Beispiel #1
 private void ConvertToWO(WOViewModel WOVM, TWO wo, string custId)
     //wo.WONo = WOVM.WONo;
     wo.CustomerId      = GetCustomer(custId);
     wo.WODate          = WOVM.WODate;
     wo.WOItemType      = WOVM.WOItemType;
     wo.WOItemSn        = WOVM.WOItemSN;
     wo.WOIsGuarantee   = WOVM.WOIsGuarantee;
     wo.WOEquipments    = WOVM.WOEquipments;
     wo.WOScStore       = WOVM.WOScStore;
     wo.WOPriority      = WOVM.WOPriority;
     wo.WOStartDate     = WOVM.WOStartDate;
     wo.WOLastStatus    = WOVM.WOLastStatus;
     wo.WOEstFinishDate = WOVM.WOEstFinishDate;
     wo.WOTotal         = WOVM.WOTotal;
     wo.WODp            = WOVM.WODp;
     wo.WOInvoiceNo     = WOVM.WOInvoiceNo;
     wo.WOTakenDate     = WOVM.WOTakenDate;
     wo.WOBrokenDesc    = WOVM.WOBrokenDesc;
     wo.WODesc          = WOVM.WODesc;
     wo.WOComplain      = WOVM.WOComplain;
     wo.WORemarkStatus  = WOVM.WORemarkStatus;
     wo.WOReceivedBy    = WOVM.WOReceivedBy;
     wo.WORepairedBy    = WOVM.WORepairedBy;
        public ActionResult WO_Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, WOViewModel WOVM, FormCollection formCol)
            var errors = ModelState
                         .Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0)
                         .Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors })

            if (WOVM != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                TWO wo = new TWO();

                wo.WONo = GetNewWONo();

                ConvertToWO(WOVM, wo, formCol);

                wo.WOUnitLastTrack = User.Identity.Name;
                wo.CreatedDate     = DateTime.Now;
                wo.CreatedBy       = User.Identity.Name;
                wo.DataStatus      = "New";


            return(Json(new[] { WOVM }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState)));
        private void ConvertToWO(WOViewModel WOVM, TWO wo, FormCollection formCol)
            //get customer id from form collection, customerVM not catch the customer id :(
            string custId = formCol["HiddenCustomerId"];
            string typeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(formCol["TypeId.TypeID"]) ? formCol["TypeId"] : formCol["TypeId.TypeID"];
            string merkId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(formCol["MerkId.MerkID"]) ? formCol["MerkId"] : formCol["MerkId.MerkID"];

            //wo.WONo = WOVM.WONo;
            wo.CustomerId        = GetCustomer(custId);
            wo.WODate            = WOVM.WODate;
            wo.WOUnitName        = WOVM.WOUnitName;
            wo.WOUnitSn          = WOVM.WOUnitSn;
            wo.WOUnitIsGuarantee = WOVM.WOUnitIsGuarantee;
            wo.WOEquipments      = WOVM.WOEquipments;
            wo.WOPriority        = WOVM.WOPriority;
            wo.WOStartDate       = WOVM.WOStartDate;
            wo.WOLastStatus      = WOVM.WOLastStatus;
            wo.WOEstFinishDate   = WOVM.WOEstFinishDate;
            wo.WOTotal           = WOVM.WOTotal;
            wo.WODp                 = WOVM.WODp;
            wo.WOInvoiceNo          = WOVM.WOInvoiceNo;
            wo.WOTakenDate          = WOVM.WOTakenDate;
            wo.WOBrokenDesc         = WOVM.WOBrokenDesc;
            wo.WODesc               = WOVM.WODesc;
            wo.WOComplain           = WOVM.WOComplain;
            wo.MerkId               = string.IsNullOrEmpty(merkId) ? null : _merkTasks.One(merkId);
            wo.TypeId               = string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeId) ? null : _typeTasks.One(typeId);
            wo.WOUnitImei           = WOVM.WOUnitImei;
            wo.WOUnitColor          = WOVM.WOUnitColor;
            wo.WODateSentToSC       = WOVM.WODateSentToSC;
            wo.WODateReceivedFromSC = WOVM.WODateReceivedFromSC;
            wo.WOServiceFee         = WOVM.WOServiceFee;
            wo.WOSPartTotal         = WOVM.WOSPartTotal;
            wo.WOReferenceNo        = WOVM.WOReferenceNo;
        public ActionResult LogWO_Open(string random, string woId)
            string msg     = string.Empty;
            bool   success = false;

