSkills        = new List <ImportedSkill>();

                    // Get the latest SkillsSet for the course.
                    var latestSkillSetVersion = (await connection.QueryAsync <int?>(@"
                        SELECT MAX(Version) 
                        FROM [dbo].[SkillSet]
						INNER JOIN [dbo].[CourseSkillSet]
								ON [SkillSet].[Id] = [CourseSkillSet].[SkillSetId]
                        WHERE [CourseId] = @CourseId",
                                                                                    new {
                        CourseId = courseId
                    var skillSetVersion = latestSkillSetVersion.HasValue ? latestSkillSetVersion.Value + 1 : 1;

                    // Create the SkillsSet.
                    var skillSetId = (await connection.QueryAsync <int>(@"
                        INSERT INTO [dbo].[SkillSet]
                        VALUES (@Version
                                ,-1 --System User
                                ,-1 --System User
                        SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT)",
                                                                        new {
                        Version = skillSetVersion,
                        Name = $"{course.Title} Skills (v{skillSetVersion})",
                        Description = description,
                        When = DateTime.UtcNow

                    // Create the Course/SkillsSet relationship.
                    await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"
                        INSERT INTO [dbo].[CourseSkillSet]
                        VALUES (@CourseId
                                                  new {
                        CourseId   = courseId,
                        SkillSetId = skillSetId

                    // Read each line of the file.
                    while (csvReader.Read())
                        // Set Processing self assessment scales?
                        processingSkills = processingSkills || csvReader.IsSkillsListMarkerRow();
                        processingSelfAssessmentScales = !processingSkills && (processingSelfAssessmentScales || csvReader.IsSelfAssessmentScalesMarkerRow());

                        // Process Self Assessment scales.
                        if (processingSelfAssessmentScales)
                            if (csvReader.IsSelfAssessmentScalesMarkerRow() || csvReader.IsSelfAssessmentScalesHeaderRow())
                                continue;                                                                                            // Move to the next row if we are on the marker or header.
                            // Check we don't already have a scale with the same name.
                            var scaleName = csvReader.GetField <string>(0);

                            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(scaleName))
                                continue;                                      // Empty row.
                            if (selfAssessmentScales.Any(s => s.Name.Equals(scaleName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                                failureMessages.Add($"There is an existing Self Assessment scale with the name '{scaleName}', names must be unique.");
                                // Create the scale.
                                var selfAssessmentScaleId = (await connection.QueryAsync <int>(@"
                                    INSERT INTO [dbo].[SelfAssessmentScale]
                                    VALUES (@Name);
                                    SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT)",
                                                                                               new { Name = scaleName },
                                selfAssessmentScales.Add(new SelfAssessmentScale {
                                    Id = selfAssessmentScaleId, Name = scaleName

                                // Calculate the equal score for each level.
                                var levels = csvReader.CurrentRecord.Skip(1).ToList();
                                // Trim off any empty levels at the end.
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(levels.Last()))
                                    var lastLevelIndex = levels.FindLastIndex(l => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(l));
                                    levels.RemoveRange(lastLevelIndex + 1, levels.Count - lastLevelIndex - 1);
                                var score = 100 / (levels.Count - 1); // We discount a level, as the first is set to 0.
                                // Do we need to spread any remainder?
                                var scoreRemainder = 100 - (score * (levels.Count - 1));

                                // Add the levels.
                                await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"
                                    INSERT INTO [dbo].[SelfAssessmentLevel]
                                        ([Name], [Score], [SelfAssessmentScaleId])
                                    VALUES (@Name, @Score, @SelfAssessmentScaleId);",
                                                              levels.Select((level, index) =>
                                                                            new {
                                    Name  = level,
                                    Score = (score * (index)) + (scoreRemainder > 0 ? (index < scoreRemainder ? index : scoreRemainder) : 0),             // Add to the score if needed to balance the total.
                                    SelfAssessmentScaleId = selfAssessmentScaleId

                        // Process Skills.
                        if (processingSkills)
                            if (csvReader.IsSkillsListMarkerRow() || csvReader.IsSkillsHeaderRow())
                                continue;                                                                    // Move to the next row if we are on the marker or header.
                            var skill = new ImportedSkill {
                                Name                = csvReader.GetField <string>(0),
                                ParentSkill         = csvReader.GetField <string>(1),
                                CanSelfAssess       = csvReader.GetField <string>(2),
                                SelfAssessmentScale = csvReader.GetField <string>(3),
                                CanSelfCount        = csvReader.GetField <string>(4),
                                Categories          = csvReader.CurrentRecord.Skip(5).Where(r => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(r)).ToList()
                            // Need to find the parent?
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skill.ParentSkill))
                                var parentSkill = newSkills.FirstOrDefault(s => ((string)s.Name).Equals(skill.ParentSkill, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                if (parentSkill == null)
                                    // Parent skill does not exist.
                                    failureMessages.Add($"The parent skill '{skill.ParentSkill}' does not exist in the file, make sure it appears before its children and is spelt the same.");
                                skill.ParentSkillId = parentSkill.Id;
                            // Need to set the self assessment scale?
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skill.SelfAssessmentScale))
                                var selfAssessmentScale = selfAssessmentScales.FirstOrDefault(s => ((string)s.Name).Equals(skill.SelfAssessmentScale, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                if (selfAssessmentScale == null)
                                    // Self assessment scale skill does not exist.
                                    failureMessages.Add($"The Self Assessment Scale '{skill.SelfAssessmentScale}' does not exist.");
                                skill.SelfAssessmentScaleId = selfAssessmentScale.Id;

