protected override SyncAttempt <FormDataSource> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var item = FindItem(node.GetAlias());

            if (item == null)
                item    = new FormDataSource();
                item.Id = node.GetKey();

            var info = node.Element("Info");

            if (info != null)
                item.Name = info.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(node.GetAlias());
                item.FormDataSourceTypeId = info.Element("FormDataSourceTypeId").ValueOrDefault(Guid.Empty);

            var settings = node.Element("Settings").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings))
                item.Settings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(settings);

            // SaveItem(item);

            return(SyncAttempt <FormDataSource> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import));
Beispiel #2
        protected override SyncAttempt <IDataType> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var info = node.Element("Info");
            var name = info.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
            var key  = node.GetKey();

            var attempt = FindOrCreate(node);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                throw attempt.Exception;

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();
            var item    = attempt.Result;

            // basic
            if (item.Name != name)
                details.AddUpdate("Name", item.Name, name, "Name");
                item.Name = name;

            if (item.Key != key)
                details.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key, "Key");
                item.Key = key;

            var editorAlias = info.Element("EditorAlias").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            if (editorAlias != item.EditorAlias)
                // change the editor type.....
                var newEditor = Current.DataEditors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Alias.InvariantEquals(editorAlias));
                if (newEditor != null)
                    details.AddUpdate("EditorAlias", item.EditorAlias, editorAlias, "EditorAlias");
                    item.Editor = newEditor;

            // removing sort order - as its not used on datatypes,
            // and can change based on minor things (so gives false out of sync results)

            // item.SortOrder = info.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(0);
            var dbType = info.Element("DatabaseType").ValueOrDefault(ValueStorageType.Nvarchar);

            if (item.DatabaseType != dbType)
                details.AddUpdate("DatabaseType", item.DatabaseType, dbType, "DatabaseType");
                item.DatabaseType = dbType;

            // config
            if (ShouldDeserilizeConfig(name, editorAlias, options))
                details.AddRange(DeserializeConfiguration(item, node));

            details.AddNotNull(SetFolderFromElement(item, info.Element("Folder")));

            return(SyncAttempt <IDataType> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #3
        public override SyncAttempt <IContent> DeserializeSecondPass(IContent item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var attempt = DeserializeProperties(item, node, options);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Fail(item.Name, ChangeType.ImportFail, attempt.Exception));

            var changes = attempt.Result;

            // sort order
            var sortOrder = node.Element("Info").Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(-1);

            changes.AddNotNull(HandleSortOrder(item, sortOrder));

            var trashed = node.Element("Info").Element("Trashed").ValueOrDefault(false);

            changes.AddNotNull(HandleTrashedState(item, trashed));

            var publishTimer = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            // published status
            // this does the last save and publish
            var saveAttempt = DoSaveOrPublish(item, node, options);

            if (saveAttempt.Success)
                var message = attempt.Status;
                if (publishTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds > 10000)
                    message += $" (Slow publish {publishTimer.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms)";

                // we say no change back, this stops the core second pass function from saving
                // this item (which we have just done with DoSaveOrPublish)
                return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.NoChange, message, true, changes));

            return(SyncAttempt <IContent> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.ImportFail, $"{saveAttempt.Result} {attempt.Status}"));
Beispiel #4
        protected Attempt <List <uSyncChange>, string> DeserializeProperties(TObject item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            string             errors  = "";
            List <uSyncChange> changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var activeCultures = options.GetDeserializedCultures(node);

            var properties = node.Element("Properties");

            if (properties == null || !properties.HasElements)
                return(Attempt.SucceedWithStatus(errors, changes)); // new Exception("No Properties in the content node"));
            foreach (var property in properties.Elements())
                var alias = property.Name.LocalName;
                if (item.HasProperty(alias))
                    var current = item.Properties[alias];

                    logger.Verbose(serializerType, "Derserialize Property {0} {1}", alias, current.PropertyType.PropertyEditorAlias);

                    var values = property.Elements("Value").ToList();

                    foreach (var value in values)
                        var culture   = value.Attribute("Culture").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                        var segment   = value.Attribute("Segment").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                        var propValue = value.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                        logger.Verbose(serializerType, "{item} {Property} Culture {Culture} Segment {Segment}", item.Name, alias, culture, segment);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture) && activeCultures.IsValid(culture))
                                // check the culture is something we should and can be setting.
                                if (!current.PropertyType.VariesByCulture())
                                    logger.Debug(serializerType, "Item does not vary by culture - but .config file contains culture");
                                    // if we get here, then things are wrong, so we will try to fix them.
                                    // if the content config thinks it should vary by culture, but the document type doesn't
                                    // then we can check if this is default language, and use that to se the value
                                    if (!culture.InvariantEquals(localizationService.GetDefaultLanguageIsoCode()))
                                        // this culture is not the default for the site, so don't use it to
                                        // set the single language value.
                                        logger.Warn(serializerType, "{item} Culture {culture} in file, but is not default so not being used", item.Name, culture);
                                    logger.Warn(serializerType, "{item} Cannot set value on culture {culture} because it is not avalible for this property - value in default language will be used", item.Name, culture);
                                    culture = string.Empty;
                                else if (!item.AvailableCultures.InvariantContains(culture))
                                    // this culture isn't one of the ones, that can be set on this language.
                                    logger.Warn(serializerType, "{item} Culture {culture} is not one of the avalible cultures, so we cannot set this value", item.Name, culture);
                                // no culture, but we have to check, because if the property now varies by culture, this can have a random no-cultured value in it?
                                if (current.PropertyType.VariesByCulture())
                                    if (values.Count == 1)
                                        // there is only one value - so we should set the default variant with this for consistancy?
                                        culture = localizationService.GetDefaultLanguageIsoCode();
                                        logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property {Alias} contains a single value that has no culture setting default culture {Culture}", alias, culture);
                                        logger.Warn(serializerType, "{item} Property {Alias} contains a value that has no culture but this property varies by culture so this value has no effect", item.Name, alias);

