Beispiel #1
        // TZFILE(5)                   BSD File Formats Manual                  TZFILE(5)
        // NAME
        //      tzfile -- timezone information
        // SYNOPSIS
        //      #include "/usr/src/lib/libc/stdtime/tzfile.h"
        // DESCRIPTION
        //      The time zone information files used by tzset(3) begin with the magic
        //      characters ``TZif'' to identify them as time zone information files, fol-
        //      lowed by sixteen bytes reserved for future use, followed by four four-
        //      byte values written in a ``standard'' byte order (the high-order byte of
        //      the value is written first).  These values are, in order:
        //      tzh_ttisgmtcnt  The number of UTC/local indicators stored in the file.
        //      tzh_ttisstdcnt  The number of standard/wall indicators stored in the
        //                      file.
        //      tzh_leapcnt     The number of leap seconds for which data is stored in
        //                      the file.
        //      tzh_timecnt     The number of ``transition times'' for which data is
        //                      stored in the file.
        //      tzh_typecnt     The number of ``local time types'' for which data is
        //                      stored in the file (must not be zero).
        //      tzh_charcnt     The number of characters of ``time zone abbreviation
        //                      strings'' stored in the file.
        //      The above header is followed by tzh_timecnt four-byte values of type
        //      long, sorted in ascending order.  These values are written in ``stan-
        //      dard'' byte order.  Each is used as a transition time (as returned by
        //      time(3)) at which the rules for computing local time change.  Next come
        //      tzh_timecnt one-byte values of type unsigned char; each one tells which
        //      of the different types of ``local time'' types described in the file is
        //      associated with the same-indexed transition time.  These values serve as
        //      indices into an array of ttinfo structures that appears next in the file;
        //      these structures are defined as follows:
        //            struct ttinfo {
        //                    long    tt_gmtoff;
        //                    int     tt_isdst;
        //                    unsigned int    tt_abbrind;
        //            };
        //      Each structure is written as a four-byte value for tt_gmtoff of type
        //      long, in a standard byte order, followed by a one-byte value for tt_isdst
        //      and a one-byte value for tt_abbrind.  In each structure, tt_gmtoff gives
        //      the number of seconds to be added to UTC, tt_isdst tells whether t_isdst
        //      should be set by localtime(3) and tt_abbrind serves as an index into the
        //      array of time zone abbreviation characters that follow the ttinfo struc-
        //      ture(s) in the file.
        //      Then there are tzh_leapcnt pairs of four-byte values, written in standard
        //      byte order; the first value of each pair gives the time (as returned by
        //      time(3)) at which a leap second occurs; the second gives the total number
        //      of leap seconds to be applied after the given time.  The pairs of values
        //      are sorted in ascending order by time.b
        //      Then there are tzh_ttisstdcnt standard/wall indicators, each stored as a
        //      one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times associated with
        //      local time types were specified as standard time or wall clock time, and
        //      are used when a time zone file is used in handling POSIX-style time zone
        //      environment variables.
        //      Finally there are tzh_ttisgmtcnt UTC/local indicators, each stored as a
        //      one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times associated with
        //      local time types were specified as UTC or local time, and are used when a
        //      time zone file is used in handling POSIX-style time zone environment
        //      variables.
        //      localtime uses the first standard-time ttinfo structure in the file (or
        //      simply the first ttinfo structure in the absence of a standard-time
        //      structure) if either tzh_timecnt is zero or the time argument is less
        //      than the first transition time recorded in the file.
        // SEE ALSO
        //      ctime(3), time2posix(3), zic(8)
        // BSD                           September 13, 1994                           BSD
        // TIME(3)                  BSD Library Functions Manual                  TIME(3)
        // NAME
        //      time -- get time of day
        // LIBRARY
        //      Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
        // SYNOPSIS
        //      #include <time.h>
        //      time_t
        //      time(time_t *tloc);
        // DESCRIPTION
        //      The time() function returns the value of time in seconds since 0 hours, 0
        //      minutes, 0 seconds, January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time, without
        //      including leap seconds.  If an error occurs, time() returns the value
        //      (time_t)-1.
        //      The return value is also stored in *tloc, provided that tloc is non-null.
        // ERRORS
        //      The time() function may fail for any of the reasons described in
        //      gettimeofday(2).
        // SEE ALSO
        //      gettimeofday(2), ctime(3)
        // STANDARDS
        //      The time function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').
        // BUGS
        //      Neither ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'') nor IEEE Std 1003.1-2001
        //      (``POSIX.1'') requires time() to set errno on failure; thus, it is impos-
        //      sible for an application to distinguish the valid time value -1 (repre-
        //      senting the last UTC second of 1969) from the error return value.
        //      Systems conforming to earlier versions of the C and POSIX standards
        //      (including older versions of FreeBSD) did not set *tloc in the error
        //      case.
        // HISTORY
        //      A time() function appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.
        // BSD                              July 18, 2003                             BSD

