public JsonResult SaveEvent(Models.Events e)
            var status = false;

            using (SzkolaEntities School = new SzkolaEntities())
                if (e.EventID > 0)
                    //Update the event
                    var v = School.Events.Where(a => a.EventID == e.EventID).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (v != null)
                        v.Subject     = e.Subject;
                        v.Start       = e.Start;
                        v.End         = e.End;
                        v.Description = e.Description;
                        v.IsFullDay   = e.IsFullDay;
                        v.ThemeColor  = e.ThemeColor;
                        v.ClassID     = e.ClassID;

                status = true;
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = new { status = status }
        public ActionResult Auth(FormCollection fc)
            string UserName = fc["UserName"];
            string Password = fc["Password"];

            SzkolaEntities db  = new SzkolaEntities();
            var            adm = (from ad in db.User
                                  ad.UserName == UserName &&
                                  ad.Password == Password
                                  select ad).FirstOrDefault();

            if (adm == null)
                ViewBag.Error = "Wprowadziłeś zły login lub hasło";
                //Trim - powoduje usuwanie spacji / blank signów
                if (adm.Rodzaj.Trim() == "Student")
                    Session["Name"] = adm.UserName;
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(adm.UserName, false);

                    imie1  = adm.Imie.Trim();
                    nazw1  = adm.Nazwisko.Trim();
                    rodzaj = adm.Rodzaj.Trim();
                    ID     = adm.UserID;

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index_Student", "Student"));

                if (adm.Rodzaj.Trim() == "Nauczyciel")
                    Session["Name"] = adm.UserName;
                    FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(adm.UserName, false);

                    imie1  = adm.Imie.Trim();
                    nazw1  = adm.Nazwisko.Trim();
                    rodzaj = adm.Rodzaj.Trim();
                    ID     = adm.UserID;

                    //ViewData["MyProduct"] = dane;
                    //, new { imie = adm.Imie, nazwisko = adm.Nazwisko }

                    //, new Models.User { ImieM = adm.Imie }

                    return(RedirectToAction("index", "Teacher"));

        public JsonResult GetEvents()
            using (SzkolaEntities School = new SzkolaEntities())
                School.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                LoginController Log = new LoginController();
                int             ID;
                Log.wyciaganie_ID(out ID);

                var result = (from n in School.Teacher
                              where n.UserID == ID
                              select n.ClassID).Distinct().ToList();

                //var result2 = Convert.ToInt32(result);

                var events = School.Events.ToList().Where(xx => result.Contains(xx.ClassID));

                return(new JsonResult {
                    Data = events, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
        public ActionResult Class_Number(FormCollection fc)
            string Pobrane_Dane = fc["ClassID_TeacherID"];

            ViewBag.ClassID = Pobrane_Dane;

            var Przekazana_Wartosc = Pobrane_Dane.Split(' ');
            var ClassID            = Convert.ToInt32(Przekazana_Wartosc[0]);
            var TeacherID          = Convert.ToInt32(Przekazana_Wartosc[1]);

            ViewBag.TeacherID = TeacherID;

            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Student_Grades = (from table1 in db.User
                                  join table2 in db.Student on table1.UserID equals table2.UserID
                                  table2.ClassID == ClassID
                                  select new Grades
                Imie = table1.Imie,
                Nazwisko = table1.Nazwisko,
                StudentID = table2.StudentID,

            return(View("Class_Number", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", Student_Grades));
        public ActionResult Index()
            LoginController Log = new LoginController();
            string          i, n, tekst;

            Log.metoda(out i, out n);
            tekst = "Witaj " + i + " " + n;

            ViewBag.powitanie = tekst;

            int ID;

            Log.wyciaganie_ID(out ID);

            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Zmienna = (from table0 in db.User
                           join table1 in db.Teacher on table0.UserID equals table1.UserID
                           join table2 in db.School_Class on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                           table0.UserID == ID
                           select new Grades
                ClassID = table2.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table2.Nazwa

            return(View("Index", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", Zmienna));
        public JsonResult SaveEvent(Models.Events e)
            var status = false;

            using (SzkolaEntities School = new SzkolaEntities())
                if (e.EventID > 0)
                    //Update the event
                    var v = School.Events.Where(a => a.EventID == e.EventID).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (v != null)
                        v.Subject     = e.Subject;
                        v.Start       = e.Start;
                        v.End         = e.End;
                        v.Description = e.Description;
                        v.IsFullDay   = e.IsFullDay;
                        v.ThemeColor  = e.ThemeColor;
                        v.ClassID     = e.ClassID;
                    //var date = e.Start;

