Beispiel #1
        [HttpGet] // Контроллер для отправки входных параметров :)
        public string[] Get()
            string[] result = null;

            string token = Request.Headers["Authorization"];
            int    id    = new SecurityMethods().ParseToken(token);

            if (id < 0)
                result = DpDataBase.Inputs.Where(p => p.Id == 1).Select(x => x.NAME).ToArray();
                result = DpDataBase.Inputs.Where(p => p.UserId == id || p.Id == 1).Select(x => x.NAME).ToArray();

            if (result.Length == 0)
                string sw = new System.IO.StreamReader("log.txt", true).ReadToEnd();
                var    dt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DPInputData>(sw.ToString());
                dt.NAME   = "Ознакомительный вариант расчета";
                dt.UserId = 0;

                return(DpDataBase.Inputs.Where(p => p.Id == 1).Select(x => x.NAME).ToArray());

Beispiel #2
        public string Sendmsg(string msg, string mobno)
            string          UserName   = "******";
            string          Password   = "******";
            string          senderid   = "OMHRDA";
            string          http       = "";
            string          parameters = "user="******"&password="******"&mobilenumber=" + mobno + "&message=" + msg + "&sid=" + senderid + "&mtype=n";
            HttpWebRequest  request    = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(http + parameters);
            HttpWebResponse response   = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

            System.IO.StreamReader respStreamReader = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream());
Beispiel #3
        internal string PostJson(string sql)
            string _url = "";
            string jsonParam = sql;
            var    request   = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create(_url);

            request.Method      = "POST";
            request.ContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8";
            byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonParam);
            int    length   = byteData.Length;

            request.ContentLength = length;
            System.IO.Stream writer = request.GetRequestStream();
            writer.Write(byteData, 0, length);
            var response       = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
            var responseString = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")).ReadToEnd();

 public static void Main(string[] args)
     string sw = new System.IO.StreamReader("log.txt", true).ReadToEnd();
     var    dt = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DPInputData>(sw.ToString());
Beispiel #5
        public ActionResult Inquire()
            String  data   = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
            JObject result = JObject.Parse(data);


            string customer_msg    = result["inboundSMSMessageList"]["inboundSMSMessage"][0]["message"].ToString();
            string customer_number = result["inboundSMSMessageList"]["inboundSMSMessage"][0]["senderAddress"].ToString();

            // convert globe api format tel:+639 to 09
            string mobile_number = "0" + customer_number.Substring(7);

            Trace.TraceInformation(customer_msg + " from " + mobile_number);

            var pm = db.MobileNumbers.Include("Client").FirstOrDefault(m => m.MobileNo == mobile_number);

            Trace.TraceInformation("Processing msg, Token: " + pm.Token);

            if (pm != null && pm.IsDisabled == false)
                 * var record_msg = new Message();
                 * record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 * record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 * record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 * db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 * db.SaveChanges();

                bool     match = false;
                string[] msg   = customer_msg.ToLower().Split(' ');


                if (msg[0] == "hi" || msg[0] == "hello")
                        // use sms function
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, "Hello " + pm.Client.getFullName() + ".");
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    match = true;

                #region learn more
                if ((msg[0] == "learn" && msg[1] == "more") || msg[0] == "tulong" || msg[0] == "saklolo")
                        // use sms function
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, "List of sms keywords: 'hello' - System will send an sms with your first name. 'inquire <message>' - Ask a specific question that a Social Worker can respond to. 'application status' - Get Status of Pending Applications");
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    match = true;
                    #region record msg
                    var record_msg = new Message();
                    record_msg.Body           = customer_msg;
                    record_msg.DateCreated    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                    record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;


                #region application status
                if ((msg[0] == "application" && msg[1] == "status") || msg[0] == "application")
                    StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("Hello " + pm.Client.GivenName + ". ");

                    #region senior citizen
                    if (pm.Client.SeniorCitizen != null)
                        string scStatus = pm.Client.SeniorCitizen.Status;

                        if (scStatus == "Pending")
                            to_send.Append("Your Senior Citizen Application is" + scStatus + ".");