        // TZif_CalculateTransitionTime -
        // Example inputs:
        // -----------------
        // utc               =     1918-03-31T10:00:00.0000000Z
        // transitionType    =     {-08:00:00  DST=False,  Index 4}
        // standardTime      =     False
        // gmtTime           =     False
        private static TransitionTime TZif_CalculateTransitionTime(DateTime utc, TimeSpan offset,
                                                                   TZifType transitionType, Boolean standardTime,
                                                                   Boolean gmtTime, out DateTime ruleDate)
            // convert from UTC to local clock time
            Int64 ticks = utc.Ticks + offset.Ticks;

            if (ticks > DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks)
                utc = DateTime.MaxValue;
            else if (ticks < DateTime.MinValue.Ticks)
                utc = DateTime.MinValue;
                utc = new DateTime(ticks);

            DateTime timeOfDay = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, utc.Hour, utc.Minute, utc.Second, utc.Millisecond);
            int      month     = utc.Month;
            int      day       = utc.Day;

            ruleDate = new DateTime(utc.Year, month, day);
            // FUTURE: take standardTime/gmtTime into account
            return(TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(timeOfDay, month, day));
Beispiel #2
        private static void TZif_ParseRaw(Byte[] data, out TZifHead t, out DateTime[] dts, out Byte[] typeOfLocalTime, out TZifType[] transitionType,
                                          out String zoneAbbreviations, out Boolean[] StandardTime, out Boolean[] GmtTime)
            // initialize the out parameters in case the TZifHead ctor throws
            dts               = null;
            typeOfLocalTime   = null;
            transitionType    = null;
            zoneAbbreviations = String.Empty;
            StandardTime      = null;
            GmtTime           = null;

            // read in the 44-byte TZ header containing the count/length fields
            t = new TZifHead(data, 0);
            int index = TZifHead.Length;

            // initialize the containers for the rest of the TZ data
            dts               = new DateTime[t.TimeCount];
            typeOfLocalTime   = new Byte[t.TimeCount];
            transitionType    = new TZifType[t.TypeCount];
            zoneAbbreviations = String.Empty;
            StandardTime      = new Boolean[t.TypeCount];
            GmtTime           = new Boolean[t.TypeCount];

            // read in the 4-byte UTC transition points and convert them to Windows
            for (int i = 0; i < t.TimeCount; i++)
                int unixTime = TZif_ToInt32(data, index);
                dts[i] = TZif_UnixTimeToWindowsTime(unixTime);
                index += 4;

            // read in the Type Indices; there is a 1:1 mapping of UTC transition points to Type Indices
            // these indices directly map to the array index in the transitionType array below
            for (int i = 0; i < t.TimeCount; i++)
                typeOfLocalTime[i] = data[index];
                index += 1;

            // read in the Type table.  Each 6-byte entry represents
            // {UtcOffset, IsDst, AbbreviationIndex}
            // each AbbreviationIndex is a character index into the zoneAbbreviations string below
            for (int i = 0; i < t.TypeCount; i++)
                transitionType[i] = new TZifType(data, index);
                index            += 6;

            // read in the Abbreviation ASCII string.  This string will be in the form:
            // "PST\0PDT\0PWT\0\PPT"
            System.Text.Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
            zoneAbbreviations = enc.GetString(data, index, (int)t.CharCount);
            index            += (int)t.CharCount;

            // skip ahead of the Leap-Seconds Adjustment data.  In a future release, consider adding
            // support for Leap-Seconds
            index += (int)(t.LeapCount * 8); // skip the leap second transition times

