Beispiel #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a CIMPointGaphic which can be added to the MapView overlay.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">The location for the point (as a CIM point)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CIMPointGraphic MakeCIMPointGraphic(PointN point)
            ////CIMMarker marker = SymbolHelper.ConstructMarker(Red, 10, SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle);

            CIMMarker marker = SymbolHelper.ConstructMarker(Red, 10, SimpleMarkerStyle.Star);

            CIMSymbolLayer[] layers = new CIMSymbolLayer[1];
            layers[0] = marker;

            CIMPointSymbol pointSymbol = new CIMPointSymbol();

            pointSymbol.SymbolLayers = layers;
            pointSymbol.ScaleX       = 1;

            CIMSymbolReference symbolRef = new CIMSymbolReference();

            symbolRef.Symbol = pointSymbol;

            CIMPointGraphic pointGraphic = new CIMPointGraphic();

            pointGraphic.Location = point;
            pointGraphic.Symbol   = symbolRef;
