Beispiel #1
        private void select()
            string sql = " 1=1 ";

            QuerySession.QueryEForm QEForm = new VAN_OA.QuerySession.QueryEForm();

            if (ddlProType.SelectedItem != null && ddlProType.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                if (ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value == "-2")
                    sql += string.Format(" and proId in (26,34)");
                else if (ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value == "-3")
                    sql += string.Format(" and proId in (31,32)");
                    sql += string.Format(" and proId={0}", ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);

                QEForm.ProTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
                sql += " and pro_Type is not null";
            if (txtFrom.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtFrom.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('申请时间 格式错误!');</script>");
                sql            += string.Format(" and appTime>='{0} 00:00:00'", txtFrom.Text);
                QEForm.FromTime = txtFrom.Text;

            if (txtTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtTo.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('申请时间 格式错误!');</script>");
                sql          += string.Format(" and appTime<='{0} 23:59:59'", txtTo.Text);
                QEForm.ToTime = txtTo.Text;
            if (ddlState.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and state='{0}'", ddlState.SelectedItem.Text);

                QEForm.State = ddlState.SelectedItem.Text;

            if (txtSPForm.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtSPForm.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtSPTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtSPTo.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");

            if (txtSPForm.Text != "" && txtSPTo.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)>='{0} 00:00:00' and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)<='{1} 23:59:59' ",
                                     txtSPForm.Text, txtSPTo.Text);
            if (txtSPForm.Text == "" && txtSPTo.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)<='{0} 23:59:59'",
            if (txtSPForm.Text != "" && txtSPTo.Text == "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)>='{0} 00:00:00' ",
            QEForm.SPForm = txtSPForm.Text;
            QEForm.SPTo   = txtSPTo.Text;

            if (ddlUser.Text != "-1")
                sql += string.Format(" and appPer_Name like '%{0}%'", ddlUser.SelectedItem.Text);

                QEForm.Apper = ddlUser.SelectedItem.Text;

            if (txtAuper.Text != "")
                sql         += string.Format(" and id in (select e_Id  from EForms_View where audPer_Name like '%{0}%' or consignor_Name like '%{0}%')", txtAuper.Text);
                QEForm.Auper = txtAuper.Text;

            if (txtWating.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and toPer_Name like '%{0}%'", txtWating.Text);
                QEForm.WatingAuper = txtWating.Text;

            if (txtNo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckProNo(txtNo.Text) == false)
                sql        += string.Format(" and e_No like '%{0}%'", txtNo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.E_No = txtNo.Text;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPOSupplier.Text.Trim()))
                if (cbPiPei.Checked)
                    sql += string.Format(@" and proId in (31,32,33) and exists(select 1 from (select CAI_POCai.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.Id,32 as myProId  from TB_SupplierAdvancePayments
left join CAI_POCai on TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.CaiIds=CAI_POCai.Ids
union all
select TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,31 as myProId from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=0
union all
select  TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,33 as myProId  from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=1
) as A where A.myProId=tb_EForm_View.proId and A.Id=tb_EForm_View.allE_id and LastSupplier='{0}' )", txtPOSupplier.Text.Trim());
                    sql += string.Format(@" and proId in (31,32,33) and exists(select 1 from (select CAI_POCai.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.Id,32 as myProId  from TB_SupplierAdvancePayments
left join CAI_POCai on TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.CaiIds=CAI_POCai.Ids
union all
select TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,31 as myProId from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=0
union all
select  TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,33 as myProId  from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=1
) as A where A.myProId=tb_EForm_View.proId and A.Id=tb_EForm_View.allE_id and LastSupplier like '%{0}%' )", txtPOSupplier.Text.Trim());
            #region 项目查询
            string ponoSql = "";
            if (ddlAEUsers.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE='{0}'", ddlAEUsers.SelectedItem.Text);
            if (txtPONo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckPoNO(txtPONo.Text) == false)
                ponoSql    += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.PONo like '%{0}%'", txtPONo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.PONO = txtPONo.Text;
            if (ddlCompany.Text != "-1")
                string where = string.Format(" CompanyCode='{0}'", ddlCompany.Text.Split(',')[2]);
                ponoSql     += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE IN(select LOGINNAME from tb_User where {0})", where);
            if (txtGuestName.Text.Trim() != "")
                ponoSql         += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.GuestName  like '%{0}%'", txtGuestName.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.GuestName = txtGuestName.Text.Trim();
            if (CheckBox1.Checked)
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.POStatue='{0}'", CheckBox1.Text);
            if (CheckBox2.Checked)
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.POStatue2='{0}'", CheckBox2.Text);
            if (CheckBox3.Checked)
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.POStatue3='{0}'", CheckBox3.Text);
            if (CheckBox4.Checked)
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.POStatue4='{0}'", CheckBox4.Text);