                //get wo by wo id
                TWO wo = this._woTasks.One(woId);
                //save log
                SaveLog(wo, EnumWOLog.Read);

                success = true;
                msg     = "Log WO success";
            catch (Exception ex)
                success = false;
                msg     = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
            var e = new
                Success = success,
                Message = msg

            return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public void ConfirmTrack(TWOTrack woTrack)

            //update wo last track
            TWO wo = woTrack.WOId;

            wo.WOUnitLastTrack = woTrack.WOTrackTo;

Beispiel #6
        public ActionResult PrintWOFactur(string random, string woId)
            string msg        = string.Empty;
            bool   success    = false;
            bool   allowPrint = true;

                //get wo by wo id
                TWO wo = this._woTasks.One(woId);
                //check if user have print WO, if not, allow print for role CS
                if (User.IsInRole("CS"))
                    allowPrint = !_woLogTasks.HaveBeenPrint(wo, User.Identity.Name);

                if (allowPrint)
                    ReportParameterCollection paramCol = null;
                    ReportDataSource[]        repCol   = new ReportDataSource[1];
                    //get data source
                    repCol[0] = GetWOById(wo);
                    //save log
                    SaveLog(wo, EnumWOLog.Print);

                    Session["ReportData"]   = repCol;
                    Session["ReportParams"] = paramCol;

                    success = true;
                    msg     = "Print WO success";
                    success = false;
                    msg     = "Anda sudah pernah mencetak WO";
            catch (Exception ex)
                success = false;
                msg     = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
            var e = new
                Success   = success,
                Message   = msg,
                UrlReport = string.Format("{0}", EnumReports.RptPrintWOFactur.ToString())

            return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #7
        public ActionResult WODetail(string WoId)
            WOViewModel woVM = new WOViewModel();
            TWO         wo   = _woTasks.One(WoId);

            if (wo != null)
                woVM.WOID            = wo.Id;
                woVM.CustomerName    = wo.CustomerId.CustomerName;
                woVM.CustomerPhone   = wo.CustomerId.CustomerPhone;
                woVM.CustomerAddress = wo.CustomerId.CustomerAddress;
                woVM.WODate          = wo.WODate;
                woVM.WONo            = wo.WONo;
                woVM.WOItemType      = wo.WOItemType;
                woVM.WOItemSN        = wo.WOItemSn;
                woVM.WOIsGuarantee   = wo.WOIsGuarantee;
                woVM.WOEquipments    = wo.WOEquipments;
                woVM.WOScStore       = wo.WOScStore;
                woVM.WOPriority      = wo.WOPriority;
                woVM.WOBrokenDesc    = wo.WOBrokenDesc;
                woVM.WOLastStatus    = wo.WOLastStatus;
                woVM.WOStartDate     = wo.WOStartDate;
                woVM.WOTotal         = wo.WOTotal;
                woVM.WODp            = wo.WODp;
                woVM.WOTakenDate     = wo.WOTakenDate;
                woVM.WOInvoiceNo     = wo.WOInvoiceNo;
                woVM.WOComplain      = wo.WOComplain;
                woVM.WORemarkStatus  = wo.WORemarkStatus;
                woVM.WOReceivedBy    = wo.WOReceivedBy;
                woVM.WORepairedBy    = wo.WORepairedBy;
            IEnumerable <TWOStatus> woStatus = _woStatusTasks.GetWOStatus(WoId);

            WODetailViewModel vm = new WODetailViewModel();

            vm.Wo       = woVM;
            vm.WOStatus = (from wos in woStatus
                           select new WOStatusViewModel
                WOStatusId = wos.Id,
                WOStatusUser = wos.WOStatusUser,
                WOStatus = wos.WOStatus,
                WOStatusDate = wos.WOStatusDate,
                WOStatusBrokenDesc = wos.WOStatusBrokenDesc,
                WOStatusStartDate = wos.WOStatusStartDate,
                WOStatusFinishDate = wos.WOStatusFinishDate,
                WOStatusDesc = wos.WOStatusDesc
            }).ToList <WOStatusViewModel>();
        private void SaveLog(TWO wo, EnumWOLog enumWOLog)
            TWOLog woLog = new TWOLog();

            woLog.WOId      = wo;
            woLog.LogUser   = User.Identity.Name;
            woLog.LogDate   = DateTime.Now;
            woLog.LogStatus = enumWOLog.ToString();

            woLog.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            woLog.CreatedBy   = User.Identity.Name;
            woLog.DataStatus  = "New";
Beispiel #9
        private void SaveWOLog(TWO wo, string woCreatedBy, EnumWOLog logStatus)
            TWOLog woLog = new TWOLog();

