Beispiel #1
    void Painter()
        if (State != 1)
            State = 1;
        Event e = Event.current;

        if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.T)
            if (T4MSC.T4MActived != "Activated")
                T4MSC.T4MActived = "Activated";
                T4MSC.T4MActived = "Deactivated";

        if (T4MSC.T4MPreview && T4MSC.T4MActived == "Activated" && T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == false || T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == false)
            if (
                T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_Circle &&
                T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_WireCircle &&
                T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Hide_preview
                T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled = true;
        else if (T4MSC.T4MPreview && T4MSC.T4MActived == "Deactivated" && T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == true || T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == true)
            if (T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Classic)
                T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled = false;

        if (T4MSC.T4MActived == "Activated")
            RaycastHit raycastHit = new RaycastHit();
            Ray        terrain    = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(e.mousePosition);
            if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadPlus)
                T4MSC.brushSize += 1;
            else if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadMinus)
                T4MSC.brushSize -= 1;

            if (Physics.Raycast(terrain, out raycastHit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
                if (T4MSC.CurrentSelect.gameObject.GetComponent <T4MObjSC>().ConvertType != "UT")
                    T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 180 + T4MSC.CurrentSelect.localEulerAngles.y, 0);
                    T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, T4MSC.CurrentSelect.localEulerAngles.y, 0);
                T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.position = raycastHit.point;

                if (T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Classic && T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Hide_preview && T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_WireCircle)
                    Handles.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 0f, 0.05f);
                    Handles.DrawSolidDisc(raycastHit.point, raycastHit.normal, T4MSC.T4MPreview.orthographicSize * 0.9f);
                else if (T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Classic && T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Hide_preview && T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_Circle)
                    Handles.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f);
                    Handles.DrawWireDisc(raycastHit.point, raycastHit.normal, T4MSC.T4MPreview.orthographicSize * 0.9f);

                if ((e.type == EventType.mouseDrag && e.alt == false && e.shift == false && e.button == 0) || (e.shift == false && e.alt == false && e.button == 0 && ToggleF == false))
                    Vector2 pixelUV    = raycastHit.textureCoord * T4MSC.T4MMaskTexUVCoord;               //0.14f;
                    int     PuX        = Mathf.FloorToInt(pixelUV.x * T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.width);
                    int     PuY        = Mathf.FloorToInt(pixelUV.y * T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.height);
                    int     x          = Mathf.Clamp(PuX - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2, 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.width - 1);
                    int     y          = Mathf.Clamp(PuY - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2, 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.height - 1);
                    int     width      = Mathf.Clamp((PuX + T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.width) - x;
                    int     height     = Mathf.Clamp((PuY + T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.height) - y;
                    Color[] terrainBay = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.GetPixels(x, y, width, height, 0);
                    if (T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2)
                        terrainBay2 = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2.GetPixels(x, y, width, height, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                            int   index    = (i * width) + j;
                            float Stronger = T4MSC.T4MBrushAlpha[Mathf.Clamp((y + i) - (PuY - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent - 1) * T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent + Mathf.Clamp((x + j) - (PuX - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent - 1)] * T4MSC.T4MStronger;

                            if (T4MSC.T4MselTexture < 3)
                                terrainBay[index] = Color.Lerp(terrainBay[index], T4MSC.T4MtargetColor, Stronger);
                                terrainBay[index] = Color.Lerp(terrainBay[index], T4MSC.T4MtargetColor, Stronger);                               //*0.3f);
                                if (T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2)
                                    terrainBay2[index] = Color.Lerp(terrainBay2[index], T4MSC.T4MtargetColor2, Stronger);                                   ///0.3f);
                    T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.SetPixels(x, y, width, height, terrainBay, 0);
                    if (T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2)
                        T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2.SetPixels(x, y, width, height, terrainBay2, 0);
                        UndoObj    = new Texture2D[2];
                        UndoObj[0] = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex;
                        UndoObj[1] = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2;
                        UndoObj    = new Texture2D[1];
                        UndoObj[0] = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex;
                    //Undo.RecordObjects(UndoObj, "T4MMask"); //Unity don't work correctly with this for now
                    ToggleF = true;
                else if (e.type == EventType.mouseUp && e.alt == false && e.button == 0 && ToggleF == true)
                    ToggleF = false;
Beispiel #2
    void Painter()
        if (State != 1)
            State = 1;
        Event e = Event.current;

        if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.T)
            if (T4MSC.T4MActived != "Activated")
                T4MSC.T4MActived = "Activated";
                T4MSC.T4MActived = "Deactivated";

        if (T4MSC.T4MPreview && T4MSC.T4MActived == "Activated" && T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == false || T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == false)
            if (
                T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_Circle &&
                T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_WireCircle &&
                T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Hide_preview
                Debug.Log("Project true");
                T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled = true;
        else if (T4MSC.T4MPreview && T4MSC.T4MActived == "Deactivated" && T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == true || T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled == true)
            if (T4MSC.PaintPrev != T4MSC.PaintHandle.Classic)
                Debug.Log("Project false");
                T4MSC.T4MPreview.enabled = false;