                            // get here ... set the value
                            var itemValue    = GetImportValue(propValue, current.PropertyType, culture, segment);
                            var currentValue = item.GetValue(alias, culture, segment);

                            if (IsUpdatedValue(currentValue, itemValue))
                                changes.AddUpdateJson(alias, currentValue, itemValue, $"Property/{alias}");

                                item.SetValue(alias, itemValue,
                                              string.IsNullOrEmpty(culture) ? null : culture,
                                              string.IsNullOrEmpty(segment) ? null : segment);

                                logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property {item} set {alias} value", item.Name, alias);
                                logger.Verbose(serializerType, "{Id} Property [{alias}] : {itemValue}", item.Id, alias, itemValue);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // capture here to be less agressive with failure.
                            // if one property fails the rest will still go in.
                            logger.Warn(serializerType, "{item} Failed to set [{alias}] {propValue} Ex: {Exception}", item.Name, alias, propValue, ex.ToString());
                            errors += $"Failed to set [{alias}] {ex.Message} <br/>";
                    logger.Warn(serializerType, "DeserializeProperties: item {Name} doesn't have property {alias} but its in the xml", item.Name, alias);
                    errors += $"{item.Name} does not container property {alias}";

            return(Attempt.SucceedWithStatus(errors, changes));
        protected override SyncAttempt <ITemplate> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var key   = node.GetKey();
            var alias = node.GetAlias();

            var name = node.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
            var item = default(ITemplate);

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            if (key != Guid.Empty)
                item = fileService.GetTemplate(key);

            if (item == null)
                item = fileService.GetTemplate(alias);

            if (item == null)
                // create
                var templatePath = IOHelper.MapPath(SystemDirectories.MvcViews + "/" + alias.ToSafeFileName() + ".cshtml");
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(templatePath))
                    logger.Debug <TemplateSerializer>("Reading {0} contents", templatePath);
                    var content = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(templatePath);
                    item         = new Template(name, alias);
                    item.Path    = templatePath;
                    item.Content = content;

                    details.AddNew(alias, alias, "Template");
                    // template is missing
                    // we can't create
                    return(SyncAttempt <ITemplate> .Fail(name, ChangeType.Import, "The template '.cshtml' file is missing."));

            if (item == null)
                // creating went wrong
                return(SyncAttempt <ITemplate> .Fail(name, ChangeType.Import, "Failed to create template"));

            if (item.Key != key)
                details.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key);
                item.Key = key;

            if (item.Name != name)
                details.AddUpdate("Name", item.Name, name);
                item.Name = name;

            if (item.Alias != alias)
                details.AddUpdate("Alias", item.Alias, alias);
                item.Alias = alias;

            //var master = node.Element("Parent").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
            //if (master != string.Empty)
            //    var masterItem = fileService.GetTemplate(master);
            //    if (masterItem != null)
            //        item.SetMasterTemplate(masterItem);

            // Deserialize now takes care of the save.
            // fileService.SaveTemplate(item);

            return(SyncAttempt <ITemplate> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #6
        protected override SyncAttempt <IMedia> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var attempt = FindOrCreate(node);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                throw attempt.Exception;

            var item = attempt.Result;

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            details.AddRange(DeserializeBase(item, node, options));

            if (node.Element("Info") != null)
                var trashed = node.Element("Info").Element("Trashed").ValueOrDefault(false);
                details.AddNotNull(HandleTrashedState(item, trashed));

            var propertyAttempt = DeserializeProperties(item, node, options);

            if (!propertyAttempt.Success)
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Fail, "Failed to save properties", propertyAttempt.Exception));

            var info = node.Element("Info");

            var sortOrder = info.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(-1);

            HandleSortOrder(item, sortOrder);

            if (details.HasWarning() && options.FailOnWarnings())
                // Fail on warning. means we don't save or publish because something is wrong ?
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.ImportFail, "Failed with warnings", details,
                                                  new Exception("Import failed because of warnings, and fail on warnings is true")));

            var saveAttempt = mediaService.Save(item);

            if (!saveAttempt.Success)
                var errors = saveAttempt.Result?.EventMessages?.FormatMessages() ?? "";
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Fail, errors, saveAttempt.Exception));

            // add warning messages if things are missing
            var message = "";

            if (details.Any(x => x.Change == ChangeDetailType.Warning))
                message += $" with warning(s)";

            // setting the saved flag on the attempt to true, stops base classes from saving the item.
            return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, "", true, propertyAttempt.Result));
Beispiel #7
        protected virtual IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeBase(TObject item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var info = node?.Element("Info");

            if (info == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());

