Beispiel #1
        //   private void SubscribeToTabEvents()
        //   {
        ///*       viewFileTab.FileChangedEvent += new View.FileTabView.FileChangeHandler(SetFileData);
        //       viewShapeTab.ShapeChangedEvent += new View.ShapeTabView.ShapeChangeHandler(SetShapeData);
        //       viewBlockTab.BlockChangedEvent += new View.BlockTabView.BlockChangeHandler(SetBlockData);
        //     //   viewBlockTab
        //   }

 *      private void SetFileData(object sender, FileChangeEventArgs fcea)
 *      {
 *          if (((App)Application.Current).controller != null) ((App)Application.Current).controller.UpdateFileData(fcea);
 *      }
 *      private void SetShapeData(object sender, ShapeChangeEventArgs scea)
 *      {
 *          if (((App)Application.Current).controller != null) ((App)Application.Current).controller.UpdateShapeData(scea);
 *      }
 *      private void SetBlockData(object sender, BlockChangeEventArgs bcea)
 *      {
 *          if (((App)Application.Current).controller != null) ((App)Application.Current).controller.UpdateBlockData(bcea);
 *      }
        private void MainClose(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            MessageBoxResult goodBye = MessageBox.Show("Do you intend on leaving? ", "exit app", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question, MessageBoxResult.Yes, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly);

            if (goodBye != MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                e.Cancel = true;
                //unsubscribe to tabs

                /*        if (((App)Application.Current).controller != null) ((App)Application.Current).controller.UnSubscribeFromOthers();
                 *      viewFileTab.FileChangedEvent -= new View.FileTabView.FileChangeHandler(SetFileData);
                 *      viewShapeTab.ShapeChangedEvent -= new View.ShapeTabView.ShapeChangeHandler(SetShapeData);
                 *      viewBlockTab.BlockChangedEvent -= new View.BlockTabView.BlockChangeHandler(SetBlockData);
        private void GameForm_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
            catch (Exception saveException)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error saving the screen layout. " +
                                                     "A file has been saved containing error information.  You can help solve this problem " +
                                                     "by posting the error contained in this file on the FlatRedBall forums.  The file can be " +
                                                     "found in My Documents");

                StringBuilder errorInformation = new StringBuilder();

                errorInformation.AppendLine("Error saving window layout.  Error information: ");

                errorInformation.AppendLine("The following windows are contained in the GuiManager");

                foreach (Window w in GuiManager.Windows)
                    errorInformation.AppendLine(w.GetType() + " " + w.Name + " " + w.ToString());

                                     FileManager.MyDocuments + "WindowLayoutError.txt");

            OkCancelWindow toExit = GuiManager.AddOkCancelWindow();

            toExit.Message  = "Any unsaved changes will be lost. Are you sure you want to exit?";
            toExit.ScaleX   = 9.4f;
            toExit.ScaleY   = 7;
            toExit.OkClick += new GuiMessage(ExitMessage);
            InputManager.ReceivingInput = toExit;

            e.Cancel = true;