        if (T4MSC.T4MActived == "Activated")
            RaycastHit raycastHit = new RaycastHit();
            Ray        terrain    = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(e.mousePosition);
            if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadPlus)
                T4MSC.brushSize += 1;
            else if (e.type == EventType.KeyDown && e.keyCode == KeyCode.KeypadMinus)
                T4MSC.brushSize -= 1;
            string currentSelect = Selection.transforms[0].name;
            if (Physics.Raycast(terrain, out raycastHit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask) && == currentSelect)
                if (T4MSC.CurrentSelect.gameObject.GetComponent <T4MObjSC>().ConvertType != "UT")
                    T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, 180 + T4MSC.CurrentSelect.localEulerAngles.y, 0);
                    T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(90, T4MSC.CurrentSelect.localEulerAngles.y, 0);

                T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.position = raycastHit.point;

                T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.position += new Vector3(0, 1, 0);


                // 三种画笔形式
                if (T4MSC.PaintPrev == T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_Circle)
                    Handles.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 0f, 0.05f);
                    Handles.DrawSolidDisc(raycastHit.point, raycastHit.normal, T4MSC.T4MPreview.orthographicSize * 0.9f);
                    //Debug.Log("Follow_Normal_Circle" + T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.position + "and" + raycastHit.point);
                else if (T4MSC.PaintPrev == T4MSC.PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_WireCircle)
                    Handles.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f);
                    Handles.DrawWireDisc(raycastHit.point, raycastHit.normal, T4MSC.T4MPreview.orthographicSize * 0.9f);
                    //Debug.Log("Follow_Normal_WireCircle" + T4MSC.T4MPreview.transform.position + "and" + raycastHit.point);

                // Debug.Log(e.type);
                // if(e.type == EventType.MouseDown && UndoObj!=null&&!saveflag)
                // {
                //  // var path = "Assets/testimg/tt.png";
                //  // var bytes   = UndoObj[0].EncodeToPNG ();
                //  saveflag = true;
                //  Undo.RecordObjects(UndoObj, "T4MMask");
                //  // File.WriteAllBytes (path, bytes);
                //  Debug.Log("!!");
                // }
                if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp)
                    saveflag = false;
                if ((e.type == EventType.MouseDrag && e.alt == false && e.shift == false && e.button == 0) || (e.type != EventType.MouseMove && e.shift == false && e.alt == false && e.isMouse && e.button == 0 && ToggleF == false))
                    Vector2 pixelUV = raycastHit.textureCoord * T4MSC.T4MMaskTexUVCoord;                  //0.14f;

                    int PuX = Mathf.FloorToInt(pixelUV.x * T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.width);
                    int PuY = Mathf.FloorToInt(pixelUV.y * T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.height);

                    //T4MBrushSizeInPourcent是将笔刷大小转化成  1:(T4MMaskTex.width/100)  的大小

                    int x      = Mathf.Clamp(PuX - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2, 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.width - 1);
                    int y      = Mathf.Clamp(PuY - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2, 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.height - 1);
                    int width  = Mathf.Clamp((PuX + T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.width) - x;
                    int height = Mathf.Clamp((PuY + T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.height) - y;

                    Color[] terrainBay = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.GetPixels(x, y, width, height, 0);

                    if (T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2)
                        terrainBay2 = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2.GetPixels(x, y, width, height, 0);
                    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
                            int index = (i * width) + j;

                            float Stronger = T4MSC.T4MBrushAlpha[Mathf.Clamp((y + i) - (PuY - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent - 1) * T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent + Mathf.Clamp((x + j) - (PuX - T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent / 2), 0, T4MSC.T4MBrushSizeInPourcent - 1)] * T4MSC.T4MStronger;
                            terrainBay[index] = Color.Lerp(terrainBay[index], T4MSC.T4MtargetColor, Stronger);                           //*0.3f);
                            if (T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2)
                                terrainBay2[index] = Color.Lerp(terrainBay2[index], T4MSC.T4MtargetColor2, Stronger);                               ///0.3f);
                    if (T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2)
                        T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2.SetPixels(x, y, width, height, terrainBay2, 0);
                    // if(UndoObj == null)
                    // {
                    //  UndoObj = new Texture2D[2];
                    //  if(T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2){
                    //      UndoObj[0] = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex;
                    //      UndoObj[1] = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2;
                    //      T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2.SetPixels(x, y, width,height, terrainBay2, 0);
                    //      T4MSC.T4MMaskTex2.Apply();
                    //  }else{
                    //      UndoObj[0] = T4MSC.T4MMaskTex;
                    //  }
                    // }
                    T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.SetPixels(x, y, width, height, terrainBay, 0);
                    T4MSC.T4MMaskTex.Apply();                     //Unity don't work correctly with this for now
                    //Undo.RecordObjects(UndoObj, "T4MMask");
                    ToggleF = true;
                else if (e.type == EventType.MouseUp && e.alt == false && e.button == 0 && ToggleF == true)
                    ToggleF = false;
            }            //如果不鼠标没有在范围内