Beispiel #1
        public TabGenerationStatus BuildOutputContent(IInstrumentTablature tab, TablatureRenderingOptions options, out string outputContent)
            outputContent = null;
            Tablature     = (GuitarTablatureModel)tab; // TODO: remove casting =>
            Options       = options;

                // Build common part of the document (title, ...)

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Tablature.SongName))
                    cursorHeight += 8;
                    svgHeight    += 8;
                    SVGContent   += "<text x=\"50%\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"30\" text-anchor=\"middle\">" + Tablature.SongName + "</text>";
                    cursorHeight += 30;
                    svgHeight    += 30;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Tablature.ArtistName))
                    cursorHeight += 5;
                    svgHeight    += 5;
                    SVGContent   += "<text x=\"50%\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"15\" text-anchor=\"middle\" font-style=\"italic\">" + Tablature.ArtistName + "</text>";
                    cursorHeight += 15;
                    svgHeight    += 15;

                if (Tablature.Tempo.HasValue && Tablature.Tempo.Value > 0)
                    cursorHeight += 5;
                    svgHeight    += 5;
                    SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"12\" text-anchor=\"left\">Tempo: " + Tablature.Tempo.Value + "</text>";
                    cursorHeight += 15;
                    svgHeight    += 15;

                if (Options.DisplayEnchainement && Tablature.Structure != null && Tablature.Structure.Count > 0)
                    cursorHeight += 5;
                    svgHeight    += 5;

                    if (!Options.AffichageEnchainementDetaille.HasValue || !Options.AffichageEnchainementDetaille.Value)
                        // Affichage simple
                        SVGContent += "<text x=\"0\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"12\" text-anchor=\"left\">Enchaînement: ";
                        foreach (StructureSectionModel ei in Tablature.Structure)
                            SVGContent += "(" + Tablature.GetPartName(ei.PartId, Options.Culture) + " x" + ei.Repeat + ") ";
                        SVGContent += "</text>";
                        // Affichage détaillé
                        SVGContent += "<text x=\"0\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"12\" text-anchor=\"left\">Enchaînement:</text>";
                        foreach (StructureSectionModel ei in Tablature.Structure)
                            cursorHeight += 15;
                            svgHeight    += 15;
                            SVGContent   += "<text x=\"20\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"12\" text-anchor=\"left\">- " + Tablature.GetPartName(ei.PartId, Options.Culture) + " x" + ei.Repeat + "</text>";

                    cursorHeight += 15;
                    svgHeight    += 15;

                // Implement instrument stuff (only guitar for now)

                switch (Tablature.Instrument)
                case InstrumentEnum.Guitar:
                    GuitarRenderingBuilder guitarRenderingBuilder = new GuitarRenderingBuilder();
                    guitarRenderingBuilder.Init(Options, Tablature, cursorWith, cursorHeight);
                    string _SVGContent = SVGContent;
                    guitarRenderingBuilder.TryBuild(ref _SVGContent);
                    SVGContent = _SVGContent;

                    throw new NotImplementedException();


                outputContent = SVGContent;
            catch (Exception)
                Options    = null;
                Tablature  = null;
                SVGContent = null;
Beispiel #2
        public bool TryBuild(ref string ret)
            SVGContent = ret;

                // en-tête du document

                if (Tablature.Capodastre.HasValue && Tablature.Capodastre.Value > 0)
                    cursorHeight += 5;
                    svgHeight    += 5;
                    SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"12\" text-anchor=\"left\">Capodastre: " + Tablature.Capodastre.Value + "</text>";
                    cursorHeight += 15;
                    svgHeight    += 15;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Tablature.Tuning))
                    cursorHeight += 5;
                    svgHeight    += 5;
                    SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\" y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"12\" text-anchor=\"left\">Tuning: " + Tablature.Tuning + "</text>";
                    cursorHeight += 15;
                    svgHeight    += 15;

                // en-tête accords utilisés

                if (Options.DisplayChordsHeader && Tablature.Chords != null && Tablature.Chords.Count() > 0)
                    cursorWith    = 0;
                    cursorHeight += 10;
                    svgHeight    += 10;

                    GuitarChordRenderingBuilder chordBuilder = new GuitarChordRenderingBuilder();
                    chordBuilder.Init(new GuitarChordRenderingOptions()

