public void Should_Generate_All_Possible_Pairings()
            var generator = new SwissRankingEngine(new SwissStatisticsProvider());

            var players = Enumerable
                .Range(0, 26)
                .Select(number  => new String(new[] { (char)('a' + number) }))
                .Select(name => new Player(name, null));

            // Careful with the playerCount. 12 will take almost a minute to execute.
            for(int playerCount = 2; playerCount <= 10; playerCount += 2)
                var matchSets = generator.GeneratePairedMatches(players.Take(playerCount), Enumerable.Empty<MatchResult>(), 1);

                var uniquePairings = matchSets
                    .Select(matchSet => matchSet
                        .Select(match => match
                            .OrderBy(player => player.Identifier)
                            .Select(player => player.Identifier)
                        .Select(playerIdentifiers => String.Join("-", playerIdentifiers))
                        .OrderBy(pairing => pairing)
                    .Select(playerIdentifiers => String.Join("|", playerIdentifiers))
                    .OrderBy(matchSetPairings => matchSetPairings)

                // Expected number of pairings is (2n - 1)!! where n = playerCount / 2
                // See and for reasoning
                // See for the definition of (2n - 1)!! used here
                var expectedUniquePairings = (int)(Factorial(playerCount) / (Math.Pow(2, playerCount / 2) * Factorial(playerCount / 2)));
                var actualUniquePairings = uniquePairings.Count();
                Assert.Equal(expectedUniquePairings, actualUniquePairings);
        public void Should_Generate_All_Possible_Pairings()
            var generator = new SwissRankingEngine(new SwissStatisticsProvider());

            var players = Enumerable
                          .Range(0, 26)
                          .Select(number => new String(new[] { (char)('a' + number) }))
                          .Select(name => new Player(name, null));

            // Careful with the playerCount. 12 will take almost a minute to execute.
            for (int playerCount = 2; playerCount <= 10; playerCount += 2)
                var matchSets = generator.GeneratePairedMatches(players.Take(playerCount), Enumerable.Empty <MatchResult>(), 1);

                var uniquePairings = matchSets
                                     .Select(matchSet => matchSet
                                             .Select(match => match
                                                     .OrderBy(player => player.Identifier)
                                                     .Select(player => player.Identifier)
                                             .Select(playerIdentifiers => String.Join("-", playerIdentifiers))
                                             .OrderBy(pairing => pairing)
                                     .Select(playerIdentifiers => String.Join("|", playerIdentifiers))
                                     .OrderBy(matchSetPairings => matchSetPairings)

                // Expected number of pairings is (2n - 1)!! where n = playerCount / 2
                // See and for reasoning
                // See for the definition of (2n - 1)!! used here
                var expectedUniquePairings = (int)(Factorial(playerCount) / (Math.Pow(2, playerCount / 2) * Factorial(playerCount / 2)));
                var actualUniquePairings   = uniquePairings.Count();
                Assert.Equal(expectedUniquePairings, actualUniquePairings);