/// <summary>
        /// Public method responsible for calling the payment gateway
        /// Calls private method CallGateway to perform the actual transaction processing
        /// </summary>
        public void Process()
            // load the correct payment gateway based on appconfig settings
            // a failure here probably means that they entered an invalid appconfig, which exception logging will pick up automatically
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GatewayToUseBackup) &&
                GatewayToUseBackup != Gateway.ro_GWBRAINTREE &&
                GatewayToUsePrimary != Gateway.ro_GWBRAINTREE &&
                GatewayToUseBackup != Gateway.ro_GWSAGEPAYPI &&
                GatewayToUsePrimary != Gateway.ro_GWSAGEPAYPI)
                m_gatewayUsed = GatewayToUsePrimary;
                var retryPrimary  = AppLogic.AppConfigUSInt("PaymentGateway.PrimaryRetries");
                var retryBackup   = AppLogic.AppConfigUSInt("PaymentGateway.BackupRetries");
                var attemptBackup = true;

                // attempt the primary gateway first
                for (int i = 1; i <= retryPrimary; i++)
                        // call the payment gateway
                        m_status = CallGateway(GatewayToUsePrimary);

                        // If there is no exception, we've contacted the gateway and received a valid response
                        // Just because we received a valid response does not mean the transaction was authorized!
                        attemptBackup = false;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // calling the payment gateway failed.  Log any information we can.
                        SysLog.LogMessage(GenerateLogMessage(GatewayToUseBackup), SysLog.FormatExceptionForLog(ex), MessageTypeEnum.Informational, MessageSeverityEnum.Alert);
                        m_status = "ERROR CALLING PAYMENT GATEWAY";

                if (attemptBackup)                //we never received a response from the primary gateway
                    for (int i = 1; i <= retryBackup; i++)
                            //call the payment gateway
                            m_status = CallGateway(GatewayToUseBackup);

                            // If there is no exception, we've contacted the gateway and received a valid response
                            // Just because we received a valid response does not mean the transaction was authorized!
                            attemptBackup = false;
                            m_gatewayUsed = GatewayToUseBackup;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // calling the payment gateway failed.  Log any information we can.
                            SysLog.LogMessage(GenerateLogMessage(GatewayToUsePrimary), SysLog.FormatExceptionForLog(ex), MessageTypeEnum.Informational, MessageSeverityEnum.Alert);
                            m_status = "ERROR CALLING PAYMENT GATEWAY";
            else              // only a single payment gateway configured.  Bypass backup gateway logic
                    m_status      = CallGateway(GatewayToUsePrimary);
                    m_gatewayUsed = GatewayToUsePrimary;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    SysLog.LogMessage(GenerateLogMessage(GatewayToUsePrimary), SysLog.FormatExceptionForLog(ex), MessageTypeEnum.Informational, MessageSeverityEnum.Alert);
                    m_status = "ERROR CALLING PAYMENT GATEWAY";