Beispiel #1
        internal void Initialize(IMapReadable map, UnwrappedTileId tileId, float scale, int zoom, Texture2D loadingTexture = null)
            TileScale        = scale;
            _unwrappedTileId = tileId;
            _loadingTexture  = loadingTexture;

            // TODO geoAR: use boolean flag instead of direct type check
            if (map is SwissBasicMap)
                // scale is constant, does not depend on latitude
                _relativeScale = scale;
                _rect          = SwissConversions.TileBounds(tileId);
                // do not wrap around
                _canonicalTileId = new CanonicalTileId(tileId.Z, tileId.X, tileId.Y);
                _relativeScale   = 1 / Mathf.Cos(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (float)map.CenterLatitudeLongitude.x);
                _rect            = Conversions.TileBounds(tileId);
                _canonicalTileId = tileId.Canonical;

            float scaleFactor = 1.0f;

            if (_isInitialized == false)
                _isInitialized = true;
                InitialZoom    = zoom;

            scaleFactor = Mathf.Pow(2, (map.InitialZoom - zoom));
            gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(scaleFactor, scaleFactor, scaleFactor);
        public override void Initialize(Vector2d latLon, int zoom)
            _worldHeightFixed = false;
            // Swiss grid meters, not lat/lag
            _centerLatitudeLongitude = SwissConversions.LatLonToMeters(latLon);
            _zoom        = zoom;
            _initialZoom = zoom;

            var referenceTileRect =
                SwissConversions.TileBounds(SwissConversions.MetersToTileId(_centerLatitudeLongitude, AbsoluteZoom));

            _centerMercator = referenceTileRect.Center;

            _worldRelativeScale = (float)(_unityTileSize / referenceTileRect.Size.x);
            _mapVisualizer.Initialize(this, _fileSource);

            // TODO geoAR: remove logging
            Debug.Log("Center lat/lon: " + _centerLatitudeLongitude);
            Debug.Log("Center Mercator: " + _centerMercator);
            Debug.Log("Reference tile: min=" + referenceTileRect.Min + ", max=" + referenceTileRect.Max + ", size=" + referenceTileRect.Size);
            Debug.Log("Relative scale: " + _worldRelativeScale);

        public override void OnInitialized()
            var centerTile = SwissConversions.MetersToTileId(_map.CenterLatitudeLongitude, _map.AbsoluteZoom);

            AddTile(new UnwrappedTileId(_map.AbsoluteZoom, centerTile.X, centerTile.Y));
            for (int x = centerTile.X - _west; x <= centerTile.X + _east; x++)
                // iterate from south to north because y-axis is pointing to north
                for (int y = centerTile.Y - _south; y <= centerTile.Y + _north; y++)
                    AddTile(new UnwrappedTileId(_map.AbsoluteZoom, x, y));