/// <summary>
        ///     validate the <see cref = "EdmModel" /> from the root with the context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "validateRoot"> The root to validate from </param>
        /// <param name = "context"> The validation context </param>
        internal static void Validate(EdmModel validateRoot, EdmModelValidationContext context)
            // build up the rule set and the visitor
            var edmModelValidationRuleSet = EdmModelRuleSet.CreateEdmModelRuleSet(
                context.ValidationContextVersion, context.ValidateSyntax);

            var modelVisitor = new EdmModelValidationVisitor(context, edmModelValidationRuleSet);

        internal void Validate(EdmModel root)
            Contract.Assert(root != null, "root cannot be null");

            ModelParentMap = new EdmModelParentMap(root);

            ValidationContextVersion = root.Version;

            EdmModelValidator.Validate(root, this);
 internal void Visit(EdmModel model)