                        if (scStatus == "For Home Visit")
                            if (pm.Client.SeniorCitizen.InterviewDate == null)
                                to_send.Append("Your Senior Citizen Application is" + scStatus + ", home visit date is not yet set.");
                                to_send.Append("Your Senior Citizen Application is" + scStatus + " and your home visit date is on " + pm.Client.SeniorCitizen.InterviewDate + ".");

                        if (scStatus == "Approved")
                            if (pm.Client.SeniorCitizen.ReleaseDate == null)
                                to_send.Append("Your Senior Citizen Application is" + scStatus + ", release date is not yet set.");
                                to_send.Append("Your Senior Citizen Application is" + scStatus + " and your IDs will be released and can be claimed starting " + pm.Client.SeniorCitizen.ReleaseDate + ".");

                        if (scStatus == "Rejected")
                            to_send.Append("Your Senior Citizen Application is" + scStatus + ". Please inquire at MSWD to verify.");

                    #region pwd
                    if (pm.Client.Pwd != null)
                        string pwdStatus = pm.Client.Pwd.Status;

                        if (pwdStatus == "Pending")
                            to_send.Append("Your PWD Application is" + pwdStatus + ".");

                        if (pwdStatus == "For Home Visit")
                            if (pm.Client.SoloParent.InterviewDate == null)
                                to_send.Append("Your PWD Application is" + pwdStatus + ", interview date is not yet set.");
                                to_send.Append("Your PWD Application is" + pwdStatus + " and your interview date is on " + pm.Client.Pwd.InterviewDate + ".");

                        if (pwdStatus == "Approved")
                            if (pm.Client.SoloParent.ReleaseDate == null)
                                to_send.Append("Your PWD Application is" + pwdStatus + ", release date is not yet set.");
                                to_send.Append("Your PWD Application is" + pwdStatus + " and your IDs will be released and can be claimed starting " + pm.Client.Pwd.ReleaseDate + ".");

                        if (pwdStatus == "Rejected")
                            to_send.Append("Your PWD Application is" + pwdStatus + ". Please inquire at MSWD to verify.");

                    #region solo parent
                    if (pm.Client.SoloParent != null)
                        string spStatus = pm.Client.SoloParent.Status;

                        if (spStatus == "Pending")
                            to_send.Append("Your Solo Parent Application is" + spStatus + ".");

                        if (spStatus == "For Home Visit")
                            if (pm.Client.SoloParent.InterviewDate == null)
                                to_send.Append("Your Solo Parent Application is" + spStatus + ", home visit date is not yet set.");
                                to_send.Append("Your Solo Parent Application is" + spStatus + " and your home visit date is on " + pm.Client.SoloParent.InterviewDate + ".");

                        if (spStatus == "Approved")
                            if (pm.Client.SoloParent.ReleaseDate == null)
                                to_send.Append("Your Solo Parent Application is" + spStatus + ", release date is not yet set.");
                                to_send.Append("Your Solo Parent Application is" + spStatus + " and your IDs will be released and can be claimed starting " + pm.Client.SoloParent.ReleaseDate + ".");

                        if (spStatus == "Rejected")
                            to_send.Append("Your Solo Parent Application is" + spStatus + ". Please inquire at MSWD to verify.");

                    if (pm.Client.SoloParent == null && pm.Client.Pwd == null && pm.Client.SeniorCitizen == null)

                    SendSMS(mobile_number, to_send.ToString());

                    #region record msg
                    var record_msg = new Message();
                    record_msg.Body           = customer_msg;
                    record_msg.DateCreated    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                    record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;


                    match = true;

                #region inquire question
                if (msg[0] == "inquire" && msg[1] == "question")
                    string inquiry = string.Join(" ", msg.Skip(2));

                    #region record msg
                    Message record_msg = new Message();
                    record_msg.Body           = customer_msg;
                    record_msg.DateCreated    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                    record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;


                    Inquiry i = new Inquiry();
                    i.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                    i.ClientId    = pm.ClientId;
                    i.Status      = "Pending";
                    i.Category    = "Question";
                    i.MessageId   = record_msg.MessageId;
                    i.Content     = inquiry;


                        // use sms function
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, "Hello, " + pm.Client.GivenName + " your inquiry has been recorded. Please wait for an update.");
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    match = true;