            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var parentId  = -1;
            var nodeLevel = CalculateNodeLevel(item, default(TObject));
            var nodePath  = CalculateNodePath(item, default(TObject));

            var parentNode = info.Element("Parent");

            if (parentNode != null)
                var parent = FindParent(parentNode, false);
                if (parent == null)
                    var friendlyPath = info.Element("Path").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(friendlyPath))
                        logger.Debug(serializerType, "Find Parent failed, will search by path {FriendlyPath}", friendlyPath);
                        parent = FindParentByPath(friendlyPath);

                if (parent != null)
                    parentId  = parent.Id;
                    nodePath  = CalculateNodePath(item, parent);
                    nodeLevel = CalculateNodeLevel(item, parent);
                    logger.Debug(serializerType, "Unable to find parent but parent node is set in config");

            if (item.ParentId != parentId)
                changes.AddUpdate("Parent", item.ParentId, parentId);
                logger.Verbose(serializerType, "{Id} Setting Parent {ParentId}", item.Id, parentId);
                item.ParentId = parentId;

            // the following are calculated (not in the file
            // because they might change without this node being saved).
            if (item.Path != nodePath)
                changes.AddUpdate("Path", item.Path, nodePath);
                logger.Debug(serializerType, "{Id} Setting Path {idPath} was {oldPath}", item.Id, nodePath, item.Path);
                item.Path = nodePath;

            if (item.Level != nodeLevel)
                changes.AddUpdate("Level", item.Level, nodeLevel);
                logger.Debug(serializerType, "{Id} Setting Level to {Level} was {OldLevel}", item.Id, nodeLevel, item.Level);
                item.Level = nodeLevel;

            var key = node.GetKey();

            if (key != Guid.Empty && item.Key != key)
                changes.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key);
                logger.Verbose(serializerType, "{Id} Setting Key {Key}", item.Id, key);
                item.Key = key;

            var createDate = info.Element("CreateDate").ValueOrDefault(item.CreateDate);

            if (item.CreateDate != createDate)
                changes.AddUpdate("CreateDate", item.CreateDate, createDate);
                logger.Verbose(serializerType, "{id} Setting CreateDate", item.Id, createDate);
                item.CreateDate = createDate;

            changes.AddRange(DeserializeName(item, node, options));

        protected override SyncAttempt <XElement> SerializeCore(IDictionaryItem item, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var node = InitializeBaseNode(item, item.ItemKey, GetLevel(item));

            // if we are serializing by culture, then add the culture attribute here.
            var cultures = options.GetSetting(uSyncConstants.CultureKey, string.Empty);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cultures))
                node.Add(new XAttribute(uSyncConstants.CultureKey, cultures));

            var info = new XElement("Info");

            if (item.ParentId.HasValue)
                var parent = FindItem(item.ParentId.Value);
                if (parent != null)
                    info.Add(new XElement("Parent", parent.ItemKey));

            var activeCultures = options.GetCultures();

            var translationsNode = new XElement("Translations");

            foreach (var translation in item.Translations
                     .SafeDistinctBy(x => x.Language.IsoCode)
                     .OrderBy(x => x.Language.IsoCode))
                if (activeCultures.IsValid(translation.Language.IsoCode))
                    translationsNode.Add(new XElement("Translation", translation.Value,
                                                      new XAttribute("Language", translation.Language.IsoCode)));


            return(SyncAttempt <XElement> .Succeed(
                       item.ItemKey, node, typeof(IDictionaryItem), ChangeType.Export));
        protected override SyncAttempt <IDictionaryItem> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var item = FindItem(node);

            var info  = node.Element("Info");
            var alias = node.GetAlias();

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            Guid?parentKey     = null;
            var  parentItemKey = info.Element("Parent").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            if (parentItemKey != string.Empty)
                var parent = localizationService.GetDictionaryItemByKey(parentItemKey);
                if (parent != null)
                    parentKey = parent.Key;

            var key = node.GetKey();

            if (item == null)
                item     = new DictionaryItem(parentKey, alias);
                item.Key = key;
                item.ParentId = parentKey;

            if (item.ItemKey != alias)
                details.AddUpdate("ItemKey", item.ItemKey, alias);
                item.ItemKey = alias;

            if (item.Key != key)
                details.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key);
                item.Key = key;

            // key only translationm, would not add the translation values.
            if (!options.GetSetting("KeysOnly", false))
                details.AddRange(DeserializeTranslations(item, node, options));

