public void Test_2YearEnds()
            intLedgerNumber = CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger();
            CommonNUnitFunctions.LoadTestDataBase("csharp\\ICT\\Testing\\lib\\MFinance\\server\\GL\\test-sql\\gl-test-year-end.sql", intLedgerNumber);
            TLedgerInfo LedgerInfo = new TLedgerInfo(intLedgerNumber);

            for (int countYear = 0; countYear < 2; countYear++)
                TLogging.Log("preparing year number " + countYear.ToString());

                // accounting one gift
                string strAccountGift = "0200";
                string strAccountBank = "6200";
                TCommonAccountingTool commonAccountingTool =
                    new TCommonAccountingTool(intLedgerNumber, "NUNIT");
                commonAccountingTool.JournalDescription = "Test Data accounts";
                    strAccountBank, "4301", "Gift Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 100);
                    strAccountGift, "4301", "Gift Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 100);
                Boolean PostedOk = commonAccountingTool.CloseSaveAndPost(); // returns true if posting seemed to work
                Assert.AreEqual(true, PostedOk, "Test batch can't be posted");

                bool blnLoop = true;

                while (blnLoop)
                    //                  System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(LedgerInfo.CurrentPeriod.ToString(), "MonthEnd Period");

                    if (LedgerInfo.ProvisionalYearEndFlag)
                        blnLoop = false;
                        List <Int32> glBatchNumbers;
                        Boolean      stewardshipBatch;
                        TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResult;

                            out glBatchNumbers,
                            out stewardshipBatch,
                            out VerificationResult);
                                                                                            "MonthEnd gave critical error at Period" + LedgerInfo.CurrentPeriod + ":\r\n");

                TDBTransaction transaction  = null;
                bool           SubmissionOK = false;

                    ref transaction,
                    ref SubmissionOK,
                    TLogging.Log("Closing year number " + countYear.ToString());
                    List <Int32> glBatches     = new List <int>();
                    TReallocation reallocation = new TReallocation(LedgerInfo, glBatches, transaction);
                    TVerificationResultCollection verificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection();
                    reallocation.VerificationResultCollection        = verificationResult;
                    reallocation.IsInInfoMode = false;
                    //                Assert.AreEqual(1, reallocation.GetJobSize(), "Check 1 reallocation job is required"); // No job size is published by Reallocation

                    TYearEnd YearEndOperator       = new TYearEnd(LedgerInfo);
                    TGlmNewYearInit glmNewYearInit = new TGlmNewYearInit(LedgerInfo, countYear, YearEndOperator, transaction);
                    glmNewYearInit.VerificationResultCollection = verificationResult;
                    glmNewYearInit.IsInInfoMode = false;
                    //              Assert.Greater(glmNewYearInit.GetJobSize(), 0, "Check that NewYearInit has work to do"); // in this version, GetJobSize returns 0
                    SubmissionOK = true;

            Assert.AreEqual(2, LedgerInfo.CurrentFinancialYear, "After YearEnd, Ledger is in year 2");

            TAccountPeriodInfo periodInfo = new TAccountPeriodInfo(intLedgerNumber, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 2,
                                         1), periodInfo.PeriodStartDate, "new Calendar should start with January 1st of next year");
        } // Test_2YearEnds
        public void Test_YearEnd()
            intLedgerNumber = CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger();

            TLedgerInfo LedgerInfo = new TLedgerInfo(intLedgerNumber);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, LedgerInfo.CurrentFinancialYear, "Before YearEnd, we should be in year 0");

            TAccountPeriodInfo periodInfo = new TAccountPeriodInfo(intLedgerNumber, 1);

            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year,
                                         1), periodInfo.PeriodStartDate, "Calendar from base database should start with January 1st of this year");

            CommonNUnitFunctions.LoadTestDataBase("csharp\\ICT\\Testing\\lib\\MFinance\\GL\\test-sql\\gl-test-year-end.sql", intLedgerNumber);

            TCommonAccountingTool commonAccountingTool =
                new TCommonAccountingTool(intLedgerNumber, "NUNIT");

            commonAccountingTool.JournalDescription = "Test Data accounts";
            string strAccountGift    = "0200";
            string strAccountBank    = "6200";
            string strAccountExpense = "4100";