                #region inquire requirement
                if (msg[0] == "inquire" && msg[1] == "requirement")
                    string inquiry = string.Join(" ", msg.Skip(2));

                    #region record msg
                    Message record_msg = new Message();
                    record_msg.Body           = customer_msg;
                    record_msg.DateCreated    = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                    record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;


                    Inquiry i = new Inquiry();
                    i.DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                    i.Status      = "Pending";
                    i.ClientId    = pm.ClientId;
                    i.Category    = "Requirement";
                    i.MessageId   = record_msg.MessageId;
                    i.Content     = inquiry;


                        // use sms function
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, "Hello, " + pm.Client.GivenName + " your inquiry regarding Requirements has been recorded. Please wait for an update.");
                    catch (Exception ex)

                    match = true;

                #region msg ticket

                 * if (msg[0].All(char.IsDigit))
                 * {
                 *  int ticket_id = Convert.ToInt16(msg[0]);
                 *  if (ticket_id == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      return null;
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      Ticket ticket = db.Tickets.Include(t => t.Client).Include(t => t.Client.MobileNumbers).Include(t => t.Client.Household).FirstOrDefault(t => t.TicketId == ticket_id);
                 *      if (ticket == null)
                 *      {
                 *          SendSMS(mobile_number, "Sorry, the ticket ID you requested cannot be found.");
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          if (ticket.Client.Household.People.Any(m => m.MobileNumbers.Any(o => o.MobileNo == mobile_number)))
                 *          {
                 *              string comment = string.Join(" ", msg.Skip(1));
                 *              TicketComment tc = new TicketComment();
                 *              tc.Body = comment;
                 *              tc.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *              tc.CreatedBy = pm.Client.getFullName();
                 *              tc.CreatedByType = "client";
                 *              tc.CreatedByUsername = pm.ClientId.ToString();
                 *              tc.TicketId = ticket.TicketId;
                 *              db.TicketComments.Add(tc);
                 *              try
                 *              {
                 *                  db.SaveChanges();
                 *              }
                 *              catch (Exception ex)
                 *              {
                 *                  Trace.TraceInformation("Failed to add comment to Ticket ID " + ticket.TicketId + " from " + mobile_number + " with error; " + ex.Message);
                 *                  return null;
                 *              }
                 *              SendSMS(mobile_number, "Message to Ticket ID " + ticket.TicketId + " has been created.");
                 #region record msg
                 *              var record_msg = new Message();
                 *              record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *              record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *              record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *              db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *              db.SaveChanges();
                 *              //signalr notification
                 *              var signalr = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<FeedHub>();
                 *              signalr.Clients.Group(pm.Client.Household.City.Name).grpmsg(pm.Client.GivenName + ": " + customer_msg);
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region create ticket

                 * if (msg[0] == "ticket" && msg[1] == "create")
                 * {
                 *  if (msg[2] == "payment" || msg[2] == "complianceverification" || msg[2] == "others")
                 *  {
                 *      string c_received = "";
                 *      if (msg[2] == "complianceverification")
                 *      {
                 *          c_received = "compliance verification";
                 *      }
                 *      else
                 *      {
                 *          c_received = msg[2].ToLower();
                 *      }
                 *      Ticket t = new Ticket();
                 *      t.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      t.CategoryId = db.Categories.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name.ToLower() == c_received).CategoryId;
                 *      t.CreatedAtOffice = false;
                 *      t.IdAttached = null;
                 *      t.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      t.ClientId = pm.ClientId;
                 *      t.StatusId = db.Statuses.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "Waiting for Verification").StatusId;
                 *      db.Tickets.Add(t);
                 *      try
                 *      {
                 *          db.SaveChanges();
                 *      }
                 *      catch (Exception ex)
                 *      {
                 *          Trace.TraceInformation("Failed to create ticket from " + mobile_number + " with error; " + ex.Message);
                 *          return null;
                 *      }
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Ticket ID " + t.TicketId + " with category; " + c_received + " has been created.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Sorry, these are the only categories supported; 'Payment', 'ComplianceVerification', 'Others'.");
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region ticket <ID>

