Beispiel #1
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // You and other spirit share presence for targeting
        if (ctx.Self != ctx.Other)
            ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push(new SourceCalcRestorer(ctx.Self).Restore);
            ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push(new SourceCalcRestorer(ctx.Other).Restore);
            _ = new EntwinedPresenceSource(ctx.Self, ctx.Other);               // auto-binds to spirits

        // Target spirit gains a power Card.
        var result = await ctx.OtherCtx.Draw();

        // You gain one of the power Cards they did not keep.
        await DrawFromDeck.TakeCard(ctx.Self, result.Rejected.ToList());

        // if you have 2 water, 4 plant,
        if (await ctx.YouHave("2 water,4 plant"))
            // you and target spirit each gain 3 energy
            ctx.Self.Energy  += 3;
            ctx.Other.Energy += 3;
            // may gift the other 1 power from hand.
            await GiftCardToSpirit(ctx.Self, ctx.Other);
            await GiftCardToSpirit(ctx.Other, ctx.Self);
Beispiel #2
    static public async Task Act(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // If dahan are pushed to your ocean, you may move them to any costal land instead of drowning them.
        async Task PushDahanOutOfOcean(TokenMovedArgs args)
            if (args.Token.Class != TokenType.Dahan)
            if (!args.AddedTo.IsOcean)
            await ctx.Target(args.AddedTo).PushUpToNDahan(args.Count);

        // target spirit gains 2 energy
        ctx.Other.Energy += 2;

        // and may push 1 town and up to 2 dahan from one of their lands.
        var pushLand = await ctx.OtherCtx.TargetLandWithPresence("Select land to push town and 2 dahan");

        await pushLand
        .AddGroup(1, Invader.Town)
        .AddGroup(2, TokenType.Dahan)
Beispiel #3
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // gain 3 energy.
        ctx.Self.Energy += 3;

        // if card is traded to someone else, don't crash
        if (ctx.Self.Presence is not SerpentPresence serpentPresence)

        if (6 <= serpentPresence.AbsorbedPresences.Count)

        // move 1 of target spirit's presence from the board to your 'Deep Slumber' track.
        // Absorbed presence cannot be returned to play.
        var space = await ctx.OtherCtx.Presence.SelectDeployed("Select presence to be absorbed");

        await ctx.OtherCtx.Presence.RemoveFrom(space);


        // Target spirit gains 1 ANY and 1 energy
        ctx.Other.Energy += 1;
        ctx.Other.Elements[Element.Any]++;          // !!! ??? When are ANY converted?  Should spirit do that now instead of adding an ANY element?
Beispiel #4
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // if you target yourself
        if (ctx.Other == ctx.Self)
            // Draw minor
            await ctx.DrawMinor();


        // Otherwise: Target Spirit gains a Power Card.
        var powerType = await DrawFromDeck.SelectPowerCardType(ctx.Self);

        if (powerType == PowerType.Minor)
            await ctx.OtherCtx.DrawMinor();
            await ctx.OtherCtx.DrawMajor(false, 4);

            // If it's a Major Power, they may pay 2 Energy instead of Forgetting a Power Card.
            if (ctx.Other.Energy >= 2 && await ctx.Other.UserSelectsFirstText("Pay for Major Card", "2 energy", "forget a card"))
                ctx.Other.Energy -= 2;
                await ctx.Other.ForgetPowerCard_UserChoice();
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        if (ctx.Other.Presence.Destroyed == 0)

        // into a single land, up to range 2 from your presence.
        // Note - Jonah says it is the originators power and range and decision, not the targets
        var spaceOptions = ctx.Self.GetTargetOptions(TargettingFrom.None, ctx.GameState, new TargetSourceCriteria(From.Presence), new TargetCriteria(2, Target.Any))
        TargetSpaceCtx selfPickLandCtx = await ctx.SelectSpace("Select location for target spirit to add presence", spaceOptions);

        // target spirit adds 2 of their destroyed presence
        await ctx.OtherCtx

        // if any presene was added, 2 damage to each town/city in that land.
        await selfPickLandCtx.DamageEachInvader(2, Invader.Town, Invader.City);

        // if you have 3 fire, 3 earth , 2 plant, 4 damage in that land
        if (await ctx.YouHave("3 fire,3 earth,2 plant"))
            await selfPickLandCtx.DamageInvaders(4);
Beispiel #6
    static public Task Act(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // target spirit gets +2 range with all their Powers
        ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push(new PowerApiRestorer(ctx.Other).Restore);
        ctx.Other.RangeCalc = new TargetLandApi_ExtendRange(2, ctx.Other.RangeCalc);

