Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新平盘业务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void UpdatePPCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("update tb_BaPay set ");
            strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID ");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@ID",           SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_getMoney",   SqlDbType.Money, 8),
                new SqlParameter("@p_case",       SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_result_one", SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_result_two", SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_active",     SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value = model.ID;
            parameters[1].Value = model.p_getMoney;
            parameters[2].Value = 0;
            parameters[3].Value = model.p_result_one;
            parameters[4].Value = model.p_result_two;
            parameters[5].Value = model.p_active;
            SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters);
Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 增加一条数据
        /// </summary>
        public int Add(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("insert into tb_BaPay(");
            strSql.Append(" values (");
            strSql.Append(";select @@IDENTITY");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@payview",        SqlDbType.NVarChar,  500),
                new SqlParameter("@payusid",        SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@payusname",      SqlDbType.NVarChar,  500),
                new SqlParameter("@bcid",           SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@pType",          SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@PayType",        SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@payCent",        SqlDbType.Money,       8),
                new SqlParameter("@payonLuone",     SqlDbType.Money,       8),
                new SqlParameter("@payonLutwo",     SqlDbType.Money,       8),
                new SqlParameter("@payonLuthr",     SqlDbType.Money,       8),
                new SqlParameter("@p_pk",           SqlDbType.Money,       8),
                new SqlParameter("@p_dx_pk",        SqlDbType.Money,       8),
                new SqlParameter("@p_pn",           SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@paytimes",       SqlDbType.DateTime),
                new SqlParameter("@p_result_temp1", SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_result_temp2", SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@itypes",         SqlDbType.Int,         4),
                new SqlParameter("@types",          SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value  = model.payview;
            parameters[1].Value  = model.payusid;
            parameters[2].Value  = model.payusname;
            parameters[3].Value  = model.bcid;
            parameters[4].Value  = model.pType;
            parameters[5].Value  = model.PayType;
            parameters[6].Value  = model.payCent;
            parameters[7].Value  = model.payonLuone;
            parameters[8].Value  = model.payonLutwo;
            parameters[9].Value  = model.payonLuthr;
            parameters[10].Value = model.p_pk;
            parameters[11].Value = model.p_dx_pk;
            parameters[12].Value = model.p_pn;
            parameters[13].Value = model.paytimes;
            parameters[14].Value = model.p_result_temp1;
            parameters[15].Value = model.p_result_temp2;
            parameters[16].Value = model.itypes;
            parameters[17].Value = model.Types;
            object obj = SqlHelper.GetSingle(strSql.ToString(), parameters);

            if (obj == null)
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新开奖业务
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="p_strVal"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void UpdateCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model, string p_strVal, out decimal p_intDuVal, out int p_intWin)
            string[] strVal = { };
            decimal  duVal  = 0;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p_strVal))
                strVal     = p_strVal.Split("|".ToCharArray());
                duVal      = Convert.ToDecimal(strVal[0]);
                p_intWin   = 1;
                p_intDuVal = duVal;
                p_intWin   = 0;
                p_intDuVal = 0;

            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("update tb_BaPay set ");
            strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID ");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@ID",           SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_getMoney",   SqlDbType.Money, 8),
                new SqlParameter("@p_case",       SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_result_one", SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_result_two", SqlDbType.Int,   4),
                new SqlParameter("@p_active",     SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value = model.ID;
            parameters[1].Value = duVal;
            parameters[2].Value = 0;
            parameters[3].Value = model.p_result_one;
            parameters[4].Value = model.p_result_two;
            parameters[5].Value = model.p_active;
            SqlHelper.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到一个对象实体
        /// </summary>
        public TPR.Model.guess.BaPay GetModelIsCase(int ID)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select  top 1 ID,payview,p_getMoney,pType,bcid from tb_BaPay ");
            strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID ");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value = ID;

            TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model = new TPR.Model.guess.BaPay();
            DataSet ds = SqlHelper.Query(strSql.ToString(), parameters);

            if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString() != "")
                    model.ID = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ID"].ToString());
                model.payview = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["payview"].ToString();