            if (CheckBox5.Checked)
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.POStatue5='{0}'", CheckBox5.Text);

            if (CheckBox6.Checked)
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.POStatue6='{0}'", CheckBox6.Text);
            if (ddlClose.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsClose={0} ", ddlClose.Text);
            if (ddlIsSelect.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsSelected={0} ", ddlIsSelect.Text);
            if (ddlJieIsSelected.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.JieIsSelected={0} ", ddlJieIsSelected.Text);
            if (ddlIsSpecial.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsSpecial={0} ", ddlIsSpecial.Text);

            if (ddlHanShui.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsPoFax={0} ", ddlHanShui.Text);
            if (ddlPrice.Text == "1")
                ponoSql += " and Order_ToInvoice_1.POTotal-isnull(TuiTotal,0)>0";
            if (ddlPrice.Text == "0")
                ponoSql += " and Order_ToInvoice_1.POTotal-isnull(TuiTotal,0)=0";
            if (ponoSql != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CG_CAI_POOrder_View as CG_POOrder left join View_AllEform on CG_POOrder.pono=View_AllEform.pono  ");
                if (ddlPrice.Text != "-1")
                    sql += " left join Order_ToInvoice_1 on CG_POOrder.PONo=Order_ToInvoice_1.PONo ";

                sql += string.Format("   WHERE View_AllEform.myProId=tb_EForm_View.proId and View_AllEform.Id=tb_EForm_View.allE_id {0})", ponoSql);


            Session["QueryEForms"] = QEForm;
            tb_EFormService eformSer = new tb_EFormService();
            PagerDomain     page     = new PagerDomain();
            page.CurrentPageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex;

            List <tb_EForm> allEForms = eformSer.GetListArray_2_Page(sql, page);
            AspNetPager1.RecordCount = page.TotalCount;

            string allIds = "", proIds = "", fukuandan = "0,", yufukuandan = "0,";

            for (int i = 0; i < allEForms.Count; i++)
                allIds += allEForms[i].allE_id.ToString() + ",";
                proIds += allEForms[i].proId.ToString() + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商付款单")
                    fukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商预付款单")
                    yufukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";

            allIds = allIds.Trim(',');
            proIds = proIds.Trim(',');

            fukuandan   = fukuandan.Trim(',');
            yufukuandan = yufukuandan.Trim(',');

            if (fukuandan != "" || yufukuandan != "")
                var superSer = new TB_SupplierAdvancePaymentService();
                SupplierInvoice_Names = superSer.GetSupplierName(yufukuandan, fukuandan);

            if (allIds != "")
                allAllWform = eformSer.GetView_AllEformList(proIds, allIds);

            this.gvList.DataSource = allEForms;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!base.IsPostBack)
                TB_CompanyService comSer = new TB_CompanyService();
                var comList = comSer.GetListArray("");
                foreach (var m in comList)
                    m.ComSimpName += "," + m.Id + "," + m.ComCode;
                comList.Insert(0, new VAN_OA.Model.BaseInfo.TB_Company()
                    ComSimpName = "-1", ComName = "全部"
                ddlCompany.DataSource = comList;

                VAN_OA.Dal.SysUserService userSer = new VAN_OA.Dal.SysUserService();
                var aeUsers = userSer.getAllUserByPOList();
                aeUsers.Insert(0, new VAN_OA.Model.User {
                    Id = -1, LoginName = "全部"
                ddlAEUsers.DataSource = aeUsers;
                ddlAEUsers.DataTextField  = "LoginName";
                ddlAEUsers.DataValueField = "Id";

                if (Session["printUrl"] != null)
                    string url = Session["printUrl"].ToString();
                    Session["printUrl"] = null;
                    Response.Write(string.Format("<script>'{0}','_blank')</script>", url));