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (TabGuitarChordModel s in Tablature.Chords)
                        cursorWith += 5;

                        if (i == 0)
                            // New line

                        string chordSVG = string.Empty;

                        if (chordBuilder.DrawChord(Tablature.Chords[i].Composition.Composition, out chordSVG, cursorWidth: cursorWith, cursorHeight: cursorHeight))
                            SVGContent += chordSVG;

                        cursorWith += chordBuilder.GetWidth() + 10;

                        chordSVG = null;

                        if ((Options.Width - cursorWith) < chordBuilder.GetWidth() + 10)
                            // New Line

                            i             = 0;
                            cursorHeight += chordBuilder.GetHeight();
                            svgHeight    += chordBuilder.GetHeight();
                            cursorWith    = 0;

                    // On passe la ligne en cours

                    cursorHeight += chordBuilder.GetHeight();
                    svgHeight    += chordBuilder.GetHeight();
                    cursorWith    = 0;

                // Lyrics

                if (Options.DisplayLyrics && Tablature.Lyrics != null && Tablature.Lyrics.Parts != null && Tablature.Lyrics.Parts.Count() > 0)
                    cursorWith = 0;

                    foreach (LyricsPartModel lp in Tablature.Lyrics.Parts)
                        // On affiche le titre de la partie

                        cursorHeight += 30;
                        SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\"  y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"15\">" + Tablature.GetPartName(lp.PartId, Options.Culture) + "</text>";
                        cursorHeight += 10;
                        svgHeight    += 50;

                        // On affiche les phrases

                        int _i = 0;
                        List <Tuple <string, List <LyricsSentenceChordModel> > > _phrases = new List <Tuple <string, List <LyricsSentenceChordModel> > >();

                        foreach (LyricsSentenceModel lsm in lp.Sentences)
                            _i += 1;
                            string _paroles = string.Empty, _accords = string.Empty;

                            _phrases.Add(new Tuple <string, List <LyricsSentenceChordModel> >(lsm.Sentence, lsm.Chords));

                            if (_i < Tablature.Lyrics.Phrase)


                            string _s  = null;
                            string _s1 = null;

                            for (int __i = 0; __i < _phrases.Count; __i++)
                                // Specials tags:
                                // [WS] = whitespace
                                // [NCHR] = ancre pour une note.

                                string[] _arr = _phrases[__i].Item1 != null ? _phrases[__i].Item1.Replace("[WS]", " ").Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) : null;

                                // On prépare l'affichage des paroles
                                if (_phrases[__i].Item1 != null && _phrases[__i].Item1.Contains("[NCHR]"))
                                    for (int ___i = 0; ___i < _arr.Length; ___i++)
                                        if (___i > 0)
                                            _s += " ";

                                        if (_arr[___i] != "[NCHR]")
                                            _s += _arr[___i];

                                        int ____i = 0;
                                        while (____i < _phrases[__i].Item2.Where(x => x.Position == ___i + 1).FirstOrDefault().Chord.Length)
                                            _s    += " ";
                                            ____i += 1;
                                    _s += _phrases[__i].Item1 != null ? _phrases[__i].Item1.Replace("[WS]", " ") : string.Empty;

                                if (__i + 1 < _phrases.Count)
                                    _s += " ";

                                _paroles = _s;

