Beispiel #1
        public void TaskBattery_ChargeTask_DischargingIfChargeTaskIsTurnedOff()
            TaskBattery battery = new TaskBattery(2000, 50)
                IsCharging = true

            // Constructor starts both tasks and hence treads
            // As it isCharging the Charge task will lock and stop discharge thread
            Thread.Sleep(1500);         // Wait 1 cycle
            battery.IsCharging = false; // This will make the Charge Thread terminate
            Thread.Sleep(1500);         // Give time for the Discharge thread to lock
            var chargeStatus = battery.ChargeThread.Status;

            Assert.AreEqual(TaskStatus.RanToCompletion, chargeStatus); //Charge is Off. I know i violates 1 assert pr test - but don't know how else to show it :s

            battery.Discharge();                        // making sure the battery is in discharge mode.
            int startValue = battery.PercentageCharged; // save the start level

            Thread.Sleep(3000);                         //Sleep for 3 sec to let the percentage charge drop.
            int endValue = battery.PercentageCharged;   // save end level

            battery.IsCharging = true;                  //closing thread

            Assert.IsTrue(endValue < startValue);
Beispiel #2
        public void TaskBattery_ChargeTask_ChargingIfChargeTaskIsTurnedOn()
            TaskBattery battery = new TaskBattery(2000, 50)
                IsCharging = true

            // Constructor starts both tasks and hence treads
            // As it isCharging the Charge task will lock and stop discharge thread
            Thread.Sleep(1500); // Give time for locking hence stopping discharge
            var chargeStatus = battery.ChargeThread.Status;

            Assert.AreEqual(TaskStatus.Running, chargeStatus); //charge is Onn.

            int startValue = battery.PercentageCharged; // save the start level

            Thread.Sleep(3000);                         //Sleep for 3 sec to let the percentage charge drop.
            int endValue = battery.PercentageCharged;   // save end level

            battery.IsCharging = false;                 //closing thread

            Assert.IsTrue(endValue > startValue);
Beispiel #3
        public void TaskBattery_Charge_CanNotHavePercentageChargedBelow0()
            TaskBattery battery = new TaskBattery(2000, 2);

            int startValue = battery.PercentageCharged;

            battery.IsCharging = false;
            Thread.Sleep(4000); // Battery starts at 2 and after 4 sec should be 0 if capped or -2 if not.
            int endValue = battery.PercentageCharged;

            battery.IsCharging = true;
            Thread.Sleep(1500); // Give Battery Task time to end while loop.

            Assert.AreEqual(0, endValue);