                 * if (msg[0] == "ticket")
                 * {
                 *  int s = Convert.ToInt16(msg[1]);
                 *  Ticket ticket = db.Tickets.Include(t => t.Category).Include(t => t.Client).Include(t => t.Status).FirstOrDefault(t => t.TicketId == s);
                 *  if (ticket == null)
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "This ticket doesn't exist.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Ticket ID " + ticket.TicketId + ", status: " + ticket.Status.Name + ", category: " + ticket.Category.Name + ", and comment: " + ticket.Comment + ticket.ActionAdvised + ".");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region tickets

                 * if (msg[0] == "tickets")
                 * {
                 *  int[] household_members = db.Clients.Where(p => p.HouseholdId == pm.Client.HouseholdId).Select(e => e.ClientId).ToArray();
                 *  var tickets = db.Tickets.Include("Category").Include("Status").Where(t => household_members.Contains(t.ClientId));
                 *  StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ", has ");
                 *  if (tickets == null)
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ", doesn't have any tickets.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      var unresolved = tickets.Where(w => w.Status.Name != "Resolved");
                 *      var resolved = tickets.Where(w => w.Status.Name == "Resolved");
                 *      if (resolved.Count() != 0 && unresolved.Count() != 0)
                 *      {
                 *          to_send.Append(resolved.Count() + "resolved tickets and the following unresolved; ");
                 *          foreach (var x in unresolved)
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(x.Category.Name + " Ticket w/ ID " + x.TicketId + " - " + x.Status.Name + ".");
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      if (unresolved.Count() != 0 && resolved.Count() == 0)
                 *      {
                 *          to_send.Append("the following unresolved tickets; ");
                 *          foreach (var x in unresolved)
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(x.Category.Name + " Ticket w/ ID " + x.TicketId + " - " + x.Status.Name + ".");
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      if (unresolved.Count() == 0 && resolved.Count() != 0)
                 *      {
                 *          to_send.Append(resolved.Count() + " resolved tickets.");
                 *          to_send.Append(" Reply 'ticket <ID>' for more details.");
                 *      }
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, to_send.ToString());
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region health compliance

                 * if (msg[0] == "compliance-health")
                 * {
                 *  StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("Unresolved Health Compliance Issues: ");
                 *  int[] household_members = db.Clients.Where(p => p.HouseholdId == pm.Client.HouseholdId).Select(e => e.ClientId).ToArray();
                 *  var health_issues = db.HealthCheckupIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.ClientId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                 *  if (health_issues.Count == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ", doesn't have any health-related compliance issues.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      foreach (var x in health_issues)
                 *      {
                 *          to_send.Append("Issue ID " + x.HealthCheckupIssueId + "-" + x.Comment);
                 *          to_send.Append(" ");
                 *      }
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region school compliance

                 * if (msg[0] == "compliance-school")
                 * {
                 *  StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("");
                 *  int[] household_members = db.Clients.Where(p => p.HouseholdId == pm.Client.HouseholdId).Select(e => e.ClientId).ToArray();
                 *  var attendance_issues = db.AttendanceIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.ClientId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                 *  if (attendance_issues.Count == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ", doesn't have any school-related attendance issues.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      foreach (var x in attendance_issues)
                 *      {
                 *          to_send.Append("Issue ID " + x.AttendanceIssueId + "-" + x.Comment);
                 *          to_send.Append(" ");
                 *      }
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, to_send.ToString());
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region fds compliance

                 * if (msg[0] == "compliance-fds")
                 * {
                 *  StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("Unresolved FDS Issues: ");
                 *  int[] household_members = db.Clients.Where(p => p.HouseholdId == pm.Client.HouseholdId).Select(e => e.ClientId).ToArray();
                 *  var FDS_issues = db.FDSIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.ClientId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                 *  if (FDS_issues.Count == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ", doesn't have any Family development attendance issues.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      foreach (var x in FDS_issues)
                 *      {
                 *          to_send.Append("Issue ID " + x.FDSIssueId + "-" + x.Comment);
                 *          to_send.Append(" ");
                 *      }
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, to_send.ToString());
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region compliance

