Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new listing based on user input
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Listing(ListingDetails details)
            string response = "";

            using (var db = new TBDataModel())
                int pId = (from b in db.Products
                           where b.ISBN == details.ISBN &&
                           b.Title == details.Name
                           select b.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                // If this product doesnt exist
                if (pId == 0)
                    var newProd = new Product();
                    newProd.Author    = details.Author;
                    newProd.ISBN      = details.ISBN;
                    newProd.Publisher = details.Publisher;
                    newProd.Title     = details.Name;
                    newProd.UserId    = details.UserId;



                    pId = newProd.Id;
                // Make new listing
                var newListing = new Transaction();

                newListing.Active       = 1;
                newListing.DateCreated  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                newListing.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow;
                newListing.Description  = details.Description;
                newListing.Price        = details.ListPrice;
                newListing.ProductId    = pId;
                newListing.UserId       = details.UserId;


                // Add the images uploaded to the database
                foreach (var im in details.Images)
                    var image = new Image();
                    image.ImageData = Convert.FromBase64String(im);
                    image.ProductId = pId;
                    image.UserId    = details.UserId;



                Dictionary <string, string> r = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                r.Add("NewListingId", newListing.Id.ToString());
                response = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(r);
Beispiel #2
        public static string Update(UpdateUser details)
            ResponseData r = new ResponseData();

            using (var db = new TBDataModel())
                // Get the user we want to edit
                var uToChange = (from b in db.Users
                                 where b.Id == details.UIdToChange
                                 select b).FirstOrDefault();

                // If the hashed password equals the stored hash, then we are good to update info
                if (uToChange.PasswordHash == details.PasswordHash)
                    if (details.NewPwHash != null && details.NewPwHash != "")
                        uToChange.PasswordHash = details.NewPwHash;

                if (details.EmailAddress != null && details.EmailAddress != "")
                    uToChange.EmailAddress = details.EmailAddress;

                if (details.PhoneNumber != null && details.PhoneNumber != "")
                    uToChange.PhoneNumber = details.PhoneNumber;

                if (details.FirstName != null && details.FirstName != "")
                    uToChange.FirstName = details.FirstName;

                if (details.LastName != null && details.LastName != "")
                    uToChange.LastName = details.LastName;


            r.Status = 1;
            r.Data.Add("Result", "Operation Complete");
Beispiel #3
        public static string Accept(AcceptPurchase details)
            ResponseData r = new ResponseData();

            // Seller marked a sale as complete
            // API sets the transaction as inactive
            using (var db = new TBDataModel())
                var chosenBid = (from b in db.Bids
                                 where b.Id == details.BidId
                                 select b).FirstOrDefault();

                // If the sale doesnt exist, then it doesnt exist
                if (chosenBid.Transaction == null || chosenBid.Transaction.Active == 0)
                    throw new Exception("Transaction does not exist.");

                // if the sale exists, set the sale to inactive to mark as complete
                chosenBid.Transaction.Active       = 0;
                chosenBid.Transaction.DateModified = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // set Accepted flag to true the bids associated with the item
                // But only if there are no others
                if (db.Bids.Any(x => x.Accepted == 1 && x.TransactionId == chosenBid.TransactionId))
                    // if a bid has already been accepted
                    throw new Exception("There is already a bid accepted for this transaction.");
                chosenBid.Accepted = 1;

                r.Status = 1;
                r.Schema = "AcceptPurchase";
                r.Data.Add("Purchase Status", "Accepted");

Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new user based on the passed in 'details' parameter
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="details"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string User(NewUser details)
            ResponseData r = new ResponseData();

            using (var db = new TBDataModel())
                // Check to see if the username already exists. If it does, return an error
                var usernameId = (from b in db.Users
                                  where b.UserName == details.UserName
                                  select b.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                // If this evaluates to true, then the username is already in use
                if (usernameId != 0)
                    Dictionary <string, string> error = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                    error.Add("Error", "Username already exists.");
                    error.Add("ErrorCode", "1");

                // If the username is okay, add data to db
                User newUser = new User();
                newUser.PasswordHash = details.PasswordHash;
                newUser.PhoneNumber  = details.PhoneNumber;
                newUser.UserName     = details.UserName;
                newUser.EmailAddress = details.EmailAddress;

                // Save user Changes

                r.Status = 1;
                r.Schema = "NewUser";
                r.Data.Add("UserId", newUser.Id.ToString());
                r.Data.Add("UserName", newUser.UserName);

Beispiel #5
        public static string Make(BidData details)
            ResponseData r = new ResponseData();

            using (var db = new TBDataModel())
                // using the bid details
                // Add new bid to database
                EntityFramework.Bid newBid = new EntityFramework.Bid();
                newBid.ProposedPrice = details.ProposedPrice;
                newBid.TransactionId = details.TransactionId;
                newBid.UserId        = details.PurchaserId;
                newBid.Accepted      = 0;


                r.Status = 1;
                r.Schema = "NewBid";
                r.Data.Add("BidId", newBid.Id.ToString());