            // read in the Standard Time table.  There should be a 1:1 mapping between Type-Index and Standard
            // Time table entries.
            // TRUE     =     transition time is standard time
            // FALSE    =     transition time is wall clock time
            // ABSENT   =     transition time is wall clock time
            for (int i = 0; i < t.IsStdCount && i < t.TypeCount && index < data.Length; i++)
                StandardTime[i] = (data[index++] != 0);

            // read in the GMT Time table.  There should be a 1:1 mapping between Type-Index and GMT Time table
            // entries.
            // TRUE     =     transition time is UTC
            // FALSE    =     transition time is local time
            // ABSENT   =     transition time is local time
            for (int i = 0; i < t.IsGmtCount && i < t.TypeCount && index < data.Length; i++)
                GmtTime[i] = (data[index++] != 0);
Beispiel #3
        private static void TZif_ParseRaw(Byte[] data, out TZifHead t, out DateTime[] dts, out Byte[] typeOfLocalTime, out TZifType[] transitionType,
                                          out String zoneAbbreviations, out Boolean[] StandardTime, out Boolean[] GmtTime)
            // initialize the out parameters in case the TZifHead ctor throws
            dts = null;
            typeOfLocalTime = null;
            transitionType = null;
            zoneAbbreviations = String.Empty;
            StandardTime = null;
            GmtTime = null;

            // read in the 44-byte TZ header containing the count/length fields
            t = new TZifHead(data, 0);
            int index = TZifHead.Length;

            // initialize the containers for the rest of the TZ data
            dts = new DateTime[t.TimeCount];
            typeOfLocalTime = new Byte[t.TimeCount];
            transitionType = new TZifType[t.TypeCount];
            zoneAbbreviations = String.Empty;
            StandardTime = new Boolean[t.TypeCount];
            GmtTime = new Boolean[t.TypeCount];

            // read in the 4-byte UTC transition points and convert them to Windows
            for (int i = 0; i < t.TimeCount; i++)
                int unixTime = TZif_ToInt32(data, index);
                dts[i] = TZif_UnixTimeToWindowsTime(unixTime);
                index += 4;

            // read in the Type Indices; there is a 1:1 mapping of UTC transition points to Type Indices
            // these indices directly map to the array index in the transitionType array below
            for (int i = 0; i < t.TimeCount; i++)
                typeOfLocalTime[i] = data[index];
                index += 1;

            // read in the Type table.  Each 6-byte entry represents
            // {UtcOffset, IsDst, AbbreviationIndex}
            // each AbbreviationIndex is a character index into the zoneAbbreviations string below
            for (int i = 0; i < t.TypeCount; i++)
                transitionType[i] = new TZifType(data, index);
                index += 6;

            // read in the Abbreviation ASCII string.  This string will be in the form:
            // "PST\0PDT\0PWT\0\PPT"
            System.Text.Encoding enc = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding();
            zoneAbbreviations = enc.GetString(data, index, (int)t.CharCount);
            index += (int)t.CharCount;

            // skip ahead of the Leap-Seconds Adjustment data.  In a future release, consider adding
            // support for Leap-Seconds
            index += (int)(t.LeapCount * 8); // skip the leap second transition times

            // read in the Standard Time table.  There should be a 1:1 mapping between Type-Index and Standard
            // Time table entries.
            // TRUE     =     transition time is standard time
            // FALSE    =     transition time is wall clock time
            // ABSENT   =     transition time is wall clock time
            for (int i = 0; i < t.IsStdCount && i < t.TypeCount && index < data.Length; i++)
                StandardTime[i] = (data[index++] != 0);

            // read in the GMT Time table.  There should be a 1:1 mapping between Type-Index and GMT Time table
            // entries.
            // TRUE     =     transition time is UTC
            // FALSE    =     transition time is local time
            // ABSENT   =     transition time is local time
            for (int i = 0; i < t.IsGmtCount && i < t.TypeCount && index < data.Length; i++)
                GmtTime[i] = (data[index++] != 0);
Beispiel #4
        private static void TZif_CreateLastMultiYearRule(ref List<AdjustmentRule> rulesList, TimeSpan daylightBias, DateTime endTransitionDate,
                                                          int DstStartIndex, int dstStartTypeIndex, int DstEndIndex, int dstEndTypeIndex, DateTime[] dts, TZifType[] transitionType,
                                                          Byte[] typeOfLocalTime, bool[] StandardTime, bool[] GmtTime)
            // [AdjustmentRule       #N] // end rule
            // [1963/06/16 - 1946/10/02] //   * starts 1 day after last day in previous rule
            // [start: 05/15           ] //   * N months long, stopping 1 day after endTransitionDate
            // [end  : 10/01           ] // notice how the _start_ is outside the range