            woLog.WOId      = wo;
            woLog.LogUser   = woCreatedBy;
            woLog.LogDate   = DateTime.Now;
            woLog.LogStatus = logStatus.ToString();

            woLog.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            woLog.CreatedBy   = woCreatedBy;
            woLog.DataStatus  = "New";
Beispiel #10
        public ActionResult Tracking(WOTrackingViewModel woTrackVM)
            IList <WOViewModel> wos = new List <WOViewModel>();
            TWO    wo  = _woTasks.GetWOByWONo(woTrackVM.Search);
            string msg = string.Empty;

            if (wo != null)
                WOViewModel woVM = new WOViewModel();
                woVM.WOID            = wo.Id;
                woVM.CustomerName    = wo.CustomerId.CustomerName;
                woVM.CustomerPhone   = wo.CustomerId.CustomerPhone;
                woVM.CustomerAddress = wo.CustomerId.CustomerAddress;
                woVM.WODate          = wo.WODate;
                woVM.WONo            = wo.WONo;
                woVM.WOItemType      = wo.WOItemType;
                woVM.WOItemSN        = wo.WOItemSn;
                woVM.WOIsGuarantee   = wo.WOIsGuarantee;
                woVM.WOEquipments    = wo.WOEquipments;
                woVM.WOScStore       = wo.WOScStore;
                woVM.WOPriority      = wo.WOPriority;
                woVM.WOBrokenDesc    = wo.WOBrokenDesc;
                woVM.WOLastStatus    = wo.WOLastStatus;
                woVM.WOStartDate     = wo.WOStartDate;
                woVM.WOTotal         = wo.WOTotal;
                woVM.WODp            = wo.WODp;
                woVM.WOTakenDate     = wo.WOTakenDate;
                woVM.WOInvoiceNo     = wo.WOInvoiceNo;
                woVM.WOComplain      = wo.WOComplain;
                woVM.WORemarkStatus  = wo.WORemarkStatus;
                woVM.WOReceivedBy    = wo.WOReceivedBy;
                woVM.WORepairedBy    = wo.WORepairedBy;
                msg = string.Format("Maaf, WO dengan nomor {0} tidak ditemukan.", woTrackVM.Search);

            WOTrackingViewModel vm = new WOTrackingViewModel();

            vm.Search        = woTrackVM.Search;
            vm.WOs           = wos;
            vm.StatusMessage = msg;
            vm.FirstLoad     = false;
Beispiel #11
        private void SaveWOStatus(TWO wo, string woCreatedBy)
            TWOStatus woStatus = new TWOStatus();

            woStatus.WOId               = wo;
            woStatus.WOStatusUser       = woCreatedBy;
            woStatus.WOStatus           = wo.WOLastStatus;
            woStatus.WOStatusBrokenDesc = wo.WOBrokenDesc;
            woStatus.WOStatusDate       = DateTime.Now;
            woStatus.WOStatusStartDate  = wo.WOStartDate;
            woStatus.WOStatusFinishDate = wo.WOEstFinishDate;
            woStatus.WOStatusDesc       = wo.WORemarkStatus;

            woStatus.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now;
            woStatus.CreatedBy   = woCreatedBy;
            woStatus.DataStatus  = "New";
Beispiel #12
        public bool HaveBeenPrint(TWO wo, string userName)
            //get log last print by user
            ICriteria criteria = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(TWOLog));

            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("WOId", wo));
            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("LogUser", userName));
            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("LogStatus", EnumWOLog.Print.ToString()));
            criteria.AddOrder(new Order("LogDate", false));
            TWOLog woLogLastPrint = criteria.UniqueResult <TWOLog>();

            if (woLogLastPrint != null)

Beispiel #13
    public void OnClick()
        hasBought           = true;
        button.interactable = false;
        text.fontSize       = 40;
        text.text           = "HIRED!";
        text.color          = new Color(1f, 0.2f, 0.2f); -= buyPrice;

        switch (targetModuleNumber)
        case 1:

        case 2:

        case 3:

        case 4:

        case 5:

        case 6:

        case 7:

        case 8:

