public override System.ComponentModel.License GetLicense(System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext context, Type type, object instance, bool allowExceptions)
            if (context.UsageMode == System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode.Designtime)
                // Creating a special DesigntimeLicense will able you to design your
                // control without breaking Visual Studio in the process
                return(new DesigntimeLicense( ));

             *       byte[ ] existingSerialKey = getExistingSerial( );
             *       // Algorithm can be SHA1CryptoServiceProvider for instance
             *       byte[ ] data = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create( ).ComputeHash(
             *           username,
             *           dateRequested,
             *           validUntilDate,
             *           // any other data you would like to validate
             *       );
             *       // todo: also check if licensing period is over here. ;-)
             *       for( int i = 0; i < existingSerialKey.Length; ++i )
             *       {
             *          if( existingSerialKey[ i ] != data[ i ] )
             *          {
             *             if( allowExceptions )
             *             {
             *                throw new LicenseException( type, instance, "License is invalid" );
             *             }
             *             return null;
             *          }
             *       }
            // RuntimeLicense can be anything inheriting from License
            return(new RuntimeLicense( ));
Beispiel #2
        public static bool _GetLicense_System_ComponentModel_LicFileLicenseProvider_System_ComponentModel_LicenseContext_System_Type_System_Object_System_Boolean( )
            System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext context = null;
            System.Type    type            = null;
            System.Object  instance        = null;
            System.Boolean allowExceptions = null;

            System.ComponentModel.License returnVal_Real        = null;
            System.ComponentModel.License returnVal_Intercepted = null;

            Exception exception_Real        = null;
            Exception exception_Intercepted = null;

            InterceptionMaintenance.disableInterception( );

                returnValue_Real = System.ComponentModel.LicFileLicenseProvider.GetLicense(context, type, instance, allowExceptions);

            catch (Exception e)
                exception_Real = e;

            InterceptionMaintenance.enableInterception( );

                returnValue_Intercepted = System.ComponentModel.LicFileLicenseProvider.GetLicense(context, type, instance, allowExceptions);

            catch (Exception e)
                exception_Intercepted = e;

            Return((exception_Real.Messsage == exception_Intercepted.Message) && (returnValue_Real == returnValue_Intercepted));
        public static bool _CreateWithContext_System_Type_System_ComponentModel_LicenseContext( )
            System.Type type = null;
            System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext creationContext = null;

            System.Object returnVal_Real        = null;
            System.Object returnVal_Intercepted = null;

            Exception exception_Real        = null;
            Exception exception_Intercepted = null;

            InterceptionMaintenance.disableInterception( );

                returnValue_Real = System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.CreateWithContext(type, creationContext);

            catch (Exception e)
                exception_Real = e;

            InterceptionMaintenance.enableInterception( );

                returnValue_Intercepted = System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager.CreateWithContext(type, creationContext);

            catch (Exception e)
                exception_Intercepted = e;

            Return((exception_Real.Messsage == exception_Intercepted.Message) && (returnValue_Real == returnValue_Intercepted));