/// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="gVal"></param>
        private void buildCase(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal)
            var dSource = "";

            if (gVal.Length == 3)
                dSource = gVal[0];
                if (this._tokens.Where(x => x.Kind == TokenKind.d && x.Value == dSource).ToList().Count == 0)
                    AddError(Source.Severity.Error, "Variable name " + dSource + " dosen't exist");

                string conditions = gVal[1];
                conditions = conditions.Replace(@"[", "").Replace(@"]", "");
                var items = split(@",", conditions).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < items.Length; i++)
                    var           citem = split(@":", items[i]);
                    List <string> c     = new List <string>();
                    buildCaseCondition(sq, c.ToArray(), 1, citem[1]);
                AddError(Source.Severity.Error, "Invalid case systax");
 private void buildPush(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal)
     if (gVal.Length == 2)
         //1. table
         //2. Field & value (fd:value);
         var tbName   = gVal[0];
         var tbfields = gVal[1].Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Split(',');
         for (int i = 0; i < tbfields.Length; i++)
             var tbfld = split(":", tbfields[i]).ToList();
             if (tbfld.Count == 2)
                 sq.AddTableField(tbName, tbfld[0], tbfld[1]);
                 //throw error
         // throw error;
 private void buildPut(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal)
     if (gVal.Length >= 2)
         //1. table
         //2. Field & value (fd:value);
         var tbName   = gVal[0];
         var tbfields = gVal[1].Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "").Split(',');
         //var condition = @",(?![^\(\[]*[\]\)])";
         for (int i = 0; i < tbfields.Length; i++)
             var tbfld = tbfields[i].Split(':').Where(s => s != string.Empty).ToList();
             var val   = tbfields[i].Split(':').Where(s => s != string.Empty);
             if (tbfld.Count >= 2)
                 sq.AddTableField(tbName, tbfld[0], tbfld[1]);
                 //throw error
         for (int i = 2; i < gVal.Length; i++)
             if (Scan(QueryDefination.andcondition, gVal[i]))
                 string[] str;
                 str = getValues(QueryDefination.andcondition, gVal[i]);
                 foreach (string s in str)
                     var tf = getValues(QueryDefination.andorconditionExtract, s);
                     buildAndorCondition(sq, tf, 1);
             else if (Scan(QueryDefination.orcondition, gVal[i]))
                 string[] str;
                 str = getValues(QueryDefination.orcondition, gVal[i]);
                 foreach (string s in str)
                     var tf = getValues(QueryDefination.andorconditionExtract, s);
                     buildAndorCondition(sq, tf, 1);
         // throw error;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sq"></param>
 /// <param name="gVal"></param>
 private void buildGetinto(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal)
     if (gVal.Length == 2)
         //1.get method variable name;
         //2.alias name of the table
         if (_tokens.Where(x => x.Catagory == TokenCatagory.Declaration && x.Value == "d:" + (gVal[0])).ToList().Count > 0)
             //throw error;
             sq.addGetInto(gVal[0], gVal[1]);
         //throw error
Beispiel #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="gVal"></param>
        private void buildSelect(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal)
            var tb  = "";
            var fld = "";

            string[] tf;
            for (int i = 0; i < gVal.Length; i++)
                tf = gVal[i].Split(':');
                if (tf.Length > 0 && tf.Length == 2)
                    tb  = tf[0];
                    fld = tf[1];
                    sq.AddTableField(tb, fld);
                    //write error here
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="gVal"></param>
        /// <param name="condition"></param>
        private void buildCaseCondition(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal, int condition, string caseValue)
            foreach (string s in gVal)
                var      ss = "";
                string[] items;
                ss    = s;
                items = splitWithSpace(ss).ToArray();
                var oper = WhereOperators.none;
                var fld  = "";
                var val  = "";
                //foreach (string it in items)
                if (items.Length == 1)
                    if (items[0].ToLower() == "else")
                        oper = WhereOperators.defaults;
                    sq.And("", fld, val, oper, caseValue);
                else if (items.Length == 3)
                    val  = items[2];
                    fld  = items[0];
                    oper = scanOperator(items[1]);
                    if (oper == WhereOperators.none)
                        //add error
                    sq.And("", fld, val, oper, caseValue);
                    AddError(Source.Severity.Error, "case structure invalid. please check your code");