                    //DateTime date2 = DateTime.Parse(date.ToString("yyyy-dd-MM"));
                    ////var date2 = date.ToString("yyyy-dd-MM");

                    ////DateTime date2 = DateTime.Parse(date);

                    //var end_date = e.End;
                    //if (end_date == null) { end_date = null; }
                    //else {
                    //    DateTime end_date2 = DateTime.Parse(end_date.Value.ToString("yyyy-dd-MM"));

                    ////var date3 = date.ToString("yyyy-dd-MM");
                    ////DateTime nowadata = DateTime.Parse(date3);
                    ////e.Start = date2;
                    //e.End = end_date;


                status = true;
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = new { status = status }
        //public ActionResult Save_Data(Grades model)
        public ActionResult Save_Data(FormCollection fc)
                SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
                School_Grades  Grades = new School_Grades();

                string   Forma_Zaliczenia4 = fc["Uwagi"];
                string[] Forma_Zaliczenia  = Forma_Zaliczenia4.Split(',');
                string   Ocena4            = fc["Ocena"];
                string[] Ocena             = Ocena4.Split(',');
                string   Student4          = fc["StudentID"];
                string[] Student           = Student4.Split(',');
                string   TeacherID         = fc["TeacherID"];

                //float Grade;
                //double Grade4;
                //double Ocena = Convert.ToDouble(fc["Ocena"]);

                for (int i = 0; i < Forma_Zaliczenia.Length; i++)
                    if ((Forma_Zaliczenia[i] == "X" || Forma_Zaliczenia[i] == null || Ocena[i] == "X"))
                        TempData["Brak_Danych"] = "Niestety nie udało się Tobie wprowadzić żadnych ocen!";

                        //Grade = float.Parse(Ocena[i]);
                        //Grade4 = double.Parse(Ocena[i]);
                        Grades.Uwagi     = Forma_Zaliczenia[i];
                        Grades.StudentID = Convert.ToInt32(Student[i]);

                        Grades.Ocena = Convert.ToDouble(Ocena[i].Replace(".", ","));

                        Grades.TeacherID = Convert.ToInt32(TeacherID);
                        Grades.Data      = DateTime.Now;


                        TempData["Informacja"] = "Wszystkie oceny zostały prawidłowo zapisane!";
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

        public JsonResult GetEvents()
            using (SzkolaEntities School = new SzkolaEntities())
                School.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                var events = School.Events.ToList();
                return(new JsonResult {
                    Data = events, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
        public ActionResult Student_Grades()
            int             UserID;
            LoginController Log = new LoginController();

            Log.wyciaganie_ID(out UserID);

            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            School_Grades  Grades = new School_Grades();

            var Pobrane = (from table2 in db.Student
                           join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                           join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                           join table5 in db.School_Class on table2.ClassID equals table5.ClassID
                           table2.UserID == UserID
                           select new Grades
                ClassID = table2.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table5.Nazwa,
                Przedmiot = table4.Przedmiot,
                Ocena = table3.Ocena,
                Uwagi = table3.Uwagi,
                Data = table3.Data,
                TeacherID = table4.TeacherID

            var ID = Pobrane.FirstOrDefault().ClassID;

            var Przedmioty = (from table1 in db.Teacher
                              join table2 in db.User
                              on table1.UserID equals table2.UserID
                              where table1.ClassID == ID

                              select new Grades
                Imie2 = table2.Imie,
                Nazwisko2 = table2.Nazwisko,
                przedmiot2 = table1.Przedmiot

            ViewBag.Przedmioty = Przedmioty;

            return(View("Student_Grades", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", Pobrane));
        public JsonResult DeleteEvent(int eventID)
            var status = false;

            using (SzkolaEntities School = new SzkolaEntities())
                var v = School.Events.Where(a => a.EventID == eventID).FirstOrDefault();
                if (v != null)
                    status = true;
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = new { status = status }
        public ActionResult New()
            SzkolaEntities db      = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades  = new Grades();
            int            ID      = 4;
            var            Zmienna = (from table0 in db.User
                                      join table1 in db.Teacher on table0.UserID equals table1.UserID
                                      join table2 in db.School_Class on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                                      table0.UserID == ID
                                      select new Grades
                ClassID = table2.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table2.Nazwa

