Beispiel #1
        public void createTaxLine()
            conekta.Api.version = "2.0.0";

            Order order = new conekta.Order().create(@"{
                  ""customer_info"": {
                  ""name"": ""Jul Ceballos"",
                  ""phone"": ""+5215555555555"",
                  ""email"": ""*****@*****.**""
                  ""line_items"": [{
                  ""name"": ""Box of Cohiba S1s"",
                  ""unit_price"": 35000,
                  ""quantity"": 1

            Assert.AreEqual(, "System.String");

            order = new Order().find(;

            TaxLine tax_line = order.createTaxLine(@"{
                ""description"": ""IVA"",
                ""amount"": 600,
                ""metadata"": {
                ""random_key"": ""random_value""

            Assert.AreEqual(tax_line.description, "IVA");
            Assert.AreEqual(tax_line.amount, 600);
Beispiel #2
        public Invoice CreateBasedInOrder(Order order)
            var invoice      = new Invoice(order);
            var invoiceLines = new List <InvoiceLine>();
            var taxLine      = new TaxLine();

            foreach (var line in order.OrderLines)
                var currentTaxLine = taxLine.GetDefaultTaxes(line.TotalPrice);
                var invoiceLine    = new InvoiceLine(orderLine: line, taxLine: currentTaxLine);


            foreach (var line in invoiceLines)

            if (!invoice.Valid)




        public static TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvalContext(this ShoppingCart cart, Store store)
            var result = new TaxEvaluationContext(cart.StoreId)
                Id       = cart.Id,
                Code     = cart.Name,
                Currency = cart.Currency,
                Type     = "Cart",
                Customer = cart.Customer,
                StoreTaxCalculationEnabled = store.TaxCalculationEnabled,
                FixedTaxRate = store.FixedTaxRate

            foreach (var lineItem in cart.Items)
                result.Lines.Add(new TaxLine(lineItem.Currency)
                    Id      = lineItem.Id,
                    Code    = lineItem.Sku,
                    Name    = lineItem.Name,
                    TaxType = lineItem.TaxType,
                    //Special case when product have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                    Amount = lineItem.ExtendedPrice.Amount > 0 ? lineItem.ExtendedPrice : lineItem.SalePrice

            foreach (var shipment in cart.Shipments)
                var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(shipment.Currency)
                    Id      = shipment.Id,
                    Code    = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode,
                    Name    = shipment.ShipmentMethodOption,
                    TaxType = shipment.TaxType,
                    //Special case when shipment have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                    Amount = shipment.Total.Amount > 0 ? shipment.Total : shipment.Price

                if (shipment.DeliveryAddress != null)
                    result.Address = shipment.DeliveryAddress;

            foreach (var payment in cart.Payments)
                var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(payment.Currency)
                    Id      = payment.Id,
                    Code    = payment.PaymentGatewayCode,
                    Name    = payment.PaymentGatewayCode,
                    TaxType = payment.TaxType,
                    //Special case when shipment have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                    Amount = payment.Total.Amount > 0 ? payment.Total : payment.Price
Beispiel #4
        protected virtual TaxSubTotal GetTaxSubTotal(TaxLine taxLine, TaxJurisdiction taxJurisdiction, string currencyCode)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(taxLine, "taxLine");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(taxJurisdiction, "taxJurisdiction");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(currencyCode, "currencyCode");

            var total = OrderFactory.CreateTaxSubTotal();

            total.TaxableAmount = OrderFactory.CreateAmount(taxLine.TaxedAmount, currencyCode);
            total.TaxAmount     = OrderFactory.CreateAmount(taxJurisdiction.Tax, currencyCode);
            total.TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount = OrderFactory.CreateAmount(taxJurisdiction.Tax, currencyCode);

            var category = OrderFactory.CreateTaxCategory();

            category.ID              = taxLine.ProductCode; // This will be either the actual product code for product tax, "SHIPPING" for shipping tax, or "HANDLING" for handling tax
            category.Name            = taxLine.Type;        // This will be populated for VAT, blank for North America tax
            category.Percent         = taxJurisdiction.Rate * 100;
            category.BaseUnitMeasure = OrderFactory.CreateMeasure();
            category.PerUnitAmount   = OrderFactory.CreateAmount(0M, currencyCode);

            var scheme = OrderFactory.CreateTaxScheme();

            scheme.CurrencyCode = currencyCode;
            scheme.ID           = taxJurisdiction.Name;
            scheme.Name         = taxJurisdiction.Name;
            scheme.TaxTypeCode  = taxJurisdiction.Type;

            category.TaxScheme = scheme;
            total.TaxCategory  = category;