                //  }
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="gVal"></param>
        private void buildfrom(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal)
            var tb    = "";
            var tbals = "";

            string[] tf;
            for (int i = 0; i < gVal.Length; i++)
                tf = gVal[i].Split(':');
                if (tf.Length > 0)
                    tb = tf[0];
                    if (tf.Length == 2)
                        tbals = tf[1];
                    sq.from.AddTable(tb, tbals);
                    //write error here
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool extractGetQuery(Syntax.SQuery sq, Token token)
            var gVal = "";

            string[] tf;
            if (token.Catagory == TokenCatagory.Query)
                if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Get)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.getdata, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.getdata, token.Value.Trim());
                        tf   = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray(); //split first level comma value only

                        gVal = tf[0].Replace("get(", "").Replace(")", "");

                        string[] s = Regex.Split(gVal, @"join");
                        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                            string item = s[i];

                            if (Scan(QueryDefination.getTableWithField, item)) // first find table field schema
                                buildSelect(sq, item);
                                //add error
                        bool isFirst = true;
                        foreach (string cd in tf)
                            if (isFirst == true)
                                isFirst = false;
                            if (Scan(QueryDefination.andcondition, cd))
                                string[] str;
                                str = getValues(QueryDefination.andcondition, cd);
                                foreach (string ss in str)
                                    var itm = getValues(QueryDefination.andorconditionExtract, ss);
                                    buildAndorCondition(sq, itm, 1);
                            if (Scan(QueryDefination.orcondition, cd))
                                var itm = getValues(QueryDefination.orcondition, cd);
                                buildAndorCondition(sq, itm, 2);

                    //if (Scan(QueryDefination.get, token.Value))
                    //    gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.get, token.Value);
                    //    gVal = gVal.Replace("get[", "").Replace("]", "");
                    //    tf = gVal.Split(',');
                    //    buildSelect(sq, tf);
                    //if (Scan(QueryDefination.from, token.Value))
                    //    gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.from, token.Value);
                    //    gVal = gVal.Replace("from[", "").Replace("]", "");
                    //    tf = gVal.Split(',');
                    //    buildfrom(sq, tf);
                    //    AddError(Source.Severity.Error, "From missing in 'get'", token.Span);
                    //if (Scan(QueryDefination.andcondition, token.Value))
                    //    string[] str;
                    //    str = getValues(QueryDefination.andcondition, token.Value);
                    //    foreach (string s in str)
                    //    {
                    //        tf = getValues(QueryDefination.andorconditionExtract, s);
                    //        buildAndorCondition(sq, tf, 1);
                    //    }
                    //if (Scan(QueryDefination.orcondition, token.Value))
                    //    tf = getValues(QueryDefination.orcondition, token.Value);
                    //    buildAndorCondition(sq, tf, 2);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.GetInto)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.getinto, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.getinto, token.Value);
                        //gVal = gVal.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                        tf = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray(); //split first level comma value only
                        buildGetinto(sq, tf);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Case)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.Case, token.Value))
                        tf = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", token.Value); // spit first level comma with square bracket
                        buildCase(sq, tf);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Push)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.push, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.push, token.Value);
                        tf   = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray(); //split first level comma value only
                        buildPush(sq, tf);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Put)
                    gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.push, token.Value);
                    tf   = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray();//split first level comma value only
                    buildPut(sq, tf);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="gVal"></param>
        /// <param name="condition">and-1, or-2</param>
        private void buildAndorCondition(Syntax.SQuery sq, string[] gVal, int condition)
            foreach (string s in gVal)
                var      ss = "";
                string[] items;
                ss    = s.Replace("(", "").ToString().Replace(")", "");
                items = Regex.Split(ss, @"\s+").Where(x => x != string.Empty).ToArray();
                var    oper     = WhereOperators.none;
                bool   isleft   = false;
                string lefttb   = "";
                string leftfld  = "";
                string righttb  = "";
                string rightfld = "";
                string val      = "";
                foreach (string it in items)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.getFields, it)) // check table field
                        var tf = split(":", it);
                        if (tf.Length == 2 && tf[0].ToLower() != "value")
                            if (isleft == false)
                                isleft = true;