        public ActionResult Personal_Data()
            SzkolaEntities db = new SzkolaEntities();
            //var dane = (from table in db.Personal_Data
            //               join table2 in db.User on table.UserID equals table2.UserID
            //               where
            //               ID == table2.UserID
            //               select new Personal_Data
            //               {
            //                   Imie = table2.Imie,
            //                   Nazwisko = table2.Nazwisko,
            //                   Rodzaj = table2.Rodzaj,
            //                   Pesel = table.Pesel,
            //                   Telefon = table.Telefon,
            //                   Miasto = table.Miasto,
            //                   Adres = table.Adres,
            //                   Data_Urodzenia = table.Data_Urodzenia,
            //                   Email = table.Email
            //               }).ToList();

            List <Personal_Data> UserData = db.Personal_Data.ToList();
            Data Data = new Data();

            List <Data> UserDataList = UserData.Where(emp => emp.UserID == ID).Select(x => new Data
                Imie           = x.User.Imie,
                Nazwisko       = x.User.Nazwisko,
                Pesel          = x.Pesel,
                Miasto         = x.Miasto,
                Adres          = x.Adres,
                Email          = x.Email,
                Data_Urodzenia = x.Data_Urodzenia,
                Telefon        = x.Telefon,
                Rodzaj         = x.User.Rodzaj

            return(View("~/Views/Personal_Data/Personal_Data.cshtml", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", UserDataList));
        public ActionResult Grades()
            int             User;
            LoginController Log = new LoginController();

            Log.wyciaganie_ID(out User);

            if (TempData.ContainsKey("Informacja"))
                ViewBag.Informacja = TempData["Informacja"];
            else if (TempData.ContainsKey("Brak_Danych"))
                ViewBag.Informacja = TempData["Brak_Danych"];
            else if ((TempData.ContainsKey("Brak_Danych")) && TempData.ContainsKey("Informacja"))
                ViewBag.Informacja = TempData["Informacja"];

            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Zmienna = (from table1 in db.Teacher
                           join table2 in db.School_Class on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                           User == table1.UserID
                           select new Grades {
                ClassID = table2.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table2.Nazwa,
                TeacherID = table1.TeacherID,
                Przedmiot = table1.Przedmiot

            return(View("~/Views/Teacher/Grades.cshtml", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", Zmienna));
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Klasy = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                         select new Grades
                ClassID = table1.ClassID,
                Nazwa_Klasy = table1.Nazwa

            ViewBag.Klasy = Klasy;

            var Oceny = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                         join table2 in db.Student on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                         join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                         join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                         select new Grades
                Nazwa_Klasy = table1.Nazwa,
                ClassID = table1.ClassID,
                Ocena = table3.Ocena,
                Przedmiot = table4.Przedmiot

            var Zmienna_Klasy = Klasy.ToList();

            List <double> Ls_Matematyka = new List <double>();
            List <double> Ls_Angielski  = new List <double>();

            int count = 0;

            for (var i = 1; i < Zmienna_Klasy.Count + 1; i++)
                var Klasa = Oceny.Where(xx => xx.ClassID == i);


                foreach (var item in Klasa.Select(xx => xx.Przedmiot).Distinct())
                    double suma  = 0;
                    int    ilosc = 0;
                    double wynik = 0;

                    if (item.Trim() == "Matematyka")
                        foreach (var item2 in Klasa.Where(xx => xx.Przedmiot.Trim() == "Matematyka"))
                            suma  = item2.Ocena + suma;
                            ilosc = ilosc + 1;
                        wynik = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                    else if (item.Trim() == "Język Angielski")
                        foreach (var item2 in Klasa.Where(xx => xx.Przedmiot.Trim() == "Język Angielski"))
                            suma  = item2.Ocena + suma;
                            ilosc = ilosc + 1;
                        wynik = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                var wynik2 = 0;

                if (Ls_Matematyka.Count != count)

                if (Ls_Angielski.Count != count)

            ViewBag.Lista  = Ls_Matematyka;
            ViewBag.Lista2 = Ls_Angielski;

            List <string> Ls_Matma = new List <string>();

            foreach (var test in ViewBag.Lista)
                var test2 = test.ToString().Replace(",", ".");

            var Matma = string.Join(",", Ls_Matma);

            ViewBag.Matma = Matma;

            List <string> Ls_Ang = new List <string>();

            foreach (var test in ViewBag.Lista2)
                var test2 = test.ToString().Replace(",", ".");

            var Ang = string.Join(",", Ls_Ang);

