Beispiel #1
        public void ValidateSasCredentials()
            // Build a shared access signature with only Read permissions.

            TableSasBuilder sas = new TableSasBuilder(tableName)
                ExpiresOn = new DateTime(2040, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)


            // Create a SharedKeyCredential that we can use to sign the SAS token
            var credential = new TableSharedKeyCredential(TestEnvironment.AccountName, TestEnvironment.PrimaryStorageAccountKey);

            // Build a SAS URI
            UriBuilder sasUri = new UriBuilder(TestEnvironment.StorageUri)
                Query = sas.ToSasQueryParameters(credential).ToString()

            // Create the TableServiceClient using the SAS URI.

            var sasAuthedService = InstrumentClient(new TableServiceClient(sasUri.Uri, Recording.InstrumentClientOptions(new TableClientOptions())));
            var sasTableclient   = InstrumentClient(sasAuthedService.GetTableClient(tableName));

            // Validate that we are able to query the table from the service.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasTableclient.QueryAsync().ToEnumerableAsync().ConfigureAwait(false), Throws.Nothing);

            // Validate that we are not able to upsert an entity to the table.

            Assert.That(async() => await sasTableclient.UpsertAsync(CreateTableEntities("partition", 1).First()), Throws.InstanceOf <RequestFailedException>().And.Property("Status").EqualTo((int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden));