Beispiel #1
        public ActionResult GetUserList()
            Users  users    = new Users();
            string strWhere = " 1=1 ";

            string KeyWord = DNTRequest.GetString("KeyWord");
            string RoleID  = DNTRequest.GetString("RoleID");
            int    rows    = DNTRequest.GetInt("rows", 10);

            if (KeyWord != "")
                strWhere += " and (Uname like '%" + KeyWord + "%') or ( UId in (select UId from .[dbo].Users where truename  like '%" + KeyWord + "%')) ";
            if (RoleID != "")
                strWhere += " and UId in (select UId from .[dbo].Users where roleId=" + RoleID.ToString() + ")";
            int count = 0;
            //string sql = @"select p.Uname,p.Sex,p.roleId,p.truename,p.UId from Users p order by UId desc";
            //string sql = @"select * ,(select top 1 truename from [dbo].Users where UId=m.UId) as truename, (select roleName from Role where roleId in(select top 1  roleId from Users where UId=m.UId)) as roelName  from .[dbo].Users m  where  " + strWhere;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetUserList();
            // DataSet ds = DataPageHelper.GetDataPage(DataPageHelper.GetPageSql(sql, 7, rows, "UId desc"), out count);
            List <VURser> list = TBToList <VURser> .ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();

            var grid = new EasyuiDataGrid <List <VURser> >();

   = count;
            grid.rows  = list;
            return(Json(grid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #2
        public ActionResult GetRoleList(int?page)
            page = page == null ? 1 : page;
            //string sql = "select m.*,d.ItemText StatusName from tb_Role m  left join tb_Doption d on d.MoptionID=2 and d.ItemValue=m.Status where 1=1 ";

            string KeyWord = DNTRequest.GetString("KeyWord");
            string Status  = DNTRequest.GetString("Status");
            int    rows    = DNTRequest.GetInt("rows", 10);
            //if (KeyWord != "")
            //    sql += " and (m.RoleName like '%" + KeyWord + "%') ";
            //if (Status != "")
            //    sql += " and (m.Status =" + Status + ")";
            int     count = 0;
            DataSet ds    = ubll.GetList();
            //DataSet ds = DataPageHelper.GetDataPage(DataPageHelper.GetPageSql(sql, page.Value, rows, "RoleID desc"), out count);
            List <Role> list = TBToList <Role> .ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();

            var grid = new EasyuiDataGrid <List <Role> >();

   = count;
            grid.rows  = list;

            //JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            return(Json(grid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #3
        public ActionResult GetGoodsList()
            int count = 0;
            //string sql = @"select p.Uname,p.Sex,p.roleId,p.truename,p.UId from Users p order by UId desc";
            //string sql = @"select * ,(select top 1 truename from [dbo].Users where UId=m.UId) as truename, (select roleName from Role where roleId in(select top 1  roleId from Users where UId=m.UId)) as roelName  from .[dbo].Users m  where  " + strWhere;
            DataSet      ds   = bll.GetGoodsList();
            List <Goods> list = TBToList <Goods> .ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();

            var grid = new EasyuiDataGrid <List <Goods> >();

   = count;
            grid.rows  = list;
            return(Json(grid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #4
        public ActionResult GetSOList()
            int count = 0;
            //string sql = @"select p.Uname,p.Sex,p.roleId,p.truename,p.UId from Users p order by UId desc";
            //string sql = @"select * ,(select top 1 truename from [dbo].Users where UId=m.UId) as truename, (select roleName from Role where roleId in(select top 1  roleId from Users where UId=m.UId)) as roelName  from .[dbo].Users m  where  " + strWhere;
            DataSet ds = bll.GetsOrdermin();
            // DataSet ds = DataPageHelper.GetDataPage(DataPageHelper.GetPageSql(sql, 7, rows, "UId desc"), out count);
            List <VOrderSminxi> list = TBToList <VOrderSminxi> .ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();

            var grid = new EasyuiDataGrid <List <VOrderSminxi> >();

   = count;
            grid.rows  = list;
            return(Json(grid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult GetProductTypeList(int id = 0, string KeyWord = "")
            int    count    = 0;
            string sql      = "SELECT [id] ,[code] ,[name],[ParentId],[AddTime] FROM [" + DBName + "].[dbo].[tb_ProductType] ";
            string strWhere = " Where 1=1";

            if (KeyWord != "")
                strWhere += " and ( id in ( select id from  [" + DBName + "].[dbo].[tb_ProductType] where code like '%" + KeyWord + "%' or name like '%" + KeyWord + "%' ) ";
                strWhere += "  or id in ( select ParentId from  [" + DBName + "].[dbo].[tb_ProductType] where code like '%" + KeyWord + "%' or name like '%" + KeyWord + "%' ) ) ";
            //sql = sql + strWhere;
            //DataSet ds = DataPageHelper.GetDataPage(DataPageHelper.GetPageSql(sql, 1, 10000, "id desc"), out count);

            //List<MenuPage> list = TBToList<MenuPage>.ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();
            ////List<tb_ProductType> list = ef.tb_ProductType.Where(p => p.MenuID > 0).ToList();
            //List<MenuPage> listJson = new List<MenuPage>();
            //foreach (tb_ProductType model in list.Where(p => p.ParentId == 0).OrderBy(p =>
            //    MakeMenuJson(list, model, id);
            //    listJson.Add(model);

            //return Json(listJson, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

            GoodsBLL bn = new GoodsBLL();
            //string sql = @"select p.Uname,p.Sex,p.roleId,p.truename,p.UId from Users p order by UId desc";
            //string sql = @"select * ,(select top 1 truename from [dbo].Users where UId=m.UId) as truename, (select roleName from Role where roleId in(select top 1  roleId from Users where UId=m.UId)) as roelName  from .[dbo].Users m  where  " + strWhere;
            DataSet ds = bn.GetMenu();
            // DataSet ds = DataPageHelper.GetDataPage(DataPageHelper.GetPageSql(sql, 7, rows, "UId desc"), out count);
            List <MenuPage> list = TBToList <MenuPage> .ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();

            var grid = new EasyuiDataGrid <List <MenuPage> >();

   = count;
            grid.rows  = list;
            return(Json(grid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Beispiel #6
        public ActionResult GetListtb_Store(int?page)
            string KeyWord = DNTRequest.GetString("KeyWord");

            int    rows     = DNTRequest.GetInt("rows", 10);
            string strWhere = " 1=1 ";

            if (KeyWord != "")
                strWhere += " and (Name like '%" + KeyWord + "%'  or code like '%" + KeyWord + "%') ";
            int     count = 0;
            DataSet ds    = gb.GetMenushop();

            //string sql = @"select   *  from [" + DBName + @"].[dbo].[tb_Store]  where  " + strWhere;
            //DataSet ds = DataPageHelper.GetDataPage(DataPageHelper.GetPageSql(sql, page.Value, rows, "id desc"), out count);
            List <VUShop> list = TBToList <VUShop> .ConvertToList(ds.Tables[0]).ToList();

            var grid = new EasyuiDataGrid <List <VUShop> >();

   = count;
            grid.rows  = list;
            return(Json(grid, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));