public static IEnumerable<TCLineAmount> FindAmount(IEnumerable<TCLineKey> lines, TCAmountType type, long clcnum = 0)
     using (var con = Connections.GetOLEDBConnection())
         using (var analysis_tbl = FindAmountTable(lines, type, clcnum))
             return from row in con.GetDataTable("Analysis", "select * from {0}", analysis_tbl).Rows.ToIEnumerable()
                    select new TCLineAmount(
                        new TCLineKey(
        public static Env.TempDBFPointer FindAmountTable(IEnumerable<TCLineKey> lines, TCAmountType type, long clcnum = 0)
            if (type == TCAmountType.Calculation && clcnum <= 0)
                throw new SysconException("Calculation # not specified");

            var lines_array = lines.ToArray();

            if (con == null)
                con = Connections.GetOLEDBConnection();

            var analysis_tbl = con.GetTempDBF();

            // so basically the solution comes to:
            //      - calculate for all records that belong to the payrecords we care about, this is import because of how
            //              we compare zeros
            //          - select a multiplier, this is the rate*hours_mult
            //          - multiply by some base (hours or gross)
            //          - scale so that our zeros match those in tmcddd
            //      - filter out the records we don't care about

            if (payrecs_tbl == null || _cached_lines != lines)
                _cached_lines = lines;

                var payrecs = (from l in lines_array
                               select l.payrec).Uniq();

                payrecs_tbl = con.BuildRecnumTable(payrecs);

            con.ExecuteNonQuery("select tmcdln.recnum, tmcdln.linnum, "
                    + "00000000000000000000000000000000000.0000 as amount, 000000000000000.0000 as recttl, 000000000000000.00000000 as mult, nvl(loctax.inctax, payrec.taxste) as taxste"
                + " from tmcdln"
                + " join {0} mypayrecs on mypayrecs.recnum = tmcdln.recnum"
                + " left join loctax on loctax.recnum = tmcdln.loctax"
                + " join payrec on payrec.recnum = tmcdln.recnum"
                + " into table {1}"
                , payrecs_tbl, analysis_tbl);

            switch (type)
                case TCAmountType.GrossPay:

                case TCAmountType.Calculation:
                    // first filter out the lines that this calculation does not apply to
                    con.ExecuteNonQuery("delete anal"
                        + " from {0} anal"
                        + " left join tmcddd on tmcddd.clcnum = {1} and tmcddd.recnum = anal.recnum"
                        + " where isnull(tmcddd.amount) or tmcddd.amount = 0"
                        , analysis_tbl, clcnum);

                    // then run
                    var cnt = con.GetScalar<long>("select count(*) from {0}", analysis_tbl);
                    if (cnt > 0)
                        SetAmountToCalculation(analysis_tbl, clcnum);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            // filter out the items that we don't care about
            if (keep == null || _cached_lines != lines)
                keep = con.GetTempDBF();

                con.ExecuteNonQuery("create table {0} (recnum n(10,0) not null, linnum n(4,0) not null)", keep);
                foreach (var l in lines_array)
                    con.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into {0} (recnum, linnum) values ({1}, {2})"
                        , keep, l.payrec, l.lineno);

            con.ExecuteNonQuery("delete anal from {0} anal"
                + " left join {1} keep on keep.recnum = anal.recnum and keep.linnum = anal.linnum"
                + " where isnull(keep.recnum)"
                , analysis_tbl, keep);

            // now add the linnum = 0 records to our analysis table, this should be fast
            foreach (var l in lines)
                if (l.lineno == 0)
                    con.ExecuteNonQuery("insert into {0} (recnum, linnum, amount, recttl, mult, taxste) values ({1}, 0, 0, 0, 0, '')", analysis_tbl, l.payrec);

            switch (type)
                case TCAmountType.GrossPay:
                    con.ExecuteNonQuery("update anal set amount = payrec.grspay, recttl = payrec.grspay, mult = 1, taxste = payrec.taxste"
                        + " from {0} anal"
                        + " join payrec on payrec.recnum = anal.recnum"
                        + " where anal.linnum = 0"
                        , analysis_tbl);

                case TCAmountType.Calculation:
                    con.ExecuteNonQuery("update anal set amount = tmcddd.amount, recttl = tmcddd.amount, mult = 1, taxste = payded.taxste"
                        + " from {0} anal"
                        + " join tmcddd on tmcddd.clcnum = {1} and tmcddd.recnum = anal.recnum"
                        + " join payded on payded.recnum = tmcddd.clcnum"
                        + " where anal.linnum = 0"
                        , analysis_tbl, clcnum);

                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            return analysis_tbl;
            public TCLineAmount(decimal _amount, decimal _payrec_ttl, TCLineKey _line, TCAmountType _type = TCAmountType.GrossPay, long _clcnum = 0)
                if (_type != TCAmountType.Calculation)
                    Validity.Assert(_clcnum == 0, "non payroll calculation analysis results cannot have a clcnum");
                    Validity.Assert(_clcnum > 0, "payrol calculation result must have a clcnum");

                clcnum = _clcnum;
                type = _type;
                line = _line;
                amount = _amount;
                payrec_ttl = _payrec_ttl;