Beispiel #5
            private static void AddToTaxItems(SalesTransaction transaction, IEnumerable <TaxLine> taxLines)
                // Looping through each of the tax lines currently set to the ietm
                foreach (TaxLine saleLineTaxItem in taxLines)
                    // For every taxLine it is checked whether it has been added before to the transaction
                    // If found, add the amount to the existing tax item.
                    // If not a new taxItem is added to the transaction
                    bool found = false;

                    // Creating a new Tax item in case it needs to be added.
                    TaxLine taxItem = new TaxLine(saleLineTaxItem);

                    // Looping to see if tax group already exists
                    foreach (TaxLine transTaxItem in transaction.TaxLines)
                        if ((transTaxItem.TaxCode != null) && (transTaxItem.TaxCode == saleLineTaxItem.TaxCode))
                            transTaxItem.Amount   += saleLineTaxItem.Amount;
                            transTaxItem.TaxBasis += saleLineTaxItem.TaxBasis;
                            found = true;

                    if (!found)
Beispiel #6
        public static TaxLine ToShopifyModel(this Storefront.Model.TaxDetail storefrontModel)
            var shopifyModel = new TaxLine();

            shopifyModel.Price = storefrontModel.Amount.Amount * 100;
            shopifyModel.Title = storefrontModel.Name;

Beispiel #7
        public static TaxLine ToViewModel(this DataContracts.TaxDetail taxDetail)
            var taxLineModel = new TaxLine();

            taxLineModel.Price = taxDetail.Amount;
            taxLineModel.Rate  = taxDetail.Rate;
            taxLineModel.Title = taxDetail.Name;

Beispiel #8
        public static DataContracts.TaxDetail ToServiceModel(this TaxLine taxLineModel)
            var taxDetail = new DataContracts.TaxDetail();

            taxDetail.Amount = taxLineModel.Price;
            taxDetail.Name   = taxLineModel.Title;
            taxDetail.Rate   = taxLineModel.Rate;

 public virtual LineItemModel FromTaxLine(TaxLine taxLine)
     number      = taxLine.Id;
     itemCode    = taxLine.Code;
     description = taxLine.Name;
     taxCode     = taxLine.TaxType;
     amount      = taxLine.Amount;
     quantity    = taxLine.Quantity;
        public virtual TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvalContext(ShoppingCart cart)
            var result = new TaxEvaluationContext(cart.StoreId);

            result.Id       = cart.Id;
            result.Code     = cart.Name;
            result.Currency = cart.Currency;
            result.Type     = "Cart";
            result.Customer = cart.Customer;

            foreach (var lineItem in cart.Items)
                result.Lines.Add(new TaxLine(lineItem.Currency)
                    Id      = lineItem.Id,
                    Code    = lineItem.Sku,
                    Name    = lineItem.Name,
                    TaxType = lineItem.TaxType,
                    Amount  = lineItem.ExtendedPrice

            foreach (var shipment in cart.Shipments)
                var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(shipment.Currency)
                    Id      = shipment.Id,
                    Code    = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode,
                    Name    = shipment.ShipmentMethodOption,
                    TaxType = shipment.TaxType,
                    Amount  = shipment.Total

                if (shipment.DeliveryAddress != null)
                    result.Address = shipment.DeliveryAddress;

