public void Callback(TBody tbody)
        TBody that = tbody;

        if (that.trsHead == null)
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;
        if (mainCamera == null)

            bool bParamHeadTrack = false;
            Maid maid = tbody.maid;
            if (maid != null)
                bParamHeadTrack = ExSaveData.GetBool(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK", false);

            Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngle");
            Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngleG");
            Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "EyeEulerAngle");

            if (bParamHeadTrack)
                ExternalValues externalValues = PluginHelper.GetOrAddComponent<ExternalValues>(tbody.gameObject);
                externalValues.tbody = tbody;
                newTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(externalValues, tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle);
                originalTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle);

            Helper.SetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngle", thatHeadEulerAngle);
            Helper.SetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngleG", thatHeadEulerAngleG);
            Helper.SetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "EyeEulerAngle", thatEyeEulerAngle);
        catch (Exception ex)
            public static string htmlUC_TheoDoiPhieuThu(DataTable table)
                string html = "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;'>";

                html += THead.TheoDoiPhieuThu();
                #region tbody
                List <string> tenCot = new List <string>()
                    "stt", "Hoten", "rong", "tienchithangtruoc", "rong", "tientruthangtruoc",
                    "TienAn", "HocPhi", "PVBT", "AnSang", "VeSinh", "tongthu",
                    "ngayHoanTien", "sohoadon"
                html += TBody.Fill(tenCot, table);
                html += "</table>";
Beispiel #3
    public void Callback(TBody tbody)
        TBody that = tbody;

        if (that.trsHead == null)
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        if (mainCamera == null)

        try {
            bool bParamHeadTrack = false;
            Maid maid            = tbody.maid;
            if (maid != null)
                bParamHeadTrack = ExSaveData.GetBool(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK", false);

            Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle  = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngle");
            Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngleG");
            Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle   = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "EyeEulerAngle");

            if (bParamHeadTrack)
                ExternalValues externalValues = PluginHelper.GetOrAddComponent <ExternalValues>(tbody.gameObject);
                externalValues.tbody = tbody;
                newTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(externalValues, tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle);
                originalTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle);

            Helper.SetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngle", thatHeadEulerAngle);
            Helper.SetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "HeadEulerAngleG", thatHeadEulerAngleG);
            Helper.SetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), that, "EyeEulerAngle", thatEyeEulerAngle);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
Beispiel #4
        public void Init(Transform[] boneList, TBody b, float[,] initConstrait, Transform initRoroot = null)
            this.body                 = b;
            this.defLENroot           = (boneList[0].position - boneList[1].position).magnitude;
            this.defLENhead           = (boneList[2].position - boneList[1].position).magnitude;
            this.mid_old              = boneList[1].position;
            this.defRootlocalRotation = boneList[0].localRotation;
            this.defMidlocalRotation  = boneList[1].localRotation;
            this.vechand              =;

            if (initRoroot != null)
                this.defLENroroot           = (initRoroot.position - boneList[0].position).magnitude;
                this.defRorootlocalRotation = initRoroot.localRotation;

            this.constrait = initConstrait;
Beispiel #5
        public static void FaceTypeHook(TBody self, ref string slotname, ref int matno,
                                        ref string prop_name, ref string filename, ref Dictionary <string, byte[]> dicModTexData, ref MaidParts.PARTS_COLOR f_ePartsColorId)
            int       num       = (int)TBody.hashSlotName[slotname];
            TBodySkin tBodySkin = self.goSlot[num];
            string    modelname = (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(tBodySkin.m_strModelFileName));

            int start = modelname.IndexOf("facetype");

            if (slotname == "head" && start != -1 && filename.IndexOf("*") != -1)
                if (!GameUty.FileSystemMod.IsExistentFile(filename.Replace("*", tBodySkin.m_strModelFileName)))
                    string type = modelname.Substring(start + 8, 3);

                    filename = filename.Replace("*", "face" + type);
Beispiel #6
        public MaidTransforms(TBody body)
            Body  = body.GetBone("Bip01");
            FootL = body.GetBone("Bip01 L Foot");
            FootR = body.GetBone("Bip01 R Foot");

            ToesL = new[]
                CMT.SearchObjName(FootL, "Bip01 L Toe0"),
                CMT.SearchObjName(FootL, "Bip01 L Toe1"),
                CMT.SearchObjName(FootL, "Bip01 L Toe2"),
            ToesR = new[]
                CMT.SearchObjName(FootR, "Bip01 R Toe0"),
                CMT.SearchObjName(FootR, "Bip01 R Toe1"),
                CMT.SearchObjName(FootR, "Bip01 R Toe2"),
Beispiel #7
    Vector3 updateEyeTargetPos(TBody tbody)
        TBody      that       = tbody;
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eyeTargetWorldPos:ワールド座標系での視線のターゲット位置
        Vector3 eyeTargetWorldPos;

        if (that.trsLookTarget == null)
            eyeTargetWorldPos = that.trsHead.TransformPoint(that.offsetLookTarget);
            if (that.boEyeSorashi)
                // num : 顔の前方と顔→カメラベクトルの内積。1.0に近ければ、カメラが顔の正面にある
                float num = Vector3.Dot(
                    (eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsHead.position).normalized,
                    (mainCamera.transform.position - that.trsHead.position).normalized);

                if (that.EyeSorashiCnt > 0)
                    if (that.EyeSorashiCnt > 200)
                        that.EyeSorashiCnt = 0;

                // カメラが顔の前方にあり、なおかつ前回の変更から 200 フレーム経過しているなら、新しい「前方」を決める
                if (num > 0.9f && that.EyeSorashiCnt == 0)
                    that.offsetLookTarget = !that.EyeSorashiTgl ? new Vector3(-0.6f, 1f, 0.6f) : new Vector3(-0.5f, 1f, -0.7f);
                    that.EyeSorashiTgl    = !that.EyeSorashiTgl;
                    that.EyeSorashiCnt    = 1;
            eyeTargetWorldPos = that.trsLookTarget.position;
Beispiel #8
        void InitKinectObject(TBody maidBody, Vector3 startingPosition)
            kinectPosition = new GameObject();
            kinectPosition.transform.position = startingPosition;

            var kinectCube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);

            kinectCube.transform.localPosition =;
            kinectCube.transform.localScale    = 0.1f *;

            foreach (var value in Enum.GetValues(typeof(BodyJointType)))
                var o = new GameObject(); /*GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);*//*new GameObject($"KinectJoint_{value}");*/
                //o.transform.localScale = 0.01f *;
                o.transform.localPosition = 2f * Vector3.forward;
                var boneDraw = CreateBoneNode($"kinect_{value}");
                //boneDraw.transform.localPosition += Vector3.forward * 2f;
                bodyJoints[(BodyJointType)value]      = o.transform;
                bodyJointGizmos[(BodyJointType)value] = boneDraw.transform;

            var gizmo = kinectPosition.AddComponent <GizmoRender>();

            gizmo.eAxis       = true;
            gizmo.eRotate     = true;
            gizmo.offsetScale = 0.5f;
            gizmo.Visible     = true;

            foreach (var jointType in maidBodyToKinectJointsDict)
                maidJoints.Add(jointType.Value, maidBody.GetBone(jointType.Key));
            bipJoint = maidBody.GetBone("Bip01");

            foreach (var keyValuePair in maidJoints)
                Log($"{}: Local pos: {keyValuePair.Value.localPosition}; Local rot: {keyValuePair.Value.localRotation}");
        void Update()
            if (Application.loadedLevel != 5)
            if (editViewReset == null)
                editViewReset = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <EditViewReset>();
            if (sceneEdit == null)
                sceneEdit = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <SceneEdit>();
            if (editViewReset != null && sceneEdit != null)
                Maid maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0);

                if (bLevelWasLoaded)
                    bLevelWasLoaded = false;

                // UICamera.InputEnable が False になるとサムネール撮影用のために着衣状態になる
                TBody tbody = maid == null ? null : maid.body0;
                if (tbody != null && fieldInfo_TBody_m_eMaskMode != null && UICamera.InputEnable)
                    lastMaid            = maid;
                    bLastAutoCam        = editViewReset.GetVisibleAutoCam();
                    bLastEyeToCam       = editViewReset.GetVisibleEyeToCam();
                    lastBgName          = GameMain.Instance.BgMgr.GetBGName();
                    lastClothMaskMode   = (TBody.MaskMode)fieldInfo_TBody_m_eMaskMode.GetValue(tbody);
                    lastPoseName        = tbody.LastAnimeFN;
                    lastCameraPos       = mainCamera.GetPos();
                    lastCameraTargetPos = mainCamera.GetTargetPos();
                    lastCameraDistance  = mainCamera.GetDistance();
                    lastCameraRotation  = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation;
                    lastCameraFov       = Camera.main.fieldOfView;
        public override bool IKCmoUpdate(TBody body, Transform trh, Vector3 offset, string hand = "右手")
            var ctrl = body.IKCtrl.GetIKData(hand, IKBend);

            /*ctrl.MyIKCtrl.GetType().GetProperty("IsUpdateEnd").SetValue(ctrl.MyIKCtrl, true, null);
             * ctrl.MyIKCtrl.IsUpdateLate = false;
             * ctrl.ApplyIKSetting();

            Vector3    pos  =;
            Quaternion rot  = Quaternion.identity;
            bool       proc = GetIKCmoPosRot(body, out pos, out rot, hand);

            if (proc)
                ctrl.IKCmo.Porc(trh.parent.parent, trh.parent, trh, pos, rot * offset, ctrl);
        public override bool IKCmoUpdate(TBody body, Transform trh, Vector3 offset, string hand = "右手")
            Vector3    pos  =;
            Quaternion rot  = Quaternion.identity;
            bool       proc = GetIKCmoPosRot(body, out pos, out rot, hand);

            var mgr = body.IKHandR;

            if (hand != "右手")
                mgr = body.IKHandL;

            if (proc)
                mgr.IKCmo.Porc(trh.parent.parent, trh.parent, trh, pos, rot * offset);
            public static string htmlUC_PhieuCho(string tenNhomTre, DataTable table)
                string html = "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;'>";

                html += THead.PhieuCho(tenNhomTre);
                #region tbody
                List <string> tenCot = new List <string>()
                html += TBody.Fill(tenCot, table);
                html += "</table>";
Beispiel #13
        public void SetValue(TBody body)
            var dtime = DateTime.FromOADate(body.time);

            Issi = Enumerable.Repeat('\0', 20).ToArray();
            var sourcearray = body.GetIssi().ToArray();

            Array.Copy(sourcearray, Issi, sourcearray.Length);
            Lon       = body.lon;
            Lat       =;
            Speed     = (ushort)body.speed;
            Dir       = (ushort)body.dir;
            Height    = (ushort)body.height;
            Precision = 0;
            Year      = Convert.ToUInt16(dtime.Year);
            Month     = Convert.ToByte(dtime.Month);
            Day       = Convert.ToByte(dtime.Day);
            Hour      = Convert.ToByte(dtime.Hour);
            Minute    = Convert.ToByte(dtime.Minute);
            Second    = Convert.ToByte(dtime.Second);
            public static string htmlUC_ThucDonTuan(DataTable table)
                string html = "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;'>";

                html += THead.ThucDonTuan();
                #region tbody

                List <string> tenCot = new List <string>()
                    "Bửa sáng",
                    "Bửa trưa",
                    "Bửa xế",
                    "Bửa phụ"
                html += TBody.Fill(tenCot, table);

                html += "</table>";
        public override object GetIkPoint(TBody body, string hand = "右手")
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
                IKBend = true;
                Console.WriteLine("IKBend: ON");
                IKBend = false;
            var obj = body.IKCtrl.GetIKData(hand, IKBend).GetTargetData(IKCtrlData.IKAttachType.Point);
            if (obj == null)
                obj = body.IKCtrl.GetIKData(hand, IKBend).GetTargetData(IKCtrlData.IKAttachType.NewPoint);

Beispiel #16
        void DrawBones()

            var maid = FindObjectOfType <Maid>();

            if (maid == null)

            maidBody = maid.body0;

            foreach (var boneName in boneNames)
                var bone = maidBody.GetBone(boneName);
                if (bone == null)
                    Error($"Bone {boneName} does not exist!");

                var c = Random.ColorHSV();

                Log($"Creating node {boneName}");
                var go = CreateBoneNode(boneName);
                //go.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse")) {color = c};
                //go.transform.position = bone.position - 2.0f * Vector3.left;
                //go.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                //go.transform.localScale = 0.05f *;

                boneObjects.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, GameObject>(boneName, go));
Beispiel #17
            public static string htmlUC_STTTTheoNgay(DataTable table)
                string html = "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;'>";

                html += THead.STTTTheoNgay();
                #region tbody
                List <string> tenCot = new List <string>()
                html += TBody.Fill(tenCot, table);
                html += "</table>";
Beispiel #18
        public void SetValue(TBody body)
            Issi = Enumerable.Repeat <Byte>(0x25, 20).ToArray();
            var bodyssi = body.GetASCIIBytes(body.GetIssi());

            Array.Copy(bodyssi, Issi, bodyssi.Length);
            //var bodyssi = body.GetASCIIBytes(body.GetIssi());
            //Issi = new Byte[20];
            //for (var i = 0; i < bodyssi.Length; i++)
            //    Issi[i] = bodyssi[i];
            //for (var i = bodyssi.Length; i <20 ; i++)
            //    Issi[i] = 0x25;
            CC    = 0x26;
            Time  = body.GetASCIIBytes(new DateTime(1899, 12, 30).AddDays(body.time).ToString("yyMMddHHmmss"));
            Lon   = body.lon;
            Lat   =;
            Speed = Convert.ToDouble(body.speed);
            Dir   = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder(body.dir);
            public static string htmlUC_TheKho(DataTable table)
                string html = "<table border='1' style='border-collapse:collapse; width:100%;'>";

                html += THead.TheKho();
                #region tbody
                List <string> tenCot = new List <string>()
                    "Ngày lập",
                    "Số phiếu nhập",
                    "Số phiếu xuất",
                    "Diễn giải",
                    "Số lượng nhập",
                    "Thành tiền nhập",
                    "Số lượng xuất",
                    "Thành tiền xuất",
                    "Số lượng tồn",
                    "Thành tiền tồn"
                html += TBody.Fill(tenCot, table);
                html += "</table>";
Beispiel #20
 public TableRowTag AddBodyRow() => TBody.Add <TableRowTag>();
 // リップシンク強度指定
 void SetLipSyncIntensity(Maid maid, TBody tbody)
     if (!ExSaveData.GetBool(maid, PluginName, "LIPSYNC_INTENISTY", false))
     float f1 = Mathf.Clamp01(ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "LIPSYNC_INTENISTY.value", 1f));
     maid.VoicePara_1 = f1 * 0.5f;
     maid.VoicePara_2 = f1 * 0.074f;
     maid.VoicePara_3 = f1 * 0.5f;
     maid.VoicePara_4 = f1 * 0.05f;
     if (f1 < 0.01f)
         maid.voice_ao_f2 = 0;
 // 顔を常時カメラに向ける
 void HeadToCam(Maid maid, TBody tbody)
     float fHeadToCam = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEADTOCAM", 0f);
     if (fHeadToCam < -0.5f)
         tbody.boHeadToCam = false;
     else if (fHeadToCam > 0.5f)
         tbody.boHeadToCam = true;
 public void SetEditedMaterials(TBody.SlotID slot, List<ACCMaterial> edited) {
     LogUtil.DebugF("Set edited Materials. slot={0}, edited count={1}", slot, edited.Count);
     string slotName = slot.ToString();
     trgtMenu.InitMaterials(slotName, edited);
 public SlotInfo(TBody.SlotID id, MPN mpn, string displayName, bool enable, bool maskable) {
     this.Id = id;
     this.Name = Id.ToString();
     this.mpn = mpn;
     this.DisplayName = displayName;
     this.LongName = displayName + " [" + Name + "]"; = -1;
     this.enable = enable;
     this.maskable = maskable;
Beispiel #25
    // 新しい MoveHeadAndEye
    void newTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(ExternalValues externalValues, TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle)
        TBody      that       = tbody;
        Maid       maid       = tbody.maid;
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eyeTarget_world:視線の目標位置(ワールド座標系)
        Vector3 eyeTarget_world = updateEyeTargetPos(tbody);

        // HeadToCamPer:最終的に顔がカメラを向く度合い
        //  0 なら元の頭の向き、1 ならカメラの向き
        if (that.boHeadToCam)
            that.HeadToCamPer += Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
            that.HeadToCamPer -= Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
        that.HeadToCamPer = Mathf.Clamp01(that.HeadToCamPer);

        that.boChkEye = false;

        newMoveHead(externalValues, tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle, eyeTarget_world);

        externalValues.prevQuat = that.trsHead.rotation;

        if (that.boMAN || that.trsEyeL == null || that.trsEyeR == null)

        that.boChkEye = false;
            float paramEyeAng = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.angle", 0f);
            paramEyeAng = Mathf.Clamp(paramEyeAng, -180f, 180f);
            float paramSpeed = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.speed", 0.05f);

            float   paramInside    = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.inside", 60f);
            float   paramOutside   = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.outside", 60f);
            float   paramAbove     = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.above", 40f);
            float   paramBelow     = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.below", 20f);
            float   paramBehind    = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.behind", 170f);
            float   paramOfsX      = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.ofsx", 0f);
            float   paramOfsY      = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.ofsy", 0f);
            Vector3 targetPosition = eyeTarget_world;

            if (!that.boEyeToCam)
                // 視線を正面に戻す
                eyeTarget_world = that.trsHead.TransformPoint(Vector3.up * 1000.0f);

                Transform  trsEye   = that.trsEyeL;
                Quaternion defQuat  = that.quaDefEyeL * Quaternion.Euler(paramEyeAng, -paramOfsX, -paramOfsY);
                Quaternion prevQuat = externalValues.prevLeftEyeQuat;

                Transform  trsParent         = trsEye.parent;
                Quaternion newRotation_world = CalcNewEyeRotation(
                Quaternion q = Quaternion.Inverse(trsParent.rotation) * newRotation_world;
                q                    = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, q, 0.2f); // 眼球モデルの中心に、眼球のトランスフォームの原点が無いため、ごまかしている
                q                    = Quaternion.Slerp(prevQuat, q, paramSpeed);
                prevQuat             = q;
                trsEye.localRotation = q * defQuat;

                externalValues.prevLeftEyeQuat = prevQuat;

                Transform  trsEye   = that.trsEyeR;
                Quaternion defQuat  = that.quaDefEyeR * Quaternion.Euler(-paramEyeAng, -paramOfsX, paramOfsY);
                Quaternion prevQuat = externalValues.prevRightEyeQuat;

                Transform  trsParent         = trsEye.parent;
                Quaternion newRotation_world = CalcNewEyeRotation(
                Quaternion q = Quaternion.Inverse(trsParent.rotation) * newRotation_world;
                q                    = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, q, 0.2f);
                q                    = Quaternion.Slerp(prevQuat, q, paramSpeed);
                prevQuat             = q;
                trsEye.localRotation = q * defQuat;

                externalValues.prevRightEyeQuat = prevQuat;
    void originalMoveHead(TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle, Vector3 eyeTargetWorldPos)
        TBody that = tbody;
        //        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eulerAngles1:顔の正面向きのベクトルから見た、視線ターゲットまでの回転量
        Vector3 eulerAngles1;
        Quaternion quaternion1 = new Quaternion();
            // toDirection1:顔からターゲットを見た向き(顔の座標系)
            Vector3 toDirection1 = Quaternion.Inverse(that.trsNeck.rotation) * (eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsNeck.position);

            // quaternion1:(0,1,0) (顔の正面向きのベクトル) から見たときの、toDirection1 までの回転量
            quaternion1.SetFromToRotation(Vector3.up, toDirection1);

            eulerAngles1 = PluginHelper.NormalizeEulerAngles(quaternion1.eulerAngles);

        if (that.boHeadToCamInMode)
            // 追従範囲外かどうかを判定
            if (-80.0f >= eulerAngles1.x || eulerAngles1.x >= 80.0f || -50.0f >= eulerAngles1.z || eulerAngles1.z >= 60.0f)
                that.boHeadToCamInMode = false;
            // 追従範囲内かどうかを判定
            if (-60.0f < eulerAngles1.x && eulerAngles1.x < 60.0f && -40.0f < eulerAngles1.z && eulerAngles1.z < 50.0f)
                that.boHeadToCamInMode = true;

        if (that.boHeadToCamInMode)
            // 追従モード
            that.boChkEye = true;
            float num = 0.3f;

            if (eulerAngles1.x > thatHeadEulerAngle.x + 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x += num;
            else if (eulerAngles1.x < thatHeadEulerAngle.x - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x -= num;
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x *= 0.95f;

            if (eulerAngles1.z > thatHeadEulerAngle.z + 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z += num;
            else if (eulerAngles1.z < thatHeadEulerAngle.z - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z -= num;
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z *= 0.95f;
            // 自由モード
            float num = 0.1f;
            if (0.0f > thatHeadEulerAngle.x + 10.0)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x += num;
            if (0.0f < thatHeadEulerAngle.x - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x -= num;
            if (0.0f > thatHeadEulerAngle.z + 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z += num;
            if (0.0f < thatHeadEulerAngle.z - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z -= num;

        thatHeadEulerAngleG *= 0.95f;
        thatHeadEulerAngle += thatHeadEulerAngleG;

        float uScale = 0.4f;
        that.trsHead.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(
            that.quaDefHead *
                    thatHeadEulerAngle.x * uScale,
                    thatHeadEulerAngle.z * uScale),
    // 新しい MoveHeadAndEye
    void newTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(ExternalValues externalValues, TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle)
        TBody that = tbody;
        Maid maid = tbody.maid;
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eyeTarget_world:視線の目標位置(ワールド座標系)
        Vector3 eyeTarget_world = updateEyeTargetPos(tbody);

        // HeadToCamPer:最終的に顔がカメラを向く度合い
        //  0 なら元の頭の向き、1 ならカメラの向き
        if (that.boHeadToCam)
            that.HeadToCamPer += Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
            that.HeadToCamPer -= Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
        that.HeadToCamPer = Mathf.Clamp01(that.HeadToCamPer);

        that.boChkEye = false;

        newMoveHead(externalValues, tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle, eyeTarget_world);

        externalValues.prevQuat = that.trsHead.rotation;

        if (that.boMAN || that.trsEyeL == null || that.trsEyeR == null)

        that.boChkEye = false;
        if (that.boEyeToCam)
            float paramEyeAng = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.angle", 0f);
            paramEyeAng = Mathf.Clamp(paramEyeAng, -180f, 180f);
            float paramSpeed = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.speed", 0.05f);

            float paramInside = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.inside", 60f);
            float paramOutside = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.outside", 60f);
            float paramAbove = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.above", 40f);
            float paramBelow = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.below", 20f);
            float paramBehind = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.behind", 170f);
            float paramOfsX = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.ofsx", 0f);
            float paramOfsY = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_TRACK.ofsy", 0f);
            Vector3 targetPosition = eyeTarget_world;
                Transform trsEye = that.trsEyeL;
                Quaternion defQuat = that.quaDefEyeL * Quaternion.Euler(paramEyeAng, -paramOfsX, -paramOfsY);
                Quaternion prevQuat = externalValues.prevLeftEyeQuat;

                Transform trsParent = trsEye.parent;
                Quaternion newRotation_world = CalcNewEyeRotation(
                Quaternion q = Quaternion.Inverse(trsParent.rotation) * newRotation_world;
                q = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, q, 0.2f);     // 眼球モデルの中心に、眼球のトランスフォームの原点が無いため、ごまかしている
                q = Quaternion.Slerp(prevQuat, q, paramSpeed);
                prevQuat = q;
                trsEye.localRotation = q * defQuat;

                externalValues.prevLeftEyeQuat = prevQuat;

                Transform trsEye = that.trsEyeR;
                Quaternion defQuat = that.quaDefEyeR * Quaternion.Euler(-paramEyeAng, -paramOfsX, paramOfsY);
                Quaternion prevQuat = externalValues.prevRightEyeQuat;

                Transform trsParent = trsEye.parent;
                Quaternion newRotation_world = CalcNewEyeRotation(
                Quaternion q = Quaternion.Inverse(trsParent.rotation) * newRotation_world;
                q = Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, q, 0.2f);
                q = Quaternion.Slerp(prevQuat, q, paramSpeed);
                prevQuat = q;
                trsEye.localRotation = q * defQuat;

                externalValues.prevRightEyeQuat = prevQuat;
 public CCSlot(TBody.SlotID id) { = id;
Beispiel #29
 public void SetValue(TBody cbody)
     body.Seconds = header.Seconds = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds);
 public Renderer GetRenderer(TBody.SlotID slotID) {
     int slotNo = (int)slotID;
     return slotNo >= currentMaid.body0.goSlot.Count
         ? null
         : GetRenderer(currentMaid.body0.GetSlot(slotNo));
 public Material[] GetMaterials(TBody.SlotID slotID) {
     int slotNo = (int)slotID;
     return slotNo >= currentMaid.body0.goSlot.Count
         ? EmptyList
         : GetMaterials(currentMaid.body0.GetSlot(slotNo));
Beispiel #32
        // スライダー範囲を拡大
        void WideSlider(Maid maid)
            if (!ExSaveData.GetBool(maid, PluginName, "WIDESLIDER", false))

            TBody tbody = maid.body0;

            //string[] PropNames = BoneMorph_PropNames;
            if (tbody == null || tbody.bonemorph == null || tbody.bonemorph.bones == null)
            BoneMorph_ boneMorph_ = tbody.bonemorph;

            // スケール変更するボーンのリスト
            Dictionary <string, Vector3> boneScale = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>();

            // ポジション変更するボーンのリスト
            Dictionary <string, Vector3> bonePosition = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>();

            string[] ignoreHeadBones = new string[] { "Bip01 Spine1a" };

            float eyeAngAngle;
            float eyeAngX;
            float eyeAngY;
                float ra = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.angle", 0f);
                float rx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.x", 0f);
                float ry = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.y", 0f);

                rx += -9f;
                ry += -17f;

                rx /= 1000f;
                ry /= 1000f;

                eyeAngAngle = ra;
                eyeAngX     = rx;
                eyeAngY     = ry;

            Vector3 thiScl = new Vector3(
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THISCL.depth", 1f),
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THISCL.width", 1f));

            Vector3 thiPosL;
            Vector3 thiPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THIPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THIPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = 0.0f;
                thiPosL = new Vector3(dy, dz / 1000f, -dx / 1000f);
                thiPosR = new Vector3(dy, dz / 1000f, dx / 1000f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 L Thigh"] = thiPosL;
            bonePosition["Bip01 R Thigh"] = thiPosR;

            Vector3 thi2PosL;
            Vector3 thi2PosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THI2POS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THI2POS.z", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THI2POS.y", 0f);
                thi2PosL = new Vector3(dy / 1000f, dz / 1000f, -dx / 1000f);
                thi2PosR = new Vector3(dy / 1000f, dz / 1000f, dx / 1000f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 L Thigh_SCL_"] = thi2PosL;
            bonePosition["Bip01 R Thigh_SCL_"] = thi2PosR;

            // 元々足の位置と連動しており、追加するときに整合性を保つため足の位置との和で計算
            Vector3 hipPosL;
            Vector3 hipPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HIPPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HIPPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HIPPOS.z", 0f);
                hipPosL = new Vector3(dy / 1000f, dz / 1000f, -dx / 1000f);
                hipPosR = new Vector3(dy / 1000f, dz / 1000f, dx / 1000f);
            bonePosition["Hip_L"] = thiPosL + hipPosL;
            bonePosition["Hip_R"] = thiPosR + hipPosR;

            Vector3 mtwPosL;
            Vector3 mtwPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MTWPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MTWPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MTWPOS.z", 0f);
                mtwPosL = new Vector3(dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
                mtwPosR = new Vector3(dx / 10f, dy / 10f, -dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["momotwist_L"] = mtwPosL;
            bonePosition["momotwist_R"] = mtwPosR;

            Vector3 mmnPosL;
            Vector3 mmnPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MMNPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MMNPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MMNPOS.z", 0f);
                mmnPosL = new Vector3(dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
                mmnPosR = new Vector3(dx / 10f, -dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["momoniku_L"] = mmnPosL;
            bonePosition["momoniku_R"] = mmnPosR;

            Vector3 skirtPos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SKTPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SKTPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SKTPOS.z", 0f);
                skirtPos = new Vector3(-dz / 10f, -dy / 10f, dx / 10f);
            bonePosition["Skirt"] = skirtPos;

            Vector3 spinePos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SPIPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SPIPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SPIPOS.z", 0f);
                spinePos = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 Spine"] = spinePos;

            Vector3 spine0aPos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S0APOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S0APOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S0APOS.z", 0f);
                spine0aPos = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 Spine0a"] = spine0aPos;

            Vector3 spine1Pos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S1POS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S1POS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S1POS.z", 0f);
                spine1Pos = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 Spine1"] = spine1Pos;

            Vector3 spine1aPos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S1APOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S1APOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "S1APOS.z", 0f);
                spine1aPos = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 Spine1a"] = spine1aPos;

            Vector3 neckPos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "NECKPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "NECKPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "NECKPOS.z", 0f);
                neckPos = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 Neck"] = neckPos;

            Vector3 clvPosL;
            Vector3 clvPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "CLVPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "CLVPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "CLVPOS.y", 0f);
                clvPosL = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, dz / 10f);
                clvPosR = new Vector3(-dx / 10f, dy / 10f, -dz / 10f);
            bonePosition["Bip01 L Clavicle"] = clvPosL;
            bonePosition["Bip01 R Clavicle"] = clvPosR;

            Vector3 muneSubPosL;
            Vector3 muneSubPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNESUBPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNESUBPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNESUBPOS.y", 0f);
                muneSubPosL = new Vector3(-dy / 10f, dz / 10f, -dx / 10f);
                muneSubPosR = new Vector3(-dy / 10f, -dz / 10f, -dx / 10f);
            bonePosition["Mune_L_sub"] = muneSubPosL;
            bonePosition["Mune_R_sub"] = muneSubPosR;

            Vector3 munePosL;
            Vector3 munePosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNEPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNEPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNEPOS.y", 0f);
                munePosL = new Vector3(dz / 10f, -dy / 10f, dx / 10f);
                munePosR = new Vector3(dz / 10f, -dy / 10f, -dx / 10f);
            bonePosition["Mune_L"] = munePosL;
            bonePosition["Mune_R"] = munePosR;

            // スケール変更するボーンをリストに一括登録
            SetBoneScaleFromList(boneScale, maid, boneAndPropNameList);

            // 元々尻はPELSCLに連動していたが単体でも設定できるようにする
            // ただし元との整合性をとるため乗算する
            Vector3 pelScl = new Vector3(
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "PELSCL.height", 1f),
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "PELSCL.depth", 1f),
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "PELSCL.width", 1f));
            Vector3 hipScl = new Vector3(
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HIPSCL.height", 1f) * pelScl.x,
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HIPSCL.depth", 1f) * pelScl.y,
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HIPSCL.width", 1f) * pelScl.z);

            boneScale["Hip_L"] = hipScl;
            boneScale["Hip_R"] = hipScl;

            Transform tEyePosL = null;
            Transform tEyePosR = null;

            float sliderScale = 20f;

            for (int i = boneMorph_.bones.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                BoneMorphLocal boneMorphLocal = boneMorph_.bones[i];
                Vector3        scl            = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
                Vector3        pos            = boneMorphLocal.pos;
                //for (int j = 0; j < (int)PropNames.Length; j++)
                for (int j = 0; j < BoneMorph.PropNames.Length; j++)
                    float s = 1f;
                    switch (j)
                    case 0:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Kubi;

                    case 1:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Ude;

                    case 2:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_EyeX;

                    case 3:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_EyeY;

                    case 4:
                        s = boneMorph_.Postion_EyeX * (0.5f + boneMorph_.Postion_EyeY * 0.5f);

                    case 5:
                        s = boneMorph_.Postion_EyeY;

                    case 6:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_HeadX;

                    case 7:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_HeadY;

                    case 8:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_DouPer;
                        if (boneMorphLocal.Kahanshin == 0f)
                            s = 1f - s;

                    case 9:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Sintyou;

                    case 10:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Koshi;

                    case 11:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Kata;

                    case 12:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_West;

                        s = 1f;

                    if ((boneMorphLocal.atr & 1L << (j & 63)) != 0L)
                        Vector3 v0 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_min[j];
                        Vector3 v1 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_max[j];

                        Vector3 n0 = v0 * sliderScale - v1 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        Vector3 n1 = v1 * sliderScale - v0 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        float   f  = (s + sliderScale - 1f) * (1f / (sliderScale * 2.0f - 1f));
                        scl = Vector3.Scale(scl, Vector3.Lerp(n0, n1, f));

                    if ((boneMorphLocal.atr & 1L << (j + 32 & 63)) != 0L)
                        Vector3 v0 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_min[j + 32];
                        Vector3 v1 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_max[j + 32];

                        Vector3 n0 = v0 * sliderScale - v1 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        Vector3 n1 = v1 * sliderScale - v0 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        float   f  = (s + sliderScale - 1f) * (1f / (sliderScale * 2.0f - 1f));
                        pos = Vector3.Scale(pos, Vector3.Lerp(n0, n1, f));

                Transform linkT = boneMorphLocal.linkT;
                if (linkT == null)

                string name =;

                if (name != null && name.Contains("Thigh_SCL_"))
                    boneMorph_.SnityouOutScale = Mathf.Pow(scl.x, 0.9f);

                // リストに登録されているボーンのスケール設定
                if (name != null && boneScale.ContainsKey(name))
                    scl = Vector3.Scale(scl, boneScale[name]);

                // リストに登録されているボーンのポジション設定
                if (name != null && bonePosition.ContainsKey(name))
                    pos += bonePosition[name];

                Transform muneLParent = f_muneLParent.GetValue(tbody) as Transform;
                Transform muneLChild  = f_muneLChild.GetValue(tbody) as Transform;
                Transform muneRParent = f_muneRParent.GetValue(tbody) as Transform;
                Transform muneRChild  = f_muneRChild.GetValue(tbody) as Transform;
                Transform muneLSub    = f_muneLSub.GetValue(tbody) as Transform;
                Transform muneRSub    = f_muneRSub.GetValue(tbody) as Transform;
                if (muneLChild && muneLParent && muneRChild && muneRParent)
                    muneLChild.localPosition  = muneLSub.localPosition;
                    muneLParent.localPosition = muneLSub.localPosition;
                    muneRChild.localPosition  = muneRSub.localPosition;
                    muneRParent.localPosition = muneRSub.localPosition;

                // ignoreHeadBonesに登録されている場合はヒラエルキーを辿って頭のツリーを無視
                if (name != null)
                    if (!(ignoreHeadBones.Contains(name) && CMT.SearchObjObj(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform.Find("Bip01"), linkT)))
                        linkT.localScale = scl;
                    linkT.localPosition = pos;

                if (name != null)
                    if (name == "Eyepos_L")
                        tEyePosL = linkT;
                    else if (name == "Eyepos_R")
                        tEyePosR = linkT;

            // 目のサイズ・角度変更
            // EyeScaleRotate : 目のサイズと角度変更する CM3D.MaidVoicePich.Plugin.cs の追加メソッド
            // その1>>923
            if (tEyePosL != null)
                Transform linkT       = tEyePosL;
                Vector3   localCenter = linkT.localPosition + (new Vector3(0f, eyeAngY, eyeAngX));          // ローカル座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   worldCenter = linkT.parent.TransformPoint(localCenter);                           // ワールド座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   localAxis   = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);                                           // ローカル座標系での回転軸
                Vector3   worldAxis   = linkT.TransformDirection(localAxis);                                // ワールド座標系での回転軸

                linkT.localRotation = new Quaternion(-0.00560432f, -0.001345155f, 0.06805823f, 0.9976647f); // 初期の回転量
                linkT.RotateAround(worldCenter, worldAxis, eyeAngAngle);
            if (tEyePosR != null)
                Transform linkT       = tEyePosR;
                Vector3   localCenter = linkT.localPosition + (new Vector3(0f, eyeAngY, -eyeAngX));          // ローカル座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   worldCenter = linkT.parent.TransformPoint(localCenter);                            // ワールド座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   localAxis   = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);                                            // ローカル座標系での回転軸
                Vector3   worldAxis   = linkT.TransformDirection(localAxis);                                 // ワールド座標系での回転軸

                linkT.localRotation = new Quaternion(0.9976647f, 0.06805764f, -0.001350592f, -0.005603582f); // 初期の回転量
                linkT.RotateAround(worldCenter, worldAxis, -eyeAngAngle);

            // COM3D2追加処理
            // ボーンポジション系
            var listBoneMorphPos = Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(BoneMorph_), boneMorph_, "m_listBoneMorphPos");
            var ienumPos         = listBoneMorphPos as IEnumerable;

            System.Reflection.Assembly asmPos = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(BoneMorph_));
            Type listBoneMorphPosType         = listBoneMorphPos.GetType();
            Type boneMorphPosType             = asmPos.GetType("BoneMorph_+BoneMorphPos");

            foreach (object o in ienumPos)
                string    strPropName = (string)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphPosType, o, "strPropName");
                Transform trs         = (Transform)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphPosType, o, "trBone");
                Vector3   defPos      = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphPosType, o, "m_vDefPos");
                Vector3   addMin      = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphPosType, o, "m_vAddMin");
                Vector3   addMax      = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphPosType, o, "m_vAddMax");

                if (strPropName == "Nosepos")
                    trs.localPosition = Lerp(addMin, defPos, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.POS_Nose, sliderScale);
                else if (strPropName == "MayuY")
                    trs.localPosition = Lerp(addMin, defPos, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.POS_MayuY, sliderScale);
                else if (strPropName == "EyeBallPosYL" || strPropName == "EyeBallPosYR")
                    trs.localPosition = Lerp(addMin, defPos, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.EyeBallPosY, sliderScale);
                else if (strPropName == "Mayupos_L" || strPropName == "Mayupos_R")
                    Vector3 vector3_1 = Lerp(addMin, defPos, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.POS_MayuY, sliderScale);
                    float   x1        = addMin.x;
                    addMin.x = addMax.x;
                    addMax.x = x1;
                    Vector3 vector3_2 = Lerp(addMin, defPos, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.POS_MayuX, sliderScale);
                    float   x3        = vector3_2.x + vector3_1.x - defPos.x;
                    trs.localPosition = new Vector3(x3, vector3_1.y, vector3_2.z);

            // ボーンスケール系
            var listBoneMorphScl = Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(BoneMorph_), boneMorph_, "m_listBoneMorphScl");
            var ienumScl         = listBoneMorphScl as IEnumerable;

            System.Reflection.Assembly asmScl = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(BoneMorph_));
            Type listBoneMorphSclType         = listBoneMorphScl.GetType();
            Type boneMorphSclType             = asmScl.GetType("BoneMorph_+BoneMorphScl");

            foreach (object o in ienumScl)
                string    strPropName = (string)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphSclType, o, "strPropName");
                Transform trs         = (Transform)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphSclType, o, "trBone");
                Vector3   defScl      = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphSclType, o, "m_vDefScl");
                Vector3   addMin      = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphSclType, o, "m_vAddMin");
                Vector3   addMax      = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphSclType, o, "m_vAddMax");

                if (strPropName == "Earscl_L" || strPropName == "Earscl_R")
                    trs.localScale = Lerp(addMin, defScl, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.SCALE_Ear, sliderScale);
                else if (strPropName == "Nosescl")
                    trs.localScale = Lerp(addMin, defScl, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.SCALE_Nose, sliderScale);
                else if (strPropName == "EyeBallSclXL" || strPropName == "EyeBallSclXR")
                    Vector3 localScale = trs.localScale;
                    localScale.z   = Lerp(addMin, defScl, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.EyeBallSclX, sliderScale).z;
                    trs.localScale = localScale;
                else if (strPropName == "EyeBallSclYL" || strPropName == "EyeBallSclYR")
                    Vector3 localScale = trs.localScale;
                    localScale.y   = Lerp(addMin, defScl, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.EyeBallSclY, sliderScale).y;
                    trs.localScale = localScale;

            // ボーンローテーション系
            var listBoneMorphRot = Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(BoneMorph_), boneMorph_, "m_listBoneMorphRot");
            var ienumRot         = listBoneMorphRot as IEnumerable;

            System.Reflection.Assembly asmRot = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(BoneMorph_));
            Type listBoneMorphRotType         = listBoneMorphRot.GetType();
            Type boneMorphRotType             = asmRot.GetType("BoneMorph_+BoneMorphRotatio");

            foreach (object o in ienumRot)
                string     strPropName = (string)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphRotType, o, "strPropName");
                Transform  trs         = (Transform)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphRotType, o, "trBone");
                Quaternion defRot      = (Quaternion)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphRotType, o, "m_vDefRotate");
                Quaternion addMin      = (Quaternion)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphRotType, o, "m_vAddMin");
                Quaternion addMax      = (Quaternion)Helper.GetInstanceField(boneMorphRotType, o, "m_vAddMax");

                if (strPropName == "Earrot_L" || strPropName == "Earrot_R")
                    trs.localRotation = RotLerp(addMin, defRot, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.ROT_Ear, sliderScale);
                else if (strPropName == "Mayurot_L" || strPropName == "Mayurot_R")
                    trs.localRotation = RotLerp(addMin, defRot, addMax, (float)boneMorph_.ROT_Mayu, sliderScale);
    // 元の MoveHeadAndEye 相当の処理
    void originalTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle)
        TBody that = tbody;
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eyeTargetWorldPos:ワールド座標系での視線のターゲット位置
        Vector3 eyeTargetWorldPos = updateEyeTargetPos(tbody);

        // HeadToCamPer:最終的に顔がカメラを向く度合い
        //  0 なら元の頭の向き、1 ならカメラの向き
        if (that.boHeadToCam)
            that.HeadToCamPer += Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
            that.HeadToCamPer -= Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
        that.HeadToCamPer = Mathf.Clamp01(that.HeadToCamPer);

        that.boChkEye = false;

        originalMoveHead(tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle, eyeTargetWorldPos);

        if (that.boMAN || that.trsEyeL == null || that.trsEyeR == null)

        // 目の追従処理
        if (that.boEyeToCam && that.boChkEye)
            Vector3 toDirection2 = Quaternion.Inverse(that.trsHead.rotation) * (eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsHead.position);
            Quaternion quaternion2 = new Quaternion();
            quaternion2.SetFromToRotation(Vector3.up, toDirection2);
            Vector3 eulerAngles2 = PluginHelper.NormalizeEulerAngles(quaternion2.eulerAngles);
            Vector3 view = Vector3.Normalize(eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsEyeL.position);
            quaternion2.SetLookRotation(view, Vector3.up);
            Quaternion quaternion3 = quaternion2 * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 90f, 0.0f);

            float num = 0.5f;
            if (that.boEyeSorashi)
                num = 0.05f;
            thatEyeEulerAngle = thatEyeEulerAngle * (1f - num) + eulerAngles2 * num;
            thatEyeEulerAngle = thatEyeEulerAngle * 0.95f;

        that.trsEyeL.localRotation = that.quaDefEyeL * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, thatEyeEulerAngle.x * -0.2f, thatEyeEulerAngle.z * -0.1f);
        that.trsEyeR.localRotation = that.quaDefEyeR * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, thatEyeEulerAngle.x * 0.2f, thatEyeEulerAngle.z * 0.1f);
Beispiel #34
    void originalMoveHead(TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle, Vector3 eyeTargetWorldPos)
        TBody that = tbody;
        //        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eulerAngles1:顔の正面向きのベクトルから見た、視線ターゲットまでの回転量
        Vector3    eulerAngles1;
        Quaternion quaternion1 = new Quaternion();

            // toDirection1:顔からターゲットを見た向き(顔の座標系)
            Vector3 toDirection1 = Quaternion.Inverse(that.trsNeck.rotation) * (eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsNeck.position);

            // quaternion1:(0,1,0) (顔の正面向きのベクトル) から見たときの、toDirection1 までの回転量
            quaternion1.SetFromToRotation(Vector3.up, toDirection1);

            eulerAngles1 = PluginHelper.NormalizeEulerAngles(quaternion1.eulerAngles);

        if (that.boHeadToCamInMode)
            // 追従範囲外かどうかを判定
            if (-80.0f >= eulerAngles1.x || eulerAngles1.x >= 80.0f || -50.0f >= eulerAngles1.z || eulerAngles1.z >= 60.0f)
                that.boHeadToCamInMode = false;
            // 追従範囲内かどうかを判定
            if (-60.0f < eulerAngles1.x && eulerAngles1.x < 60.0f && -40.0f < eulerAngles1.z && eulerAngles1.z < 50.0f)
                that.boHeadToCamInMode = true;

        if (that.boHeadToCamInMode)
            // 追従モード
            that.boChkEye = true;
            float num = 0.3f;

            if (eulerAngles1.x > thatHeadEulerAngle.x + 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x += num;
            else if (eulerAngles1.x < thatHeadEulerAngle.x - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x -= num;
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x *= 0.95f;

            if (eulerAngles1.z > thatHeadEulerAngle.z + 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z += num;
            else if (eulerAngles1.z < thatHeadEulerAngle.z - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z -= num;
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z *= 0.95f;
            // 自由モード
            float num = 0.1f;
            if (0.0f > thatHeadEulerAngle.x + 10.0)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x += num;
            if (0.0f < thatHeadEulerAngle.x - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.x -= num;
            if (0.0f > thatHeadEulerAngle.z + 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z += num;
            if (0.0f < thatHeadEulerAngle.z - 10.0f)
                thatHeadEulerAngleG.z -= num;

        thatHeadEulerAngleG *= 0.95f;
        thatHeadEulerAngle  += thatHeadEulerAngleG;

        float uScale = 0.4f;

        that.trsHead.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(
            that.quaDefHead *
                thatHeadEulerAngle.x * uScale,
                thatHeadEulerAngle.z * uScale),
    Vector3 updateEyeTargetPos(TBody tbody)
        TBody that = tbody;
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eyeTargetWorldPos:ワールド座標系での視線のターゲット位置
        Vector3 eyeTargetWorldPos;
        if (that.trsLookTarget == null)
            eyeTargetWorldPos = that.trsHead.TransformPoint(that.offsetLookTarget);
            if (that.boEyeSorashi)
                // num : 顔の前方と顔→カメラベクトルの内積。1.0に近ければ、カメラが顔の正面にある
                float num = Vector3.Dot(
                    (eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsHead.position).normalized,
                    (mainCamera.transform.position - that.trsHead.position).normalized);

                if (that.EyeSorashiCnt > 0)
                    if (that.EyeSorashiCnt > 200)
                        that.EyeSorashiCnt = 0;

                // カメラが顔の前方にあり、なおかつ前回の変更から 200 フレーム経過しているなら、新しい「前方」を決める
                if (num > 0.9f && that.EyeSorashiCnt == 0)
                    that.offsetLookTarget = !that.EyeSorashiTgl ? new Vector3(-0.6f, 1f, 0.6f) : new Vector3(-0.5f, 1f, -0.7f);
                    that.EyeSorashiTgl = !that.EyeSorashiTgl;
                    that.EyeSorashiCnt = 1;
            eyeTargetWorldPos = that.trsLookTarget.position;
        return eyeTargetWorldPos;
 public SlotInfo(TBody.SlotID id, MPN mpn, string displayName, bool enable)
     :this(id, mpn, displayName, enable, true) {
        void Update()
            if (Application.loadedLevel != 5)
            if (editViewReset == null)
                editViewReset = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <EditViewReset>();
            if (sceneEdit == null)
                sceneEdit = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType <SceneEdit>();

                string     gridName = "/UI Root/PresetButtonPanel/ItemPresetsViewer/Scroll View/Grid";
                GameObject goGrid   = GameObject.Find(gridName);
                if (goGrid != null)
                    if (poseButtonCallback == null)
                        poseButtonCallback = new EventDelegate.Callback(ClickPoseCallback);
                    foreach (Transform t in goGrid.transform)
                        if (!"Pose_"))
                        GameObject go       = t.gameObject;
                        UIButton   uiButton = go.GetComponent <UIButton>();
                        EventDelegate.Add(uiButton.onClick, poseButtonCallback);

            if (editViewReset != null && sceneEdit != null)
                Maid maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0);

                if (bLevelWasLoaded)
                    bLevelWasLoaded = false;

                // UICamera.InputEnable が False になるとサムネール撮影用のために着衣状態になる
                TBody tbody = maid == null ? null : maid.body0;
                if (tbody != null && fieldInfo_TBody_m_eMaskMode != null && UICamera.InputEnable)
                    lastMaid            = maid;
                    bLastAutoCam        = editViewReset.GetVisibleAutoCam();
                    bLastEyeToCam       = editViewReset.GetVisibleEyeToCam();
                    lastBgName          = GameMain.Instance.BgMgr.GetBGName();
                    lastClothMaskMode   = (TBody.MaskMode)fieldInfo_TBody_m_eMaskMode.GetValue(tbody);
                    lastCameraPos       = mainCamera.GetPos();
                    lastCameraTargetPos = mainCamera.GetTargetPos();
                    lastCameraDistance  = mainCamera.GetDistance();
                    lastCameraRotation  = Camera.main.gameObject.transform.rotation;
                    lastCameraFov       = Camera.main.fieldOfView;
Beispiel #38
 public void SetValue(TBody body)
     Issi       = Convert.ToInt32(body.GetIssi());
     Identitier = Convert.ToByte(36);
     Len        = Convert.ToInt16(96);
Beispiel #39
    void newMoveHead(ExternalValues externalValues, TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle, Vector3 eyeTarget_world)
        TBody that = tbody;
        Maid  maid = tbody.maid;

        float paramSpeed   = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.speed", 0.05f);
        float paramLateral = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.lateral", 60.0f);
        float paramAbove   = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.above", 40.0f);
        float paramBelow   = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.below", 20.0f);
        float paramBehind  = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.behind", 170.0f);
        float paramOfsX    = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.ofsx", 0.0f);
        float paramOfsY    = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.ofsy", 0.0f);
        float paramOfsZ    = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.ofsz", 0.0f);

        // 正面の角度
        float      frontangle      = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.frontangle", 0f);
        Quaternion frontquaternion = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, frontangle);

        // モーションにしたがっている場合 (HeadToCamPer=0f) はオフセットをつけない
        paramOfsX *= that.HeadToCamPer;
        paramOfsY *= that.HeadToCamPer;
        paramOfsZ *= that.HeadToCamPer;

        Vector3    basePosition = that.trsHead.position;
        Quaternion baseRotation = that.trsNeck.rotation * frontquaternion;
        Vector3    target_local = Quaternion.Inverse(baseRotation) * (eyeTarget_world - basePosition);

        Quaternion local_angle     = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, target_local);
        Vector3    local_auler     = local_angle.eulerAngles;
        float      headrateup      = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.headrateup", 1f);
        float      headratedown    = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.headratedown", 1f);
        float      headratehorizon = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.headratehorizon", 1f);
        float      dx = 0;
        float      dy = 0;

        if (local_auler.x < 180f)
            dx = local_auler.x * (headratehorizon - 1f);
            dx = (local_auler.x - 360f) * (headratehorizon - 1f);
        if (local_auler.z < 180f)
            dy = local_auler.z * (headrateup - 1f);
            dy = (local_auler.z - 360f) * (headratedown - 1f);
        target_local = Quaternion.Euler(dx, 0f, dy) * target_local;

        target_local = Quaternion.Euler(paramOfsX, 0f, paramOfsY) * target_local;
        Vector3 target_world = (baseRotation * target_local) + basePosition;

        // 顔が向くべき方向を算出
        Quaternion newHeadRotation_world = CalcNewHeadRotation(

        newHeadRotation_world = newHeadRotation_world * Quaternion.Euler(0f, paramOfsZ, 0f);

        // TBody.HeadToCamPer を「正面向き度合い」として加味する
        newHeadRotation_world = Quaternion.Slerp(that.trsHead.rotation, newHeadRotation_world, that.HeadToCamPer);

        // 角度
        float      inclinerate               = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.inclinerate", 0f);
        Quaternion newHeadRotation_Local     = Quaternion.Inverse(baseRotation) * newHeadRotation_world;
        Vector3    newHeadRotationEulerLocal = newHeadRotation_Local.eulerAngles;

        if (newHeadRotationEulerLocal.x > 180f)
            newHeadRotationEulerLocal = new Vector3(
                newHeadRotationEulerLocal.x - 360f,
        newHeadRotationEulerLocal = new Vector3(
            newHeadRotationEulerLocal.y + (newHeadRotationEulerLocal.x * inclinerate),
        newHeadRotation_Local = Quaternion.Euler(newHeadRotationEulerLocal);
        newHeadRotation_world = baseRotation * newHeadRotation_Local;

        float s = paramSpeed;

        // 前回の回転よりも差が大きすぎる場合はリセットする
        if (externalValues.bReset)
            externalValues.bReset   = false;
            externalValues.prevQuat = that.trsHead.rotation;
            s = 0f;

        // モーションにしたがっている場合 (HeadToCamPer=0f) は補間しない
        s = Mathf.Lerp(1f, s, that.HeadToCamPer);

        // 実際の回転
        that.trsHead.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(externalValues.prevQuat, newHeadRotation_world, s);
 // 目を常時カメラに向ける
 void EyeToCam(Maid maid, TBody tbody)
     float fEyeToCam = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYETOCAM", 0f);
     if (fEyeToCam < -0.5f)
         tbody.boEyeToCam = false;
     else if (fEyeToCam > 0.5f)
         tbody.boEyeToCam = true;
Beispiel #41
    // 元の MoveHeadAndEye 相当の処理
    void originalTbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback2(TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle)
        TBody      that       = tbody;
        CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera;

        // eyeTargetWorldPos:ワールド座標系での視線のターゲット位置
        Vector3 eyeTargetWorldPos = updateEyeTargetPos(tbody);

        // COM3D2の追加処理
        if (tbody.boLockHeadAndEye)

        // HeadToCamPer:最終的に顔がカメラを向く度合い
        //  0 なら元の頭の向き、1 ならカメラの向き
        if (that.boHeadToCam)
            that.HeadToCamPer += Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
            that.HeadToCamPer -= Time.deltaTime * that.HeadToCamFadeSpeed;
        that.HeadToCamPer = Mathf.Clamp01(that.HeadToCamPer);

        that.boChkEye = false;

        originalMoveHead(tbody, ref thatHeadEulerAngle, ref thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref thatEyeEulerAngle, eyeTargetWorldPos);

        if (that.boMAN || that.trsEyeL == null || that.trsEyeR == null)

        // 目の追従処理
        if (that.boEyeToCam && that.boChkEye)
            Vector3    toDirection2 = Quaternion.Inverse(that.trsHead.rotation) * (eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsHead.position);
            Quaternion quaternion2  = new Quaternion();
            quaternion2.SetFromToRotation(Vector3.up, toDirection2);
            Vector3 eulerAngles2 = PluginHelper.NormalizeEulerAngles(quaternion2.eulerAngles);
            Vector3 view         = Vector3.Normalize(eyeTargetWorldPos - that.trsEyeL.position);
            quaternion2.SetLookRotation(view, Vector3.up);
            Quaternion quaternion3 = quaternion2 * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 90f, 0.0f);

            float num = 0.5f;
            if (that.boEyeSorashi)
                num = 0.05f;
            thatEyeEulerAngle = thatEyeEulerAngle * (1f - num) + eulerAngles2 * num;
            thatEyeEulerAngle = thatEyeEulerAngle * 0.95f;

        that.trsEyeL.localRotation = that.quaDefEyeL * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, thatEyeEulerAngle.x * -0.2f, thatEyeEulerAngle.z * -0.1f);
        that.trsEyeR.localRotation = that.quaDefEyeR * Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, thatEyeEulerAngle.x * 0.2f, thatEyeEulerAngle.z * 0.1f);
 // 瞳の角度を目の角度に合わせて補正
 void RotatePupil(Maid maid, TBody tbody)
                 //  注意:TBody.MoveHeadAndEye内で trsEye[L,R].localRotation が上書きされているため、
                 //  この値は TBody.MoveHeadAndEyeが呼ばれるたびに書き換える必要がある
                 float eyeAng = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.angle", 0f);
                 Vector3 eea = (Vector3)Helper.GetInstanceField(typeof(TBody), tbody, "EyeEulerAngle");
                 tbody.trsEyeL.localRotation = tbody.quaDefEyeL * Quaternion.Euler(eyeAng, eea.x * -0.2f, eea.z * -0.1f);
                 tbody.trsEyeR.localRotation = tbody.quaDefEyeR * Quaternion.Euler(-eyeAng, eea.x * 0.2f, eea.z * 0.1f);
 public override bool IKUpdate(TBody body)
        /// <summary>
        /// TBody.MoveHeadAndEye の処理終了後に呼ばれるコールバック
        ///  表示されている間は毎フレーム呼び出される
        /// </summary>
        void tbodyMoveHeadAndEyeCallback(TBody tbody)

            if (tbody.boMAN || tbody.trsEyeL == null || tbody.trsEyeR == null)

            Maid maid = PluginHelper.GetMaid(tbody);
            if (maid == null)
            if (maid.Visible)
                EyeToCam(maid, tbody);
                HeadToCam(maid, tbody);
                RotatePupil(maid, tbody);
                SetLipSyncIntensity(maid, tbody);
        public override object GetIkCtrlPoint(TBody body, string hand = "右手")
            var obj = body.IKCtrl.GetIKData(hand);

    void newMoveHead(ExternalValues externalValues, TBody tbody, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngle, ref Vector3 thatHeadEulerAngleG, ref Vector3 thatEyeEulerAngle, Vector3 eyeTarget_world)
        TBody that = tbody;
        Maid maid = tbody.maid;

        float paramSpeed = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.speed", 0.05f);
        float paramLateral = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.lateral", 60.0f);
        float paramAbove = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.above", 40.0f);
        float paramBelow = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.below", 20.0f);
        float paramBehind = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.behind", 170.0f);
        float paramOfsX = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.ofsx", 0.0f);
        float paramOfsY = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.ofsy", 0.0f);
        float paramOfsZ = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "HEAD_TRACK.ofsz", 0.0f);

        // モーションにしたがっている場合 (HeadToCamPer=0f) はオフセットをつけない
        paramOfsX *= that.HeadToCamPer;
        paramOfsY *= that.HeadToCamPer;
        paramOfsZ *= that.HeadToCamPer;

        Vector3 basePosition = that.trsNeck.position;
        Quaternion baseRotation = that.trsNeck.rotation;
        Vector3 target_local = Quaternion.Inverse(baseRotation) * (eyeTarget_world - basePosition);
        target_local = Quaternion.Euler(paramOfsX, 0f, paramOfsY) * target_local;
        Vector3 target_world = (baseRotation * target_local) + basePosition;

        // 顔が向くべき方向を算出
        Quaternion newHeadRotation_world = CalcNewHeadRotation(

        newHeadRotation_world = newHeadRotation_world * Quaternion.Euler(0f, paramOfsZ, 0f);