                WebQuerySessin Sess = new WebQuerySessin(Query);

                A_ProInfoService proSer = new A_ProInfoService();
                List <A_ProInfo> pros   = this.proSer.GetListArray("");
                pros.Insert(0, new A_ProInfo());
                ddlProType.DataSource = pros;

                ddlProType.DataTextField  = "pro_Type";
                ddlProType.DataValueField = "pro_Id";

                if (Session[Query] != null)
                    QuerySession.QueryEForm QEForm = Session[Query] as QuerySession.QueryEForm;
                    if (QEForm == null)

                    if (QEForm.ProTypeId != 0)
                            ddlProType.Text = QEForm.ProTypeId.ToString();
                        catch (Exception)
                    if (QEForm.FromTime != "")
                        txtFrom.Text = QEForm.FromTime;

                    if (QEForm.ToTime != "")
                        txtTo.Text = QEForm.ToTime;

                    if (QEForm.Apper != "")
                        txtApper.Text = QEForm.Apper;

                    if (QEForm.WeiTuo != "")
                        txtWeiTuo.Text = QEForm.WeiTuo;
                    if (QEForm.E_No != "")
                        txtNo.Text = QEForm.E_No;

                    if (QEForm.E_No != "")
                        txtNo.Text = QEForm.E_No;

                    tb_EFormService eformSer  = new tb_EFormService();
                    List <tb_EForm> allEForms = eformSer.GetListArray_ToDo("", "", Convert.ToInt32(Session["currentUserId"]));

                    string allIds = "", proIds = "", fukuandan = "0,", yufukuandan = "0,";
                    for (int i = 0; i < allEForms.Count; i++)
                        allIds += allEForms[i].allE_id.ToString() + ",";
                        proIds += allEForms[i].proId.ToString() + ",";

                        if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商付款单")
                            fukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
                        if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商预付款单")
                            yufukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";

                    allIds = allIds.Trim(',');
                    proIds = proIds.Trim(',');

                    fukuandan   = fukuandan.Trim(',');
                    yufukuandan = yufukuandan.Trim(',');

                    if (fukuandan != "" || yufukuandan != "")
                        var superSer = new TB_SupplierAdvancePaymentService();
                        SupplierInvoice_Names = superSer.GetSupplierName(yufukuandan, fukuandan);

                    if (allIds != "")
                        allAllWform = eformSer.GetView_AllEformList(proIds, allIds);

                    AspNetPager1.RecordCount = allEForms.Count;
                    this.gvList.PageIndex    = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;
                    this.gvList.DataSource   = allEForms;
Beispiel #3
        private void select()
            WarnDays = new Base_WarnDaysService().GetListArray("");

            string sql = " 1=1 ";

            QuerySession.QueryEForm QEForm = new VAN_OA.QuerySession.QueryEForm();

            if (txtFrom.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtFrom.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('申请时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtTo.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('申请时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtSPForm.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtSPForm.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtSPTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtSPTo.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");

            if (txtSPForm.Text != "" && txtSPTo.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(e_LastTime,table2.createTime)>='{0} 00:00:00' and isnull(maxDoTime,table2.createTime)<='{1} 23:59:59' ",
                                     txtSPForm.Text, txtSPTo.Text);
            if (txtSPForm.Text == "" && txtSPTo.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(e_LastTime,table2.createTime)<='{0} 23:59:59'",
            if (txtSPForm.Text != "" && txtSPTo.Text == "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(e_LastTime,table2.createTime)>='{0} 00:00:00' ",
            QEForm.SPForm = txtSPForm.Text;
            QEForm.SPTo   = txtSPTo.Text;

            if (ddlProType.SelectedItem != null && ddlProType.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and proId={0}", ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
                QEForm.ProTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
            if (txtFrom.Text != "")
                sql            += string.Format(" and appTime>='{0} 00:00:00'", txtFrom.Text);
                QEForm.FromTime = txtFrom.Text;

            if (txtTo.Text != "")
                sql          += string.Format(" and appTime<='{0} 23:59:59'", txtTo.Text);
                QEForm.ToTime = txtTo.Text;

            if (txtApper.Text != "")
                sql         += string.Format(" and AppPer_Name like '%{0}%'", txtApper.Text);
                QEForm.Apper = txtApper.Text;