            foreach (var payment in cart.Payments)
                var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine(payment.Currency)
                    Id      = payment.Id,
                    Code    = payment.PaymentGatewayCode,
                    Name    = payment.PaymentGatewayCode,
                    TaxType = payment.TaxType,
                    Amount  = payment.Total
 private void gridTaxLines_CurrentCellChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (_currentRow != gridTaxLines.CurrentRowIndex)
         _currentRow = gridTaxLines.CurrentRowIndex;
         if (_currentRow >= 0 && _getTaxResult.TaxLines.Count > 0)
             TaxLine taxLine = _getTaxResult.TaxLines[_currentRow];
Beispiel #12
 public static coreDto.TaxLine ToTaxLineDto(this TaxLine taxLine)
     return(new coreDto.TaxLine
         Id = taxLine.Id,
         Code = taxLine.Code,
         Name = taxLine.Name,
         Quantity = taxLine.Quantity,
         TaxType = taxLine.TaxType,
         Amount = (double)taxLine.Amount.Amount,
         Price = (double)taxLine.Price.Amount
Beispiel #13
        public void updateTaxLine()
            conekta.Api.apiKey  = "key_eYvWV7gSDkNYXsmr";
            conekta.Api.version = "2.0.0";

            Order order = new conekta.Order().create(@"{
				""customer_info"": {
					""name"": ""Jul Ceballos"",
					""phone"": ""+5215555555555"",
					""email"": ""*****@*****.**""
	            ""line_items"": [{
				   ""name"": ""Box of Cohiba S1s"",
				   ""unit_price"": 35000,
				   ""quantity"": 1,
				   ""metadata"": {
				      ""random_key"": ""random value""
	        }"    );

            Assert.AreEqual(, "System.String");

            order = new Order().find(;

            TaxLine tax_line = order.createTaxLine(@"{
			   ""description"": ""IVA"",
			   ""amount"": 600,
			   ""contextual_data"": {
			     ""random_key"": ""random_value""
			}"            );

            order = new Order().find(;

            //tax_line ="{
            //   ""description"": ""IVA"",
            //   ""amount"": 1000,
            //   ""contextual_data"": {
            //      ""random_key"": ""random_value""
            //   }


            //Assert.AreEqual(tax_line.description, "IVA");
            //Assert.AreEqual(tax_line.amount, 1000);
Beispiel #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculates tax for this code for the line item.
            /// Updates the line item by adding a new Tax Item.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="codes">The collection of tax codes.</param>
            /// <param name="taxCodeAmountRounder">The current, accrued totals for this tax code.</param>
            /// <returns>
            /// The calculated amount of tax.
            /// </returns>
            public virtual decimal CalculateTaxAmount(ReadOnlyCollection <TaxCode> codes, TaxCodeAmountRounder taxCodeAmountRounder)
                decimal taxAmount = decimal.Zero;

                this.TaxableEntity.ItemTaxGroupId = this.TaxGroup;
                var taxAmountNonRounded = this.TaxIncludedInPrice ? this.CalculateTaxIncluded(codes) : this.CalculateTaxExcluded(codes);

                string groupRoundingKey = string.Empty;

                if (this.TaxGroupRounding)
                    // tax codes already sorted for this taxable item.
                    foreach (var code in codes)
                        groupRoundingKey += code.Code + "@:$";
                else if (this.TaxLimitBase == TaxLimitBase.InvoiceWithoutVat)
                    // total tax required for whole invoice by this tax code only.
                    groupRoundingKey = this.Code;

                // rounding required when tax is not zero (not exempted).
                if (taxAmountNonRounded != decimal.Zero)
                    // Round per tax code or adjust tax code amount.
                    taxAmount = taxCodeAmountRounder.Round(this.TaxContext, this, groupRoundingKey, taxAmountNonRounded);

                // record amounts on line item
                TaxLine taxLine = new TaxLine
                    Amount            = taxAmount,
                    Percentage        = this.Value,
                    TaxCode           = this.Code,
                    TaxGroup          = this.TaxGroup,
                    IsExempt          = this.Exempt,
                    IsIncludedInPrice = this.TaxIncludedInPrice,
                    TaxBasis          = this.TaxBasis