            // Accounting of some gifts ...
                strAccountBank, "4301", "Gift Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 100);
                strAccountBank, "4302", "Gift Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 200);
                strAccountBank, "4303", "Gift Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 300);

                strAccountGift, "4301", "Gift Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 100);
                strAccountGift, "4302", "Gift Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 200);
                strAccountGift, "4303", "Gift Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 300);

            // Accounting of some expenses ...

                strAccountExpense, "4301", "Expense Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 150);
                strAccountExpense, "4302", "Expense Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 150);
                strAccountExpense, "4303", "Expense Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 200);

                strAccountBank, "4301", "Expense Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 150);
                strAccountBank, "4302", "Expense Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 150);
                strAccountBank, "4303", "Expense Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 200);

            commonAccountingTool.CloseSaveAndPost(); // returns true if posting seemed to work

            TVerificationResultCollection verificationResult = new TVerificationResultCollection();

            bool blnLoop = true;

            while (blnLoop)
                if (LedgerInfo.ProvisionalYearEndFlag)
                    blnLoop = false;
                    TVerificationResultCollection VerificationResult;
                    TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodMonthEnd(intLedgerNumber, false, out VerificationResult);
                                                                                        "Running MonthEnd gave critical error");

            // check before year end that income and expense accounts are not 0
            int intYear = 0;

            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountBank,
                          -50, 0, 50, 0, 100, 0);
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountExpense,
                          150, 0, 150, 0, 200, 0);
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountGift,
                          100, 0, 200, 0, 300, 0);

            // test that we cannot post to period 12 anymore, all periods are closed?
            LedgerInfo = new TLedgerInfo(intLedgerNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, LedgerInfo.ProvisionalYearEndFlag, "Provisional YearEnd flag should be set");

            // Reallocation is never called explicitly like this - it's not really appropriate
            // because I'm about to call it again as part of YearEnd, below.
            // But a tweak in the reallocation code means that it should now cope with being called twice.

            TReallocation reallocation = new TReallocation(LedgerInfo);

            reallocation.VerificationResultCollection = verificationResult;
            reallocation.IsInInfoMode = false;

            // check amounts after reallocation
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountBank,
                          -50, 0, 50, 0, 100, 0);
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountExpense,
                          0, -150, 0, -150, 0, -200);
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountGift,
                          0, -100, 0, -200, 0, -300);

            // first run in info mode
            TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodYearEnd(intLedgerNumber, true, out verificationResult);
                                                                                "YearEnd test should not have critical errors");

            // now run for real
            TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodYearEnd(intLedgerNumber, false, out verificationResult);
                                                                                "YearEnd should not have critical errors");

            // check after year end that income and expense accounts are 0, bank account remains
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountBank,
                          -50, 0, 50, 0, 100, 0);
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountExpense,
                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            CheckGLMEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, strAccountGift,
                          0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            // also check the glm period records
            CheckGLMPeriodEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, 1, strAccountBank,
                                -50, 50, 100);
            CheckGLMPeriodEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, 1, strAccountExpense,
                                0, 0, 0);
            CheckGLMPeriodEntry(intLedgerNumber, intYear, 1, strAccountGift,
                                0, 0, 0);

            // 9700 is the account that the expenses and income from last year is moved to
            TGlmInfo glmInfo = new TGlmInfo(intLedgerNumber, intYear, "9700");

            Assert.IsTrue(glmInfo.MoveNext(), "9700 account not found");

            Assert.AreEqual(100, glmInfo.YtdActualBase);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, glmInfo.ClosingPeriodActualBase);

            LedgerInfo = new TLedgerInfo(intLedgerNumber);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, LedgerInfo.CurrentFinancialYear, "After YearEnd, we are in a new financial year");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, LedgerInfo.CurrentPeriod, "After YearEnd, we are in Period 1");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, LedgerInfo.ProvisionalYearEndFlag, "After YearEnd, ProvisionalYearEnd flag should not be set");

            periodInfo = new TAccountPeriodInfo(intLedgerNumber, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year + 1,
                                         1), periodInfo.PeriodStartDate, "new Calendar should start with January 1st of next year");
Beispiel #3
        public void Test_PEMM_03_SuspensedAccounts()
            TCommonAccountingTool commonAccountingTool =
                new TCommonAccountingTool(FLedgerNumber, "NUNIT");

            commonAccountingTool.JournalDescription = "Test Data accounts";
            string strAccountBank = "6000";