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["p_getMoney"].ToString() != "")
                    model.p_getMoney = decimal.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["p_getMoney"].ToString());
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pType"].ToString() != "")
                    model.pType = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["pType"].ToString());
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bcid"].ToString() != "")
                    model.bcid = int.Parse(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["bcid"].ToString());
Beispiel #5
        public static string getLqdxCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            string strVal = "";

            if (model.p_result_one + model.p_result_two - model.p_dx_pk == 0)
                strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
            else if ((model.p_result_one + model.p_result_two) - model.p_dx_pk > 0 && model.PayType == 3)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
            else if ((model.p_result_one + model.p_result_two) - model.p_dx_pk < 0 && model.PayType == 4)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 篮球让球逻辑类
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getLqsxCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            string strVal = "";

            if (model.p_result_one - model.p_result_two == model.p_pk)
                strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
            else if ((model.p_result_one - model.p_result_two) - model.p_pk > 0 && model.PayType == 1)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
            else if ((model.p_result_one - model.p_result_two) - model.p_pk < 0 && model.PayType == 2)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//下盘全赢
Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 标准盘逻辑类
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getZqbzCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            string strVal = "";
            int    intone, inttwo;

            intone = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_one);
            inttwo = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_two);
            if (intone > inttwo && model.PayType == 5)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//主胜全赢
            if (intone == inttwo && model.PayType == 6)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//平手全赢
            if (intone < inttwo && model.PayType == 7)
                strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuthr + "|全赢";//客胜全赢
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 得到一个对象实体
        /// </summary>
        public TPR.Model.guess.BaPay GetModel(int ID)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append("select  top 1 pType,PayType,payCent,payonLuone,payonLutwo,payonLuthr,p_pk,p_dx_pk,p_pn,paytimes from tb_BaPay ");
            strSql.Append(" where ID=@ID ");
            SqlParameter[] parameters =
                new SqlParameter("@ID", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
            parameters[0].Value = ID;

            TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model = new TPR.Model.guess.BaPay();
            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(strSql.ToString(), parameters))
                if (reader.HasRows)
                    model.pType      = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    model.PayType    = reader.GetInt32(1);
                    model.payCent    = reader.GetDecimal(2);
                    model.payonLuone = reader.GetDecimal(3);
                    model.payonLutwo = reader.GetDecimal(4);
                    model.payonLuthr = reader.GetDecimal(5);
                    model.p_pk       = reader.GetDecimal(6);
                    model.p_dx_pk    = reader.GetDecimal(7);
                    model.p_pn       = reader.GetInt32(8);
                    model.paytimes   = reader.GetDateTime(9);
Beispiel #9
        /// <summary>
        /// 大小盘逻辑类
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getZqdxCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            string strVal = "";
            int    intone, inttwo;

            intone = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_one);
            inttwo = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_two);

            if (model.p_dx_pk == 21)
                if (intone + inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 2 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 0 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 23)
                if (intone + inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 2 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 0 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 2)
                if (intone + inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 3 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 1 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 4)
                if (intone + inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 3 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 1 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 6)
                if (intone + inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 4 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 2 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 8)
                if (intone + inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 4 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 2 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 10)
                if (intone + inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 5 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 3 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 12)
                if (intone + inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 5 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 3 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 14)
                if (intone + inttwo == 5 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 5 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 6 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 4 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 16)
                if (intone + inttwo == 5 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 5 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 6 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 4 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 18)
                if (intone + inttwo == 6 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 6 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 7 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 5 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 24)
                if (intone + inttwo == 6 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 6 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 7 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 5 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 26)
                if (intone + inttwo == 7 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 7 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 8 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 6 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 28)
                if (intone + inttwo == 7 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 7 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 8 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 6 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 30)
                if (intone + inttwo == 8 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 8 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 9 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 7 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 32)
                if (intone + inttwo == 8 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 8 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 9 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 7 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 34)
                if (intone + inttwo == 9 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 9 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 10 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 8 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 36)
                if (intone + inttwo == 8 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//大盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 9 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLutwo - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//小盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 10 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 8 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

            else if (model.p_dx_pk == 38)
                if (intone + inttwo == 10 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * model.payonLuone - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//大盘赢半
                else if (intone + inttwo == 10 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//小盘输半
                else if (intone + inttwo >= 11 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo <= 9 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

                decimal dx_pk = Convert.ToDecimal(GCK.getDxPkName(Convert.ToInt32(model.p_dx_pk)));
                if (intone + inttwo - dx_pk == 0)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone + inttwo - dx_pk > 0 && model.PayType == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLuone + "|全赢";//大盘全赢
                else if (intone + inttwo - dx_pk < 0 && model.PayType == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent * model.payonLutwo + "|全赢";//小盘全赢

