Beispiel #1
        internal void CacheSwapchainImages()
            if (SwapchainImages != null)
                foreach (var img in SwapchainImages)
            var imgs = Swapchain.GetImages();

            SwapchainImages = new VKImage[imgs.Length];
            for (var i = 0; i < imgs.Length; i++)
                SwapchainImages[i] = new VKImage(this, imgs[i], Swapchain.Format, Window.FrameBufferSize);
Beispiel #2
        private void CreateSwapchain(int swapchainCount)
            SurfaceCapabilitiesKhr capabilities = hostDevice.GetCurrentCapabilities(surface);

            //Clamp the size to within the min and max extends reported by the surface capabilities
            swapchainSize = nativeWindow.ClientRect.Size.Clamp(
                new Int2(capabilities.MinImageExtent.Width, capabilities.MinImageExtent.Height),
                new Int2(capabilities.MaxImageExtent.Width, capabilities.MaxImageExtent.Height));

            //Gather info about the swapchain
            var createInfo = new SwapchainCreateInfoKhr
                surface: surface,
                minImageCount: swapchainCount,
                imageFormat: surfaceFormat,
                imageColorSpace: surfaceColorspace,
                imageExtent: new Extent2D(swapchainSize.X, swapchainSize.Y),
                imageArrayLayers: 1,
                imageUsage: ImageUsages.ColorAttachment,

                //If the graphics and present queues are different we need to allow sharing the
                //swapchain images
                imageSharingMode: graphicsQueue.FamilyIndex == presentQueue.FamilyIndex ?
                SharingMode.Exclusive : SharingMode.Concurrent,
                queueFamilyIndices: graphicsQueue.FamilyIndex == presentQueue.FamilyIndex ?
                null : new [] { graphicsQueue.FamilyIndex, presentQueue.FamilyIndex },

                preTransform: capabilities.CurrentTransform,
                compositeAlpha: CompositeAlphasKhr.Opaque,
                presentMode: presentMode,
                clipped: true

            //Create the swapchain
            swapchain = logicalDevice.CreateSwapchainKhr(createInfo);
            var swapchainImages = swapchain.GetImages();

            //Verify that we got the amount of images we expected
            if (swapchainImages.Length != swapchainCount)
                throw new Exception(
                          $"[{nameof(Window)}] Incorrect number of swapchain images acquired, expected: {swapchainCount}, got: {swapchainImages.Length}");

            //Create the image targets
            swapchainTextures = new DeviceTexture[swapchainCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < swapchainTextures.Length; i++)
                swapchainTextures[i] = DeviceTexture.CreateSwapchainTarget(
                    swapchainSize, surfaceFormat, swapchainImages[i]);

                        $@"Swapchain created:
    size: {swapchainSize},
    texCount: {swapchainTextures.Length},
    mode: {presentMode},
    format: {surfaceFormat},
    colorSpace: {surfaceColorspace}
Beispiel #3
        public bool CreateSwapChain(DrunkSpock spock,
                                    int extentX, int extentY)
            PhysicalDevice phys = mLogical.Parent;
            SurfaceKhr     surf = spock.GetSurface();

            SurfaceCapabilitiesKhr surfCaps = phys.GetSurfaceCapabilitiesKhr(surf);

            SurfaceFormatKhr                [] surfFormats = phys.GetSurfaceFormatsKhr(surf);
            PresentModeKhr                  [] presModes   = phys.GetSurfacePresentModesKhr(surf);

            if (surfFormats.Length <= 0 || presModes.Length <= 0)
                Misc.SafeInvoke(eErrorSpam, "Bad formats or pres modes...");

            mSwapExtent = new Extent2D(extentX, extentY);

            int imageCount = surfCaps.MinImageCount + 1;

            if (surfCaps.MaxImageCount > 0 && imageCount > surfCaps.MaxImageCount)
                imageCount = surfCaps.MaxImageCount;

            SwapchainCreateInfoKhr scci = new SwapchainCreateInfoKhr(
                surf, Format.B8G8R8A8UNorm, mSwapExtent,
                imageCount, ColorSpaceKhr.SRgbNonlinear, 1,

            scci.ImageSharingMode = SharingMode.Exclusive;

            if (presModes.Contains(PresentModeKhr.Mailbox))
                scci.PresentMode = PresentModeKhr.Mailbox;

            mSwapChain = mLogical.CreateSwapchainKhr(scci);
            if (mSwapChain == null)
                Misc.SafeInvoke(eErrorSpam, "Create swap chain failed...");

            VulkanCore.Image        [] chainImages = mSwapChain.GetImages();

            mChainImageViews = new ImageView[chainImages.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < chainImages.Length; i++)
                ImageSubresourceRange isr = new ImageSubresourceRange(
                    ImageAspects.Color, 0, 1, 0, 1);

                ImageViewCreateInfo ivci = new ImageViewCreateInfo(
                    mSwapChain.Format, isr);

                mChainImageViews[i] = chainImages[i].CreateView(ivci);

            //descriptor pool stuff
            DescriptorPoolSize dps = new DescriptorPoolSize(
                DescriptorType.UniformBuffer, chainImages.Length);

            DescriptorPoolCreateInfo dpci = new DescriptorPoolCreateInfo();

            dpci.PoolSizes = new DescriptorPoolSize[] { dps };
            dpci.MaxSets   = chainImages.Length;

            mDPool = mLogical.CreateDescriptorPool(dpci);
