/// <summary>
        /// Visits the create procedure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object VisitCreateProcedure(TSQLParser.CreateProcedureContext context)
            // We want the CREATE PROCEDURE to be segmented into pieces so
            // that the "AS" portion of the procedure sits on a line of its
            // own.

            var asTerminal = context.AS().Symbol;

            // We know that comments are "skipped" and are not visible to use through
            // the grammar.  That's fine, what we care about is the terminal or token
            // that occurs just prior to this one and just after this one.

            var nextParseTree = context.procedureBody();

            if (nextParseTree.Start.Line == asTerminal.Line)
                // this happens when the "AS" is followed by a statement on the same line.
                // we correct this by placing a carriage return just before the next terminal.

                InsertBefore(nextParseTree.Start, "\n", false);

            if (((context.procedureOptions() != null) &&
                 (context.procedureOptions().Stop.Line == asTerminal.Line)) ||
                ((context.procedureParameters() != null) &&
                 (context.procedureParameters().Stop.Line == asTerminal.Line)) ||
                (context.qualifiedName().Stop.Line == asTerminal.Line))
                InsertBefore(asTerminal, "\n", false);

            // the statementList portion of the block should be wrapped in a BEGIN and END token
            // this makes downstream processing of the procedure body easier for the PgsqlConverter

            var procedureBody  = context.procedureBody().statementList();
            var procedureParts = procedureBody.statement();

            if (procedureParts.Length > 1 || procedureParts[0].BEGIN() == null)
                InsertAfter(asTerminal, "\nBEGIN", false);
                InsertAfter(procedureBody, "\nEND;", false);

        /// <summary>
        /// Visit a parse tree produced by <see cref="TSQLParser.createProcedure" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The parse tree.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <return>The visitor result.</return>
        public override object VisitCreateProcedure(TSQLParser.CreateProcedureContext context)
            var procedureParameters = context.procedureParameters();

            if (!IsWrappedInParenthesis(procedureParameters))
                if (procedureParameters == null || procedureParameters.procedureParameter().Length == 0)
                    InsertAfter(context.qualifiedName(), "()", false);
                    InsertAfter(context.qualifiedName(), "\n(", false);
                    InsertAfter(procedureParameters, "\n)", false);
