Beispiel #1
        private void LoadInkIntoTarget(InkSheetModel sheet, Ink extracted, out int[] ids)
            Ink restored = extracted;

            using (Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                ids = new int[restored.Strokes.Count];

                for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                    Stroke stroke = restored.Strokes[i];

                    // Remove any strokes that have the same remote Id as the new one.
                    // Unfortunately, because the InkSheetUndoService cannot preserve stroke referential identity,
                    // we must do a full search each time and cannot simply keep a table.
                    if (stroke.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty))
                        object id = stroke.ExtendedProperties[InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty].Data;
                        foreach (Stroke existing in sheet.Ink.Strokes)
                            if (existing.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty))
                                if (id.Equals(existing.ExtendedProperties[InkSheetMessage.StrokeIdExtendedProperty].Data))
                                    StrokesEventArgs args = new StrokesEventArgs(new int[] { existing.Id });

                    // The stroke has no association with the current Ink object.
                    // Therefore, we have to recreate it by copying the raw packet data.
                    // This first requires recreating the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection,
                    // which, for some stupid reason, must be done manually for lack of a better API.
                    TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection properties = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection();
                    foreach (Guid property in stroke.PacketDescription)
                        properties.Add(new TabletPropertyDescription(property, stroke.GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics(property)));

                    // Create a new stroke from the raw packet data.
                    Stroke created = sheet.Ink.CreateStroke(stroke.GetPacketData(), properties);

                    // Copy the DrawingAttributes and all application data
                    // (especially the StrokesIdExtendedProperty) to the new stroke.
                    created.DrawingAttributes = stroke.DrawingAttributes;
                    foreach (ExtendedProperty prop in stroke.ExtendedProperties)
                        created.ExtendedProperties.Add(prop.Id, prop.Data);

                    ids[i] = created.Id;
Beispiel #2
            private void AddInk()
                using (Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                    // Create an array of stroke Ids in order to fire the InkAdded event later.
                    int[] ids = new int[this.m_StrokesToAdd.Count];

                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Watcher.m_InkSheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                            Stroke stroke = this.m_StrokesToAdd[i];

                            // The stroke probably has no association with the current Ink object.
                            // Therefore, we have to recreate it by copying the raw packet data.
                            // This first requires recreating the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection,
                            // which, for some stupid reason, must be done manually for lack of a better API.
                            TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection properties = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection();
                            foreach (Guid property in stroke.PacketDescription)
                                properties.Add(new TabletPropertyDescription(property, stroke.GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics(property)));

                            // Create a new stroke from the raw packet data.
                            Stroke created = this.m_Watcher.m_InkSheet.Ink.CreateStroke(stroke.GetPacketData(), properties);

                            // Copy the DrawingAttributes and all application data
                            // (especially the StrokesIdExtendedProperty) to the new stroke.
                            created.DrawingAttributes = stroke.DrawingAttributes;
                            foreach (ExtendedProperty prop in stroke.ExtendedProperties)
                                created.ExtendedProperties.Add(prop.Id, prop.Data);

                            // Get the new stroke's Id so we can fire the InkAdded event.
                            ids[i] = created.Id;

                        // If the added strokes don't yet have StrokeIdExtendedProperty properties,
                        // create new Guids for them.  Regardless, set this.m_StrokesToRemove
                        // to the list of stroke Guids.

                        // Then, unset this.m_StrokesToAdd since they're already added.
                        this.m_StrokesToAdd = null;

                    // Create the event arguments and add them to the ignore list so the
                    // InkSheetUndoService won't create an InkUndoer for this change.
                    StrokesEventArgs args = new StrokesEventArgs(ids);
                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Watcher.m_Ignore.SyncRoot)) {

                    // Finally fire the appropriate InkAdded event from the InkSheetModel.
Beispiel #3
            public TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection CreateTabletPropertyDescriptionCollection()
                TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection tp = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection(this.InkToDeviceScaleX, this.InkToDeviceScaleY);

                foreach (TabletPropertyDescriptionInformation info in this.TabletPropertyDescriptions)
        private void LoadInkIntoTarget(InkSheetModel sheet, byte[] saved, out int[] ids)
            Ink restored = new Ink();

            using(Synchronizer.Lock(sheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                ids = new int[restored.Strokes.Count];

                for(int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) {
                    Stroke stroke = restored.Strokes[i];

