Beispiel #1
        //private uint memAllocSize = 0;
        //private IntPtr nativeMem;

        /// <summary>
        /// Send a message up to the owning system so it can be routed throughout
        /// the simulation. Overridden to allow the message data to be converted
        /// to a native pointer. This enables calling from embedded Microsoft Frameworks or Mono.
        /// The message itself then needs to be converted from a TNativeMsgHeader to a TMsgHeader,
        /// which includes taking a copy of the data referenced by the data pointer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inVal">Message that will be sent to the engine.
        /// The value passed in, although described as a "ulong", is actually
        /// a pointer to a native TMsgHeader
        /// </param>
        public void handleMessage(ulong inVal)
            // We need to copy the "native" message point into a managed object.
            TNativeMsgHeader src = (TNativeMsgHeader)Marshal.PtrToStructure((IntPtr)inVal, typeof(TNativeMsgHeader));

            TMsgHeader msgPtr = TMessageInterpreter.NativeMsgToManagedMsg(ref src);

            handleMessage(msgPtr);  //calls the base class function
Beispiel #2
 public CMPComponentInterface(delegateMsgCallback callback, uint componentid, uint parentid, string _dllName)
     propID      = 1;
     componentID = componentid;
     parentID    = parentid;
     dllName     = _dllName;
     errorHasOccurred = false;
     //simScript = null;
     //init1 = null;
     tick                     = new TimeType();
     tick.startday            = tick.startsec = 0; tickID = 0;
     haveWrittenToStdOutToday = false;
     _callengine              = callback;
     interpreter              = new TMessageInterpreter(componentID);
     interpreter.initMsgIDCounter(componentID * 100000);     //ensure msgID's are interesting
     List <TMsgHeader> messages = new List <TMsgHeader>();