            // Accounting of some gifts ...
                strAccountBank, "7300", "Gift Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 100);
                "0100", "7300", "Gift Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 100);
            commonAccountingTool.CloseSaveAndPost(); // returns true if posting seemed to work

            new ChangeSuspenseAccount(FLedgerNumber, strAccountBank).Suspense();

            TVerificationResultCollection verificationResult;
            bool blnHasErrors = TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodMonthEnd(    // Changed to InfoMode because
                FLedgerNumber, true, out verificationResult);               // the suspense accounts warning is now shown only in InfoMode.
            bool blnStatusArrived = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < verificationResult.Count; ++i)
                if (verificationResult[i].ResultCode.Equals(
                    blnStatusArrived = true;
                    Assert.AreEqual(TResultSeverity.Resv_Status, verificationResult[i].ResultSeverity,
                                    "MonthEnd verificationResult should be status only ...");

            Assert.IsTrue(blnStatusArrived, "MonthEnd status message PEEC_07 has been shown");
            Assert.IsFalse(blnHasErrors, "there should not be an error for closing the first period");

            int periodCounter = 1;

            //TODO: Calendar vs Financial Date Handling - Check if this should not assume 12 but rather use number of financial periods in ledger
            while (!blnHasErrors && periodCounter < 12)
                blnHasErrors = TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodMonthEnd(
                    FLedgerNumber, false, out verificationResult);

                Assert.IsFalse(blnHasErrors, "there was an error closing period " + periodCounter.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(periodCounter, new TLedgerInfo(FLedgerNumber).CurrentPeriod, "should be in new period");

            blnHasErrors = TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodMonthEnd(
                FLedgerNumber, false, out verificationResult);

            blnStatusArrived = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < verificationResult.Count; ++i)
                if (verificationResult[i].ResultCode.Equals(
                        TPeriodEndErrorAndStatusCodes.PEEC_07.ToString()) &&
                    (TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical == verificationResult[i].ResultSeverity))
                    blnStatusArrived = true;

            Assert.IsTrue(blnStatusArrived, "there should be  a critical error PEEC_07 for the suspense account");
            Assert.IsTrue(blnHasErrors, "there should be an error because we cannot close the last period due to suspense account with a balance");

            new ChangeSuspenseAccount(FLedgerNumber, strAccountBank).Unsuspense();
Beispiel #4
        public void Test_PEMM_05_Revaluation()
            FLedgerNumber = CommonNUnitFunctions.CreateNewLedger();
            // load foreign currency account 6001
            CommonNUnitFunctions.LoadTestDataBase("csharp\\ICT\\Testing\\lib\\MFinance\\GL\\" +
                                                  "test-sql\\gl-test-account-data.sql", FLedgerNumber);

            // post a batch for foreign currency account 6001
            TCommonAccountingTool commonAccountingTool =
                new TCommonAccountingTool(FLedgerNumber, "NUNIT");

            commonAccountingTool.AddForeignCurrencyJournal("GBP", 1.1m);
            commonAccountingTool.JournalDescription = "Test foreign currency account";
            string strAccountGift = "0200";
            string strAccountBank = "6001";

            // Accounting of some gifts ...
                strAccountBank, (FLedgerNumber * 100).ToString(), "Gift Example", "Debit", MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 100);

                strAccountGift, (FLedgerNumber * 100).ToString(), "Gift Example", "Credit", MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 100);

            Boolean PostedOk = commonAccountingTool.CloseSaveAndPost(); // returns true if posting seemed to work

            Assert.IsTrue(PostedOk, "Post foreign gift batch");

            TVerificationResultCollection verificationResult;

 * This error is no longer critical - it's OK to run month end even if a reval is required. (Mantis# 03905)
 *          bool blnHasErrors = TPeriodIntervalConnector.TPeriodMonthEnd(
 *              FLedgerNumber, true, out verificationResult);
 *          for (int i = 0; i < verificationResult.Count; ++i)
 *          {
 *              if (verificationResult[i].ResultCode.Equals(
 *                      TPeriodEndErrorAndStatusCodes.PEEC_05.ToString()))
 *              {
 *                  blnStatusArrived = true;
 *                  Assert.IsTrue(verificationResult[i].ResultSeverity == TResultSeverity.Resv_Critical,
 *                      "A critical error is required: need to run revaluation first ...");
 *              }
 *          }