Beispiel #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 让球盘逻辑类
        //p_pk 让受球盘口
        //p_dx_pk 大小球盘口
        //p_pn 让或者受让
        //p_result_one  结果1
        //p_result_two  结果2
        //payType 会员选择上下,大小,标准盘
        //payCent  本金
        //payonLuone  赔率1
        //payonLutwo  赔率2
        //payonLuthr 赔率3
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getZqsxCase(TPR.Model.guess.BaPay model)
            string  strVal = "";
            int     intone, inttwo, iTypeone, iTypetwo;
            decimal iTypeonelu, iTypetwolu;

            if (model.p_pn == 1)
                iTypeone   = 1;
                iTypetwo   = 2;
                iTypeonelu = Convert.ToDecimal(model.payonLuone);
                iTypetwolu = Convert.ToDecimal(model.payonLutwo);
                intone     = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_one);
                inttwo     = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_two);
                iTypeone   = 2;
                iTypetwo   = 1;
                iTypeonelu = Convert.ToDecimal(model.payonLutwo);
                iTypetwolu = Convert.ToDecimal(model.payonLuone);
                intone     = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_two);
                inttwo     = Convert.ToInt32(model.p_result_one);

            if (model.p_pk == 1)
                if (intone == inttwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone > inttwo && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘赢盘
                else if (intone < inttwo && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘赢盘

            else if (model.p_pk == 2)
                if (intone == inttwo && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//上盘输半
                else if (intone == inttwo && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypetwolu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//下盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 1 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (inttwo - intone >= 0 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 3)
                if (intone - inttwo >= 1 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo < 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 4)
                if (intone - inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypeonelu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//上盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//下盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 2 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (inttwo - intone >= 0 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 一球----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 5)
                if (intone - inttwo == 1)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 2 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo < 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 一球/球半----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 6)
                if (intone - inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//上盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypetwolu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//下盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 2 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 7)
                if (intone - inttwo >= 2 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo < 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 8)
                if (intone - inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypeonelu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//上盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//下盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 3 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 二球----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 9)
                if (intone - inttwo == 2)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 3 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 二球/二球半----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 10)
                if (intone - inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//上盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypetwolu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//下盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 3 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 1 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 11)
                if (intone - inttwo >= 3 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 12)
                if (intone - inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypeonelu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//上盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//下盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 4 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 三球----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 13)
                if (intone - inttwo == 3)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 4 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 三球/三球半----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 14)
                if (intone - inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//上盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 3 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypetwolu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//下盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 4 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 2 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 15)
                if (intone - inttwo >= 4 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 3 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 16)
                if (intone - inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypeonelu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//上盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//下盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 5 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 3 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 四球----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 17)
                if (intone - inttwo == 4)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 5 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 3 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 四球/四球半----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 18)
                if (intone - inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//上盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 4 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypetwolu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//下盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 5 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 3 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 19)
                if (intone - inttwo >= 5 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 4 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            else if (model.p_pk == 20)
                if (intone - inttwo == 5 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = (model.payCent * iTypeonelu - model.payCent) / 2 + model.payCent + "|赢半";//上盘赢半
                else if (intone - inttwo == 5 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent / 2 + "|输半";//下盘输半
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 6 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 4 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

            /*--------------------------- 五球----------------------------------------------*/
            else if (model.p_pk == 21)
                if (intone - inttwo == 5)
                    strVal = model.payCent + "|平盘";//平盘
                else if (intone - inttwo >= 6 && model.PayType == iTypeone)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypeonelu + "|全赢";//上盘全赢
                else if (intone - inttwo <= 4 && model.PayType == iTypetwo)
                    strVal = model.payCent * iTypetwolu + "|全赢";//下盘全赢

Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得详细排行榜记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_pageIndex">当前页</param>
        /// <param name="p_pageSize">分页大小</param>
        /// <param name="p_recordCount">返回总记录数</param>
        /// <returns>IList BaPayTop</returns>
        public IList <TPR.Model.guess.BaPay> GetBaPayTop(int p_pageIndex, int p_pageSize, string strWhere, int itype, out int p_recordCount)
            IList <TPR.Model.guess.BaPay> listBaPayTop = new List <TPR.Model.guess.BaPay>();

            if (strWhere != "")
                strWhere = strWhere + " and itypes=0 and Types=0";
                strWhere = "itypes=0 and Types=0";

            // 计算记录数
            string countString = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT payusid) FROM tb_BaPay where " + strWhere + "";

            p_recordCount = Convert.ToInt32(SqlHelper.GetSingle(countString));
            if (p_recordCount > 0)
                int pageCount = BasePage.CalcPageCount(p_recordCount, p_pageSize, ref p_pageIndex);

