private VirtualTreePoint GetBodyStartPoint(SourceText text, SyntaxToken openBrace, SyntaxToken closeBrace, int memberStartColumn)
                Debug.Assert(memberStartColumn >= 0);

                var openBraceLine = text.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(openBrace.SpanStart);
                var closeBraceLine = text.Lines.GetLineFromPosition(closeBrace.SpanStart);

                var tokenAfterOpenBrace = openBrace.GetNextToken();
                var nextPosition = tokenAfterOpenBrace.SpanStart;

                // We need to check if there is any significant trivia trailing this token or leading
                // to the next token. This accounts for the fact that comments were included in the token
                // stream in Dev10.
                var significantTrivia = openBrace.GetAllTrailingTrivia()
                                                 .Where(t => !t.MatchesKind(SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia, SyntaxKind.EndOfLineTrivia))

                if (significantTrivia.Kind() != SyntaxKind.None)
                    nextPosition = significantTrivia.SpanStart;

                // If the opening and closing curlies are at least two lines apart then place the cursor
                // on the next line provided that there isn't any token on the line with the open curly.
                if (openBraceLine.LineNumber + 1 < closeBraceLine.LineNumber &&
                    openBraceLine.LineNumber < text.Lines.IndexOf(tokenAfterOpenBrace.SpanStart))
                    var lineAfterOpenBrace = text.Lines[openBraceLine.LineNumber + 1];
                    var firstNonWhitespaceOffset = lineAfterOpenBrace.GetFirstNonWhitespaceOffset() ?? -1;

                    // If the line contains any text, we return the start of the first non-whitespace character.
                    if (firstNonWhitespaceOffset >= 0)
                        return new VirtualTreePoint(openBrace.SyntaxTree, text, lineAfterOpenBrace.Start + firstNonWhitespaceOffset);

                    // If the line is all whitespace then place the caret at the first indent after the start
                    // of the member.
                    var indentSize = GetTabSize(text);
                    var lineText = lineAfterOpenBrace.ToString();

                    var lineEndColumn = lineText.GetColumnFromLineOffset(lineText.Length, indentSize);
                    int indentColumn = memberStartColumn + indentSize;
                    var virtualSpaces = indentColumn - lineEndColumn;

                    return new VirtualTreePoint(openBrace.SyntaxTree, text, lineAfterOpenBrace.End, virtualSpaces);
                    // If the body is empty then place it after the open brace; otherwise, place
                    // at the start of the first token after the open curly.
                    if (closeBrace.SpanStart == nextPosition)
                        return new VirtualTreePoint(openBrace.SyntaxTree, text, openBrace.Span.End);
                        return new VirtualTreePoint(openBrace.SyntaxTree, text, nextPosition);