Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the 'nationality' of a passport and marks expired passports up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheableCommonTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="APassportDR">DataRow containing information about a passport.</param>
        /// <returns>Country name that goes with the passport's Nationality Code, except for the case
        /// where no country name is found for the Nationality Code, then the Nationality Code is returned.
        /// If a passport is expired, the string " (exp.)" (potentially translated) is added as a postfix.</returns>
        public static string DeterminePassportNationality(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, PmPassportDetailsRow APassportDR)
            string ReturnValue;

            ReturnValue = CommonCodeHelper.GetCountryName(
                @ACacheRetriever, APassportDR.PassportNationalityCode);

            // Fallback: If no country name exists in the Chacheable DataTable, use the Nationality Code.
            if (ReturnValue == String.Empty)
                ReturnValue = APassportDR.PassportNationalityCode;

            if ((APassportDR.DateOfExpiration.HasValue) &&
                (APassportDR.DateOfExpiration.Value.Date < DateTime.Now.Date))
                if ((!APassportDR.IsMainPassportNull()) &&
                    ReturnValue += PASSPORTMAIN_EXPIRED;
                    ReturnValue += PASSPORT_EXPIRED;

Beispiel #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines a PERSON's Nationalities (deduced from its passports).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>Algorithm:</para>
        /// <list type="number">
        ///   <item>Check pm_main_passport_l flag</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>if null, don't do anything special (Note: Partner Import does not write to this field, it stays null if it isn't found in the import file [which will be the case for Petra 2.x])</item>
        ///       <item>if false, do likewise</item>
        ///       <item>if true, list as FIRST Country</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <item>Order by pm_date_of_issue_d</item>
        ///   <list type="number">
        ///     <item>order Countries by pm_date_of_issue_d DESC, except for the FIRST Country</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>in case there are several FIRST Countries (which in theory should not happen), they are ordered by pm_date_of_issue_d DESC in themselves at the beginning of the list of Countries.</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <item>Check for passport expiration</item>
        ///   <list type="number">
        ///     <item>If a passport's expiry date is set and it is in the past</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>show the Country + " (exp.)".</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <item>Elimination of duplicate listings</item>
        ///   <list type="number">
        ///     <item>If a country of issue comes up twice</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>eliminate the duplicate, except if the Country is listed once by its name and one with the exp. postfix.</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <para>Additionally, a warning text " MAIN!)" to the postfix " (exp." is added if the expired passport is the
        /// 'Main Passport' (pm_main_passport_l=true) of the PERSON.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheableCommonTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="APassportDetailsDT"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string DeterminePersonsNationalities(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, PmPassportDetailsTable APassportDetailsDT)
            HashSet <string>     Nationalities    = new HashSet <string>();
            string               NationalitiesStr = String.Empty;
            PmPassportDetailsRow PassportDR;

            DataView OrderedPassportsDV = new DataView(
                APassportDetailsDT, null, PmPassportDetailsTable.GetDateOfIssueDBName() + " DESC",

            // If a Passport's MainPassport flag is set, record it as the first Nationality
            foreach (DataRowView OrderedPassport in OrderedPassportsDV)
                PassportDR = (PmPassportDetailsRow)OrderedPassport.Row;

                if (!PassportDR.IsMainPassportNull() &&
                    // Add the Nationality (Note: Duplicates are taken care of automatically as this is a HashSet!)
                    Nationalities.Add(DeterminePassportNationality(ACacheRetriever, PassportDR));

                    // Note: We could leave the loop here if we assume that there is ever only going to be ONE
                    // 'first Nationality', but that assumption could be wrong and we want to make sure to list
                    // all 'first Nationalities', ordered by pm_date_of_issue_d DESC in themselves.

