public IHttpActionResult GetEmployeeInformationForNotificationByTeam(string adGroupName)
            var employeeObject = new Employee();

            adGroupName = adGroupName.Replace(" and ", " & ");

            var employeeList = new List <Employee>();

            SurveyTeam teamObject = new SurveyTeam();

            teamObject.Team = adGroupName;

            SurveyRaterList raterInfo = new SurveyRaterList();

            var ADUserName = Generic.GetCurrentLogonUserName();

            raterInfo.Type = "Annually";

            raterInfo.Period = "2016";

            raterInfo.Team_Desc = adGroupName;

            // raterInfo.Rater = "Zukiso Diko"; // new Surveys().getSurveyTeamEmployeeList().Where(c => c.AD_User_Name.ToLower() == ADUserName.ToLower()).First().Employee;

            var employeeWithSurveys = new Surveys().getSurveysListByTeam(raterInfo);

            employeeWithSurveys = employeeWithSurveys.Where(c => c.Team_Desc == adGroupName && c.Verified == true && c.Reviewed == true).ToList();

            string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(employeeWithSurveys);

        public IHttpActionResult PopulateUserInformation(string adGroupName)
            var surveyTeam = new SurveyTeam();

            surveyTeam.Team = adGroupName;

            return(Ok(new Surveys().getSurveyTeamList(surveyTeam)));
        public IHttpActionResult GetAllEmployeeStatusSurveyReportPerBusinessUnit(string businessUnit)
            SurveyPeriod survePeriodObject = new SurveyPeriod();

            SurveyTeam teamObject = new SurveyTeam();

            teamObject.Team = businessUnit;

            survePeriodObject.Type = "Annually";

            survePeriodObject.Period = "2016";

            var surveyList = new Surveys().getSurveyCompletionStatusBU(survePeriodObject, teamObject);

        //Return all fg employees per team Team

        public List <SurveyTeamList> GetSurveyTeamList(SurveyTeam team)
            return(new Surveys().getSurveyTeamList(team));
        //The excel file is read from the provided file path, processes it and returns a list of all the valid questions that are in the spreadsheet
        public static List <QuestionnaireObject> ProcessFileUpload(string fileName, string fileExtension, string questionnairePeriodType, string questionnairePeriodValue)
            //Store all the questions that are in the spreadsheet
            var questionList = new List <QuestionnaireObject>();

            var ratersInformation = new List <Rater>();

            var conString = GetExcelConnectionString(fileExtension, fileName);

            //This ensures that only questions that have more than 3 raters are added proccessed and later saved into the database
            var minimumNumberOfRaters = 0;

            var excelSheetList = new List <string>();

            //Get employee information from AD, this is used to validate a sheet against empoloyee Names
            var ADEmpList = new Surveys().getSurveyTeamEmployeeList();

            var teamList = new Surveys().getSurveyTeams();

            using (OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection(conString))

                    //Reading a spreadsheet sheets
                    DataTable sheets = con.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);

                    //Creating a datatable to store all the sheet names from survey excel spreadsheet
                    var exceldt = con.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, null);

                    if (exceldt == null)

                    // Add the sheet name to the string array.
                    foreach (DataRow row in exceldt.Rows)
                        //Reading sheet names
                        var tempSheet = row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString();

                        if (tempSheet.ToString().Contains("$"))
                            tempSheet = tempSheet.ToString().Replace("'", "").Replace("$", "");

                            if (ADEmpList.Where(c => c.Employee.Trim().ToLower().Replace(" ", "") == tempSheet.Trim().ToLower().Replace(" ", "")).Count() > 0)

                    //A sheet name has to be the name of the person selected from upload survey view / screen
                    var sheetName = excelSheetList.Count() > 0 ? excelSheetList.First().ToString() : string.Empty;

                    using (OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM [" + sheetName + "$]", con))
                        using (OleDbDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                            //Get column names from a spreadsheet
                            var columnNames = GetColumnNames(reader);

                            //Compares uploaded file header against predefined survey spreadsheet (which is stored in the web config file) header columns
                            //if the columns do not match then the operation will stop and an empty list will be returned
                            if (!VerifyUploadedTemplate(columnNames))
                                return(new List <QuestionnaireObject>());

                            while (reader.Read())
                                DataTable dt = new DataTable();

                                //Get a question from the first col/row
                                var question = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reader[0].ToString()) ? reader[0].ToString() : string.Empty;

                                var questionRaterList = new List <Rater>();

                                for (int i = 1; i < reader.FieldCount; i++)
                                    //Ensure that rater's name is not empty and add the name to the list of raters
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(reader[i].ToString()))
                                        questionRaterList.Add(new Rater()
                                            Name = reader[i].ToString()

                                        //if a rater is a team, get team size by team name and increment minimum number of raters by team size
                                        if (teamList.Where(c => c.Team.ToLower() == reader[i].ToString().ToLower()).Count() > 0)
                                            var surveyTeamObject = new SurveyTeam();

                                            surveyTeamObject.Team = reader[i].ToString();

                                            var teamInfo = new Surveys().getSurveyTeamList(surveyTeamObject);

                                            minimumNumberOfRaters += teamInfo.Distinct().Count();

                                //Ensure that a question has at least 3 raters
                                if (minimumNumberOfRaters >= 3 && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(question))
                                    questionList.Add(new QuestionnaireObject()

                                        Question = question, Raters = new List <Rater>(questionRaterList),

                                        QuestionnairePeriodType = questionnairePeriodType,

                                        QuestionnairePeriodValue = questionnairePeriodValue,

                                        RateeName = sheetName
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception(ex.Message.ToString());

            //var xml = XMLHelper.Serialize(questionList);