            DateTime endDate;
            TransitionTime dstEnd;

            TimeSpan endTransitionOffset = (DstEndIndex > 0 ? transitionType[typeOfLocalTime[DstEndIndex - 1]].UtcOffset : transitionType[dstStartTypeIndex].UtcOffset);

            dstEnd = TZif_CalculateTransitionTime(endTransitionDate,
                                                   out endDate);

            if (DstStartIndex >= DstEndIndex)
                // we found a DST start but no DST end
                endDate = DateTime.MaxValue.Date;

            AdjustmentRule prevRule = rulesList[rulesList.Count - 1]; // grab the last element of the MultiYearRule sequence
            int y = prevRule.DateEnd.Year;
            if (prevRule.DateEnd.Month <= 6)
                // create a rule from 06/16/YYYY to endDate
                AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(new DateTime(y, 06, 16), endDate, daylightBias, s_transition5_15, dstEnd);
                // create a rule from 11/16/YYYY to endDate
                AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(new DateTime(y, 11, 16), endDate, daylightBias, s_transition10_15, dstEnd);
Beispiel #5
        private static void TZif_CreateFirstMultiYearRule(ref List<AdjustmentRule> rulesList, TimeSpan daylightBias, DateTime startTransitionDate,
                                                          int DstStartIndex, int dstStartTypeIndex, int dstEndTypeIndex, DateTime[] dts, TZifType[] transitionType,
                                                          Byte[] typeOfLocalTime, bool[] StandardTime, bool[] GmtTime)
            // [AdjustmentRule       #0] // start rule
            // [1946/09/31 - 1947/06/15] // * starts 1 day prior to startTransitionDate
            // [start: 10/01 @4:00     ] // * N months long, stopping at month 6 or 11
            // [end  : 07/15           ] // notice how the _end_ is outside the range

            DateTime startDate;
            DateTime endDate;
            TransitionTime dstStart;
            TransitionTime dstEnd;

            TimeSpan startTransitionOffset = (DstStartIndex > 0 ? transitionType[typeOfLocalTime[DstStartIndex - 1]].UtcOffset : transitionType[dstEndTypeIndex].UtcOffset);

            dstStart = TZif_CalculateTransitionTime(startTransitionDate,
                                                    out startDate);

            // Choosing the endDate based on the startDate:
            // startTransitionDate.Month -> end
            // 1        4|5        8|9       12
            // [-> 06/15]|[-> 11/15]|[-> 06/15]
            int startDateMonth = startDate.Month;
            int startDateYear = startDate.Year;

            if (startDateMonth <= 4)
                endDate = new DateTime(startDateYear, 06, 15);
                dstEnd = s_transition7_15;
            else if (startDateMonth <= 8)
                endDate = new DateTime(startDateYear, 11, 15);
                dstEnd = s_transition12_15;
            else if (startDateYear < 9999)
                endDate = new DateTime(startDateYear + 1, 06, 15);
                dstEnd = s_transition7_15;
                endDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
                dstEnd = s_transition7_15;

            AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(startDate, endDate, daylightBias, dstStart, dstEnd);
Beispiel #6
        private static bool TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule(ref int startIndex, ref List<AdjustmentRule> rulesList, DateTime[] dts, Byte[] typeOfLocalTime,
                                                                  TZifType[] transitionType, Boolean[] StandardTime, Boolean[] GmtTime)
            int index = startIndex;
            bool Dst = false;
            int DstStartIndex = -1;
            int DstEndIndex = -1;
            DateTime startDate = DateTime.MinValue.Date;
            DateTime endDate = DateTime.MaxValue.Date;

            // find the next DST transition start time index
            while (!Dst && index < typeOfLocalTime.Length)
                int typeIndex = typeOfLocalTime[index];
                if (typeIndex < transitionType.Length && transitionType[typeIndex].IsDst)
                    // found the next DST transition start time
                    Dst = true;
                    DstStartIndex = index;