            // this.SaveItem(item);

            return(SyncAttempt <IDictionaryItem> .Succeed(item.ItemKey, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #10
 protected override Attempt <string> DoSaveOrPublish(IContent item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
     return(Attempt.Succeed <string>("blueprint saved"));
Beispiel #11
        protected override SyncAttempt <IMacro> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            if (node.Element("Name") == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("XML missing Name parameter");

            var item = default(IMacro);

            var key   = node.GetKey();
            var alias = node.GetAlias();
            var name  = node.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            var macroSource = node.Element("MacroSource").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            // var macroType = node.Element("MacroType").ValueOrDefault(MacroTypes.PartialView);

            logger.LogDebug("Macro by Key [{0}]", key);
            item = macroService.GetById(key);

            if (item == null)
                logger.LogDebug("Macro by Alias [{0}]", key);
                item = macroService.GetByAlias(alias);

            if (item == null)
                logger.LogDebug("Creating New [{0}]", key);
                item = new Macro(shortStringHelper, alias, name, macroSource);
                details.Add(uSyncChange.Create(alias, name, "New Macro"));

            if (item.Key != key)
                details.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key);
                item.Key = key;

            if (item.Name != name)
                details.AddUpdate("Name", item.Name, name);
                item.Name = name;

            if (item.Alias != alias)
                details.AddUpdate("Alias", item.Alias, alias);
                item.Alias = alias;

            if (item.MacroSource != macroSource)
                details.AddUpdate("MacroSource", item.MacroSource, macroSource);
                item.MacroSource = macroSource;

            //if (item.MacroType != macroType)
            //    details.AddUpdate("MacroType", item.MacroType, macroType);
            //    item.MacroType = macroType;

            var useInEditor   = node.Element("UseInEditor").ValueOrDefault(false);
            var dontRender    = node.Element("DontRender").ValueOrDefault(false);
            var cacheByMember = node.Element("CachedByMember").ValueOrDefault(false);
            var cacheByPage   = node.Element("CachedByPage").ValueOrDefault(false);
            var cacheDuration = node.Element("CachedDuration").ValueOrDefault(0);

            if (item.UseInEditor != useInEditor)
                details.AddUpdate("UseInEditor", item.UseInEditor, useInEditor);
                item.UseInEditor = useInEditor;

            if (item.DontRender != dontRender)
                details.AddUpdate("DontRender", item.DontRender, dontRender);
                item.DontRender = dontRender;

            if (item.CacheByMember != cacheByMember)
                details.AddUpdate("CacheByMember", item.CacheByMember, cacheByMember);
                item.CacheByMember = cacheByMember;

            if (item.CacheByPage != cacheByPage)
                details.AddUpdate("CacheByPage", item.CacheByPage, cacheByPage);
                item.CacheByPage = cacheByPage;

            if (item.CacheDuration != cacheDuration)
                details.AddUpdate("CacheByMember", item.CacheDuration, cacheDuration);
                item.CacheDuration = cacheDuration;

            var properties = node.Element("Properties");

            if (properties != null && properties.HasElements)
                foreach (var propNode in properties.Elements("Property"))
                    var propertyAlias = propNode.Element("Alias").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    var editorAlias   = propNode.Element("EditorAlias").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    var propertyName  = propNode.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    var sortOrder     = propNode.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(0);

                    logger.LogDebug(" > Property {0} {1} {2} {3}", propertyAlias, editorAlias, propertyName, sortOrder);

                    var propPath = $"{alias}: {propertyName}";

                    if (item.Properties.ContainsKey(propertyAlias))
                        logger.LogDebug(" >> Updating {0}", propertyAlias);
                        item.Properties.UpdateProperty(propertyAlias, propertyName, sortOrder, editorAlias);
                        logger.LogDebug(" >> Adding {0}", propertyAlias);
                        details.Add(uSyncChange.Create(propPath, "Property", propertyAlias));
                        item.Properties.Add(new MacroProperty(propertyAlias, propertyName, sortOrder, editorAlias));

            if (options.DeleteItems())
                RemoveOrphanProperties(item, properties);

            return(SyncAttempt <IMacro> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #12
 /// <summary>
 ///  perform the removal of properties and items.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool DeleteItems(this SyncSerializerOptions options)
 => !options.GetSetting <bool>(uSyncConstants.DefaultSettings.NoRemove, uSyncConstants.DefaultSettings.NoRemove_Default);
Beispiel #13
        public IEnumerable <uSyncChange> GetChanges(XElement target, XElement source, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            if (serializer.IsEmpty(target))
                return(GetEmptyFileChange(target, source).AsEnumerableOfOne());

            if (!serializer.IsValid(target))
                return(uSyncChange.Error("", "Invalid File", target.Name.LocalName).AsEnumerableOfOne());

            var changeType = GetChangeType(target, source, options);

            if (changeType == ChangeType.NoChange)
                return(uSyncChange.NoChange("", target.GetAlias()).AsEnumerableOfOne());

            return(CalculateDiffrences(target, source));
Beispiel #14
        protected IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeProperties(TObject item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            logger.Debug(serializerType, "Deserializing Properties");

            var propertiesNode = node?.Element("GenericProperties");

            if (propertiesNode == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());