            // Add the rest of the Nationalities (Note: Duplicates are taken care of automatically as this is a HashSet!)
            foreach (DataRowView OrderedPassport in OrderedPassportsDV)
                Nationalities.Add(DeterminePassportNationality(ACacheRetriever, (PmPassportDetailsRow)OrderedPassport.Row));

            // Put all Nationalities in a string
            foreach (string Nationality in Nationalities)
                NationalitiesStr += Nationality + ", ";

            if (NationalitiesStr.Length > 0)
                return(NationalitiesStr.Substring(0, NationalitiesStr.Length - 2));  // remove last comma
Beispiel #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the description of a Marital Status Code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="AMaritalStatusCode">Marital Status Code.</param>
        /// <returns>The description of a Marital Status Code, or empty string if the Marital Status Code could not be identified.</returns>
        public static string GetMaritalStatusDescription(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, string AMaritalStatusCode)
            DataTable CachedDT;
            DataRow   FoundDR;
            string    ReturnValue = "";
            Type      tmp;

            CachedDT = ACacheRetriever(Enum.GetName(typeof(TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum), TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum.MaritalStatusList), out tmp);
            FoundDR  = CachedDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { AMaritalStatusCode });

            if (FoundDR != null)
                ReturnValue = FoundDR[PtMaritalStatusTable.ColumnDescriptionId].ToString();

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the description of a Marital Status Code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="AMaritalStatusCode">Marital Status Code.</param>
        /// <returns>The description of a Marital Status Code, or empty string if the Marital Status Code could not be identified.</returns>
        public static string GetMaritalStatusDescription(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, string AMaritalStatusCode)
            DataTable CachedDT;
            DataRow FoundDR;
            string ReturnValue = "";
            Type tmp;

            CachedDT = ACacheRetriever(Enum.GetName(typeof(TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum), TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum.MaritalStatusList), out tmp);
            FoundDR = CachedDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { AMaritalStatusCode });

            if (FoundDR != null)
                ReturnValue = FoundDR[PtMaritalStatusTable.ColumnDescriptionId].ToString();

            return ReturnValue;
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the International Telephone Code of a Country.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MCommon Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheableCommonTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="AIntlTelephoneCode">International Telephone Code.</param>
        /// <returns>The description of a Country Code, or empty string if the Country Code could not be identified.</returns>
        public static string GetCountryIntlTelephoneCode(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, string AIntlTelephoneCode)
            DataTable CachedDT;
            DataRow FoundDR;
            string ReturnValue = "";
            Type tmp;

            CachedDT = ACacheRetriever(Enum.GetName(typeof(TCacheableCommonTablesEnum), TCacheableCommonTablesEnum.CountryList), out tmp);
            FoundDR = CachedDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { AIntlTelephoneCode });

            if (FoundDR != null)
                ReturnValue = FoundDR[PCountryTable.ColumnInternatTelephoneCodeId].ToString();

            return ReturnValue;
Beispiel #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the International Telephone Code of a Country.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MCommon Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheableCommonTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="AIntlTelephoneCode">International Telephone Code.</param>
        /// <returns>The description of a Country Code, or empty string if the Country Code could not be identified.</returns>
        public static string GetCountryIntlTelephoneCode(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, string AIntlTelephoneCode)
            DataTable CachedDT;
            DataRow   FoundDR;
            string    ReturnValue = "";
            Type      tmp;

            CachedDT = ACacheRetriever(Enum.GetName(typeof(TCacheableCommonTablesEnum), TCacheableCommonTablesEnum.CountryList), out tmp);
            FoundDR  = CachedDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { AIntlTelephoneCode });

            if (FoundDR != null)
                ReturnValue = FoundDR[PCountryTable.ColumnInternatTelephoneCodeId].ToString();