                 * if (msg[0] == "compliance")
                 * {
                 *  StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ", has ");
                 *  int[] household_members = db.Clients.Where(p => p.HouseholdId == pm.Client.HouseholdId).Select(e => e.ClientId).ToArray();
                 *  var attendance_issues = db.AttendanceIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.ClientId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                 *  var health_issues = db.HealthCheckupIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.ClientId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                 *  var FDS_issues = db.FDSIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.ClientId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                 *  if (attendance_issues.Count() == 0 && health_issues.Count() == 0 && FDS_issues.Count() == 0)
                 *  {
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your household, " + pm.Client.Household.Name + ",  is fully complying to 4P's conditions.");
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      if (attendance_issues.Count() > 0)
                 *      {
                 *          if (attendance_issues.Count() == 1)
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(attendance_issues.Count() + " attendance issue");
                 *          }
                 *          else
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(attendance_issues.Count() + " attendance issues");
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      if (health_issues.Count() > 0)
                 *      {
                 *          if (attendance_issues.Count() > 0)
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(", ");
                 *          }
                 *          if (health_issues.Count() == 1)
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(health_issues.Count() + " medical issue");
                 *          }
                 *          else
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(health_issues.Count() + " medical issues");
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      if (FDS_issues.Count() > 0)
                 *      {
                 *          if (health_issues.Count() > 0 || (health_issues.Count() == 0 && attendance_issues.Count() > 0))
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(", ");
                 *          }
                 *          if (FDS_issues.Count() == 1)
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(FDS_issues.Count() + " FDS issue");
                 *          }
                 *          else
                 *          {
                 *              to_send.Append(FDS_issues.Count() + " FDS issues");
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      to_send.Append(". Reply 'compliance-health' or 'compliance-school' or 'compliance-FDS' for more details.");
                 *      SendSMS(mobile_number, to_send.ToString());
                 #region record msg
                 *      var record_msg = new Message();
                 *      record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *      record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *      record_msg.MobileNumberId = pm.MobileNumberId;
                 *      db.Messages.Add(record_msg);
                 *      db.SaveChanges();
                 *  }
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                #region ? create ticket

                 * if (msg[0] == "?")
                 * {
                 *  var rec_msg = new Message();
                 *  rec_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                 *  rec_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                 *  rec_msg.MobileNumberId = null;
                 *  db.Messages.Add(rec_msg);
                 *  db.SaveChangesAsync();
                 *  SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your message has been received. Please wait for a message or ticket as a response.");
                 *  // signalr notification
                 *  var signalr = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext<FeedHub>();
                 *  signalr.Clients.Group(pm.Client.Household.City.Name).grpmsg(pm.Client.GivenName + " - " + mobile_number + ": " + customer_msg);
                 *  match = true;
                 * }

                if (match == false)
                    SendSMS(mobile_number, "Invalid keyword. This is the list of sms keywords: 'hello' - System will send an sms with your first name. 'inquire <message>' - Ask a specific question that a Social Worker can respond to. 'application status' - Get Status of Pending Applications");
                //var record_msg = new Message();
                //record_msg.Body = customer_msg;
                //record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                //record_msg.MobileNumberId = null;


Beispiel #6
        public ActionResult Inquiry()
            String  data   = new System.IO.StreamReader(Request.InputStream).ReadToEnd();
            JObject result = JObject.Parse(data);


            string customer_msg    = result["inboundSMSMessageList"]["inboundSMSMessage"][0]["message"].ToString();
            string customer_number = result["inboundSMSMessageList"]["inboundSMSMessage"][0]["senderAddress"].ToString();

            // convert globe api format tel:+639 to 09
            string mobile_number = "0" + customer_number.Substring(7);

            Trace.TraceInformation(customer_msg + " from " + mobile_number);

            var pm = db.MobileNumbers.Include("Person").FirstOrDefault(m => m.MobileNo == mobile_number);

            var signalr = GlobalHost.ConnectionManager.GetHubContext <feedHub>();

            signalr.Clients.All.addmsg(mobile_number + " " + customer_msg);

            if (pm != null)
                var record_msg = new Message();
                record_msg.Body            = customer_msg;
                record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                record_msg.MobileNumberId  = pm.MobileNumberId;


                string[] msg = customer_msg.ToLower().Split(' ');


                if (msg[0] == "hi" || msg[0] == "hello")
                        // use sms function
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, "Hello " + pm.Person.getFullName() + ".");
                    catch (Exception ex)