                                // On prépare l'affichage des accords

                                if (_arr == null || _arr.Length == 0)
                                    if (_phrases[__i].Item2 != null && _phrases[__i].Item2.Count > 0)
                                        for (int i = 0; i < _phrases[__i].Item2.Count; i++)
                                            if (i > 0)
                                                _s1 += "  ";
                                            _s1 += _phrases[__i].Item2.OrderBy(x => x.Position).ElementAt(i).Chord;
                                else if (_arr.Length > 0)
                                    for (int i = 0; i < _arr.Length; i++)
                                        if (_phrases[__i].Item2.Where(x => x.Position == i + 1).FirstOrDefault() != null)
                                            for (int _i3 = 0; _i3 < (_arr[i].Length - _phrases[__i].Item2.Where(x => x.Position == i + 1).FirstOrDefault().Chord.Length) / 2; _i3++)
                                                _s1 += " ";
                                            _s1 += _phrases[__i].Item2.Where(x => x.Position == i + 1).FirstOrDefault().Chord;
                                            for (int _i3 = 0; _i3 < (_arr[i].Length - _phrases[__i].Item2.Where(x => x.Position == i + 1).FirstOrDefault().Chord.Length) / 2; _i3++)
                                                _s1 += " ";
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_arr[i]))
                                                string ____s = _arr[i];
                                                if (____s.Contains("&"))
                                                    ____s = ____s.Replace("&eacute;", "e").Replace("&egrav;", "e").Replace("&agrav;", "a").Replace("&ecirc;", "e").Replace("&icirc;", "i").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                                                for (int _i3 = 0; _i3 < ____s.Length; _i3++)
                                                    _s1 += " "; // On rajoute un espace par nombre de caractères
                                                _s1  += " ";    // On rajoute l'espace entre deux mots
                                                ____s = null;

                                _arr = null;
                            _accords = _s1;

                            // On affiche les accords

                            cursorHeight += 30;
                            SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\"  y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"15\"  xml:space=\"preserve\">" + _accords + "</text>";
                            svgHeight    += 50;
                            cursorHeight += 10;

                            // On affiche les paroles

                            cursorHeight += 30;
                            SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\"  y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"15\">" + _paroles + "</text>";
                            svgHeight    += 50;
                            cursorHeight += 10;


                            _s       = null;
                            _i       = 0;
                            _paroles = null;
                            _accords = null;
                            _phrases = new List <Tuple <string, List <LyricsSentenceChordModel> > >();

                        _phrases = null;

                // contenu tab

                cursorWith = 0;

                foreach (PartSectionModel part in Tablature.PartSections)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Tablature.GetPartName(part.Id, Options.Culture)))
                        cursorHeight += 30;
                        SVGContent   += "<text x=\"0\"  y=\"" + cursorHeight + "\" font-family=\"" + Options.Typeface + "\" font-size=\"15\">" + Tablature.GetPartName(part.Id, Options.Culture) + "</text>";
                        cursorHeight += 15;
                        cursorHeight += 5;
                        svgHeight    += 50;

                    // On crée une ligne vide de tab


                    // Et on mets les notes

                    int iMesures = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < part.Mesures.Count; i++)

                        foreach (PartSectionMesureTempsModel tmp in part.Mesures[i].Temps)
                            foreach (PartSectionMesureTempsItemModel s in tmp.Sons)
                                if (Convert.ToInt32(s.Pprts.Where(x => x.Code == (int)GuitarPropertyEnum.Type).First().Value) == (int)TypeSonEnum.Note)
                                    CreateNote(Convert.ToInt32(s.Pprts.Where(x => x.Code == (int)GuitarPropertyEnum.Corde).First().Value), Convert.ToInt32(s.Pprts.Where(x => x.Code == (int)GuitarPropertyEnum.Position).First().Value));
                                    CreateChord(s.Pprts.Where(x => x.Code == (int)GuitarPropertyEnum.Chord).First().Value, Convert.ToInt32(s.Pprts.Where(x => x.Code == (int)GuitarPropertyEnum.Direction).First().Value));

                        if (iMesures < part.Mesures.Count)
                            int nbNotesNextMesure = 0;
                            if (part.Mesures[i + 1] != null && part.Mesures[i + 1].Temps != null && part.Mesures[i + 1].Temps.Count > 0)
                                part.Mesures[i + 1].Temps.ForEach(delegate(PartSectionMesureTempsModel t)
                                    nbNotesNextMesure += t.Sons != null ? t.Sons.Count() : 0;

                            if (cursorWith < (Options.Width - (20 + nbNotesNextMesure * 20)))
                                cursorHeight += Options.StringSpacing * 6 + 20;

                    // on mets à jour la hauteur du svg

                    cursorHeight += Options.StringSpacing * 5;
                    svgHeight    += cursorHeight;

                // Response

                SVGContent = "<svg width=\"" + Options.Width + "\" height=\"" + (svgHeight + 20) + "\">" + SVGContent + "</svg>";
                ret        = SVGContent;
            catch (Exception)
                ret = null;
                SVGContent = null;