Beispiel #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines a PERSON's Nationalities (deduced from its passports).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>Algorithm:</para>
        /// <list type="number">
        ///   <item>Check pm_main_passport_l flag</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>if null, don't do anything special (Note: Partner Import does not write to this field, it stays null if it isn't found in the import file [which will be the case for Petra 2.x])</item>
        ///       <item>if false, do likewise</item>
        ///       <item>if true, list as FIRST Country</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <item>Order by pm_date_of_issue_d</item>
        ///   <list type="number">
        ///     <item>order Countries by pm_date_of_issue_d DESC, except for the FIRST Country</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>in case there are several FIRST Countries (which in theory should not happen), they are ordered by pm_date_of_issue_d DESC in themselves at the beginning of the list of Countries.</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <item>Check for passport expiration</item>
        ///   <list type="number">
        ///     <item>If a passport's expiry date is set and it is in the past</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>show the Country + " (exp.)".</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <item>Elimination of duplicate listings</item>
        ///   <list type="number">
        ///     <item>If a country of issue comes up twice</item>
        ///     <list type="number">
        ///       <item>eliminate the duplicate, except if the Country is listed once by its name and one with the exp. postfix.</item>
        ///     </list>
        ///   </list>
        /// <para>Additionally, a warning text " MAIN!)" to the postfix " (exp." is added if the expired passport is the
        /// 'Main Passport' (pm_main_passport_l=true) of the PERSON.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheableCommonTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="APassportDetailsDT"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string DeterminePersonsNationalities(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, PmPassportDetailsTable APassportDetailsDT)
            HashSet <string>Nationalities = new HashSet <string>();
            string NationalitiesStr = String.Empty;
            PmPassportDetailsRow PassportDR;

            DataView OrderedPassportsDV = new DataView(
                APassportDetailsDT, null, PmPassportDetailsTable.GetDateOfIssueDBName() + " DESC",

            // If a Passport's MainPassport flag is set, record it as the first Nationality
            foreach (DataRowView OrderedPassport in OrderedPassportsDV)
                PassportDR = (PmPassportDetailsRow)OrderedPassport.Row;

                if (!PassportDR.IsMainPassportNull()
                    && PassportDR.MainPassport)
                    // Add the Nationality (Note: Duplicates are taken care of automatically as this is a HashSet!)
                    Nationalities.Add(DeterminePassportNationality(ACacheRetriever, PassportDR));

                    // Note: We could leave the loop here if we assume that there is ever only going to be ONE
                    // 'first Nationality', but that assumption could be wrong and we want to make sure to list
                    // all 'first Nationalities', ordered by pm_date_of_issue_d DESC in themselves.

            // Add the rest of the Nationalities (Note: Duplicates are taken care of automatically as this is a HashSet!)
            foreach (DataRowView OrderedPassport in OrderedPassportsDV)
                Nationalities.Add(DeterminePassportNationality(ACacheRetriever, (PmPassportDetailsRow)OrderedPassport.Row));

            // Put all Nationalities in a string
            foreach (string Nationality in Nationalities)
                NationalitiesStr += Nationality + ", ";

            if (NationalitiesStr.Length > 0)
                return NationalitiesStr.Substring(0, NationalitiesStr.Length - 2);  // remove last comma
                return String.Empty;
Beispiel #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the 'nationality' of a passport and marks expired passports up.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheableCommonTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="APassportDR">DataRow containing information about a passport.</param>
        /// <returns>Country name that goes with the passport's Nationality Code, except for the case
        /// where no country name is found for the Nationality Code, then the Nationality Code is returned.
        /// If a passport is expired, the string " (exp.)" (potentially translated) is added as a postfix.</returns>
        public static string DeterminePassportNationality(TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever, PmPassportDetailsRow APassportDR)
            string ReturnValue;

            ReturnValue = CommonCodeHelper.GetCountryName(
                @ACacheRetriever, APassportDR.PassportNationalityCode);

            // Fallback: If no country name exists in the Chacheable DataTable, use the Nationality Code.
            if (ReturnValue == String.Empty)
                ReturnValue = APassportDR.PassportNationalityCode;

            if ((APassportDR.DateOfExpiration.HasValue)
                && (APassportDR.DateOfExpiration.Value.Date < DateTime.Now.Date))
                if ((!APassportDR.IsMainPassportNull())
                    && (APassportDR.MainPassport))
                    ReturnValue += PASSPORTMAIN_EXPIRED;
                    ReturnValue += PASSPORT_EXPIRED;