Beispiel #15
 public TaxEvaluationContext ToTaxEvalContext(TaxEvaluationContext target)
     target.Id       = Id;
     target.Code     = Number;
     target.Currency = Currency;
     target.Address  = Addresses?.FirstOrDefault()?.ToTaxModel(AbstractTypeFactory <TaxModule.Core.Model.Address> .TryCreateInstance());
     target.Type     = GetType().Name;
     foreach (var quoteItem in Items)
         var line = new TaxLine
             Id      = quoteItem.Id,
             Code    = quoteItem.Sku,
             Name    = quoteItem.Name,
             TaxType = quoteItem.TaxType,
             Amount  = quoteItem.SelectedTierPrice.Price * quoteItem.SelectedTierPrice.Quantity
        public void LoadTaxDetailData(TaxLine taxLine)
            DataRow row;

            foreach (TaxDetail taxDetail in taxLine.TaxDetails)
                row = _dataDetails.NewRow();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.JurisType.ToString()]  = taxDetail.JurisType.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.JurisCode.ToString()]  = taxDetail.JurisCode;
                row[TaxDetailColumns.Taxable.ToString()]    = taxDetail.Taxable.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.NonTaxable.ToString()] = taxDetail.NonTaxable.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.Exemption.ToString()]  = taxDetail.Exemption.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.Rate.ToString()]       = taxDetail.Rate.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.Tax.ToString()]        = taxDetail.Tax.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.TaxType.ToString()]    = taxDetail.TaxType.ToString();
                row[TaxDetailColumns.TaxName.ToString()]    = taxDetail.TaxName.ToString();
Beispiel #17
            /// <summary>
            /// Calculate the tax bases calculationBase and limitBase (which is zero for India).
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="codes">The tax codes.</param>
            /// <param name="taxInStoreCurrency">If set to <c>true</c> [tax in store currency].</param>
            /// <param name="calculateBasePrice">If set to <c>true</c> [Calculate the base price].</param>
            /// <returns>The calculation base as Item1 and The limit base as Item2 in Tuple.</returns>
            protected override Tuple <decimal, decimal> GetBases(ReadOnlyCollection <TaxCode> codes, bool taxInStoreCurrency, bool calculateBasePrice)
                const decimal LimitBase = decimal.Zero;
                decimal       calculationBase;

                // For amount by unit calculation base is just the quantity.
                if (this.TaxBase == TaxBase.AmountByUnit)
                    calculationBase = this.TaxableEntity.Quantity;

                    // If the tax is calculated in a different UOM, then convert if possible
                    // this is only applicable for lineItem taxes.
                    SalesLine salesLine = this.TaxableEntity as SalesLine;

                    if (salesLine != null && !string.Equals(this.Unit, this.TaxableEntity.SalesOrderUnitOfMeasure, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        ItemUnitConversion conversion = new ItemUnitConversion
                            FromUnitOfMeasure = this.TaxableEntity.SalesOrderUnitOfMeasure,
                            ToUnitOfMeasure   = this.Unit,
                            ItemId            = this.TaxableEntity.ItemId

                        var conversions = new List <ItemUnitConversion>();

                        var getUomConvertionDataRequest   = new GetUnitOfMeasureConversionDataRequest(conversions, QueryResultSettings.SingleRecord);
                        UnitOfMeasureConversion converter = this.RequestContext.Runtime
                                                            .Execute <GetUnitOfMeasureConversionDataResponse>(getUomConvertionDataRequest, this.RequestContext).UnitConversions.SingleOrDefault();

                        calculationBase *= converter.GetFactorForQuantity(this.TaxableEntity.Quantity);

                    return(new Tuple <decimal, decimal>(calculationBase, LimitBase));

                // Determine the starting calculation base (includes the line price or not)
                switch (this.Formula.TaxableBasis)
                case TaxableBasisIndia.LineAmount:
                    calculationBase = this.TaxableEntity.NetAmountWithAllInclusiveTaxPerUnit;

                case TaxableBasisIndia.MaxRetailPrice:
                    calculationBase = this.GetItemMaxRetailPrice();

                    calculationBase = decimal.Zero;

                if (this.TaxIncludedInPrice)
                    calculationBase = GetBasePriceForTaxIncluded(calculationBase, codes, this.Formula, this.RequestContext);

                calculationBase *= Math.Abs(this.TaxableEntity.Quantity);