            //sql += string.Format(" and toPer='{0}'", Session["LoginName"].ToString());

            if (txtWeiTuo.Text != "")
                sql          += string.Format(" and (toPer like '%{0}%' and type1='委托')", txtWeiTuo.Text);
                QEForm.WeiTuo = txtWeiTuo.Text;
            sql += string.Format(" and state='执行中'");

            if (txtNo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckProNo(txtNo.Text) == false)
                sql        += string.Format(" and e_No like '%{0}%'", txtNo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.E_No = txtNo.Text.Trim();

            //if (txtNo.Text != "")
            //    if (CheckProNo(txtNo.Text) == false)
            //    {
            //        return;
            //    }
            //    sql += string.Format(" and e_No like '%{0}%'", txtNo.Text);
            //    QEForm.E_No = txtNo.Text;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPOSupplier.Text.Trim()))
                if (cbPiPei.Checked)
                    sql += string.Format(@" and proId in (31,32,33) and exists(select 1 from (select CAI_POCai.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.Id,32 as myProId  from TB_SupplierAdvancePayments
left join CAI_POCai on TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.CaiIds=CAI_POCai.Ids
union all
select TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,31 as myProId from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=0
union all
select  TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,33 as myProId  from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=1
) as A where A.myProId=table2.proId and A.Id=table2.allE_id and LastSupplier='{0}' )", txtPOSupplier.Text.Trim());
                    sql += string.Format(@" and proId in (31,32,33) and exists(select 1 from (select CAI_POCai.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.Id,32 as myProId  from TB_SupplierAdvancePayments
left join CAI_POCai on TB_SupplierAdvancePayments.CaiIds=CAI_POCai.Ids
union all
select TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,31 as myProId from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=0
union all
select  TB_SupplierInvoice.LastSupplier,TB_SupplierInvoice.Id,33 as myProId  from TB_SupplierInvoice left join TB_SupplierInvoices on TB_SupplierInvoice.Id=TB_SupplierInvoices.Id
where IsYuFu=1
) as A where A.myProId=table2.proId and A.Id=table2.allE_id and LastSupplier like '%{0}%' )", txtPOSupplier.Text.Trim());
            #region 项目查询
            string ponoSql = "";
            if (txtPONo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckPoNO(txtPONo.Text.Trim()) == false)
                ponoSql    += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.PONo like '%{0}%'", txtPONo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.PONO = txtPONo.Text;
            if (ddlAEUsers.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE='{0}'", ddlAEUsers.SelectedItem.Text);
            if (ddlCompany.Text != "-1")
                string where = string.Format(" CompanyCode='{0}'", ddlCompany.Text.Split(',')[2]);
                ponoSql     += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE IN(select LOGINNAME from tb_User where {0})", where);
            if (ddlClose.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsClose={0} ", ddlClose.Text);
            if (ddlIsSelect.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsSelected={0} ", ddlIsSelect.Text);
            if (ddlJieIsSelected.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.JieIsSelected={0} ", ddlJieIsSelected.Text);
            if (ddlIsSpecial.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsSpecial={0} ", ddlIsSpecial.Text);

            if (ddlHanShui.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.IsPoFax={0} ", ddlHanShui.Text);
            if (ddlPrice.Text == "1")
                ponoSql += " and Order_ToInvoice_1.POTotal-isnull(TuiTotal,0)>0";
            if (ddlPrice.Text == "0")
                ponoSql += " and Order_ToInvoice_1.POTotal-isnull(TuiTotal,0)=0";

            string poSQL = "";
            if (ponoSql != "")
                poSQL += string.Format(" and EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CG_CAI_POOrder_View as CG_POOrder left join View_AllEform on CG_POOrder.pono=View_AllEform.pono  ");
                if (ddlPrice.Text != "-1")
                    poSQL += " left join Order_ToInvoice_1 on CG_POOrder.PONo=Order_ToInvoice_1.PONo ";

                poSQL += string.Format("   WHERE View_AllEform.myProId=tb_EForm_View.proId and View_AllEform.Id=tb_EForm_View.allE_id {0})", ponoSql);

            tb_EFormService eformSer  = new tb_EFormService();
            List <tb_EForm> allEForms = eformSer.GetListArray_ToDo(sql, poSQL, Convert.ToInt32(Session["currentUserId"]));

            string allIds = "", proIds = "", fukuandan = "0,", yufukuandan = "0,";
            for (int i = 0; i < allEForms.Count; i++)
                allIds += allEForms[i].allE_id.ToString() + ",";
                proIds += allEForms[i].proId.ToString() + ",";

