Beispiel #1
        private async Task LoadChainFromNode(CancellationToken cancellation)
            Logs.Configuration.LogInformation($"{_Network.CryptoCode}: Loading chain from node...");
            var userAgent = "NBXplorer-" + RandomUtils.GetInt64();

            using (var node = Node.Connect(_Network.NBitcoinNetwork, GetEndpoint(), new NodeConnectionParameters()
                UserAgent = userAgent,
                ConnectCancellation = cancellation,
                IsRelay = false
                using (var cts = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellation))

                var loadChainTimeout = _Network.DefaultSettings.ChainType == ChainType.Regtest ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
                if (_Chain.Height < 5)
                    loadChainTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(7);                     // unlimited
                var synchronizeOptions = new SynchronizeChainOptions()
                    SkipPoWCheck = true,
                    StripHeaders = true

                    using (var cts1 = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellation))
                        node.SynchronizeChain(_Chain, synchronizeOptions, cancellationToken: cts1.Token);
                catch                 // Timeout happens with SynchronizeChain, if so, throw away the cached chain
                    node.SynchronizeChain(_Chain, synchronizeOptions, cancellationToken: cancellation);

                var peer = (await _RPC.GetPeersInfoAsync())
                           .FirstOrDefault(p => p.SubVersion == userAgent);
                if (peer != null && !peer.IsWhiteListed)
                    Logs.Explorer.LogWarning($"{Network.CryptoCode}: Your NBXplorer server is not whitelisted by your node," +
                                             $" your should add \"whitelist={peer.Address.Address}\" to the configuration file of your node. (Or use whitebind)");

                //var peers = _RPC.GetPeersInfo().FirstOrDefault(p => p.u;
                //nodes.FirstOrDefault(n => n.)

            Logs.Configuration.LogInformation($"{_Network.CryptoCode}: Height: " + _Chain.Height);
Beispiel #2
        private async Task LoadChainFromNode(CancellationToken cancellation)
            Logs.Configuration.LogInformation($"{_Network.CryptoCode}: Loading chain from node...");
            var  userAgent  = "NBXplorer-" + RandomUtils.GetInt64();
            bool handshaked = false;

            using (var handshakeTimeout = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellation))
                    using (var node = Node.Connect(_Network.NBitcoinNetwork, GetEndpoint(), new NodeConnectionParameters()
                        UserAgent = userAgent,
                        ConnectCancellation = handshakeTimeout.Token,
                        IsRelay = false
                        handshaked = true;
                        var loadChainTimeout = _Network.NBitcoinNetwork.NetworkType == NetworkType.Regtest ? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5) : TimeSpan.FromSeconds(15);
                        if (_Chain.Height < 5)
                            loadChainTimeout = TimeSpan.FromDays(7);                             // unlimited
                        var synchronizeOptions = new SynchronizeChainOptions()
                            SkipPoWCheck = true,
                            StripHeaders = true

                            using (var cts1 = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellation))
                                node.SynchronizeChain(_Chain, synchronizeOptions, cancellationToken: cts1.Token);
                        catch                         // Timeout happens with SynchronizeChain, if so, throw away the cached chain
                            node.SynchronizeChain(_Chain, synchronizeOptions, cancellationToken: cancellation);

                        var peer = (await _RPC.GetPeersInfoAsync())
                                   .FirstOrDefault(p => p.SubVersion == userAgent);
                        if (peer != null && !peer.IsWhiteListed)
                            Logs.Explorer.LogWarning($"{Network.CryptoCode}: Your NBXplorer server is not whitelisted by your node," +
                                                     $" you should add \"whitelist={peer.Address.Address}\" to the configuration file of your node. (Or use whitebind)");
                catch (OperationCanceledException) when(!handshaked && handshakeTimeout.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Logs.Explorer.LogWarning($"{Network.CryptoCode}: The initial hanshake failed, your NBXplorer server might not be whitelisted by your node," +
                                             $" if your bitcoin node is on the same machine as NBXplorer, you should add \"whitelist=\" to the configuration file of your node. (Or use whitebind)");
            Logs.Configuration.LogInformation($"{_Network.CryptoCode}: Height: " + _Chain.Height);