            // find the next DST transition end time index
            while (Dst && index < typeOfLocalTime.Length)
                int typeIndex = typeOfLocalTime[index];
                if (typeIndex < transitionType.Length && !transitionType[typeIndex].IsDst)
                    // found the next DST transition end time
                    Dst = false;
                    DstEndIndex = index;

            // construct the adjustment rule from the two indices
            if (DstStartIndex >= 0)
                DateTime startTransitionDate = dts[DstStartIndex];
                DateTime endTransitionDate;

                if (DstEndIndex == -1)
                    // we found a DST start but no DST end; in this case use the
                    // prior non-DST entry if it exists, else use the current entry for both start and end (e.g., zero daylightDelta)
                    if (DstStartIndex > 0)
                        DstEndIndex = DstStartIndex - 1;
                        DstEndIndex = DstStartIndex;
                    endTransitionDate = DateTime.MaxValue;
                    endTransitionDate = dts[DstEndIndex];

                int dstStartTypeIndex = typeOfLocalTime[DstStartIndex];
                int dstEndTypeIndex = typeOfLocalTime[DstEndIndex];

                TimeSpan daylightBias = transitionType[dstStartTypeIndex].UtcOffset - transitionType[dstEndTypeIndex].UtcOffset;
                // TZif supports seconds-level granularity with offsets but TimeZoneInfo only supports minutes since it aligns
                // with DateTimeOffset, SQL Server, and the W3C XML Specification
                if (daylightBias.Ticks % TimeSpan.TicksPerMinute != 0)
                    daylightBias = new TimeSpan(daylightBias.Hours, daylightBias.Minutes, 0);

                // the normal case is less than 12 months between transition times.  However places like America/Catamarca
                // have DST from 1946-1963 straight without a gap.  In that case we need to create a series of Adjustment
                // Rules to fudge the multi-year DST period
                if ((endTransitionDate - startTransitionDate).Ticks <= TimeSpan.TicksPerDay * 364)
                    TransitionTime dstStart;
                    TransitionTime dstEnd;
                    TimeSpan startTransitionOffset = (DstStartIndex > 0 ? transitionType[typeOfLocalTime[DstStartIndex - 1]].UtcOffset : transitionType[dstEndTypeIndex].UtcOffset);
                    TimeSpan endTransitionOffset = (DstEndIndex > 0 ? transitionType[typeOfLocalTime[DstEndIndex - 1]].UtcOffset : transitionType[dstStartTypeIndex].UtcOffset);

                    dstStart = TZif_CalculateTransitionTime(startTransitionDate,
                                                                           out startDate);

                    dstEnd = TZif_CalculateTransitionTime(endTransitionDate,
                                                                           out endDate);

                    // calculate the AdjustmentRule end date
                    if (DstStartIndex >= DstEndIndex)
                        // we found a DST start but no DST end
                        endDate = DateTime.MaxValue.Date;

                    AdjustmentRule r = AdjustmentRule.CreateAdjustmentRule(startDate, endDate, daylightBias, dstStart, dstEnd);
                    // create the multi-year DST rule series:
                    // For example America/Catamarca:
                    //     1946-10-01T04:00:00.0000000Z {-03:00:00 DST=True}
                    //     1963-10-01T03:00:00.0000000Z {-04:00:00 DST=False}
                    // gets converted into a series of overlapping 5/7month adjustment rules:
                    // [AdjustmentRule       #0] // start rule
                    // [1946/09/31 - 1947/06/15] // * starts 1 day prior to startTransitionDate
                    // [start: 10/01 @4:00     ] // * N months long, stopping at month 6 or 11
                    // [end  : 07/15           ] // notice how the _end_ is outside the range
                    // [AdjustmentRule       #1] // middle-year all-DST rule
                    // [1947/06/16 - 1947/11/15] // * starts 1 day after last day in previous rule
                    // [start: 05/15           ] // * 5 months long, stopping at month 6 or 11
                    // [end  : 12/15           ] // notice how the _start and end_ are outside the range
                    // [AdjustmentRule       #2] // middle-year all-DST rule
                    // [1947/11/16 - 1947/06/15] //  * starts 1 day after last day in previous rule
                    // [start: 10/01           ] //  * 7 months long, stopping at month 6 or 11
                    // [end  : 07/15           ] // notice how the _start and end_ are outside the range
                    // .........................
                    // [AdjustmentRule       #N] // end rule
                    // [1963/06/16 - 1946/10/02] //   * starts 1 day after last day in previous rule
                    // [start: 05/15           ] //   * N months long, stopping 1 day after endTransitionDate
                    // [end  : 10/01           ] // notice how the _start_ is outside the range

