Beispiel #1
            /// <summary>
            /// Compare two sweep events.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="e1"></param>
            /// <param name="e2"></param>
            /// <returns>True when e1 should be placed before e2, i.e. e1 should be handled after e2</returns>
            public static int CompareTo(SweepEvent e1, SweepEvent e2)
                if (e1.Point.x > e2.Point.x) // Different x-coordinate

                if (e1.Point.x < e2.Point.x) // Different x-coordinate

                if (!e1.Point.y.Equals(e2.Point.y)
                    ) // Different points, but same x-coordinate. The event with lower y-coordinate is processed first
                    return(e1.Point.y > e2.Point.y ? 1 : -1);

                if (e1.IsStart != e2.IsStart
                    ) // Same point, but one is a left endpoint and the other a right endpoint. The right endpoint is processed first.
                    return(e1.IsStart ? 1 : -1);

                // Same point, but events are left endpoints or both are right endpoints.
                if (MathUtil.SignedArea(e1.Point, e1.OtherEvent.Point, e2.OtherEvent.Point) != 0)
                    // Not collinear
                            ? 1
                            : -1); // The event associated to the bottom segment is processed first

                // Collinear
                return(e1.PolygonType > e2.PolygonType ? 1 : -1);