Beispiel #7
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // destroy one of your presence
        await ctx.Presence.DestroyOne(DestoryPresenceCause.SpiritPower);

        // If 2 sun, do both in the same land
        await TargetSpiritAction(ctx.OtherCtx, await ctx.YouHave("2 sun"));
    static public Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target spirit may use up to 2 slow powers as if they were fast powers this turn.
        ctx.Other.AddActionFactory(new ResolveSlowDuringFast());
        ctx.Other.AddActionFactory(new ResolveSlowDuringFast());

Beispiel #9
    static public async Task Option1(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Turn any face-down fear card face-up
        PositionFearCard[] cards = ctx.GameState.Fear.Deck.Concat(ctx.GameState.Fear.ActivatedCards).ToArray();
        var cardToShow           = await ctx.Self.Select("Select fear to reveal", cards, Present.Always);

        await ctx.Self.ShowFearCardToUser("Done", cardToShow);
Beispiel #10
    static public async Task Option2(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target spirit gains an element they have at least 1 of
        Element el = (await ctx.Other.SelectElementsEx(1, ctx.Other.Elements.Keys.ToArray())).FirstOrDefault();

        if (el != default)
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // for the rest of this turn, each of target Spirit's presence grants Defend 1 in its land.
        int PresenceAsToken(GameState _, Space space) => ctx.Self.Presence.CountOn(space);

        ctx.GameState.Tokens.RegisterDynamic(PresenceAsToken, TokenType.Defend, false);

        // Target Spirit may Push up to 1 of their presence.
        await ctx.OtherCtx.Presence.PushUpTo1();
Beispiel #12
 static public Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
     // target spirit chooses to either:
                // Add 1 wilds to one of their lands
                new SelfAction("Add 1 wilds to one of your lands", Add1WildsToOneOfYourLands),
                // Replace 1 of their presence with 1 disease.
                new SelfAction("Replace 1 of your presence with 1 disease", Replace1PresenceWith1Disease)
Beispiel #13
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target spirit gathers 1 dahan into one of their lands
        var spaceCtx = await ctx.OtherCtx.TargetLandWithPresence("Gather 1 dahan to");

        await spaceCtx.GatherUpToNDahan(1);

        // 1 damage in that land per dahan present
        await spaceCtx.DamageInvaders(spaceCtx.Dahan.Count);
Beispiel #14
    static public Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Once this turn, target spirit may repeat the lowest-cost Power Card they have in play by paying its cost again.
        ctx.Other.AddActionFactory(new RepeatCheapestCardForCost(Name));

        // You may do likewise.
        ctx.Self.AddActionFactory(new RepeatCheapestCardForCost(Name));            // !!! Must EXCLUDE Gift of Twinned Days

Beispiel #15
    static public async Task Act(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target Spirit gains 3 _different_ Elements of their choice
        Element[] elements = await Gain3DifferentElements(ctx.Other);

        // if you target another spirit, you also gain the chosen elements
        if (ctx.Other != ctx.Self)
Beispiel #16
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // target Spirit gains a major power by drawing 2 and keeping 1, without having to forget another power card
        PowerCard card = (await ctx.OtherCtx.DrawMajor(false, 2)).Selected;

        // if 2 of each element,
        if (await ctx.YouHave("2 sun,2 moon,2 fire,2 air,2 water,2 earth,2 plant,2 animal"))
            await PlayCardByPayingHalfCostOrForgetting(card, ctx.OtherCtx);
Beispiel #17
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // target spirit gains a power card
        await ctx.Other.Draw(ctx.GameState);

        // if you target another spirit, they also gain 1 energy
        if (ctx.Other != ctx.Self)
Beispiel #18
    static public Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // this turn, target spirit may use 1 slow power as if it were fast or vice versa
        ctx.Other.AddActionFactory(new ResolveSlowDuringFast_OrViseVersa());

        // Target Spirit gains +3 range for targeting costal lands only
        ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push(new PowerApiRestorer(ctx.Other).Restore);
        _ = new SkyStretchesToShoreApi(ctx.Other);           // Auto-binds to spirit

Beispiel #19
 static public Task ActionAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
     if (ctx.Self == ctx.Other)
         ctx.Other.Energy += ctx.Other.InPlay.Count;
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // If you target a spirit other than yourself, they gain +1 energy
        if (ctx.Other != ctx.Self)