        // TBody.HeadToCamPer を「正面向き度合い」として加味する
        newHeadRotation_world = Quaternion.Slerp(that.trsHead.rotation, newHeadRotation_world, that.HeadToCamPer);

        float s = paramSpeed;

        // 前回の回転よりも差が大きすぎる場合はリセットする
        if (externalValues.bReset)
            externalValues.bReset = false;
            externalValues.prevQuat = that.trsHead.rotation;
            s = 0f;

        // モーションにしたがっている場合 (HeadToCamPer=0f) は補間しない
        s = Mathf.Lerp(1f, s, that.HeadToCamPer);

        // 実際の回転
        that.trsHead.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(externalValues.prevQuat, newHeadRotation_world, s);
        // スライダー範囲を拡大
        void WideSlider(Maid maid)
            if (!ExSaveData.GetBool(maid, PluginName, "WIDESLIDER", false))

            TBody tbody = maid.body0;

            string[] PropNames = BoneMorph_PropNames;
            if (tbody == null || tbody.bonemorph == null || tbody.bonemorph.bones == null || PropNames == null)
            BoneMorph_ boneMorph_ = tbody.bonemorph;

            // スケール変更するボーンのリスト
            Dictionary <string, Vector3> boneScale = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>();

            // ポジション変更するボーンのリスト
            Dictionary <string, Vector3> bonePosition = new Dictionary <string, Vector3>();

            string[] ignoreHeadBones = new string[] { "Bip01 Spine1a" };

            float eyeAngAngle;
            float eyeAngX;
            float eyeAngY;
                float ra = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.angle", 0f);
                float rx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.x", 0f);
                float ry = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "EYE_ANG.y", 0f);

                rx += -9f;
                ry += -17f;

                rx /= 1000f;
                ry /= 1000f;

                eyeAngAngle = ra;
                eyeAngX     = rx;
                eyeAngY     = ry;

            Vector3 thiScl = new Vector3(
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THISCL.depth", 1f),
                ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THISCL.width", 1f));

            Vector3 thiPosL;
            Vector3 thiPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THIPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "THIPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = 0.0f;
                thiPosL = new Vector3(dy, dz / 1000f, -dx / 1000f);
                thiPosR = new Vector3(dy, dz / 1000f, dx / 1000f);
            bonePosition["Hip_L"]         = thiPosL;
            bonePosition["Bip01 L Thigh"] = thiPosL;
            bonePosition["Hip_R"]         = thiPosR;
            bonePosition["Bip01 R Thigh"] = thiPosR;

            Vector3 skirtPos;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SKTPOS.x", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SKTPOS.y", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "SKTPOS.z", 0f);
                skirtPos = new Vector3(-dz / 10f, -dy / 10f, dx / 10f);
            bonePosition["Skirt"] = skirtPos;

            Vector3 muneSubPosL;
            Vector3 muneSubPosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNESUBPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNESUBPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNESUBPOS.y", 0f);
                muneSubPosL = new Vector3(-dy / 10f, dz / 10f, -dx / 10f);
                muneSubPosR = new Vector3(-dy / 10f, -dz / 10f, -dx / 10f);
            bonePosition["Mune_L_sub"] = muneSubPosL;
            bonePosition["Mune_R_sub"] = muneSubPosR;

            Vector3 munePosL;
            Vector3 munePosR;

                float dx = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNEPOS.x", 0f);
                float dz = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNEPOS.z", 0f);
                float dy = ExSaveData.GetFloat(maid, PluginName, "MUNEPOS.y", 0f);
                munePosL = new Vector3(dz / 10f, -dy / 10f, dx / 10f);
                munePosR = new Vector3(dz / 10f, -dy / 10f, -dx / 10f);
            bonePosition["Mune_L"] = munePosL;
            bonePosition["Mune_R"] = munePosR;

            // スケール変更するボーンをリストに一括登録
            SetBoneScaleFromList(boneScale, maid, boneAndPropNameList);

            Transform tEyePosL = null;
            Transform tEyePosR = null;

            float sliderScale = 20f;

            for (int i = boneMorph_.bones.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                BoneMorphLocal boneMorphLocal = boneMorph_.bones[i];
                Vector3        scl            = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f);
                Vector3        pos            = boneMorphLocal.pos;
                for (int j = 0; j < (int)PropNames.Length; j++)
                    float s = 1f;
                    switch (j)
                    case 0:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Kubi;

                    case 1:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Ude;

                    case 2:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_EyeX;

                    case 3:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_EyeY;

                    case 4:
                        s = boneMorph_.Postion_EyeX * (0.5f + boneMorph_.Postion_EyeY * 0.5f);

                    case 5:
                        s = boneMorph_.Postion_EyeY;

                    case 6:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_HeadX;

                    case 7:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_HeadY;

                    case 8:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_DouPer;
                        if (boneMorphLocal.Kahanshin == 0f)
                            s = 1f - s;

                    case 9:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Sintyou;

                    case 10:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Koshi;

                    case 11:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_Kata;

                    case 12:
                        s = boneMorph_.SCALE_West;

                        s = 1f;

                    if ((boneMorphLocal.atr & 1 << (j & 31)) != 0)
                        Vector3 v0 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_min[j];
                        Vector3 v1 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_max[j];

                        Vector3 n0 = v0 * sliderScale - v1 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        Vector3 n1 = v1 * sliderScale - v0 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        float   f  = (s + sliderScale - 1f) * (1f / (sliderScale * 2.0f - 1f));
                        scl = Vector3.Scale(scl, Vector3.Lerp(n0, n1, f));

                    if ((boneMorphLocal.atr & 1 << (j + 16 & 31)) != 0)
                        Vector3 v0 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_min[j + 16];
                        Vector3 v1 = boneMorphLocal.vecs_max[j + 16];

                        Vector3 n0 = v0 * sliderScale - v1 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        Vector3 n1 = v1 * sliderScale - v0 * (sliderScale - 1f);
                        float   f  = (s + sliderScale - 1f) * (1f / (sliderScale * 2.0f - 1f));
                        pos = Vector3.Scale(pos, Vector3.Lerp(n0, n1, f));

                Transform linkT = boneMorphLocal.linkT;
                if (linkT == null)

                string name =;

                if (name != null && name.Contains("Thigh_SCL_"))
                    boneMorph_.SnityouOutScale = Mathf.Pow(scl.x, 0.9f);

                // リストに登録されているボーンのスケール設定
                if (name != null && boneScale.ContainsKey(name))
                    scl = Vector3.Scale(scl, boneScale[name]);

                // リストに登録されているボーンのポジション設定
                if (name != null && bonePosition.ContainsKey(name))
                    pos += bonePosition[name];

                // ignoreHeadBonesに登録されている場合はヒラエルキーを辿って頭のツリーを無視
                if (name != null && !(ignoreHeadBones.Contains(name) && getHiraerchy(linkT).Contains("_BO_body001/Bip01")))
                    linkT.localScale    = scl;
                    linkT.localPosition = pos;

                if (name != null)
                    if (name == "Eyepos_L")
                        tEyePosL = linkT;
                    else if (name == "Eyepos_R")
                        tEyePosR = linkT;

            // 目のサイズ・角度変更
            // EyeScaleRotate : 目のサイズと角度変更する CM3D.MaidVoicePich.Plugin.cs の追加メソッド
            // その1>>923
            if (tEyePosL != null)
                Transform linkT       = tEyePosL;
                Vector3   localCenter = linkT.localPosition + (new Vector3(0f, eyeAngY, eyeAngX));          // ローカル座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   worldCenter = linkT.parent.TransformPoint(localCenter);                           // ワールド座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   localAxis   = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);                                           // ローカル座標系での回転軸
                Vector3   worldAxis   = linkT.TransformDirection(localAxis);                                // ワールド座標系での回転軸

                linkT.localRotation = new Quaternion(-0.00560432f, -0.001345155f, 0.06805823f, 0.9976647f); // 初期の回転量
                linkT.RotateAround(worldCenter, worldAxis, eyeAngAngle);
            if (tEyePosR != null)
                Transform linkT       = tEyePosR;
                Vector3   localCenter = linkT.localPosition + (new Vector3(0f, eyeAngY, -eyeAngX));          // ローカル座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   worldCenter = linkT.parent.TransformPoint(localCenter);                            // ワールド座標系での回転中心位置
                Vector3   localAxis   = new Vector3(-1f, 0f, 0f);                                            // ローカル座標系での回転軸
                Vector3   worldAxis   = linkT.TransformDirection(localAxis);                                 // ワールド座標系での回転軸

                linkT.localRotation = new Quaternion(0.9976647f, 0.06805764f, -0.001350592f, -0.005603582f); // 初期の回転量
                linkT.RotateAround(worldCenter, worldAxis, -eyeAngAngle);