                // Calculation expression is of the form: +[BCD]+[CVD]+[E-CESS_CVD]+[PE-C_CVD]+[SHE-C_CVD]
                // where the brackets are replaced with the delimiter char(164)
                // and BCD, CVD ... are tax codes.
                // The operator may be + - / *.
                string[] tokens = this.Formula.ParseExpression();

                for (int index = 1; index < tokens.Length; index += 2)
                    TaxLine taxLine = (from line in this.TaxableEntity.TaxLines
                                       where line.TaxCode == tokens[index]
                                       select line).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (taxLine != null)
                        this.IsTaxOnTax = true;
                        if (!this.taxCodesInFormula.Contains(taxLine.TaxCode))

                    decimal amount      = taxLine == null ? decimal.Zero : taxLine.Amount * Math.Sign(this.TaxableEntity.Quantity);
                    int     tokenNumber = index - 1;

                    switch (tokens[tokenNumber])
                    case "+":
                        calculationBase += amount;

                    case "-":
                        calculationBase -= amount;

                    case "*":
                        calculationBase *= amount;

                    case "/":
                        calculationBase = amount == decimal.Zero ? calculationBase : calculationBase /= amount;


                // Knock any abatement off of the taxable basis
                calculationBase *= (100 - this.AbatementPercent) / 100;
                return(new Tuple <decimal, decimal>(calculationBase, LimitBase));
Beispiel #18
        public CartMappingProfile()
            CreateMap <CartModule.Core.Model.Address, TaxModule.Core.Model.Address>();
            CreateMap <GiftReward, GiftItem>();
            CreateMap <GiftItem, LineItem>();

            CreateMap <CartProduct, LineItem>().ConvertUsing((cartProduct, lineItem, context) =>
                if (lineItem == null)
                    lineItem = AbstractTypeFactory <LineItem> .TryCreateInstance();
                //PT-5453: Add mapping to CartMappingProfile
                //lineItem.IsReadOnly = newCartItem.CartProduct.Product.IsReadOnly;
                //lineItem.ShipmentMethodCode = newCartItem.CartProduct.Price.ShipmentMethodCode;
                //lineItem.ThumbnailImageUrl = newCartItem.CartProduct.Product.ThumbnailImageUrl;
                //lineItem.VolumetricWeight = newCartItem.CartProduct.Product.VolumetricWeight;

                lineItem.CatalogId  = cartProduct.Product.CatalogId;
                lineItem.CategoryId = cartProduct.Product.CategoryId;
                if (cartProduct.Price != null)
                    lineItem.Currency       = cartProduct.Price.Currency.Code;
                    lineItem.DiscountAmount = cartProduct.Price.DiscountAmount.InternalAmount;
                    lineItem.PriceId        = cartProduct.Price.PricelistId;
                    lineItem.SalePrice      = cartProduct.Price.SalePrice.InternalAmount;
                    lineItem.TaxDetails     = cartProduct.Price.TaxDetails;
                    lineItem.TaxPercentRate = cartProduct.Price.TaxPercentRate;
                    lineItem.Discounts      = cartProduct.Price.Discounts;

                lineItem.Height      = cartProduct.Product.Height;
                lineItem.ImageUrl    = cartProduct.Product.ImgSrc;
                lineItem.Length      = cartProduct.Product.Length;
                lineItem.ListPrice   = cartProduct.Price.ListPrice.InternalAmount;
                lineItem.MeasureUnit = cartProduct.Product.MeasureUnit;
                lineItem.Name        = cartProduct.Product.Name;
                lineItem.ProductId   = cartProduct.Product.Id;
                lineItem.ProductType = cartProduct.Product.ProductType;
                lineItem.Sku         = cartProduct.Product.Code;
                lineItem.TaxType     = cartProduct.Product.TaxType;
                lineItem.Weight      = cartProduct.Product.Weight;
                lineItem.WeightUnit  = cartProduct.Product.WeightUnit;
                lineItem.Width       = cartProduct.Product.Width;


            CreateMap <Outline, Tools.Models.Outline>();
            CreateMap <OutlineItem, Tools.Models.OutlineItem>();
            CreateMap <SeoInfo, Tools.Models.SeoInfo>();

