Beispiel #1
        public override void AddedToFieldHook()

            //Strategy that does not automatically rotate but instead, needs to be rotated manually
            TargetRotationStrategy = new TargetAngleRotation
                owner: this
                , verticalOrientation: Direction.Vertical
                , angleDeltaCount: 320
                , maxAngleDegrees: 360

            //Initialization of the default Shooting parameters via strategy
            AddStrategy(new Shooting
                            owner: this
                            , shootingInterval: 7
                            , weaponCallback: () => Weapon
                            , bulletFocusPosition: () => BulletFocusPosition
                            , angleCallback: () => TargetRotationStrategy.CurrentAngleDegrees
                IsShooting = true


            //Custom Thrust
            WaveghostThrust = new Thrust(this);
Beispiel #2
        public override void AddedToFieldHook()

            //Strategy that does not automatically rotate but instead, needs to be rotated manually
            TargetRotationStrategy = new TargetAngleRotation
                owner: this
                , verticalOrientation: Direction.Vertical
                , angleDeltaCount: 45
                , maxAngleDegrees: 160

            //Initialization of the default Shooting parameters via strategy
            AddStrategy(new Shooting
                            owner: this
                            , shootingInterval: 10
                            , weaponCallback: () => Weapon
                            , bulletFocusPosition: () => BulletFocusPosition
                            , angleCallback: () => TargetRotationStrategy.CurrentAngleDegrees
                IsShooting = true

            //Every N acts looks at the Player's position and rotates towards approximately towards him
            AddStrategy(new EveryNActs
                            callback: () =>
                float angle = TargetActorAngleRotation.AngleBetweenActorsRadians(this, Field.Player, true);

                //Some additional variance
                angle += AbstractRotation.DegreesToRadians(Utility.RandomBetween(-30, 30));

                TargetRotationStrategy.TargetAngleRadians = angle;
                            , interval: 40


            //Custom Thrust
            new Thrust(this);

            //Starts moving in the opposite direction than where he spawned from
            if (X < Field.Size.Width / 2)
                Direction += SpaceDirection.HorizontalDirection.RIGHT;
                Direction += SpaceDirection.HorizontalDirection.LEFT;