            /// there are something we can't do in the loop,
            /// so we store them and do them once we've put
            /// things in.
            List <string> propertiesToRemove             = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> propertiesToMove = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            List <uSyncChange> changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            foreach (var propertyNode in propertiesNode.Elements("GenericProperty"))
                var alias = propertyNode.Element("Alias").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))

                var key                 = propertyNode.Element("Key").ValueOrDefault(alias.GetHashCode().ToGuid());
                var definitionKey       = propertyNode.Element("Definition").ValueOrDefault(Guid.Empty);
                var propertyEditorAlias = propertyNode.Element("Type").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                logger.Debug(serializerType, " > Property: {0} {1} {2} {3}", alias, key, definitionKey, propertyEditorAlias);

                bool IsNew = false;

                var property = GetOrCreateProperty(item, key, alias, definitionKey, propertyEditorAlias, out IsNew);
                if (property == null)

                if (key != Guid.Empty && property.Key != key)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Key", property.Key, key, $"{alias}/Key");
                    property.Key = key;

                if (property.Alias != alias)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Alias", property.Alias, alias, $"{alias}/Alias");
                    property.Alias = alias;

                var name = propertyNode.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(alias);
                if (property.Name != name)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Name", property.Name, name, $"{alias}/Name");
                    property.Name = name;

                var description = propertyNode.Element("Description").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (property.Description != description)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Description", property.Description, description, $"{alias}/Description");
                    property.Description = description;

                var mandatory = propertyNode.Element("Mandatory").ValueOrDefault(false);
                if (property.Mandatory != mandatory)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Mandatory", property.Mandatory, mandatory, $"{alias}/Mandatory");
                    property.Mandatory = mandatory;

                var regEx = propertyNode.Element("Validation").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (property.ValidationRegExp != regEx)
                    changes.AddUpdate("Validation", property.ValidationRegExp, regEx, $"{alias}/RegEx");
                    property.ValidationRegExp = propertyNode.Element("Validation").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                var sortOrder = propertyNode.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(0);
                if (property.SortOrder != sortOrder)
                    changes.AddUpdate("SortOrder", property.SortOrder, sortOrder, $"{alias}/SortOrder");
                    property.SortOrder = sortOrder;

                // added in v8.6
                // reflection is fast but a a quick check of version is faster !
                if (UmbracoVersion.LocalVersion.Major > 8 || UmbracoVersion.LocalVersion.Minor >= 6)
                    changes.AddNotNull(DeserializeNewProperty <string>(property, propertyNode, "MandatoryMessage"));
                    changes.AddNotNull(DeserializeNewProperty <string>(property, propertyNode, "ValidationRegExpMessage"));

                if (UmbracoVersion.LocalVersion.Major > 8 || UmbracoVersion.LocalVersion.Minor >= 10)
                    changes.AddNotNull(DeserializeNewProperty <bool>(property, propertyNode, "LabelOnTop"));

                changes.AddRange(DeserializeExtraProperties(item, property, propertyNode));

                var tab = propertyNode.Element("Tab").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                if (IsNew)
                    changes.AddNew(alias, name, alias);
                    logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property Is new adding to tab.");

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tab))
                        item.AddPropertyType(property, tab);
                    logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property exists, checking tab location");
                    // we need to see if this one has moved.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tab))
                        var tabGroup = item.PropertyGroups.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.InvariantEquals(tab));
                        if (tabGroup != null)
                            if (!tabGroup.PropertyTypes.Contains(property.Alias))
                                // add to our move list.
                                propertiesToMove[property.Alias] = tab;

            // move things between tabs.
            changes.AddRange(MoveProperties(item, propertiesToMove));

            if (options.DeleteItems())
                // remove what needs to be removed
                changes.AddRange(RemoveProperties(item, propertiesNode));
                logger.Debug(serializerType, "Property Removal disabled by config");

Beispiel #15
        protected override SyncAttempt <IRelationType> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var key   = node.GetKey();
            var alias = node.GetAlias();

            var info = node.Element("Info");

            var name          = info.Element("Name").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
            var parentType    = info.Element("ParentType").ValueOrDefault <Guid?>(null);
            var childType     = info.Element("ChildType").ValueOrDefault <Guid?>(null);
            var bidirectional = info.Element("Bidirectional").ValueOrDefault(false);
            var isDependency  = info.Element("IsDependency").ValueOrDefault(true);

            var item = FindItem(node);

            if (item == null)
                item = CreateRelation(name, alias, bidirectional, parentType, childType, isDependency);

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            if (item.Key != key)
                details.AddUpdate("Key", item.Key, key);
                item.Key = key;

            if (item.Name != name)
                details.AddUpdate("Name", item.Name, name);
                item.Name = name;

            if (item.Alias != alias)
                details.AddUpdate("Alias", item.Alias, alias);
                item.Alias = alias;

            var currentParentType = GetGuidValue(item, nameof(item.ParentObjectType));

            if (currentParentType != parentType)
                details.AddUpdate("ParentType", currentParentType, parentType);
                SetGuidValue(item, nameof(item.ParentObjectType), parentType);

            var currentChildType = GetGuidValue(item, nameof(item.ChildObjectType));

            if (currentChildType != childType)
                details.AddUpdate("ChildType", currentChildType, childType);
                SetGuidValue(item, nameof(item.ChildObjectType), childType);

            if (item.IsBidirectional = bidirectional)
                details.AddUpdate("Bidirectional", item.IsBidirectional, bidirectional);
                item.IsBidirectional = bidirectional;

            var hasBeenSaved = false;
            var message      = "";

            if (options.GetSetting <bool>("IncludeRelations", false))
                // we have to save before we can add the relations.
                hasBeenSaved = true;
                message      = "Relation items included";
                details.AddRange(DeserializeRelations(node, item, options));

            return(SyncAttempt <IRelationType> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, message, hasBeenSaved, details));
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeTranslations(IDictionaryItem item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var translationNode = node?.Element("Translations");

            if (translationNode == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());

            var currentTranslations = item.Translations.ToList();

            var activeCultures = options.GetDeserializedCultures(node);