            CreateMap <LineItem, IEnumerable <TaxLine> >().ConvertUsing((lineItem, taxLines, context) =>
                    new TaxLine
                        Id = lineItem.Id,
                        Code = lineItem.Sku,
                        Name = lineItem.Name,
                        TaxType = lineItem.TaxType,
                        //Special case when product have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                        Amount = lineItem.Price.List > 0 ? lineItem.Price.List : lineItem.Price.Sale ?? 0M

            CreateMap <ShippingRate, IEnumerable <TaxLine> >().ConvertUsing((shipmentRate, taxLines, context) =>
                    new TaxLine
                        Id = string.Join("&", shipmentRate.ShippingMethod.Code, shipmentRate.OptionName),
                        Code = shipmentRate.ShippingMethod.Code,
                        TaxType = shipmentRate.ShippingMethod.TaxType,
                        Amount = shipmentRate.DiscountAmount > 0 ? shipmentRate.DiscountAmount : shipmentRate.Rate

            CreateMap <PaymentMethod, IEnumerable <TaxLine> >().ConvertUsing((paymentMethod, taxLines, context) =>
                    new TaxLine
                        Id = paymentMethod.Code,
                        Code = paymentMethod.Code,
                        TaxType = paymentMethod.TaxType,
                        Amount = paymentMethod.Total > 0 ? paymentMethod.Total : paymentMethod.Price

            CreateMap <CartAggregate, PriceEvaluationContext>().ConvertUsing((cartAggr, priceEvalContext, context) =>
                priceEvalContext           = AbstractTypeFactory <PriceEvaluationContext> .TryCreateInstance();
                priceEvalContext.Language  = cartAggr.Cart.LanguageCode;
                priceEvalContext.StoreId   = cartAggr.Cart.StoreId;
                priceEvalContext.CatalogId = cartAggr.Store.Catalog;
                priceEvalContext.Currency  = cartAggr.Cart.Currency;

                var contact = cartAggr.Member;
                if (contact != null)
                    priceEvalContext.CustomerId = contact.Id;

                    //priceEvalContext.GeoTimeZone = contact.TimeZome;

                    var address = contact.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressType == CoreModule.Core.Common.AddressType.Shipping)
                                  ?? contact.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AddressType == CoreModule.Core.Common.AddressType.Billing);

                    if (address != null)
                        priceEvalContext.GeoCity    = address.City;
                        priceEvalContext.GeoCountry = address.CountryCode;
                        priceEvalContext.GeoState   = address.RegionName;
                        priceEvalContext.GeoZipCode = address.PostalCode;
                    if (contact.Groups != null)
                        priceEvalContext.UserGroups = contact.Groups.ToArray();

                //if (pricelists != null)
                //    result.PricelistIds = pricelists.Select(p => p.Id).ToList();
                //if (products != null)
                //    result.ProductIds = products.Select(p => p.Id).ToList();

            CreateMap <LineItem, ProductPromoEntry>()
            .ConvertUsing((lineItem, productPromoEntry, context) =>
                if (productPromoEntry == null)
                    productPromoEntry = AbstractTypeFactory <ProductPromoEntry> .TryCreateInstance();
                //PT-5453: Add mapping to CartMappingProfile
                // productPromoEntry.InStockQuantity = lineItem.InStockQuantity;
                // productPromoEntry.Outline = lineItem.Product.Outline;
                // productPromoEntry.Variations = null;

                productPromoEntry.CatalogId  = lineItem.CatalogId;
                productPromoEntry.CategoryId = lineItem.CategoryId;
                productPromoEntry.Code       = lineItem.Sku;
                productPromoEntry.Discount   = lineItem.DiscountTotal;
                //Use only base price for discount evaluation
                productPromoEntry.Price     = lineItem.SalePrice;
                productPromoEntry.ProductId = lineItem.ProductId;
                productPromoEntry.Quantity  = lineItem.Quantity;