                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商付款单")
                    fukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商预付款单")
                    yufukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";

            allIds = allIds.Trim(',');
            proIds = proIds.Trim(',');

            fukuandan   = fukuandan.Trim(',');
            yufukuandan = yufukuandan.Trim(',');

            if (fukuandan != "" || yufukuandan != "")
                var superSer = new TB_SupplierAdvancePaymentService();
                SupplierInvoice_Names = superSer.GetSupplierName(yufukuandan, fukuandan);

            if (allIds != "")
                allAllWform = eformSer.GetView_AllEformList(proIds, allIds);

            //proId 进行分类管理
            // 1:常用,(就是除 项目订单、采购订单、预付款转支付单、销售发票修改、销售发票删除、用车明细表之外的所有单据),查询条件按原来 + 上述增加的一行条件。
            var changyong_allEForms = allEForms.FindAll(t => t.proId != 19 && t.proId != 20 && t.proId != 26 && t.proId != 33 && t.proId != 34 && t.proId != 37 && t.proId != 5);
            //2:项目订单及采购,包含项目订单和采购订单,查询条件,查询条件按原来 + 上述增加的一行条件。。
            var pono_Cai_allEForms = allEForms.FindAll(t => t.proId == 19 || t.proId == 20);
            //3:预付款转支付单,如图3,查询条件按原来 + 上述增加的一行条件。。
            var yuZhuan_allEForms = allEForms.FindAll(t => t.proId == 33);
            //4:销售发票,包含销售发票,销售发票修改、销售发票删除,查询条件按原来 + 上述增加的一行条件。。
            var xiaoShou_allEForms = allEForms.FindAll(t => t.proId == 26 || t.proId == 34 || t.proId == 37);
            //5:用车明细表,查询条件按原来 + 上述增加的一行条件。
            var yongChe_allEForms = allEForms.FindAll(t => t.proId == 5);

            Session[Query] = QEForm;

            this.gvList.DataSource = changyong_allEForms;

            this.GridView2.DataSource = pono_Cai_allEForms;

            this.GridView3.DataSource = yuZhuan_allEForms;

            this.GridView4.DataSource = xiaoShou_allEForms;

            this.GridView5.DataSource = yongChe_allEForms;
        private void select()
            if (txtFrom.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtFrom.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('申请时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtTo.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('申请时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtSPForm.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtSPForm.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");
            if (txtSPTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtSPTo.Text) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");

            string sql = " 1=1 ";

            QuerySession.QueryEForm QEForm = new VAN_OA.QuerySession.QueryEForm();
            if (txtSPForm.Text != "" && txtSPTo.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)>='{0} 00:00:00' and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)<='{1} 23:59:59' ",
                                     txtSPForm.Text, txtSPTo.Text);
            if (txtSPForm.Text == "" && txtSPTo.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)<='{0} 23:59:59'",
            if (txtSPForm.Text != "" && txtSPTo.Text == "")
                sql += string.Format(" and isnull(maxDoTime,tb_EForm_View.createTime)>='{0} 00:00:00' ",
            QEForm.SPForm = txtSPForm.Text;
            QEForm.SPTo   = txtSPTo.Text;

            if (ddlProType.SelectedItem != null && ddlProType.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and proId={0}", ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
                QEForm.ProTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
            if (txtFrom.Text != "")
                sql            += string.Format(" and appTime>='{0} 00:00:00'", txtFrom.Text);
                QEForm.FromTime = txtFrom.Text;

            if (txtTo.Text != "")
                sql          += string.Format(" and appTime<='{0} 23:59:59'", txtTo.Text);
                QEForm.ToTime = txtTo.Text;
            if (ddlState.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                sql         += string.Format(" and state='{0}'", ddlState.SelectedItem.Text);
                QEForm.State = ddlState.SelectedItem.Text;

            if (txtNo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckProNo(txtNo.Text) == false)
                sql        += string.Format(" and e_No like '%{0}%'", txtNo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.E_No = txtNo.Text.Trim();