            return ReturnValue;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the Partner Detail data of a Partner of PartnerClass PERSON.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="AContext">Context that describes where the data validation failed.</param>
        /// <param name="ARow">The <see cref="DataRow" /> which holds the the data against which the validation is run.</param>
        /// <param name="ACacheRetriever">Delegate that returns the specified DataTable from the data cache (client- or serverside).
        /// Delegate Method needs to be for the MPartner Cache (that is, it needs to work with the <see cref="TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum" /> Enum!</param>
        /// <param name="AVerificationResultCollection">Will be filled with any <see cref="TVerificationResult" /> items if
        /// data validation errors occur.</param>
        /// <param name="AValidationControlsDict">A <see cref="TValidationControlsDict" /> containing the Controls that
        /// display data that is about to be validated.</param>
        /// <returns>void</returns>
        public static void ValidatePartnerPersonManual(object AContext, PPersonRow ARow, TGetCacheableDataTableFromCache ACacheRetriever,
            ref TVerificationResultCollection AVerificationResultCollection, TValidationControlsDict AValidationControlsDict)
            DataColumn ValidationColumn;
            TValidationControlsData ValidationControlsData;
            TVerificationResult VerificationResult;

            // Don't validate deleted DataRows
            if (ARow.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted)

            // 'Date of Birth' must have a sensible value (must not be below 1850 and must not lie in the future)
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PPersonTable.ColumnDateOfBirthId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!ARow.IsDateOfBirthNull())
                    VerificationResult = TDateChecks.IsDateBetweenDates(
                        ARow.DateOfBirth, new DateTime(1850, 1, 1), DateTime.Today,
                        TDateBetweenDatesCheckType.dbdctUnrealisticDate, TDateBetweenDatesCheckType.dbdctNoFutureDate,
                        AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                    // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                    AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

            // 'Marital Status' must not be unassignable
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PPersonTable.ColumnMaritalStatusId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                PtMaritalStatusTable TypeTable;
                PtMaritalStatusRow TypeRow;

                VerificationResult = null;

                if ((!ARow.IsMaritalStatusNull())
                    && (ARow.MaritalStatus != String.Empty))
                    TypeTable = (PtMaritalStatusTable)TSharedDataCache.TMPartner.GetCacheablePartnerTable(
                    TypeRow = (PtMaritalStatusRow)TypeTable.Rows.Find(ARow.MaritalStatus);

                    // 'Marital Status' must not be unassignable
                    if ((TypeRow != null)
                        && !TypeRow.AssignableFlag
                        && (TypeRow.IsAssignableDateNull()
                            || (TypeRow.AssignableDate <= DateTime.Today)))
                        // if 'Marital Status' is unassignable then check if the value has been changed or if it is a new record
                        if (TSharedValidationHelper.IsRowAddedOrFieldModified(ARow, PPersonTable.GetMaritalStatusDBName()))
                            VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(new TVerificationResult(AContext,
                                        new string[] { ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel, ARow.MaritalStatus })),
                                ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition/removal to/from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

            // 'MaritalStatusSince' must be valid
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PPersonTable.ColumnMaritalStatusSinceId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                VerificationResult = TSharedValidationControlHelper.IsNotInvalidDate(ARow.MaritalStatusSince,
                    ValidationControlsData.ValidationControlLabel, AVerificationResultCollection, false,
                    AContext, ValidationColumn, ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl);

                // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);

            // 'OccupationCode' must be valid
            ValidationColumn = ARow.Table.Columns[PPersonTable.ColumnOccupationCodeId];

            if (AValidationControlsDict.TryGetValue(ValidationColumn, out ValidationControlsData))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ARow.OccupationCode))
                    Type tmp;
                    DataTable CachedDT = ACacheRetriever(Enum.GetName(typeof(TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum),
                            TCacheablePartnerTablesEnum.OccupationList), out tmp);
                    DataRow FoundDR = CachedDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { ARow.OccupationCode });

                    if (FoundDR == null)
                        VerificationResult = new TVerificationResult(ValidationControlsData.ValidationControl, ErrorCodes.GetErrorInfo(
                                PetraErrorCodes.ERR_OCCUPATIONCODE_INVALID, new string[] { ARow.OccupationCode }));
                        VerificationResult = new TScreenVerificationResult(VerificationResult,

                        // Handle addition to/removal from TVerificationResultCollection
                        AVerificationResultCollection.Auto_Add_Or_AddOrRemove(AContext, VerificationResult, ValidationColumn);