            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            foreach (var translation in translationNode.Elements("Translation"))
                var language = translation.Attribute("Language").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                if (language == string.Empty)

                // only deserialize the active cultures passed to us (blank = all)
                if (!activeCultures.IsValid(language))

                var itemTranslation = item.Translations.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Language.IsoCode == language);
                if (itemTranslation != null && itemTranslation.Value != translation.Value)
                    changes.AddUpdate(language, itemTranslation.Value, translation.Value, $"{item.ItemKey}/{language}");
                    itemTranslation.Value = translation.Value;
                    var lang = localizationService.GetLanguageByIsoCode(language);
                    if (lang != null)
                        changes.AddNew(language, translation.Value, $"{item.ItemKey}/{language}");
                        currentTranslations.Add(new DictionaryTranslation(lang, translation.Value));

            var translations = currentTranslations.SafeDistinctBy(x => x.Language.IsoCode).ToList();

            // if we are syncing all cultures we do a delete, but when only syncing some, we
            // don't remove missing cultures from the list.
            if (activeCultures.Count == 0)
                // if the count is wrong, we delete the item (shortly before we save it again).
                if (item.Translations.Count() > translations.Count)
                    var existing = FindItem(item.Key);
                    if (existing != null)
                        item.Id = 0; // make this a new (so it will be inserted)

            item.Translations = translations; //.SafeDistinctBy(x => x.Language.IsoCode);

        public IEnumerable <uSyncChange> GetChanges <TObject>(XElement node, XElement currentNode, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            if (currentNode == null)
                return(GetChanges <TObject>(node, options));

            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            foreach (var tracker in GetTrackers <TObject>())
                changes.AddRange(tracker.GetChanges(node, currentNode, options));
Beispiel #18
        public override SyncAttempt <IMediaType> DeserializeSecondPass(IMediaType item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            details.AddRange(DeserializeCompositions(item, node));
            details.AddRange(DeserializeStructure(item, node));

            if (!options.Flags.HasFlag(SerializerFlags.DoNotSave) && item.IsDirty())

            return(SyncAttempt <IMediaType> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #19
        /// <summary>
        ///  serialize all the properties for the item
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual XElement SerializeProperties(TObject item, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var cultures        = options.GetCultures();
            var segments        = options.GetSegments();
            var includeDefaults = (cultures.Count == 0 && segments.Count == 0) ||
                                  options.GetSetting(uSyncConstants.DefaultsKey, false);

            var node = new XElement("Properties");

            foreach (var property in item.Properties
                     .Where(x => !dontSerialize.InvariantContains(x.Alias))
                     .OrderBy(x => x.Alias))
                var propertyNode = new XElement(property.Alias);

                // this can cause us false change readings
                // but we need to preserve the values if they are blank
                // because we have to be able to set them to blank on deserialization
                foreach (var value in property.Values)
                    var valueNode = new XElement("Value");

                    // valid if there is no culture, or segment and
                    // we are includeing default values
                    var validNode = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.Culture) &&
                                    string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.Segment) &&

                    // or b) it is a valid culture/segment.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.Culture) && cultures.IsValid(value.Culture))
                        valueNode.Add(new XAttribute("Culture", value.Culture ?? string.Empty));
                        validNode = true;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value.Segment) && segments.IsValid(value.Segment))
                        valueNode.Add(new XAttribute("Segment", value.Segment ?? string.Empty));
                        validNode = true;

                    if (validNode)
                        valueNode.Add(new XCData(GetExportValue(GetPropertyValue(value), property.PropertyType, value.Culture, value.Segment)));

                if (property.Values == null || property.Values.Count == 0 && includeDefaults)
                    // add a blank one, for change clarity
                    // we do it like this because then it doesn't get collapsed in the XML serialization
                    var emptyValue = new XElement("Value");
                    emptyValue.Add(new XCData(string.Empty));


                if (propertyNode.HasElements)

Beispiel #20
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeSchedules(IContent item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var schedules = node.Element("Info")?.Element("Schedule");

            if (schedules != null && schedules.HasElements)
                var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

                var currentSchedules = item.ContentSchedule.FullSchedule;
                var nodeSchedules    = new List <ContentSchedule>();

                foreach (var schedule in schedules.Elements("ContentSchedule"))
                    var importSchedule = GetContentScheduleFromNode(schedule);
                    logger.Debug <ContentSerializer>("Schedule: {action} {culture} {date}", importSchedule.Action, importSchedule.Culture, importSchedule.Date);

                    if (importSchedule.Date < DateTime.Now)
                        continue; // don't add schedules in the past

                    var existing = FindSchedule(currentSchedules, importSchedule);
                    if (existing != null)

                // remove things that are in the current but not the import.

                var toRemove = currentSchedules.Where(x => FindSchedule(nodeSchedules, x) == null);

                foreach (var oldItem in toRemove)


            return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());
Beispiel #21
        protected IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeName(TObject item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var nameNode = node.Element("Info")?.Element("NodeName");

            if (nameNode == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());

            var updated = false;