            // 取出相关记录
            string queryString = "";

            if (itype != 1)
                queryString = "SELECT payusid,count(payusid) as payCount,sum(payCent) as payCents FROM tb_BaPay where " + strWhere + " group by payusid Order by Count(ID) desc";
                queryString = "SELECT payusid,sum(p_getMoney-payCent) as payCents FROM tb_BaPay where " + strWhere + " group by payusid Order by sum(p_getMoney-payCent) desc";
            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(queryString))
                int stratIndex = (p_pageIndex - 1) * p_pageSize;
                int endIndex   = p_pageIndex * p_pageSize;
                int k          = 0;

                while (reader.Read())
                    if (k >= stratIndex && k < endIndex)
                        TPR.Model.guess.BaPay objBaPay = new TPR.Model.guess.BaPay();
                        objBaPay.payusid = reader.GetInt32(0);
                        if (itype != 1)
                            objBaPay.payCount = Convert.ToDecimal(reader.GetInt32(1));
                            objBaPay.payCount = reader.GetDecimal(1);

                    if (k == endIndex)


Beispiel #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得每页记录
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p_pageIndex">当前页</param>
        /// <param name="p_pageSize">分页大小</param>
        /// <param name="p_recordCount">返回总记录数</param>
        /// <returns>IList BaPay</returns>
        public IList <TPR.Model.guess.BaPay> GetBaPays(int p_pageIndex, int p_pageSize, string strWhere, out int p_recordCount)
            IList <TPR.Model.guess.BaPay> listBaPays = new List <TPR.Model.guess.BaPay>();

            string sTable     = "tb_BaPay";
            string sPkey      = "id";
            string sField     = "id,payview,payusid,payusname,pType,PayType,payCent,payonLuone,payonLutwo,payonLuthr,p_pk,p_dx_pk,p_pn,p_result_one,p_result_two,p_getMoney,paytimes,p_active,p_result_temp1,p_result_temp2,itypes,types";
            string sCondition = strWhere;
            string sOrder     = "id desc";
            int    iSCounts   = 0;

            using (SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.RunProcedureMe(sTable, sPkey, sField, p_pageIndex, p_pageSize, sCondition, sOrder, iSCounts, out p_recordCount))

                if (p_recordCount > 0)
                    int pageCount = BasePage.CalcPageCount(p_recordCount, p_pageSize, ref p_pageIndex);

                while (reader.Read())
                    TPR.Model.guess.BaPay objBaPay = new TPR.Model.guess.BaPay();
                    objBaPay.ID         = reader.GetInt32(0);
                    objBaPay.payview    = reader.GetString(1);
                    objBaPay.payusid    = reader.GetInt32(2);
                    objBaPay.payusname  = reader.GetString(3);
                    objBaPay.pType      = reader.GetInt32(4);
                    objBaPay.PayType    = reader.GetInt32(5);
                    objBaPay.payCent    = reader.GetDecimal(6);
                    objBaPay.payonLuone = reader.GetDecimal(7);
                    objBaPay.payonLutwo = reader.GetDecimal(8);
                    objBaPay.payonLuthr = reader.GetDecimal(9);
                    objBaPay.p_pk       = reader.GetDecimal(10);
                    objBaPay.p_dx_pk    = reader.GetDecimal(11);
                    objBaPay.p_pn       = reader.GetInt32(12);

                    if (reader.IsDBNull(13))
                        objBaPay.p_result_one = null;
                        objBaPay.p_result_one = reader.GetInt32(13);

                    if (reader.IsDBNull(14))
                        objBaPay.p_result_two = null;
                        objBaPay.p_result_two = reader.GetInt32(14);

                    objBaPay.p_getMoney = reader.GetDecimal(15);
                    objBaPay.paytimes   = reader.GetDateTime(16);
                    objBaPay.p_active   = reader.GetInt32(17);
                    if (reader.IsDBNull(18))
                        objBaPay.p_result_temp1 = null;
                        objBaPay.p_result_temp1 = reader.GetInt32(18);

                    if (reader.IsDBNull(19))
                        objBaPay.p_result_temp2 = null;
                        objBaPay.p_result_temp2 = reader.GetInt32(19);

                    objBaPay.itypes = reader.GetInt32(20);
                    objBaPay.Types  = reader.GetInt32(21);