            //sql += string.Format(" and appPer={0}",Session["currentUserId"].ToString());

            string SuccessCai = string.Format(@"select id from tb_EForm where  tb_EForm.alle_id in (select id from  TB_POOrder where caigou='{0}')
and  proid=(select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='订单报批表')", base.Session["LoginName"].ToString());

            sql += string.Format(" and (appPer={0}  or id in ({1}))", Session["currentUserId"].ToString(), SuccessCai);

            if (Request["Type"] != null)
                string type = "";
                if (Request["Type"] != null)
                    type = Request["Type"].ToString();

                if (type == "Success")
                    string Success = string.Format(@"select id from tb_EForm left join (select e_id,Max(doTime)AS MaxTime from tb_EForms group by e_id) as newTable on
                                          where state='通过' and appPer={0} and MaxTime between '{1} 00:00:00' and '{1} 23:59:59'", Session["currentUserId"], DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                    sql += string.Format(@" and id in ({0})", Success);

                if (type == "SuccessCai")
//                    string Success = string.Format(@"select id from tb_EForm left join (select e_id,Max(doTime)AS MaxTime from tb_EForms group by e_id) as newTable on
//                                          where state='通过' and appPer={0} and MaxTime between '{1} 00:00:00' and '{1} 23:59:59'", Session["currentUserId"], DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                    string Success = string.Format(@"select id from tb_EForm left join (select e_id,Max(doTime)AS MaxTime from tb_EForms group by e_id) as newTable on
                                          where state='通过'  and MaxTime between '{1} 00:00:00' and '{1} 23:59:59' 
                                    and  tb_EForm.alle_id in (select id from  TB_POOrder where caigou='{0}')
and  proid=(select pro_Id from A_ProInfo where pro_Type='订单报批表')", base.Session["LoginName"].ToString(), DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());

                    sql += string.Format(@" and id in ({0})", Success);

                if (type == "Fail")
                    string Fail = string.Format(@"select id from tb_EForm left join (select e_id,Max(doTime)AS MaxTime from tb_EForms group by e_id) as newTable on
                                          where state='不通过' and appPer={0} and MaxTime between '{1} 00:00:00' and '{1} 23:59:59'", Session["currentUserId"], DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
                    sql += string.Format(@" and id in ({0})", Fail);
            #region 项目查询
            string ponoSql = "";
            if (txtPONo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckPoNO(txtPONo.Text.Trim()) == false)
                ponoSql    += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.PONo like '%{0}%'", txtPONo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.PONO = txtPONo.Text.Trim();
            if (ddlCompany.Text != "-1")
                string where = string.Format(" CompanyCode='{0}'", ddlCompany.Text.Split(',')[2]);
                ponoSql     += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE IN(select LOGINNAME from tb_User where {0})", where);
            if (ponoSql != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CG_CAI_POOrder_View as CG_POOrder left join View_AllEform on CG_POOrder.pono=View_AllEform.pono  ");

                sql += string.Format("   WHERE View_AllEform.myProId=tb_EForm_View.proId and View_AllEform.Id=tb_EForm_View.allE_id {0})", ponoSql);

            tb_EFormService eformSer = new tb_EFormService();
            List <tb_EForm> allEForms;
            //if (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex == 1)
            allEForms = eformSer.GetListArray_1(sql);
            //    ViewState["myList"] = allEForms;
            //    allEForms=ViewState["myList"] as List<tb_EForm>;
            Session["QueryRequestEForms"] = QEForm;
            AspNetPager1.RecordCount      = allEForms.Count;
            this.gvList.PageIndex         = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;

            string allIds = "", proIds = "", fukuandan = "0,", yufukuandan = "0,";
            for (int i = gvList.PageIndex * 10; i < (gvList.PageIndex + 1) * 10; i++)
                if (i >= allEForms.Count)
                allIds += allEForms[i].allE_id.ToString() + ",";
                proIds += allEForms[i].proId.ToString() + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商付款单")
                    fukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商预付款单")
                    yufukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
            allIds = allIds.Trim(',');
            proIds = proIds.Trim(',');

            fukuandan   = fukuandan.Trim(',');
            yufukuandan = yufukuandan.Trim(',');