            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var name = nameNode.Attribute("Default").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            if (name != string.Empty && item.Name != name)
                changes.AddUpdate("Name", item.Name, name);
                updated = true;

                item.Name = name;

            if (nameNode.HasElements)
                var activeCultures = options.GetDeserializedCultures(node);

                foreach (var cultureNode in nameNode.Elements("Name"))
                    var culture = cultureNode.Attribute("Culture").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                    if (culture == string.Empty)

                    if (activeCultures.IsValid(culture))
                        var cultureName        = cultureNode.ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);
                        var currentCultureName = item.GetCultureName(culture);
                        if (cultureName != string.Empty && cultureName != currentCultureName)
                            changes.AddUpdate($"Name ({culture})", currentCultureName, cultureName);
                            updated = true;

                            item.SetCultureName(cultureName, culture);

            if (updated)

        public override SyncAttempt <IContentType> DeserializeSecondPass(IContentType item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            logger.Debug <ContentTypeSerializer>("Deserialize Second Pass {0}", item.Alias);

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            details.AddRange(DeserializeCompositions(item, node));
            details.AddRange(DeserializeStructure(item, node));

            if (!options.Flags.HasFlag(SerializerFlags.DoNotSave) && item.IsDirty())

            CleanFolder(item, node);

            return(SyncAttempt <IContentType> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #23
        public override SyncAttempt <ITemplate> DeserializeSecondPass(ITemplate item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var master = node.Element("Parent").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            if (master != string.Empty && item.MasterTemplateAlias != master)
                logger.Debug <TemplateSerializer>("Looking for master {0}", master);
                var masterItem = fileService.GetTemplate(master);
                if (masterItem != null && item.MasterTemplateAlias != master)
                    details.AddUpdate("Parent", item.MasterTemplateAlias, master);

                    logger.Debug <TemplateSerializer>("Setting Master {0}", masterItem.Alias);

                    if (!options.Flags.HasFlag(SerializerFlags.DoNotSave))

            return(SyncAttempt <ITemplate> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.Import, details));
Beispiel #24
 public IEnumerable <uSyncChange> GetChanges <TObject>(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
 => syncTrackers.GetChanges <TObject>(node, options);
Beispiel #25
        public override SyncAttempt <IMedia> DeserializeSecondPass(IMedia item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var propertyAttempt = DeserializeProperties(item, node, options);

            if (!propertyAttempt.Success)
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, ChangeType.Fail, "Failed to save properties", propertyAttempt.Exception));

            var info = node.Element("Info");

            var sortOrder = info.Element("SortOrder").ValueOrDefault(-1);

            HandleSortOrder(item, sortOrder);

            var trashed = info.Element("Trashed").ValueOrDefault(false);

            HandleTrashedState(item, trashed);

            var attempt = mediaService.Save(item);

            if (!attempt.Success)
                return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Fail(item.Name, ChangeType.Fail, ""));

            // setting the saved flag on the attempt to true, stops base classes from saving the item.
            return(SyncAttempt <IMedia> .Succeed(item.Name, item, ChangeType.NoChange, propertyAttempt.Status, true,
Beispiel #26
 public IEnumerable <uSyncChange> GetChanges <TObject>(XElement node, XElement currentNode, SyncSerializerOptions options)
     if (currentNode == null)
         return(syncTrackers.GetChanges <TObject>(node, options));
         return(syncTrackers.GetChanges <TObject>(node, currentNode, options));
Beispiel #27
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeSchedules(IContent item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            logger.Debug <ContentSerializer>("Deserialize Schedules");

            var changes          = new List <uSyncChange>();
            var nodeSchedules    = new List <ContentSchedule>();
            var currentSchedules = item.ContentSchedule.FullSchedule;
            var cultures         = options.GetDeserializedCultures(node);

            var schedules = node.Element("Info")?.Element("Schedule");

            if (schedules != null && schedules.HasElements)
                foreach (var schedule in schedules.Elements("ContentSchedule"))
                    var importSchedule = GetContentScheduleFromNode(schedule);
                    if (cultures.IsValidOrBlank(importSchedule.Culture))
                        if (importSchedule.Date < DateTime.Now)
                            continue; // don't add schedules in the past
                        logger.Debug <ContentSerializer>("Adding {action} {culture} {date}", importSchedule.Action, importSchedule.Culture, importSchedule.Date);

                        var existing = FindSchedule(currentSchedules, importSchedule);
                        if (existing != null)
                        changes.Add(uSyncChange.Update("Schedule", $"{importSchedule.Culture} {importSchedule.Action}", "", importSchedule.Date.ToString()));

            if (currentSchedules != null && currentSchedules.Count > 0)
                // remove things that are in the current but not the import.

                var toRemove = currentSchedules.Where(x => FindSchedule(nodeSchedules, x) == null);

                foreach (var oldItem in toRemove)
                    if (cultures.IsValidOrBlank(oldItem.Culture))
                        logger.Debug <ContentSerializer>("Removing Schedule : {culture} {action} {date}", oldItem.Culture, oldItem.Action, oldItem.Date);
                        // only remove a culture if this seralization included it.
                        // we don't remove things we didn't serialize.