                            // Create the skill.
                            skill.Id = (await connection.QueryAsync <int>(@"
                                INSERT INTO [dbo].[Skill]
                                VALUES (@Name
                                        ,-1 --System User
                                        ,-1 --System User
                                SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT)",
                                                                          new {
                                Name = skill.Name,
                                CanSelfAssess = skill.CanSelfAssess.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? 1 : 0,
                                ParentSkillId = skill.ParentSkillId,
                                SkillSetId = skillSetId,
                                CanSelfCount = skill.CanSelfCount.Equals("yes", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? 1 : 0,
                                SelfAssessmentScaleId = skill.SelfAssessmentScaleId,
                                When = DateTime.UtcNow

                            // Process the taxonomy terms.
                            foreach (var category in skill.Categories)
                                // Each skill entry can have multiple categories attached to it.
                                // Each category is in the form [TaxonomyName]/[TaxonomyTerm]/[TaxonomyTerm]
                                // So terms can be nested, i.e. a hierarchy
                                var skillCategories = categoryRegExMatcher.Split(category).Where(c => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(c)).ToList();
                                // Check the taxonomy exists, otherwise create it.
                                var taxonomy = taxonomies.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.Equals(skillCategories[0], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                                if (taxonomy == null)
                                    // Create the taxonomy.
                                    taxonomy = new Taxonomy {
                                        Name = skillCategories[0]
                                    taxonomy.Id = (await connection.QueryAsync <int>(@"
                                        INSERT INTO [dbo].[Taxonomy]
                                        VALUES (@Name
                                                ,-1 --System User
                                                ,-1 --System User
                                        SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT)",
                                                                                     new {
                                        Name = taxonomy.Name,
                                        SkillSetId = skillSetId,
                                        When = DateTime.UtcNow
                                    // Add the new taxonomy into the list.
                                // Check each of the terms exist and then associate them with the skill.
                                TaxonomyTerm parentTaxonomyTerm = null;
                                int          index = 1;
                                foreach (var skillTaxonomyTerm in skillCategories.Skip(1))
                                    var skillName    = skillTaxonomyTerm.Replace("//", "/"); // Replace any escaped values.
                                    var taxonomyTerm = taxonomyTerms.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Name.Equals(skillName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && t.TaxonomyId == taxonomy.Id && (parentTaxonomyTerm == null || t.ParentTaxonomyTermId == parentTaxonomyTerm.Id));
                                    if (taxonomyTerm == null)
                                        // Create the taxonomy term.
                                        taxonomyTerm = new TaxonomyTerm {
                                            Name                 = skillName,
                                            TaxonomyId           = taxonomy.Id,
                                            ParentTaxonomyTermId = parentTaxonomyTerm == null ? null : (int?)parentTaxonomyTerm.Id
                                        taxonomyTerm.Id = (await connection.QueryAsync <int>(@"
                                            INSERT INTO [dbo].[TaxonomyTerm]
                                            VALUES (@Name
                                                    ,-1 --System User
                                                    ,-1 --System User
                                            SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT)",
                                                                                             new {
                                            Name = taxonomyTerm.Name,
                                            TaxonomyId = taxonomyTerm.TaxonomyId,
                                            ParentTaxonomyTermId = taxonomyTerm.ParentTaxonomyTermId,
                                            When = DateTime.UtcNow
                                        // Add the new taxonomy term into the list.
                                    parentTaxonomyTerm = taxonomyTerm;
                                    // If we at the end then associate this term with the skill.
                                    if (index == skillCategories.Count)
                                        await connection.ExecuteAsync(@"
                                            IF (SELECT COUNT(*) 
                                                FROM [dbo].[SkillTaxonomyTerm] 
                                                WHERE SkillId = @SkillId
                                                    AND TaxonomyTermId = @TaxonomyTermId) = 0
                                                INSERT INTO [dbo].[SkillTaxonomyTerm]
                                                VALUES (@SkillId
                                                        ,-1 --System User
                                                                      new { SkillId        = skill.Id,
                                                                            TaxonomyTermId = taxonomyTerm.Id,
                                                                            When           = DateTime.UtcNow },

                    // Any failure messages?
                    if (failureMessages.Any())