                                lefttb = tf[0];
                                if (tf[1] != "")
                                    leftfld = tf[1];
                                    //throw exception
                                righttb = tf[0];
                                if (tf[1] != "")
                                    rightfld = tf[1];
                                    //throw exception
                        else if (tf[0].ToLower() == "value")
                            val = tf[1];
                            //throw exception
                        oper = scanOperator(it);
                        if (oper == WhereOperators.none)
                            //throw error unknow expression here
                if (condition == 1)
                    if (val != "")
                        sq.And(lefttb, leftfld, val, oper);
                        sq.And(lefttb, leftfld, righttb, rightfld, oper);
                    if (val != "")
                        sq.Or(lefttb, leftfld, val, oper);
                        sq.Or(lefttb, leftfld, righttb, rightfld, oper);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="gVal"></param>
        private void buildSelect(Syntax.SQuery sq, string item)
            var tb = "";

            string[] gVal = getValues(QueryDefination.getTableWithField, item);
            string[] tf;
            for (int i = 0; i < gVal.Length; i++) // only one record will come here
                string tName  = "";
                string tbAlis = "";
                if (Scan(QueryDefination.splitTableName, gVal[i]))   // check table name
                // index 0 tbname index 2 tbalias index 1- table field
                    string[] gv = split(QueryDefination.splitTableName, gVal[i]); // split table name with alias
                    if (gv.Length > 0)
                        tName = gv[0];
                        if (gv.Length == 3)
                            tbAlis = gv[2];
                        string   tbf  = gv[1].Replace("]", "").Replace("[", "");
                        string[] tbfs = tbf.Split(',');
                        foreach (string s in tbfs)
                            tf = s.Split(':');
                            var fld   = "";
                            var fldas = "";
                            if (tf.Length > 0)
                                fld = tf[0];
                                if (tf.Length == 2)
                                    fldas = tf[1];
                                    fldas = fld;
                                sq.AddTableField(tName, fld, fldas, tbAlis);
                                //write error here
                        //add error
                if (Scan(QueryDefination.getTableRelation, item))
                    string[] gv = getValues(QueryDefination.getTableRelation, item);
                    if (gv.Length > 0)
                        string relation = gv[0].ToString().Replace("with[", "").Replace("with [", "").Replace("with [ ", "").Replace("]", "");
                        buildRelation(sq, relation.ToString().Split(','), tName);
                        //add error
Beispiel #11
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq"></param>
        /// <param name="token"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool extractGetQuery(Syntax.SQuery sq, Token token)
            var gVal = "";

            string[] tf;
            if (token.Catagory == TokenCatagory.Query)
                if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Get)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.get, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.get, token.Value);
                        gVal = gVal.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                        tf   = gVal.Split(',');
                        buildSelect(sq, tf);
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.from, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.from, token.Value);
                        gVal = gVal.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                        tf   = gVal.Split(',');
                        buildfrom(sq, tf);
                        AddError(Source.Severity.Error, "From missing in 'get'", token.Span);
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.andcondition, token.Value))
                        string[] str;
                        str = getValues(QueryDefination.andcondition, token.Value);
                        foreach (string s in str)
                            tf = getValues(QueryDefination.andorconditionExtract, s);
                            buildAndorCondition(sq, tf, 1);
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.orcondition, token.Value))
                        tf = getValues(QueryDefination.orcondition, token.Value);
                        buildAndorCondition(sq, tf, 2);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.GetInto)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.getinto, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.getinto, token.Value);
                        //gVal = gVal.Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                        tf = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray(); //split first level comma value only
                        buildGetinto(sq, tf);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Case)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.Case, token.Value))
                        tf = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", token.Value); // spit first level comma with square bracket
                        buildCase(sq, tf);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Push)
                    if (Scan(QueryDefination.push, token.Value))
                        gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.push, token.Value);
                        tf   = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray(); //split first level comma value only
                        buildPush(sq, tf);
                else if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Put)
                    gVal = getValue(QueryDefination.push, token.Value);
                    tf   = split(@"(?![^)(]*\([^)(]*?\)\)),(?![^\[]*\])", gVal).ToArray();//split first level comma value only
                    buildPut(sq, tf);