                if (msg[0] == "compliance")
                    StringBuilder to_send = new StringBuilder("Your household has ");

                    int[] household_members = db.Persons.Where(p => p.HouseholdId == pm.Person.HouseholdId).Select(e => e.PersonId).ToArray();

                    var attendance_issues = db.AttendanceIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.PersonId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                    var health_issues     = db.HealthCheckupIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.PersonId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();
                    var FDS_issues        = db.FDSIssues.Where(a => household_members.Contains(a.PersonId) && a.IsResolved == false).ToList();

                    if (attendance_issues.Count() == 0 && health_issues.Count() == 0 && FDS_issues.Count() == 0)
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, "Your household is fully complying to 4P's conditions.");
                        if (attendance_issues.Count() > 0)
                            if (attendance_issues.Count() == 1)
                                to_send.Append(attendance_issues.Count() + " attendance issue");
                                to_send.Append(attendance_issues.Count() + " attendance issues");

                        if (health_issues.Count() > 0)
                            if (attendance_issues.Count() > 0)
                                to_send.Append(", ");

                            if (health_issues.Count() == 1)
                                to_send.Append(health_issues.Count() + " medical issue");
                                to_send.Append(health_issues.Count() + " medical issues");

                        if (FDS_issues.Count() > 0)
                            if (health_issues.Count() > 0 || (health_issues.Count() == 0 && attendance_issues.Count() > 0))
                                to_send.Append(", ");

                            if (FDS_issues.Count() == 1)
                                to_send.Append(FDS_issues.Count() + " FDS issue");
                                to_send.Append(FDS_issues.Count() + " FDS issues");

                        to_send.Append(". Reply 'compliance-health' or 'compliance-attendance' or 'compliance-FDS' for more details.");
                        SendSMS(mobile_number, to_send.ToString());
                var record_msg = new Message();
                record_msg.Body            = customer_msg;
                record_msg.DateTimeCreated = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(8);
                record_msg.MobileNumberId  = null;


            //return Content(result.ToString(), "application/json");
Beispiel #7
        public override void ProcessNotify()
            WxPayData notifyData = GetNotifyData();

            if (!notifyData.IsSet("transaction_id"))
                WxPayData res = new WxPayData();
                res.SetValue("return_code", "FAIL");
                res.SetValue("return_msg", "支付结果中微信订单号不存在");
                Log.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "The Pay result is error : " + res.ToXml());

            string transaction_id = notifyData.GetValue("transaction_id").ToString();
            string appid          = notifyData.GetValue("appid").ToString();
            string mchid          = notifyData.GetValue("mch_id").ToString();

            if (!QueryOrder(transaction_id, appid, mchid))
                WxPayData res = new WxPayData();
                res.SetValue("return_code", "FAIL");
                res.SetValue("return_msg", "订单查询失败");
                Log.Error(this.GetType().ToString(), "Order query failure : " + res.ToXml());
                /** ================out_trade_no 我们的订单号  cash_fee 支付金额分  transaction_id  微信支付单号 ========= */
                if (notifyData.GetValue("return_code").ToString() == "SUCCESS")
                    if (notifyData.GetValue("result_code").ToString() == "SUCCESS")
                        if (notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("C") > -1 || notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("c") > -1)
                            string tsql   = @"insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,'微信支付回调',@Mchid); ";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }
                            if (Status > 0)
                        else if (notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("K") > -1 || notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("k") > -1)
                            string tsql   = @"insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,'微信支付回调',@Mchid); ";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }
                            if (Status > 0)
                        else if (notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("D") > -1)
                            string tsql   = @"insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,'微信支付回调',@Mchid); update WeiXin..SupermarketOrder_Levi set OrderStatus=2,PayStatus=2,PayTime=getdate(),aliPayAmount=@AliPayAmount,tradeNo=@TradeNo  where  OrderId =@OrderNO;INSERT INTO  WeiXin..SupermarketOrderLog_Levi([OrderId],[Context],[LogType],[CreateUser],[CreateTime]) VALUES(@OrderNO,'订单状态流转为:已付款',1,'用户',GETDATE());";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }
                        else if (notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("P") > -1 || notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("p") > -1)
                            Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> dic_p = new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }

                            string tsql   = @"insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,'微信支付回调',@Mchid); ";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), dic_p);

                            if (Status > 0)
                                tsql = "update WeiXin..SaleProducts_Orders set OrderStatus=3, Remark=isnull(Remark,'')+@OperationRecord,IsPay=1,PayTime=getdate()  where  OrderNo=@OrderNO  and  IsPay=0 ";
                                int p_rows = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), dic_p);
                                if (p_rows > 0)
                        else if (notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("L") > -1)
                            string tsql   = @"insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,'微信支付回调',@Mchid); update WeiXin..T_OrderInfo set Status=9,payTime=getdate(),orderPayState=1,tradeNo=@TradeNo,aliPayAmount=@AliPayAmount,remark=isnull(remark,'')+@OperationRecord  where  orderCode=@OrderNO;";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }
                        else if (notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString().IndexOf("wx") > -1)
                            string attach = notifyData.GetValue("attach").ToString();
                            string tsql   = @"update WeiXin..wkn_quickpayment set PaymentStatus='已支付' where orderno=@OrderNO and WeiXinID=@WeiXinID;insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid,WeiXinID,Mhid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,@Channel,@Mchid,@WeiXinID,@Mhid);";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "WeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = attach.Split('|')[1].ToString().Trim()
                                  } },
                                { "Mhid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = attach.Split('|')[0].ToString().Trim()
                                  } },
                                { "Channel", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = (attach.Split('|')[2].ToString().Trim() == "0"?"收款支付回调":"押金支付回调")
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }

                            //异步发送微信收款成功通知 2017-10-11  16:54
                            System.Threading.Tasks.Task task = new System.Threading.Tasks.Task(() =>
                                    WxPayAPI.Log.Info("执行异步操作,异步发送微信收款成功通知", notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString());
                                    var request           = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest)System.Net.WebRequest.Create("");
                                    var postData          = "action=shoukuan&orderId=" + notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString() + "&weixinid=" + attach.Split('|')[1].ToString().Trim();
                                    var data              = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(postData);
                                    request.Method        = "POST";
                                    request.ContentType   = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
                                    request.ContentLength = data.Length;
                                    using (var stream = request.GetRequestStream()){ stream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }
                                    var response       = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
                                    var responseString = new System.IO.StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();
                                    string result      = responseString.ToString();
                                    WxPayAPI.Log.Info("执行异步操作,发送结果:", result);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    WxPayAPI.Log.Info("执行异步操作,bug:", notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString() + "|" + ex.Message.ToString());
                                finally {
                            string tsql   = @"insert into WeiXin..wkn_payrecords(OrderNO,TradeNo,UserWeiXinID,AliPayAmount,OperationRecord,Channel,Mchid) values(@OrderNO,@TradeNo,@UserWeiXinID,@AliPayAmount,@OperationRecord,'微信支付回调',@Mchid); update WeiXin..HotelOrder set Remark=isnull(Remark,'')+@OperationRecord,aliPayAmount=@AliPayAmount,aliPayTime=getdate(),tradeStatus='TRADE_FINISHED',state=24,tradeNo=@TradeNo  where  OrderNO=@OrderNO;";
                            int    Status = HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Run_SQL(tsql, HotelCloud.SqlServer.SQLHelper.Open_Conn(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sqlserver"].ConnectionString.ToString()), new Dictionary <string, HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam> {
                                { "OrderNO", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("out_trade_no").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "TradeNo", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = transaction_id
                                  } },
                                { "Mchid", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = mchid
                                  } },
                                { "UserWeiXinID", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "AliPayAmount", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString()
                                  } },
                                { "OperationRecord", new HotelCloud.SqlServer.DBParam {
                                      ParamValue = "[微信支付]:商户号" + mchid + "," + notifyData.GetValue("openid").ToString() + "于" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "支付" + notifyData.GetValue("cash_fee").ToString() + "分</br>"
                                  } }
                WxPayData res = new WxPayData();
                res.SetValue("return_code", "SUCCESS");
                res.SetValue("return_msg", "OK");
                Log.Info(this.GetType().ToString(), "order query success : " + res.ToXml());