/// <summary>
        /// Enumerates the items in a table looking for items with a timestamp over the time to keep.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">CloudTable instance.</param>
        /// <returns>Number of items removed.</returns>
        internal async Task <int> EnumerateTableItemsAsync(TableItem table, TableClient tableClient)
            if (null == table)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Argument is null", nameof(this.EnumerateTableItemsAsync));

            Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            ServiceEventSource.Current.Trace("EnumerateTableItemsAsync", tableClient.Name);

            int deleteCount = 0;
            var timeStamp   = DateTimeOffset.Now.Subtract(this._timeToKeep);
            // Execute the query.
            AsyncPageable <TableEntity> queryResult = tableClient.QueryAsync <TableEntity>(e => e.Timestamp < timeStamp);

            await foreach (TableEntity item in queryResult)
                await tableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(item.PartitionKey, item.RowKey);


            ServiceEventSource.Current.Trace($"EnumerateTableItemsAsync removed {deleteCount} items from {table.Name} in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.");
Beispiel #2
        public async Task DeleteAsync(DishEntity dish)
            var partitionKey = "lye";
            var response     = await _dishTable.DeleteEntityAsync(partitionKey, dish.RowKey);

            _logger.LogInformation("Deleted dish with RowKey {RowKey} - Status: {HttpStatus}", dish.RowKey, response.Status);
Beispiel #3
        public async Task <bool> DeleteAsync(TodoItem deleteTodo)
            var tableClient = new TableClient(_conn, TableName);

            var result = await tableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(deleteTodo.PartitionKey, deleteTodo.RowKey);

            return(result.Status == StatusCodes.Status204NoContent);
Beispiel #4
        public async Task <T> DeleteEntityAsync <T>(TableClient tableClient, string partitionKey, string rowKey) where T : AzureTableEntity, new()
            Guard.IsNotNull(tableClient, nameof(tableClient));
            var oldEntity = await GetEntityAsync <T>(tableClient, partitionKey, rowKey);

            await tableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(partitionKey, rowKey);

Beispiel #5
        protected async Task ClearTableAsync()
            var entities = TableClient.QueryAsync <TableEntity>();

            await foreach (var entity in entities)
                await TableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey);
        public async Task <Image> DeleteImageAsync(string id)
            var image = new ImageTableEntity {
                Id = id
            await TableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(image.PartitionKey, image.RowKey);


            //TODO : Bubble up errors through the stack
 public static async Task <IActionResult> DeleteTodo(
     [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "delete", Route = Route + "/{id}")] HttpRequest req,
     [Table(TableName, Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorage")] TableClient todoTable,
     ILogger log, string id)
         await todoTable.DeleteEntityAsync(PartitionKey, id, ETag.All);
     catch (RequestFailedException e) when(e.Status == 404)
         return(new NotFoundResult());
     return(new OkResult());
        public async Task CreateDeleteEntitiesAsync()
            string storageUri        = StorageUri;
            string accountName       = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey = PrimaryStorageAccountKey;
            string tableName         = "OfficeSupplies2p2";
            string partitionKey      = "somePartition";
            string rowKey            = "A1";
            string rowKeyStrong      = "B1";

            #region Snippet:TablesSample2CreateTableClientAsync
            // Construct a new <see cref="TableClient" /> using a <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential" />.
            var client = new TableClient(
                new Uri(storageUri),
                new TableSharedKeyCredential(accountName, storageAccountKey));

            // Create the table in the service.
            await client.CreateAsync();


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2CreateEntityAsync
            // Make an entity by defining a <see cref="Dictionary"> that includes the partition and row key.
            var entity = new TableEntity(partitionKey, rowKey)
                { "Product", "Markers" },
                { "Price", 5.00 },

            // Insert the newly created entity.
            await client.CreateEntityAsync(entity);


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2CreateStronglyTypedEntityAsync
            // Make a strongly typed entity by defining a custom class that extends <see cref="TableEntity">.
            var strongEntity = new OfficeSupplyEntity
                PartitionKey = partitionKey,
                RowKey       = rowKeyStrong,
                Product      = "Notebook",
                Price        = 3.00

            // Insert the newly created entity.
            await client.CreateEntityAsync(strongEntity);


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2DeleteEntityAsync
            // Delete the entity given the partition and row key.
            await client.DeleteEntityAsync(partitionKey, rowKey);


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2DeleteTableWithTableClientAsync
            await client.DeleteAsync();

 public Task <Response> DeleteAsync(string rowKey) => _tableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(_partitionKey, rowKey);
        public async Task CreateDeleteEntitiesAsync()
            string storageUri        = StorageUri;
            string accountName       = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey = PrimaryStorageAccountKey;
            string tableName         = "OfficeSupplies2p2";
            string partitionKey      = "Stationery";
            string rowKey            = "A1";
            string rowKeyStrong      = "B1";

            #region Snippet:TablesSample2CreateTableClientAsync
            // Construct a new <see cref="TableClient" /> using a <see cref="TableSharedKeyCredential" />.
            var client = new TableClient(
                new Uri(storageUri),
                new TableSharedKeyCredential(accountName, storageAccountKey));

            // Create the table in the service.
            await client.CreateAsync();


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2CreateEntityAsync
            // Make a dictionary entity by defining a <see cref="TableEntity">.
            var entity = new TableEntity(partitionKey, rowKey)
                { "Product", "Marker Set" },
                { "Price", 5.00 },
                { "Quantity", 21 }

            Console.WriteLine($"{entity.RowKey}: {entity["Product"]} costs ${entity.GetDouble("Price")}.");

            #region Snippet:TablesSample2AddEntityAsync
            // Insert the newly created entity.
            await client.AddEntityAsync(entity);


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2CreateStronglyTypedEntityAsync
            // Create an instance of the strongly-typed entity and set their properties.
            var strongEntity = new OfficeSupplyEntity
                PartitionKey = partitionKey,
                RowKey       = rowKeyStrong,
                Product      = "Notebook",
                Price        = 3.00,
                Quantity     = 50

            Console.WriteLine($"{entity.RowKey}: {strongEntity.Product} costs ${strongEntity.Price}.");

            // Add the newly created entity.
            await client.AddEntityAsync(strongEntity);

            #region Snippet:TablesSample2DeleteEntityAsync
            // Delete the entity given the partition and row key.
            await client.DeleteEntityAsync(partitionKey, rowKey);


            #region Snippet:TablesSample2DeleteTableWithTableClientAsync
            await client.DeleteAsync();

Beispiel #11
 public static async Task DeleteEntityAsync(string account, string key, string tableName, string partitionKey, string rowKey)
     TableClient table = new TableClient(Client.GetConnectionString(account, key), tableName);
     await table.DeleteEntityAsync(partitionKey, rowKey);
    public async Task DeleteTokenAsync(string tenantId, string userId)
        await _tableClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

        await _tableClient.DeleteEntityAsync(partitionKey : tenantId, rowKey : userId);