            // run revaluation
            Boolean blnHasErrors = TRevaluationWebConnector.Revaluate(FLedgerNumber, new string[] { "GBP" }, new decimal[] { 1.2m },
                                                                      out verificationResult);

            if (blnHasErrors)
                TLogging.Log("\n\n\nTRevaluationWebConnector.Revaluate returned false, VerificationResult follows:");

            Assert.IsFalse(blnHasErrors, "Problem running the revaluation");

            blnHasErrors = TPeriodIntervalConnector.PeriodMonthEnd(
                FLedgerNumber, true, out verificationResult);

            if (blnHasErrors)
                TLogging.Log("\n\n\nTPeriodMonthEnd returned true, VerificationResult follows:");

            Assert.IsFalse(blnHasErrors, "should now be able to close the month now that the revaluation has been run");
Beispiel #5
        public void Test_01_BaseCurrencyAccounting()
            // <summary>
            // 6000 is defined as debit Account and so an accounting in "debit direction" is
            // added as a positive value to GLM.
            // 9800 is defined as credit Account and so an accounting in "credit direction" is
            // added as a positive value to GLM.
            // </summary>

            string strAccountStart = "6000";
            string strAccountEnd   = "9800";
            string strCostCentre   = "4300";

            // Get the glm-values before and after the test and taking the differences enables
            // to run the test several times

            // ** NOTE! Both of these initially return empty data because the GLMInfo line doesn't exist.
            //          When they are later used in a comparison, 0 is returned for the non-existant rows,
            //          And the test succeeds by a fortunate accident!
            TGet_GLM_Info getGLM_InfoBeforeStart = new TGet_GLM_Info(LedgerNumber, strAccountStart, strCostCentre);
            TGet_GLM_Info getGLM_InfoBeforeEnd   = new TGet_GLM_Info(LedgerNumber, strAccountEnd, strCostCentre);

            TCommonAccountingTool commonAccountingTool =
                new TCommonAccountingTool(LedgerNumber, "NUNIT");


                strAccountStart, strCostCentre, "Debit-Test-10", "NUNIT",
                MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 10);
                strAccountEnd, strCostCentre, "Credit-Test 10", "NUNIT",
                MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 10);
            commonAccountingTool.CloseSaveAndPost(); // returns true if posting seemed to work

            TGet_GLM_Info getGLM_InfoAfterStart = new TGet_GLM_Info(LedgerNumber, strAccountStart, strCostCentre);
            TGet_GLM_Info getGLM_InfoAfterEnd   = new TGet_GLM_Info(LedgerNumber, strAccountEnd, strCostCentre);

            // strAccountStart is a debit account -> in this case "+"
            Assert.AreEqual(getGLM_InfoBeforeStart.YtdActual + 10, getGLM_InfoAfterStart.YtdActual,
                            "Check if 10 has been accounted to " + strAccountStart);
            // strAccountEnd is a credit acount -> in this case "+" too!
            Assert.AreEqual(getGLM_InfoBeforeEnd.YtdActual + 10, getGLM_InfoAfterEnd.YtdActual,
                            "Check if 10 has been accounted to " + strAccountEnd);

            commonAccountingTool =
                new TCommonAccountingTool(LedgerNumber, "NUNIT");


                strAccountStart, strCostCentre, "Debit-Test-5", "NUNIT",
                MFinanceConstants.IS_CREDIT, 5);
                strAccountEnd, strCostCentre, "Credit-Test 5", "NUNIT",
                MFinanceConstants.IS_DEBIT, 5);
            commonAccountingTool.CloseSaveAndPost(); // returns true if posting seemed to work

            getGLM_InfoAfterStart = new TGet_GLM_Info(LedgerNumber, strAccountStart, strCostCentre);
            getGLM_InfoAfterEnd   = new TGet_GLM_Info(LedgerNumber, strAccountEnd, strCostCentre);
            // now both directions are "-" and so the difference is reduced to 5
            Assert.AreEqual(getGLM_InfoBeforeStart.YtdActual + 5, getGLM_InfoAfterStart.YtdActual,
                            "Check if 10 has been accounted");
            // strAccountEnd is a credit acount -> in this case "+" too!
            Assert.AreEqual(getGLM_InfoBeforeEnd.YtdActual + 5, getGLM_InfoAfterEnd.YtdActual,
                            "Check if 10 has been accounted");