                    // Remove any strokes that have the same remote Id as the new one.
                    // Unfortunately, because the InkSheetUndoService cannot preserve stroke referential identity,
                    // we must do a full search each time and cannot simply keep a table.
                    if(stroke.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(StrokeIdExtendedProperty)) {
                        object id = stroke.ExtendedProperties[StrokeIdExtendedProperty].Data;
                        foreach(Stroke existing in sheet.Ink.Strokes) {
                            if(existing.ExtendedProperties.DoesPropertyExist(StrokeIdExtendedProperty)) {
                                if(id.Equals(existing.ExtendedProperties[StrokeIdExtendedProperty].Data)) {
                                    StrokesEventArgs args = new StrokesEventArgs(new int[] { existing.Id });

                    // The stroke has no association with the current Ink object.
                    // Therefore, we have to recreate it by copying the raw packet data.
                    // This first requires recreating the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection,
                    // which, for some stupid reason, must be done manually for lack of a better API.
                    TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection properties = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection();
                    foreach(Guid property in stroke.PacketDescription)
                        properties.Add(new TabletPropertyDescription(property, stroke.GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics(property)));

                    // Create a new stroke from the raw packet data.
                    Stroke created = sheet.Ink.CreateStroke(stroke.GetPacketData(), properties);

                    // Copy the DrawingAttributes and all application data
                    // (especially the StrokesIdExtendedProperty) to the new stroke.
                    created.DrawingAttributes = stroke.DrawingAttributes;
                    foreach(ExtendedProperty prop in stroke.ExtendedProperties)
                        created.ExtendedProperties.Add(prop.Id, prop.Data);

                    ids[i] = created.Id;

                    if (ViewerStateModel.NonStandardDpi)

            private void AddInk()
                using(Synchronizer.Lock(this)) {
                    // Create an array of stroke Ids in order to fire the InkAdded event later.
                    int[] ids = new int[this.m_StrokesToAdd.Count];

                    using (Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Watcher.m_InkSheet.Ink.Strokes.SyncRoot)) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++) {
                            Stroke stroke = this.m_StrokesToAdd[i];

                            // The stroke probably has no association with the current Ink object.
                            // Therefore, we have to recreate it by copying the raw packet data.
                            // This first requires recreating the TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection,
                            // which, for some stupid reason, must be done manually for lack of a better API.
                            TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection properties = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection();
                            foreach (Guid property in stroke.PacketDescription)
                                properties.Add(new TabletPropertyDescription(property, stroke.GetPacketDescriptionPropertyMetrics(property)));

                            // Create a new stroke from the raw packet data.
                            Stroke created = this.m_Watcher.m_InkSheet.Ink.CreateStroke(stroke.GetPacketData(), properties);

                            // Copy the DrawingAttributes and all application data
                            // (especially the StrokesIdExtendedProperty) to the new stroke.
                            created.DrawingAttributes = stroke.DrawingAttributes;
                            foreach (ExtendedProperty prop in stroke.ExtendedProperties)
                                created.ExtendedProperties.Add(prop.Id, prop.Data);

                            // Get the new stroke's Id so we can fire the InkAdded event.
                            ids[i] = created.Id;

                        // If the added strokes don't yet have StrokeIdExtendedProperty properties,
                        // create new Guids for them.  Regardless, set this.m_StrokesToRemove
                        // to the list of stroke Guids.

                        // Then, unset this.m_StrokesToAdd since they're already added.
                        this.m_StrokesToAdd = null;

                    // Create the event arguments and add them to the ignore list so the
                    // InkSheetUndoService won't create an InkUndoer for this change.
                    StrokesEventArgs args = new StrokesEventArgs(ids);
                    using(Synchronizer.Lock(this.m_Watcher.m_Ignore.SyncRoot)) {

                    // Finally fire the appropriate InkAdded event from the InkSheetModel.
 public TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection CreateTabletPropertyDescriptionCollection()
     TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection tp = new TabletPropertyDescriptionCollection(this.InkToDeviceScaleX, this.InkToDeviceScaleY);
     foreach(TabletPropertyDescriptionInformation info in this.TabletPropertyDescriptions)
     return tp;