public void ShowExpress()
     if (SceneList.Count == 0 && EpisodeList.Count == 0)
     if (TargetCanvas.ActualHeight == 0 || TargetCanvas.ActualWidth == 0)
     if (IsShowEpisode)
         foreach (var e in EpisodeList)
     foreach (var s in SceneList)
Beispiel #2
        private void DrawSection(float x, float y, float w, float h, float u0, float v0, float u1, float v1)
            float crx = x, cry = y, crw = w, crh = h;

            if (ClampRect.Size > 0)
                crx = ClampRect.x;
                cry = ClampRect.y;
                crw = ClampRect.w;
                crh = ClampRect.h;

            if (MathHelpers.Approximately(ClampRect.Size, 0) || (crx <= x && cry <= y && crx + crw >= x + w && cry + crh >= y + h))
                if (RoundLocation)
                    x = (int)x;
                    y = (int)y;

                TargetCanvas.PushTexturePart(this, x, y, w, h, u0, v0, u1, v1, Angle, Color);
                if (crx >= x + w || crx + crw <= x || cry >= y + h || cry + crh <= y || crw <= 0 || crh <= 0)

                float cx = x, cy = y, cw = w, ch = h, cu0 = u0, cv0 = v0, cu1 = u1, cv1 = v1;
                if (crx > x)
                    cu0 = u0 + (u1 - u0) * (crx - x) / w;
                    cx  = crx;
                    cw  = cw - (crx - x);
                if (crx + crw < x + w)
                    cu1 = u1 - (u1 - u0) * (x + w - crx - crw) / w;
                    cw  = crx + crw - cx;
                if (cry > y)
                    cv0 = v0 + (v1 - v0) * (cry - y) / h;
                    cy  = cry;
                    ch  = ch - (cry - y);
                if (cry + crh < y + h)
                    cv1 = v1 - (v1 - v0) * (y + h - cry - crh) / h;
                    ch  = cry + crh - cy;
                if (RoundLocation)
                    cx = (int)cx; cy = (int)cy;
                TargetCanvas.PushTexturePart(this, cx, cy, cw, ch, cu0, cv0, cu1, cv1, Angle, Color);
		public FreeCellFlash()
			// spawn the wpf control
			var c = new TargetCanvas();

			Func<string, Class> f =
				e => KnownEmbeddedResources.Default[ScriptCoreLib.Shared.Avalon.Cards.KnownAssets.Path.Sounds + "/" + e + ".mp3"];

			var deal = f("deal");
			var click = f("click");
			var drag = f("drag");
			var win = f("win"); = () => deal.ToSoundAsset().play(); = () => click.ToSoundAsset().play();
			c.Sounds.drag = () => drag.ToSoundAsset().play(); = () => win.ToSoundAsset().play();

			AvalonExtensions.AttachToContainer(c, this);
Beispiel #4
         * The initializationMonitoringFunction is run once per frame by the Cycle method of the POST page.
         * When it returns TRUE, the application switches to the first page that comes after the POST page.
         * If There is no other page than the POST page, then nothing will happen.
        public MyOnScreenApplication WithDefaultPostPage(Func <MyOnScreenApplication, bool> initializationMonitoringFunction)
            // Make sure the POST page is the first one added
            if (Pages.Count() > 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The POST page must be the first page ever added to the application");

            // Enforce the order of builder operations to avoid null pointer exceptions
            if (Canvas == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Please call WithCanvas() before calling WithDefaultPostPage()");

            // Make sure the initialization function is set
            if (initializationMonitoringFunction == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The initialization monitoring function must be a lambda taking in a MyOnScreenObject and returning a bool");

            // Create the POST page and give it the functionality of switching to the next page once
            // the initialization monitoring function returns true
            MyPage POSTPage = (MyPage) new MyPage()
                              .WithClientPreDrawMethod((MyCanvas TargetCanvas, int iterationIndex) => {
                              .WithClientCycleMethod((MyOnScreenObject obj, int iterationIndex) => {
                if (initializationMonitoringFunction(this))
                    SwitchToPage(1);     // will do nothing if the page does not exist

            // Add the POST page to the application

            // Add another filled panel to the POST page, to serve as background for the INITIALIZING text
            MyPanel TextBackgroundPanel = new MyPanel(0, 0, 2, 2).WithOptionalParameters(true, true, false);


            // Add the INIIALIZING text label to the POST page
            MyTextLabel TextLabel = new MyTextLabel("INITIALIZING", 1, 1).WithOptionalParameters(true, true, true);


            // Compute the location and dimensions of the text and that of its back panel based on
            // the resolution of the Canvas
            int textLabelWidth  = TextLabel.GetWidth();
            int textLabelHeight = TextLabel.GetHeight();

            // Update the label coordinates
            TextLabel.x = (Canvas.GetResX() - textLabelWidth) / 2;
            TextLabel.y = (Canvas.GetResY() - textLabelHeight) / 2 - 3;

            // Update the panel coordinates (the drawing framework handles overflows)
            TextBackgroundPanel.x = TextLabel.x - 3;
            TextBackgroundPanel.y = TextLabel.y - 2;
            TextBackgroundPanel.SetWidth(textLabelWidth + 6);
            TextBackgroundPanel.SetHeight(textLabelHeight + 3);

            // Add the moving square (a panel with some simple animation logic)
                new MyPanel(TextBackgroundPanel.x, TextBackgroundPanel.y + TextBackgroundPanel.GetHeight() + 2, 7, 4)
                .WithOptionalParameters(true, true, false)
                .WithClientCycleMethod((MyOnScreenObject obj, int iterationIndex) => {
                if (obj.x > TextBackgroundPanel.x + TextBackgroundPanel.GetWidth() - 7)
                    obj.x = TextBackgroundPanel.x;