Beispiel #14
        public ActionResult ChangeStatus([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, RequestWOSPartViewModel WOVM, FormCollection formCol)
            if (WOVM != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                TWOSPart woSPart = _woSPartTasks.One(WOVM.WOSPartId);
                if (woSPart != null)
                    woSPart.WOSPartStatus = WOVM.WOSPartStatus;
                    if (WOVM.WOSPartStatus == EnumWOSPartStatus.Serah_Terima_dan_Gunakan.ToString())
                        woSPart.WOSPartDateReceived = WOVM.WOSPartDateReceived;
                        woSPart.WOSPartReceivedBy   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(WOVM.WOSPartReceivedBy) ? null : _empTasks.One(WOVM.WOSPartReceivedBy);
                    else if (WOVM.WOSPartStatus == EnumWOSPartStatus.Retur.ToString())
                        woSPart.WOSPartDateReturn = WOVM.WOSPartDateReceived;
                        woSPart.WOSPartReturnBy   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(WOVM.WOSPartReceivedBy) ? null : _empTasks.One(WOVM.WOSPartReceivedBy);

                    woSPart.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                    woSPart.ModifiedBy   = User.Identity.Name;
                    woSPart.DataStatus   = "Updated";


                    //update wo spare part total
                    TWO wo = woSPart.WOId;
                    if (wo != null)
                        wo.WOSPartTotal = wo.WOSPartTotal + woSPart.WOSPartTotal;
                        wo.WOTotal      = wo.WOServiceFee + wo.WOSPartTotal;

                        wo.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now;
                        wo.ModifiedBy   = User.Identity.Name;
                        wo.DataStatus   = "Updated";

            return(Json(new[] { WOVM }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState)));
Beispiel #15
        public bool HaveBeenRead(TWO wo, string userName)
            //get log last action, but not read
            ICriteria criteria = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(TWOLog));

            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("WOId", wo));
            criteria.Add(Expression.Not(Expression.Eq("LogStatus", EnumWOLog.Read.ToString())));
            criteria.AddOrder(new Order("LogDate", false));
            TWOLog woLogLastAction = criteria.UniqueResult <TWOLog>();

            if (woLogLastAction != null)
                //if last action is current user, flag read to true
                if (woLogLastAction.LogUser == userName)

            //get log last read by user
            criteria = Session.CreateCriteria(typeof(TWOLog));
            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("WOId", wo));
            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("LogUser", userName));
            criteria.Add(Expression.Eq("LogStatus", EnumWOLog.Read.ToString()));
            criteria.AddOrder(new Order("LogDate", false));
            TWOLog woLogLastRead = criteria.UniqueResult <TWOLog>();

            if (woLogLastAction != null && woLogLastRead != null)
                //if last action date less than read date, flag read to true
                if (woLogLastAction.LogDate < woLogLastRead.LogDate)

Beispiel #16
        private ReportDataSource GetWOById(TWO wo)
            WOViewModel vm = new WOViewModel
                WOID            = wo.Id,
                CustomerName    = wo.CustomerId.CustomerName,
                CustomerPhone   = wo.CustomerId.CustomerPhone,
                CustomerAddress = wo.CustomerId.CustomerAddress,
                WODate          = wo.WODate,
                WONo            = wo.WONo,
                WOItemType      = wo.WOItemType,
                WOItemSN        = wo.WOItemSn,
                WOIsGuarantee   = wo.WOIsGuarantee,
                WOEquipments    = wo.WOEquipments,
                WOScStore       = wo.WOScStore,
                WOPriority      = wo.WOPriority,
                WOBrokenDesc    = wo.WOBrokenDesc,
                WOLastStatus    = wo.WOLastStatus,
                WOStartDate     = wo.WOStartDate,
                WOTotal         = wo.WOTotal,
                WODp            = wo.WODp,
                WOTakenDate     = wo.WOTakenDate,
                WOInvoiceNo     = wo.WOInvoiceNo,
                WOComplain      = wo.WOComplain,
                WORemarkStatus  = wo.WORemarkStatus,
                WOReceivedBy    = wo.WOReceivedBy,
                WORepairedBy    = wo.WORepairedBy

            IList <WOViewModel> listWO = new List <WOViewModel>();

            ReportDataSource reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("WOViewModel", listWO);

Beispiel #17
        public TWO GetWOByWONo(string woNo)
            TWO wo = this._woRepository.GetWOByWONo(woNo);

        public ActionResult PrintWOFactur(string random, string woId)
            string      msg        = string.Empty;
            bool        success    = false;
            bool        allowPrint = true;
            EnumReports rptToPrint = EnumReports.RptPrintWOFactur;