            CreateMap <CartAggregate, PromotionEvaluationContext>().ConvertUsing((cartAggr, promoEvalcontext, context) =>
                if (promoEvalcontext == null)
                    promoEvalcontext = AbstractTypeFactory <PromotionEvaluationContext> .TryCreateInstance();

                promoEvalcontext.CartPromoEntries = new List <ProductPromoEntry>();

                foreach (var lineItem in cartAggr.LineItems)
                    var promoEntry  = context.Mapper.Map <ProductPromoEntry>(lineItem);
                    var cartProduct = cartAggr.CartProducts[lineItem.ProductId];
                    if (cartProduct != null)
                        promoEntry.InStockQuantity = (int)(cartProduct.Inventory?.InStockQuantity ?? 0);
                        promoEntry.Outline         = cartProduct.Product.Outlines.Select(x => context.Mapper.Map <Tools.Models.Outline>(x)).GetOutlinePath(cartProduct.Product.CatalogId);

                promoEvalcontext.CartTotal        = cartAggr.Cart.SubTotal;
                promoEvalcontext.StoreId          = cartAggr.Cart.StoreId;
                promoEvalcontext.Coupons          = cartAggr.Cart.Coupons?.ToList();
                promoEvalcontext.Currency         = cartAggr.Cart.Currency;
                promoEvalcontext.CustomerId       = cartAggr.Cart.CustomerId;
                promoEvalcontext.UserGroups       = cartAggr.Member?.Groups.ToArray();
                promoEvalcontext.IsRegisteredUser = !cartAggr.Cart.IsAnonymous;
                promoEvalcontext.Language         = cartAggr.Cart.LanguageCode;
                //Set cart line items as default promo items
                promoEvalcontext.PromoEntries = promoEvalcontext.CartPromoEntries;

                if (!cartAggr.Cart.Shipments.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    var shipment = cartAggr.Cart.Shipments.First();
                    promoEvalcontext.ShipmentMethodCode   = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode;
                    promoEvalcontext.ShipmentMethodOption = shipment.ShipmentMethodOption;
                    promoEvalcontext.ShipmentMethodPrice  = shipment.Price;
                if (!cartAggr.Cart.Payments.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    var payment = cartAggr.Cart.Payments.First();
                    promoEvalcontext.PaymentMethodCode  = payment.PaymentGatewayCode;
                    promoEvalcontext.PaymentMethodPrice = payment.Price;

                promoEvalcontext.IsEveryone = true;
                //PT-5429: Map Is First time buyer
                //promoEvalcontext.IsFirstTimeBuyer = cartAggr.Member.IsFirstTimeBuyer;


            //PT-5457: Need to think about extensibility for converters
            CreateMap <CartAggregate, TaxEvaluationContext>().ConvertUsing((cartAggr, taxEvalcontext, context) =>
                if (taxEvalcontext == null)
                    taxEvalcontext = AbstractTypeFactory <TaxEvaluationContext> .TryCreateInstance();
                taxEvalcontext.StoreId    = cartAggr.Cart.StoreId;
                taxEvalcontext.Code       = cartAggr.Cart.Name;
                taxEvalcontext.Type       = "Cart";
                taxEvalcontext.CustomerId = cartAggr.Cart.CustomerId;
                //map customer after PT-5425

                foreach (var lineItem in cartAggr.LineItems ?? Array.Empty <LineItem>())
                    taxEvalcontext.Lines.Add(new TaxLine()
                        //PT-5339: Add Currency to tax line
                        Id      = lineItem.Id,
                        Code    = lineItem.Sku,
                        Name    = lineItem.Name,
                        TaxType = lineItem.TaxType,
                        //Special case when product have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                        Amount   = lineItem.ExtendedPrice > 0 ? lineItem.ExtendedPrice : lineItem.SalePrice,
                        Quantity = lineItem.Quantity,
                        Price    = lineItem.PlacedPrice,
                        TypeName = "item"

                foreach (var shipment in cartAggr.Cart.Shipments ?? Array.Empty <Shipment>())
                    var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine
                        //PT-5339: Add Currency to tax line
                        Id      = shipment.Id,
                        Code    = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode,
                        Name    = shipment.ShipmentMethodOption,
                        TaxType = shipment.TaxType,
                        //Special case when shipment have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                        Amount   = shipment.Total > 0 ? shipment.Total : shipment.Price,
                        TypeName = "shipment"

                    if (shipment.DeliveryAddress != null)
                        taxEvalcontext.Address = context.Mapper.Map <TaxModule.Core.Model.Address>(shipment.DeliveryAddress);

                foreach (var payment in cartAggr.Cart.Payments ?? Array.Empty <Payment>())
                    var totalTaxLine = new TaxLine
                        //PT-5339: Add Currency to tax line
                        Id      = payment.Id,
                        Code    = payment.PaymentGatewayCode,
                        Name    = payment.PaymentGatewayCode,
                        TaxType = payment.TaxType,
                        //Special case when shipment have 100% discount and need to calculate tax for old value
                        Amount   = payment.Total > 0 ? payment.Total : payment.Price,
                        TypeName = "payment"