        // target spirit may immediately play another power Card by paying its cost.
        // if it is slow, it does not resolve until later
        await ctx.Other.SelectAndPlayCardsFromHand(1);
Beispiel #21
    public static Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target spirit gains 1 energy.
        ctx.Other.Energy += 1;

        // Target spirit chooses to either:
                   // Play another Power Card by paying its cost
                   new SelfAction("Play another Power Card by paying its cost", _ => { ctx.Other.AddActionFactory(new PlayCardForCost()); }),
                   // OR Gains 1 fire and 1 water.
                   new SelfAction("Gain 1 fire and 1 water", _ => { var els = ctx.Other.Elements; els[Element.Fire]++; els[Element.Water]++; })
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Add 1 beast in one of target spirits lands
        var spaceCtx = await ctx.OtherCtx.TargetLandWithPresence("Select land to add beast (+defend 4 for SS)");

        await spaceCtx.Beasts.Add(1);

        // if target spirit has a SS in that land, defend 4 there
        if (spaceCtx.IsSelfSacredSite)
Beispiel #23
    public static async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        var otherCtx = ctx.OtherCtx;
        // target spirit gains a minor power.
        var powerCard = (await otherCtx.DrawMinor()).Selected;

        // Target spirit chooses to either:
        await otherCtx.SelectActionOption(
            new SelfAction( "Play it immediately by paying its cost", x => x.Self.PlayCard(powerCard))
            .FilterOption(powerCard.Cost <= otherCtx.Self.Energy),
            new SelfAction( "Gains 1 moon and 1 earth", _ => { var els = otherCtx.Self.Elements; els[Element.Moon]++; els[Element.Earth]++; }  )
Beispiel #24
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target Spirit gains either 2 Energy or 2 of a single Element (their choice).
        await ctx.OtherCtx.SelectActionOption(
            new SelfAction("Gain 2 energy", ctx => ctx.Self.Energy += 2),
            new SelfAction("Gain 2 of a single element", ctx => GainEl(ctx, 2))

        // if you target another Spirit, you gain an Element of your choice.
        if (ctx.Self != ctx.Other)
            await GainEl(ctx, 1);
    public static Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Split 1 Energy per fire you have between yourself and target Spirit, as evenly as possible.
        int fireCount      = ctx.Self.Elements[Element.Fire];
        int energyForSelf  = fireCount / 2;        // will round down
        int energyForOther = fireCount - energyForSelf;

        ctx.Self.Energy  += energyForSelf;
        ctx.Other.Energy += energyForOther;

        // Target Spirit gains +1 range with their Powers that originate from a Mountain

Beispiel #26
    static public Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Target Spirit gains 1 energy.

        // Target Spirit does +1 damage for each damage-dealing power

        ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push((gs) => {

Beispiel #27
    static public Task Act(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // defend 2 in every land where spirit has presence
        // defend should move with presence
            (gs, space) => ctx.Other.Presence.IsOn(space) ? 2 : 0,

        // !! this didn't display, is something wrong?

Beispiel #28
    static public async Task Act(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // 2 fear

        // target spirit may push 1 explorer and 1 town from land where it has presence

        // Select Land
        var pushLand = await ctx.OtherCtx.TargetLandWithPresence("Select land to push 1 exploer & 1 town from");

        // Push Town / Explorer
        await pushLand.Pusher
        .AddGroup(1, Invader.Town)
        .AddGroup(1, Invader.Explorer)
Beispiel #29
    static public Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // target spirit gains 2 energy.
        ctx.Other.Energy += 2;

        // At end of turn, target spirit may reclaim 1 power card instead of discarding it.
        var purchased = ctx.Other.InPlay;

        ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push(new Reclaim1InsteadOfDiscard(ctx.Other).Reclaim);

        // if you target another spirit you may also reclaim 1 power Card instead of discarding it.
        if (ctx.Other != ctx.Self)
            ctx.GameState.TimePasses_ThisRound.Push(new Reclaim1InsteadOfDiscard(ctx.Self).Reclaim);

Beispiel #30
    static public async Task ActAsync(TargetSpiritCtx ctx)
        // Choose a land where you and target Spirit both have presence.
        var spaceOptions = ctx.Self.Presence.Spaces.Intersect(ctx.Other.Presence.Spaces);
        var space        = await ctx.Decision(new Select.Space("", spaceOptions, Present.Always));

        if (space == null)

        // In that land: Remove 1 blight
        var x = ctx.OtherCtx.Target(space);
        await x.RemoveBlight();

        // and target Spirit may add 1 of their Destroyed presence.
        await x.Presence.PlaceDestroyedHere();         // ! "May" Add - let them choose