public static void Postfix(InventoryMenu __instance, SpriteBatch b, int red, int green, int blue)
                //  Draw a yellow border around other items in your inventory that the current CursorSlotItem can be combined with
                if (Game1.activeClickableMenu is GameMenu GM && GM.currentTab == GameMenu.inventoryTab)
                    if (ModEntry.IsCombineKeyHeld(ModEntry.ModInstance.Helper.Input) && Game1.player.CursorSlotItem is SObject SourceObject)
                        InventoryPage InvPage = GM.pages.First(x => x is InventoryPage) as InventoryPage;
                        InventoryMenu InvMenu = InvPage.inventory;
                        if (InvMenu == __instance)
                            for (int i = 0; i < InvMenu.capacity; i++)
                                if (InvMenu.actualInventory.Count > i && InvMenu.inventory.Count > i &&
                                    InvMenu.actualInventory[i] is SObject TargetObject && ModEntry.CanCombine(SourceObject, TargetObject))
                                    Rectangle InventorySlotBounds = InvMenu.inventory[i].bounds;

                                    DrawHelpers.DrawBorder(b, InventorySlotBounds, 4, Color.Yellow);

                                    //  Since our border is now drawn on top of everything else that was already drawn by this InventoryMenu, re-draw the stack size to appear overtop of the border
                                    Vector2 Location  = new Vector2(InventorySlotBounds.X, InventorySlotBounds.Y);
                                    float   ScaleSize = 1.0f;
                                    if (TargetObject.IsCombinedMachine())
                                        DrawInMenuPatch.DrawCombinedStack(TargetObject, b, Location, ScaleSize, 1.0f, Color.White);
                                    else if (TargetObject.Stack > 1)
                                        //  Code mostly taken from decompiled code: StardewValley.Object.drawInMenu
                                        Vector2 StackPosition = Location + new Vector2((float)(64 - Utility.getWidthOfTinyDigitString(TargetObject.stack, 3f * ScaleSize)) + 3f * ScaleSize, 64f - 18f * ScaleSize + 1f);
                                        Utility.drawTinyDigits(TargetObject.stack, b, StackPosition, 3f * ScaleSize, 1f, Color.White);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModEntry.Logger.Log(string.Format("Unhandled Error in {0}.{1}:\n{2}", nameof(InventoryMenuDrawPatch), nameof(Postfix), ex), LogLevel.Error);