            CreateMap <IList <IFilter>, ShoppingCartSearchCriteria>()
            .ConvertUsing((terms, criteria, context) =>
                foreach (var term in terms.OfType <TermFilter>())

        public static Checkout AsCheckoutWebModel(
            this Data.ShoppingCart cart, VirtoCommerce.ApiClient.DataContracts.Orders.CustomerOrder order = null)
            var checkoutModel = new Checkout();

            checkoutModel.TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>();

            if (cart.Addresses != null)
                var billingAddress = cart.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Type == AddressType.Billing);
                if (billingAddress != null)
                    checkoutModel.BillingAddress = billingAddress.AsCartWebModel();
                    checkoutModel.Email          = billingAddress.Email;

                var shippingAddress = cart.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Type == AddressType.Shipping);
                if (shippingAddress != null)
                    checkoutModel.ShippingAddress = shippingAddress.AsCartWebModel();
                    checkoutModel.Email           = shippingAddress.Email;

            checkoutModel.BuyerAcceptsMarketing = true;
            checkoutModel.Currency   = cart.Currency;
            checkoutModel.CustomerId = cart.CustomerId;

            if (cart.Discounts != null)
                checkoutModel.Discounts = new List <VirtoCommerce.Web.Models.Discount>();

                foreach (var discount in cart.Discounts)
                    checkoutModel.Discounts.Add(new VirtoCommerce.Web.Models.Discount
                        Amount = (decimal)discount.DiscountAmount,
                        Code   = discount.PromotionId,
                        Id     = discount.Id

            checkoutModel.Email = "";

            // TODO: Gift cards

            checkoutModel.Id = cart.Id;

            if (cart.Items != null)
                checkoutModel.LineItems = new List <LineItem>();

                foreach (var item in cart.Items)

                var taxableItems = cart.Items;//.Where(i => i.TaxIncluded);
                if (taxableItems.Count() > 0)
                    var lineItemsTax = new TaxLine
                        Title = "Line items",
                        Price = taxableItems.Sum(i => i.TaxTotal),
                        Rate  = taxableItems.Where(i => i.TaxDetails != null).Sum(i => i.TaxDetails.Sum(td => td.Rate))

                    if (checkoutModel.TaxLines == null)
                        checkoutModel.TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>();


            checkoutModel.Name = cart.Name;
            //checkoutModel.Note = cart.Note;

            if (order != null)
                checkoutModel.Order = order.AsWebModel();

            if (cart.Payments != null)
                var payment = cart.Payments.FirstOrDefault(); // Remake for multipayment

                if (payment != null)
                    checkoutModel.PaymentMethod = new Models.PaymentMethod
                        Code = payment.PaymentGatewayCode

            if (cart.Shipments != null)
                var shipment = cart.Shipments.FirstOrDefault(); // Remake for multishipment

                if (shipment != null)
                    checkoutModel.ShippingMethod = new ShippingMethod
                        Handle   = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode,
                        Price    = shipment.ShippingPrice,
                        Title    = shipment.ShipmentMethodCode,
                        TaxTotal = shipment.TaxTotal,
                        TaxType  = shipment.TaxType

                var taxableShipments = cart.Shipments;//.Where(s => s.TaxIncluded);
                if (taxableShipments.Count() > 0)
                    var shippingTax = new TaxLine
                        Title = "Shipping",
                        Price = cart.Shipments.Sum(s => s.TaxTotal),
                        Rate  = taxableShipments.Where(s => s.TaxDetails != null).Sum(i => i.TaxDetails.Sum(td => td.Rate))

                    if (checkoutModel.TaxLines == null)
                        checkoutModel.TaxLines = new List <TaxLine>();


            // Transactions