                        changes.Add(uSyncChange.Delete("Schedule", $"{oldItem.Culture} - {oldItem.Action}", oldItem.Date.ToString()));


            return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());
Beispiel #28
        /// <summary>
        ///  Deserialize the relations for a relation type.
        /// </summary>
        private IEnumerable <uSyncChange> DeserializeRelations(XElement node, IRelationType relationType, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var changes = new List <uSyncChange>();

            var existing = relationService

            var relations = node.Element("Relations");

            // do we do this, or do we remove them all!
            if (relations == null)
                return(Enumerable.Empty <uSyncChange>());

            var newRelations = new List <string>();

            foreach (var relationNode in relations.Elements("Relation"))
                var parentKey = relationNode.Element("Parent").ValueOrDefault(Guid.Empty);
                var childKey  = relationNode.Element("Child").ValueOrDefault(Guid.Empty);

                if (parentKey == Guid.Empty || childKey == Guid.Empty)

                var parentItem = entityService.Get(parentKey);
                var childItem  = entityService.Get(childKey);

                if (parentItem == null || childItem == null)

                if (!existing.Any(x => x.ParentId == parentItem.Id && x.ChildId == childItem.Id))
                    // missing from the current list... add it.
                    relationService.Save(new Relation(parentItem.Id, childItem.Id, relationType));
                    changes.Add(uSyncChange.Create(relationType.Alias, parentItem.Name, childItem.Name));


            if (options.DeleteItems())
                var obsolete = existing.Where(x => !newRelations.Contains($"{x.ParentId}_{x.ChildId}"));

                foreach (var obsoleteRelation in obsolete)
                    changes.Add(uSyncChange.Delete(relationType.Alias, obsoleteRelation.ParentId.ToString(), obsoleteRelation.ChildId.ToString()));

Beispiel #29
        protected virtual Attempt <string> DoSaveOrPublish(IContent item, XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var publishedNode = node.Element("Info")?.Element("Published");

            if (publishedNode != null)
                var schedules = GetSchedules(node.Element("Info")?.Element("Schedule"));

                if (publishedNode.HasElements)
                    // culture based publishing.
                    var cultures = options.GetDeserializedCultures(node);

                    // Only unpublish other cultures, when we are not already filtered by cultures
                    // this stops things we don't care about this time being unpublished.
                    var unpublishMissingCultures = cultures.Count == 0;

                    var cultureStatuses = new Dictionary <string, uSyncContentState>();

                    foreach (var culturePublish in publishedNode.Elements("Published"))
                        var culture = culturePublish.Attribute("Culture").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(culture) && cultures.IsValid(culture))
                            // is the item published in the config file
                            var configState = culturePublish.ValueOrDefault(false)
                                ? uSyncContentState.Published
                                : uSyncContentState.Unpublished;

                            // pending or outstanding scheduled actions can change the action we take.
                            cultureStatuses[culture] =
                                schedules.CalculateCultureState(culture, configState);

                    if (cultureStatuses.Count > 0)
                        return(PublishItem(item, cultureStatuses, unpublishMissingCultures));
                    var state = publishedNode.Attribute("Default").ValueOrDefault(false)
                        ? uSyncContentState.Published
                        : uSyncContentState.Unpublished;

                    state = schedules.CalculateCultureState(string.Empty, state);

                    if (state == uSyncContentState.Published)
                    else if (state == uSyncContentState.Unpublished && item.Published == true)

Beispiel #30
        protected override SyncAttempt <ILanguage> DeserializeCore(XElement node, SyncSerializerOptions options)
            var isoCode = node.Element("IsoCode").ValueOrDefault(string.Empty);

            logger.Debug <LanguageSerializer>("Derserializing {0}", isoCode);

            var item = localizationService.GetLanguageByIsoCode(isoCode);

            var details = new List <uSyncChange>();

            if (item == null)
                logger.Debug <LanguageSerializer>("Creating New Language: {0}", isoCode);
                item = new Language(isoCode);
                details.AddNew(isoCode, isoCode, "Language");

            if (item.IsoCode != isoCode)
                details.AddUpdate("IsoCode", item.IsoCode, isoCode);
                item.IsoCode = isoCode;

                var culture = CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(isoCode);
                if (item.CultureName != culture.DisplayName)
                    details.AddUpdate("CultureName", item.CultureName, culture.DisplayName);
                    item.CultureName = culture.DisplayName;
                logger.Warn <LanguageSerializer>("Can't set culture name based on IsoCode");

            var mandatory = node.Element("IsMandatory").ValueOrDefault(false);

            if (item.IsMandatory != mandatory)
                details.AddUpdate("IsMandatory", item.IsMandatory, mandatory);
                item.IsMandatory = mandatory;

            var isDefault = node.Element("IsDefault").ValueOrDefault(false);

            if (item.IsDefault != isDefault)
                details.AddUpdate("IsDefault", item.IsDefault, isDefault);
                item.IsDefault = isDefault;

            var fallbackId = GetFallbackLanguageId(item, node);

            if (fallbackId > 0 && item.FallbackLanguageId != fallbackId)
                details.AddUpdate("FallbackId", item.FallbackLanguageId, fallbackId);
                item.FallbackLanguageId = fallbackId;

            // logger.Debug<ILanguage>("Saving Language");

            return(SyncAttempt <ILanguage> .Succeed(item.CultureName, item, ChangeType.Import, details));