                    // create the first rule from N to either 06/15 or 11/15
                    TZif_CreateFirstMultiYearRule(ref rulesList, daylightBias, startTransitionDate, DstStartIndex, dstStartTypeIndex, dstEndTypeIndex,
                                                                                            dts, transitionType, typeOfLocalTime, StandardTime, GmtTime);

                    // create the filler rules
                    TZif_CreateMiddleMultiYearRules(ref rulesList, daylightBias, endTransitionDate);

                    // create the last rule  
                    TZif_CreateLastMultiYearRule(ref rulesList, daylightBias, endTransitionDate, DstStartIndex, dstStartTypeIndex, DstEndIndex, dstEndTypeIndex,
                                                                                            dts, transitionType, typeOfLocalTime, StandardTime, GmtTime);

                startIndex = index + 1;
                return true;

            // setup the start values for the next call to TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule(...)
            startIndex = index + 1;
            return false; // did not create a new AdjustmentRule
Beispiel #7
        private static void TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRules(out AdjustmentRule[] rules, DateTime[] dts, Byte[] typeOfLocalTime,
                                                         TZifType[] transitionType, Boolean[] StandardTime, Boolean[] GmtTime)
            rules = null;

            int index = 0;
            List<AdjustmentRule> rulesList = new List<AdjustmentRule>(1);
            bool succeeded = true;

            while (succeeded && index < dts.Length)
                succeeded = TZif_GenerateAdjustmentRule(ref index, ref rulesList, dts, typeOfLocalTime, transitionType, StandardTime, GmtTime);