            if (fukuandan != "" || yufukuandan != "")
                var superSer = new TB_SupplierAdvancePaymentService();
                SupplierInvoice_Names = superSer.GetSupplierName(yufukuandan, fukuandan);
            if (allIds != "")
                allAllWform = eformSer.GetView_AllEformList(proIds, allIds);
            this.gvList.DataSource = allEForms;
Beispiel #5
        private void select()
            string sql = " 1=1 ";
            QuerySession.QueryEForm QEForm = new VAN_OA.QuerySession.QueryEForm();
            if (ddlProType.SelectedItem!=null&& ddlProType.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and proId={0}", ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
                QEForm.ProTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlProType.SelectedItem.Value);
            if (txtFrom.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtFrom.Text.Trim()) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");
                sql += string.Format(" and DoTime>='{0} 00:00:00'", txtFrom.Text);
                QEForm.FromTime = txtFrom.Text;

            if (txtTo.Text != "")
                if (CommHelp.VerifesToDateTime(txtTo.Text.Trim()) == false)
                    base.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(base.GetType(), null, "<script>alert('审批时间 格式错误!');</script>");
                sql += string.Format(" and DoTime<='{0} 23:59:59'", txtTo.Text);
                QEForm.ToTime = txtTo.Text;
            if (ddlState.SelectedItem.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and state='{0}'", ddlState.SelectedItem.Text);
                QEForm.State = ddlState.Text;

            if (txtApper.Text != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and appPer_Name like '%{0}%'", txtApper.Text);
                QEForm.Apper = txtApper.Text;

            if (txtNo.Text.Trim() != "")
                if (CheckProNo(txtNo.Text) == false)
                sql += string.Format(" and e_No like '%{0}%'", txtNo.Text.Trim());
                QEForm.E_No = txtNo.Text;
            #region 项目查询
            string ponoSql = "";
            if (ddlCompany.Text != "-1")
                string where = string.Format(" CompanyCode='{0}'", ddlCompany.Text.Split(',')[2]);
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE IN(select LOGINNAME from tb_User where {0})", where);
            if (ddlAEUsers.Text != "-1")
                ponoSql += string.Format(" and CG_POOrder.AE='{0}'", ddlAEUsers.SelectedItem.Text);
            if (ponoSql != "")
                sql += string.Format(" and EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM CG_CAI_POOrder_View as CG_POOrder left join View_AllEform on CG_POOrder.pono=View_AllEform.pono  ");

                sql += string.Format("   WHERE View_AllEform.myProId=tb_EForm_View.proId and View_AllEform.Id=tb_EForm_View.allE_id {0})", ponoSql);

            tb_EFormService eformSer = new tb_EFormService();
            List<tb_EForm> allEForms;
            //if (AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex == 1)
                allEForms = eformSer.GetListArray_MyApps(sql, Convert.ToInt32(Session["currentUserId"]));
            //    ViewState["myList"] = allEForms;
            //    allEForms=ViewState["myList"] as List<tb_EForm>;
            Session[Query] = QEForm;
            AspNetPager1.RecordCount = allEForms.Count;
            this.gvList.PageIndex = AspNetPager1.CurrentPageIndex - 1;
            string allIds = "", proIds = "", fukuandan = "0,", yufukuandan = "0,";
            for (int i = gvList.PageIndex*10; i < (gvList.PageIndex+1)*10; i++)
                if (i >= allEForms.Count)
                allIds += allEForms[i].allE_id.ToString() + ",";
                proIds += allEForms[i].proId.ToString() + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商付款单")
                    fukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
                if (allEForms[i].ProTyleName == "供应商预付款单")
                    yufukuandan += allEForms[i].allE_id + ",";
            allIds = allIds.Trim(',');
            proIds = proIds.Trim(',');

            fukuandan = fukuandan.Trim(',');
            yufukuandan = yufukuandan.Trim(',');

            if (fukuandan != "" || yufukuandan != "")
                var superSer = new TB_SupplierAdvancePaymentService();
                SupplierInvoice_Names = superSer.GetSupplierName(yufukuandan, fukuandan);
            if (allIds != "")
                allAllWform = eformSer.GetView_AllEformList(proIds, allIds);
            this.gvList.DataSource = allEForms;