            ViewBag.Ang = Ang;

        public ActionResult Rank_View()
            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            Grades         Grades = new Grades();

            var Ranking = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                           join table2 in db.Student on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                           join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                           join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                           join table5 in db.User on table2.UserID equals table5.UserID
                           group new { table5, table3, table1 } by new { table5.Imie, table5.Nazwisko, table1.Nazwa }
                           into grp
                           orderby grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena) descending
                           select new Grades
                Imie = grp.Key.Imie,
                Nazwisko = grp.Key.Nazwisko,
                Ocena = Math.Round(grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena), 2),
                Nazwa_Klasy = grp.Key.Nazwa

            ViewBag.Ranking = Ranking;

            List <string> Przedmioty = new List <string>(new string[] { "Matematyka", "Język Polski", "Język Angielski", "Chemia" });

            foreach (var Przedmiot in Przedmioty)
                var SmallRanking = (from table1 in db.School_Class
                                    join table2 in db.Student on table1.ClassID equals table2.ClassID
                                    join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                                    join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                                    join table5 in db.User on table2.UserID equals table5.UserID
                                    where table4.Przedmiot.Trim() == Przedmiot
                                    group new { table5, table3, table1 } by new { table5.Imie, table5.Nazwisko, table1.Nazwa }
                                    into grp
                                    orderby grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena) descending
                                    select new Grades
                    Imie = grp.Key.Imie,
                    Nazwisko = grp.Key.Nazwisko,
                    Ocena = Math.Round(grp.Average(x => x.table3.Ocena), 2),
                    Nazwa_Klasy = grp.Key.Nazwa

                if (Przedmiot == "Matematyka")
                    ViewBag.Matematyka = SmallRanking;
                else if (Przedmiot == "Język Polski")
                    ViewBag.Polski = SmallRanking;
                else if (Przedmiot == "Język Angielski")
                    ViewBag.Angielski = SmallRanking;
                else if (Przedmiot == "Chemia")
                    ViewBag.Chemia = SmallRanking;

            return(View("~/Views/Teacher/Rank_View.cshtml", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml"));
        public ActionResult Grades_View_II()
            //string ClassID = fc["ClassID"];
            //int ID_Class = Convert.ToInt32(ClassID);
            int ID_Class = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClassID"]);

            var Przedmiot = "Matematyka";

            if (TempData.ContainsKey("Przedmiot"))
                Przedmiot = TempData["Przedmiot"].ToString().Trim();
                ///*TempData*/["Pusto"] = "Matematyka";
                Przedmiot = "Matematyka";

            SzkolaEntities db     = new SzkolaEntities();
            School_Grades  Grades = new School_Grades();

            Data Dane = new Data();

            var Zaciaganie = (from table1 in db.User
                              join table2 in db.Student on table1.UserID equals table2.UserID
                              table2.ClassID == ID_Class
                              select new Data
                Imie = table1.Imie,
                Nazwisko = table1.Nazwisko,
                StudentID = table2.StudentID

            DataGradesModel DGM = new DataGradesModel();

            ViewBag.Zaciaganie = Zaciaganie;

            var Pobrane = (from table2 in db.Student
                           join table3 in db.School_Grades on table2.StudentID equals table3.StudentID
                           join table4 in db.Teacher on table3.TeacherID equals table4.TeacherID
                           table2.ClassID == ID_Class &&
                           table4.Przedmiot == Przedmiot

                           select new Grades
                Przedmiot = table4.Przedmiot,
                Ocena = table3.Ocena,
                Uwagi = table3.Uwagi,
                StudentID2 = table2.StudentID,
                Data = table3.Data

            ViewBag.Pobrane = Pobrane;

            double suma  = 0;
            int    ilosc = 0;
            double wynik;

            foreach (var item in Pobrane)
                suma  = suma + item.Ocena;
                ilosc = ilosc + 1;
            if (ilosc == 0)
                ViewBag.Wynik50 = "Brak Ocen";
                wynik           = Math.Round(suma / ilosc, 2);
                ViewBag.Wynik50 = " Średnia całej klasy wynosi: " + wynik;

            var Przedmioty = (from table1 in db.Teacher
                              select new Grades
                przedmiot2 = table1.Przedmiot

            ViewBag.Przedmioty = Przedmioty;

            return(View("~/Views/Teacher/Grades_View_II.cshtml", "~/Views/Main_Layout.cshtml", Pobrane));