            rules = rulesList.ToArray();
            if (rules != null && rules.Length == 0)
                rules = null;
Beispiel #8
        // TZFILE(5)                   BSD File Formats Manual                  TZFILE(5)
        // NAME
        //      tzfile -- timezone information
        // SYNOPSIS
        //      #include "/usr/src/lib/libc/stdtime/tzfile.h"
        // DESCRIPTION
        //      The time zone information files used by tzset(3) begin with the magic
        //      characters ``TZif'' to identify them as time zone information files, fol-
        //      lowed by sixteen bytes reserved for future use, followed by four four-
        //      byte values written in a ``standard'' byte order (the high-order byte of
        //      the value is written first).  These values are, in order:
        //      tzh_ttisgmtcnt  The number of UTC/local indicators stored in the file.
        //      tzh_ttisstdcnt  The number of standard/wall indicators stored in the
        //                      file.
        //      tzh_leapcnt     The number of leap seconds for which data is stored in
        //                      the file.
        //      tzh_timecnt     The number of ``transition times'' for which data is
        //                      stored in the file.
        //      tzh_typecnt     The number of ``local time types'' for which data is
        //                      stored in the file (must not be zero).
        //      tzh_charcnt     The number of characters of ``time zone abbreviation
        //                      strings'' stored in the file.
        //      The above header is followed by tzh_timecnt four-byte values of type
        //      long, sorted in ascending order.  These values are written in ``stan-
        //      dard'' byte order.  Each is used as a transition time (as returned by
        //      time(3)) at which the rules for computing local time change.  Next come
        //      tzh_timecnt one-byte values of type unsigned char; each one tells which
        //      of the different types of ``local time'' types described in the file is
        //      associated with the same-indexed transition time.  These values serve as
        //      indices into an array of ttinfo structures that appears next in the file;
        //      these structures are defined as follows:
        //            struct ttinfo {
        //                    long    tt_gmtoff;
        //                    int     tt_isdst;
        //                    unsigned int    tt_abbrind;
        //            };
        //      Each structure is written as a four-byte value for tt_gmtoff of type
        //      long, in a standard byte order, followed by a one-byte value for tt_isdst
        //      and a one-byte value for tt_abbrind.  In each structure, tt_gmtoff gives
        //      the number of seconds to be added to UTC, tt_isdst tells whether t_isdst
        //      should be set by localtime(3) and tt_abbrind serves as an index into the
        //      array of time zone abbreviation characters that follow the ttinfo struc-
        //      ture(s) in the file.
        //      Then there are tzh_leapcnt pairs of four-byte values, written in standard
        //      byte order; the first value of each pair gives the time (as returned by
        //      time(3)) at which a leap second occurs; the second gives the total number
        //      of leap seconds to be applied after the given time.  The pairs of values
        //      are sorted in ascending order by time.b
        //      Then there are tzh_ttisstdcnt standard/wall indicators, each stored as a
        //      one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times associated with
        //      local time types were specified as standard time or wall clock time, and
        //      are used when a time zone file is used in handling POSIX-style time zone
        //      environment variables.
        //      Finally there are tzh_ttisgmtcnt UTC/local indicators, each stored as a
        //      one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times associated with
        //      local time types were specified as UTC or local time, and are used when a
        //      time zone file is used in handling POSIX-style time zone environment
        //      variables.
        //      localtime uses the first standard-time ttinfo structure in the file (or
        //      simply the first ttinfo structure in the absence of a standard-time
        //      structure) if either tzh_timecnt is zero or the time argument is less
        //      than the first transition time recorded in the file.
        // SEE ALSO
        //      ctime(3), time2posix(3), zic(8)
        // BSD                           September 13, 1994                           BSD
        // TIME(3)                  BSD Library Functions Manual                  TIME(3)
        // NAME
        //      time -- get time of day
        // LIBRARY
        //      Standard C Library (libc, -lc)
        // SYNOPSIS
        //      #include <time.h>
        //      time_t
        //      time(time_t *tloc);
        // DESCRIPTION
        //      The time() function returns the value of time in seconds since 0 hours, 0
        //      minutes, 0 seconds, January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time, without
        //      including leap seconds.  If an error occurs, time() returns the value
        //      (time_t)-1.
        //      The return value is also stored in *tloc, provided that tloc is non-null.
        // ERRORS
        //      The time() function may fail for any of the reasons described in
        //      gettimeofday(2).
        // SEE ALSO
        //      gettimeofday(2), ctime(3)
        // STANDARDS
        //      The time function conforms to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 (``POSIX.1'').
        // BUGS
        //      Neither ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (``ISO C99'') nor IEEE Std 1003.1-2001
        //      (``POSIX.1'') requires time() to set errno on failure; thus, it is impos-
        //      sible for an application to distinguish the valid time value -1 (repre-
        //      senting the last UTC second of 1969) from the error return value.
        //      Systems conforming to earlier versions of the C and POSIX standards
        //      (including older versions of FreeBSD) did not set *tloc in the error
        //      case.
        // HISTORY
        //      A time() function appeared in Version 6 AT&T UNIX.
        // BSD                              July 18, 2003                             BSD

        // TZif_CalculateTransitionTime -
        // Example inputs:
        // ----------------- 
        // utc               =     1918-03-31T10:00:00.0000000Z
        // transitionType    =     {-08:00:00  DST=False,  Index 4}
        // standardTime      =     False
        // gmtTime           =     False
        private static TransitionTime TZif_CalculateTransitionTime(DateTime utc, TimeSpan offset,
                                                                   TZifType transitionType, Boolean standardTime,
                                                                   Boolean gmtTime, out DateTime ruleDate)
            // convert from UTC to local clock time
            Int64 ticks = utc.Ticks + offset.Ticks;
            if (ticks > DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks)
                utc = DateTime.MaxValue;
            else if (ticks < DateTime.MinValue.Ticks)
                utc = DateTime.MinValue;
                utc = new DateTime(ticks);

            DateTime timeOfDay = new DateTime(1, 1, 1, utc.Hour, utc.Minute, utc.Second, utc.Millisecond);
            int month = utc.Month;
            int day = utc.Day;

            ruleDate = new DateTime(utc.Year, month, day);
            // FUTURE: take standardTime/gmtTime into account
            return TransitionTime.CreateFixedDateRule(timeOfDay, month, day);