                //get wo by wo id
                TWO wo = this._woTasks.One(woId);
                //check if user have print WO, if not, allow print for role CS
                if (User.IsInRole("CS"))
                    allowPrint = !_woLogTasks.HaveBeenPrint(wo, User.Identity.Name);

                if (allowPrint)
                    ReportParameterCollection paramCol = null;
                    ReportDataSource[]        repCol   = new ReportDataSource[1];
                    //get data source
                    IList <WOViewModel> listWO           = GetWOById(wo);
                    ReportDataSource    reportDataSource = new ReportDataSource("WOViewModel", listWO);
                    repCol[0] = reportDataSource;
                    //set rpt to print
                    switch (listWO[0].MerkName)
                    case "CROSS": rptToPrint = EnumReports.RptPrintWOFacturEvercoss;

                    case "ADVAN": rptToPrint = EnumReports.RptPrintWOFacturAdvan;

                    default: rptToPrint = EnumReports.RptPrintWOFacturGJCell;

                    //save log
                    SaveLog(wo, EnumWOLog.Print);

                    Session["ReportData"]   = repCol;
                    Session["ReportParams"] = paramCol;

                    success = true;
                    msg     = "Print WO success";
                    success = false;
                    msg     = "Anda sudah pernah mencetak WO";
            catch (Exception ex)
                success = false;
                msg     = ex.GetBaseException().Message;
            var e = new
                Success   = success,
                Message   = msg,
                UrlReport = string.Format("{0}&rs%3aFormat=HTML4.0", rptToPrint.ToString())

            return(Json(e, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        private IList <WOViewModel> GetWOById(TWO wo)
            WOViewModel vm = new WOViewModel
                //WOID = wo.Id,
                //CustomerName = wo.CustomerId.CustomerName,
                //CustomerPhone = wo.CustomerId.CustomerPhone,
                //CustomerAddress = wo.CustomerId.CustomerAddress,
                //WODate = wo.WODate,
                //WONo = wo.WONo,
                //WOUnitIsGuarantee = wo.WOUnitIsGuarantee,
                //WOEquipments = wo.WOEquipments,
                //WOPriority = wo.WOPriority,
                //WOBrokenDesc = wo.WOBrokenDesc,
                //WOLastStatus = wo.WOLastStatus,
                //WOStartDate = wo.WOStartDate,
                //WOTotal = wo.WOTotal,
                //WODp = wo.WODp,
                //WOTakenDate = wo.WOTakenDate,
                //WOInvoiceNo = wo.WOInvoiceNo,
                //WOComplain = wo.WOComplain,
                //WOUnitImei = wo.WOUnitImei,
                //WOUnitColor = wo.WOUnitColor

                WOID = wo.Id,
                //Customer = ConvertToCustomerVM(wo.CustomerId.Id, wo.CustomerId.CustomerName),
                CustomerName    = wo.CustomerId == null ? string.Empty : wo.CustomerId.CustomerName,
                CustomerPhone   = wo.CustomerId == null ? string.Empty : wo.CustomerId.CustomerPhone,
                CustomerAddress = wo.CustomerId == null ? string.Empty : wo.CustomerId.CustomerAddress,
                // HiddenCustomerId = wo.CustomerId.Id,
                WODate            = wo.WODate,
                WONo              = wo.WONo,
                WOUnitName        = wo.WOUnitName,
                WOUnitSn          = wo.WOUnitSn,
                WOUnitIsGuarantee = wo.WOUnitIsGuarantee,
                WOEquipments      = wo.WOEquipments,
                WOPriority        = wo.WOPriority,
                WOBrokenDesc      = wo.WOBrokenDesc,
                WOLastStatus      = wo.WOLastStatus,
                WOStartDate       = wo.WOStartDate,
                WOEstFinishDate   = wo.WOEstFinishDate,
                WOTotal           = wo.WOTotal,
                WODp              = wo.WODp,
                WOTakenDate       = wo.WOTakenDate,
                WOInvoiceNo       = wo.WOInvoiceNo,
                WOComplain        = wo.WOComplain,
                //HaveBeenRead = wo.HaveBeenRead,
                WOUnitLastTrack = wo.WOUnitLastTrack,
                MerkId          = wo.MerkId,
                MerkName        = wo.MerkId == null ? string.Empty : wo.MerkId.MerkName,
                TypeId          = wo.TypeId,
                TypeName        = wo.TypeId == null ? string.Empty : wo.TypeId.TypeName,
                //WOTrackId = wo.WOTrackId,
                //WOTrackTo = wo.WOTrackTo,
                //WOTrackIsConfirmed = wo.WOTrackIsConfirmed,
                WOUnitImei  = wo.WOUnitImei,
                WOUnitColor = wo.WOUnitColor

            IList <WOViewModel> listWO = new List <WOViewModel>();
